Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764272-Negima--Another-Story--Chapter-6
by Ken_G
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1764272
It's been a while! Here's chapter 6!
| Chapter 6 : Teaching Someone ? Or Being Teach By Someone? |

It's already several weeks after Takusa was enrolling in Mahora Academy. After his main purpose is fulfilled(recover energy for Count Dracula's seal), he kinds of goofing around helping clubs across the school, which resulted amazing achivement.
    Aside of bringing boys soccer team to national match, he also scouted to played nationally. The
girl's basketbal which being considered as school's
underdog, has gone to district finals. Other then clubs, he also helps Setsuna and Mana in eliminating demons in Mahora area. Still, he's still had one thing in his mind ; he is bored.
    When he got nothing to do in his day off, he start to do something ridiciluos. There's one time where Yuna is the last one out from the indoor
court. Takusa is still inside the court, and doing a series of 3-pointer dunk. As Yuna returns in the next morning, Takusa still doing that dunk, and it all
go in. It should sets on World Record if there's eyewitness.
    It's just pass the mock exam and the result has been posted at school board. Yes, everyone wants to see what this 'super utility player' can do, but
he is not bothered about it since he knows what is the outcome for the result. Instead of gathering around, he goes directly to class that morning.

Takusa      : (opening door)Good morning.
              (looking)Ah, only Evan-chan and
              Chachamaru is here.
Chachamaru  : (bow)Good moring, Takusa-sama.
Evan        : Takusa-sama, you're not looking at
              mock exam results?
Takusa      : What about you?
Evan        : You know that I sucks at studying,
Takusa      : What?(scratching head)I thought at
              least you're good in academics after
              all these years...
Evan        : (sweat)If I am, I wouldn't be here
              after 15 years. Why not helping me
                break the seal, Takusa-sama?
Takusa      : (smiling)No way. Instead, I need to
              thank Thousand Master to lock you here
              in this school. Let's just say he
              already punish you on my behalf after
              you escape from me 300 years ago...
Evan        : (angry)Takusa-sama!!!

Suddenly, they heard a running footsteps, not one but many. It feels like stampede where it getting closer and closer.

Takusa      : (smiling)They're coming...

And then...

All          : (opening door)TAKUSA-KUN!!!
Takusa      : Ah, good morning all of you.
Haruna      : Hey, did you see your score on the
              school board?!!!
Takusa      : What about it?
Makie        : 'What about it' you say?!!! You
              practicallly got perfect score for all
Takusa      : I see...
Cheerleaders : (cheering)Takusa-kun is soo smart!!!
Kazumi      : (recording)So, what are your feelings
              right now, Takusa-kun?
Takusa      : Kazumi-san, what are you doing?
Kazumi      : Don't you see? This is a scoop!!! I
              can see the headlines tommorow ;
              'Student Smarter Then Chao Rinshen

With all commotion making by them, Takusa seems don't have any chance to escape until the class begin.
    By the end of the class, Takusa manage to slip before all the students and reporters 'shoot' him with more question. He needs place to hide, and Evan Resthouse is the only place he can think of.
    As he goes in, all Team Negima members are already here. They practice hard, since they need to go to Magic World this summer break.

Takusa      : All of you seems to work hard.
Negi        : Ah, Takusa-san. What are you doing
Evan        : Yeah, you don't come here often, do
Takusa      : (scratching head)Well, there are some
Kazumi      : (suddenly appeared)He escaped from
              reporters actually...
Takusa      : (stunned)Kazumi-san!!! How did you
              know I was here?
Kazumi      : Hey, don't look down on my following

Negi and Evan is having close combat, as Chachamaru and Chachazero giving their support as well. In their battle, they do some chatting...

Negi        : Master...
Evan        : What is it?
Negi        : Takusa-san is 'The Person Who Knows
              Too Much', right?
Evan        : Yeah. Some people said that his
              knowledge is close to 'Pandora Box',
              which is the secret of life's
Negi        : Then, why he said that knowledge can
              be a sin?
Evan        : (sigh) You don't heard what I said
Negi        : Yes, but I still didn't get it...
Evan        : Then, let's take a subject for
              example. What you can do with a stone?
Negi        : Let's see...building a house, a
              castle, roads...
Evan        : That's a good thing, right?
Negi        : Yeah, but...
Evan        : You can also use stone to throw at
              people, which gives a pain to the
              others. Get my point?
Negi        : I see. That means, it's about how we
              use the knowledge...
Evan        : You're open, Boya...

Yes, Negi pays his price for not concetrating in his combat with Evan.

Negi        : (holding head)Oww, that hurts...
Evan        : That's your punishment for not
              focusing when I teach you.

Short silence. Evan's taking a quick stare at Negi, trying to figure what is on her student's mind.

Evan        : Let's take a break. I'm going to ask
              Takusa-sama to give some tips for your
              Team Negima.
Negi        : Really? Thank you!!!
Evan        : Don't get your hopes too high. He
              might not willing to share his
              knowledge with you...

Evan doing some talk with Takusa and explain about Negi's search on finding his father. Some expression comes within Takusa's face. He called Chachamaru
and more discussions going on, before...

Takusa      : Negi-kun...
Negi        : Yes?
Takusa      : Call all of them to gather around.
Negi        : Okay.

After Team Negima gather around....

Takusa      : Is anyone absent?
Chachamaru  : Hasegawa-san is not here. Shall I call
              her, Takusa-sama?
Takusa      : (thinking)No need. Her specialty is
              will not involve what I want to teach
              you right now.

Short silence.

Takusa      : How many people can use magic here?

Negi, Nodoka, Yue, and Konoka showing their hands.

Takusa      : How about Ki?

Ku-Fei, Kaede, Setsuna and Kotaro showing their hands.

Takusa      : As for others, I want to hear your
              specialty for the team.
Asuna        : I can use Kanka, with 'Complete Magic
              Canceller'. I also trains with Setsuna
              for sword fencing, since I have Hama
              no Tsurugi.
Kazumi      : I will be informer for the team, where
              collecting info is my special ability.
Haruna      : I can summon golems by drawing it with
              my artifact "Rakukaki Teikoku".
Chachamaru  : I also will be the informer for the
              team, and I can fight as long as my
              energy is not empty.
Takusa      : ...and Chisame-san should be the
              strategist, since her ability is not
              much useful in Magic World.
Negi        : Chisame-san might not coming along...
Takusa      : If that's so, you can only rely on
              Kamo, I guess...

Some more silence as Takusa is thinking.

Takusa      : Aside with Chisame-san and Kazumi-san,
              all of you can fight, right?
Setsuna      : If serious fight you're talking about,
              it will be Negi-sensei, Kaede, Ku-fei,
              Kotaro, Chachamaru, me, and Haruna.
Haruna      : Me also?
Takusa      : I see...Haruna-san can give a good
              fight, since you can draw fast in
              "Rakukaki Teikoku". You just need to
              increase data on your drawing, so
              golems that comes out will be strong.
Haruna      : (grining)I see...maybe I can beat Ku-
              chan one day...
Ku Fei      : (grining)When you increase your
              abilities, mine will increase also.
              So, now way, aru.
Takusa      : Now, now...Negi, you know that you're
              leader. It means you'll make big
              decison. You know your role?
Negi        : Yes. Even though I got some thinkers
              in this team, decision must be made by
Takusa      : Then, let me give you a situation.
              Let's say your team were surrounded by
              enemies in Magic World. There's a
              leader within them, but you don't know
              which. Who will you send out first?
Negi        : Let's see...how about Setsuna-san?
Takusa      : Wrong! You must send out Ku-san first.
Negi        : Why Master Ku?
Takusa      : Ku-san specialty is to fight
              surrounded enemies, which what she
              do everyday before going to school,
Ku-Fei      : You're right about that, aru.
Takusa      : If situation gets to complicated, send
              out Kaede-san so you can see where
              enemy leader is. Kaede-san shadow
              technique should help you a lot.
Kaede        : You're right, but why not send
              Setsuna-dono first?
Takusa      : Setsuna-sama must protect your healer,
              Konoka-san until you found enemy
              leader. Aside of that, she can protect
              other people while Haruna-san doing
              her sketching for protection.
Setsuna      : I see...
Takusa      : Okay, now you found the enemy leader.
              What's your next move?
Negi        : Hmm...attack recklessly will result
              problems...but I think Setsuna-san
              should be able to attack the leader.
Takusa      : Reason?
Negi        : To learn enemy weakness. Aside of
              that, Haruna-san should done with her
              sketching, and able to protect others.
Takusa      : That's your only next move?
Negi        : What do you mean, Takusa-san?
Takusa      : You have the most reliable
              encyclopedia with Yue-san. Why not
              use it? As long as your enemy related
              to Magic World, you should find some
              info in there.
Nodoka      : If Yue-ue got enemy's name, I should
              be able to read enemy's mind using
              Darium Ejus.
Takusa      : Good thinking, Nodoka-san. By the way,
              if Ku-san and Kaede-san are injured,
              switch them with Kotaro-kun and
              Chachamaru-san. Chachamaru-san should
              had no problem since she already
              collect enemy's data from Sekai Zue.
Asuna        : I think I should be attacker as well,
              since I got Complete Magic Canceller
              and Hama no Tsurugi.
Takusa      : Yeah, but you can't attack enemy's
Asuna        : Why?
Takusa      : Even Complete Magic Canceller had its
              weakness, especially when you're up
              against non-magic user. So, you should
              change role with Kotaro-kun and attack
              the surrounding enemies.
Kotaro      : What shall I do then?
Negi        : If all gone according to plan,
              Kotaro-kun should be my support when
              attacking enemy's leader. Setsuna-san
              can help too if she don't suffer much
              injuries. Even so, one of attackers
              must be  around Konoka-san and the
              others at all cost, since golems from
              'Rakukaki Teikoku' can only last for
              certain amount of time.
Takusa      : (smiling)Now, you're thinking like a
Negi        : Even so, the strategy is varies within
              enemies, right?
Takusa      : That's why you have friends around
              you. Don't afraid to ask them
              opinions, since they are only one you
              can only rely on in Magic World.
Yue          : (thinking)I been wondering about
Takusa      : Hmm?
Yue          : How come you can make a good strategy
              when you are barely know about us?
Takusa      : Chachamaru-san here has tons of info
              about all of you.
Chachamaru  : I already gather info about the team
              during Mahora Festival and Takusa-sama
              ask about this earlier.
Yue          : You mean you just make a strategy with
              what you heard?
Takusa      : I know what you're trying to say ; "We
              can't trust others until we see it
              ourselves", right?
Yue          : Yeah, sort off...
Takusa      : Then, listen. Chachamaru-san can't
              lie, since her AI ability prevents her
              to do that. Even if she can, you can
              only rely on what info you got and
              doing a judgment for yourself. That's
              the rules of war.
Kamo        : Then, what judgment are you talking
Takusa      : Ah, Kamo-kun. You seems to be silent
Kamo        : Well, just thinking about few
Takusa      : What I mean is your logical sense.
              Back to situation I give you, I don't
              send Setsuna-sama in battle first
              because she can't fight if she kept
              worrying about Konoka-san. That's why
              she stays until Haruna-san able to
              pull out her golems.
Setsuna      : Protecting Ojou-sama will be my 
              priority. So, I can't concentrate on
              battle unless Ojou-sama has decent
              protection while I'm charging to
Takusa      : They're other factors that need to be
              take as well, but you need to think up
              yourself since you're the leader,
Negi        : Understood.

Takusa is thinking again. He watching Yue as she having a drink which she usually does. A lot of empty cans pile up beside her.

Takusa      : Yue-san seems to be drinking alot...
Yue          : I kind of love it, so...
Takusa      : Can you give me one of those empty
Yue          : Sure(throwing).
Takusa      : (catch)This can be your target
Yue          : We can use other things, but why you
              choose a can?
Takusa      : A normal Sagitta Magica arrow should
              have a strength of a fighters punch.
              So, you can do this as a accurancy

Takusa throws the can up. He snaps his finger and gather 100 Arrows of Ice within seconds. Before the can falls to the ground, Takusa shoot the arrows
one by one so that can stay up in mid air.
    As all the arrows used up, that can has become a small piece of metal with a size of a cherry fruit.

Takusa      : (catch) Your aim here is to see how
              small you can alter this can.
Konoka      : Takusa-kun, why throw the can in
Takusa      : There's no enemy waiting for being
              attack. So, assume that the can is a
              moving target.
Nodoka      : It's a good practice, but Yue-ue,
              Konoka and I can't gather a lot of
              arrows in one time, since we are
Takusa      : Then, you three can practice with one
              target. It will be more effective this

Those three start their practice as they already had a good rest.

Takusa      : Negi-kun, you don't want to join them?
Negi        : Well, I already learn these things on
              Magic School...
Takusa      : I see. Then, I teach something else
              for experienced fighters left here. Do
              you know what is 'breaking point'?
Ku-Fei      : It's the weak points of the body,
              where attacking these points will
              weakened enemy, aru.
Takusa      : Just to be expected from Ku-san. Did
              you already master it?
Ku Fei      : It's crucial in Kenpo, aru.
Takusa      : How about other then body?
Ku Fei      : What do you mean?
Kaede        : All other things had its breaking
              point, degozaru.
Takusa      : I guess Kaede-san should master it
              already, since Ninja Art teaches how
              to eliminate enemies quickly.
Kaede        : (smiling)You're right, degozaru.
Takusa      : Then, Kaede-san can teach Ku-san the
              advance of this technique since Ku-san
              already has the basics.
Kaede        : I get it, Takusa-kun.(looking at
              Ku-Fei)Let's go, degozaru.
Ku-Fei      : Right away, aru.

Both of them jumping off the ledge and moving inside the forest.

Takusa      : Now then(looking at Setsuna),
              Setsuna-sama should be the one with
              most experience in the team. Your
              skill of Shinmeiryuu should already at
              the peak, right?
Setsuna      : (blush)Don't talk like that, I'm still
              lack of experience...
Takusa      : Why don't you explore the usage of
              your artifact? I heard that you're
              rarely use it...
Setsuna      : Since I already have my sword skill, I
              don't use it unless meeting a tough
Takusa      : Sica Shishikushiro consist 16 small
              sword with mind of its own. You can
              variable it to many use if you
              practice more.
Setsuna      : I understand. I will advanced my
              training with my artifact.
Takusa      : As for Asuna-san, you're learning
              fencing skills from Setsuna-sama. I
              guess you just follow your training
              with Setsuna-sama.
Asuna        : That's it?
Takusa      : Another thing you can focus is kept
              training on your Kanka skill. If you
              think that's not enough, try to
              control your magic-cancelling ability.
              If you can done all that, you should
              be a valuable asset for the team.
Asuna        : Understood.

Setsuna and Asuna jumps down, following Kaede and Ku-Fei.

Haruna      : Wait, you don't have a tip for me yet.
Takusa      : (thinking) Your practice will be the
              easiest. You just need more reading
              aside of draws quicker.
Haruna      : I can practice on quick drawing, but
              why more reading?
Takusa      : To push your imagination boundries.
              Even though golems from "Rakukaki
              Teikoku" stays for short amount of
              time, you can draw much stronger
              golems, like the giant robots on
              Mahora Festival.
Haruna      : (shiver)I can call out big mecha like
Takusa      : Of course, you need more data on your
              sketching. You might want to borrow
              Sekai Zue from Yue-san, so you can see
              how strong monster in Magic World can
Haruna      : (Running)I'm going!!!!
Takusa      : (sweat)She's fast...
Negi        : (smiling)That's Haruna-san for you...
Takusa      : Ah, you three seems to be quiet
Kotaro      : Don't bother about that. I'm more
              interested with what you want to teach
Takusa      : About the 'breaking point', you still
              not master it, right?
Negi        : Even Master Ku didn't master it, how
              can I do that?
Takusa      : Well, let me teach you then.
              Kotaro-kun want to learn it too?
Kotaro      : It's not hurt to add more battle
Kamo        : Then, let's get to practice.
Takusa      : Right. (looking around)Let's go to the
              rocky mountains over there.
Negi        : Okay.

Negi and Kotaro is going ahead, as Takusa's looking at Evan.

Takusa      : You're not going, Evan-chan?
Evan        : I pass. I want to get some rest now.

Takusa jumps out the ledge.

Chachamaru  : Are you okay with this, Master? I
              remember that you get angry when
              Colonel-san want to be Negi-sensei's
Evan        : Takusa-sama is more knowledgeable then
              I am. Besides, he know his limits...
Chachamaru  : Limits?

; Next On Chapter 7 : Class 3-A is going to beach!!! And Takusa making confession!!!
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