Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764180-All-In-The-Past
Rated: · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1764180
A story of girl who hunts evil beings.
                                                                      All In The Past

            A vision of a car accident. The car swerves to avoid hitting someone. The car spins out of control as it hit’s the guardrail, flips over, and rolls down the hill. Suddenly the person the car was trying to avoid flashes to the car her eyes change to white, “Lilith” the passenger whispers. An evil smile spreads across her face, as the passenger takes her last breath. Then she vanishes into thin air{/i}. Back to reality a vision of a distant future.
      19 years later “Why can’t I come hunting with you?” Erica yells if frustration at her parents.
    “Because you have school to worry about. That’s why you and Ty are going to stay with your Uncle Bobby.” Trisha replies with usual calmness.
      “I can’t wait till I’m 18 so I can hunt on my own,” Erica screams as she storms up the stairs slamming her bedroom door.
        The next day Nick calls Erica to come downstairs because they are about ready to go. The car ride to Bobby’s is quiet. When they get there all Erica says before she storms upstairs is “hi Uncle Bobby.”
    About 10 minutes later Trisha and Nick head upstairs to say goodbye but all Erica does is turn up the volume on the stereo. The next day the Winchesters show up. “Hey Erica come downstairs.” Bobby says at the base of the stairs.
      “What?” Erica asks not being able to completely hear him.
        “Come downstairs, I have a surprise for you;” Bobby replies.
      So Erica comes down stairs with an annoyed look on her face until she sees that beautiful 67 Chevy Impala parked out front from the base of the stairs. The annoyed look turns into a smirk real quick. “So where are they?” Erica asks.
    The Winchesters step out from behind the kitchen wall. “How did,” Dean starts to asks when Erica cuts him off.
  “Next time you want to surprise me, don’t park the car where I can see it;” Erica says as she points to the living room window. 
      Dean pulls her in for a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m gonna be late for school if I don’t leave soon.” says Erica slightly annoyed with school.
    “How much school you got left?” asks John.
    “I take my last final Friday morning.” she replies with a hint of excitement in her voice.
    Erica looks at her watch and realizes she’s going to be late if she doesn’t leave right then. So she hurry’s upstairs grabs her backpack, asks Dean and Sam if they need a ride to school, says bye to her Uncle Bobby and John, and dashes out the door. She speeds out of the driveway in her 69 Camaro SS and barely makes it to school on time. After school she waits outside on the hood of her car for Dean and Sam.
    “Hey how did today’s final go?” Dean asks as he approaches the passenger side.
      “I won’t know till Friday.” Erica replies as she opens the driver side door.
    Suddenly, Erica’s phone starts ringing. “Hello?” she asks.
    Nobody answers her so she hangs up. She pockets the phone and slides in behind the wheel. “Wrong number?” Dean asks.
  “I guess so they hung up right after I picked up.” Erica replies.
      After the long ride back to Bobby’s Erica starts feeling like something bad is going to happen soon. So she calls her mom to make sure that everything is alright. Her mom tells her everything is fine but the feeling still doesn’t go away.
      Three more days pass it’s now Friday morning Erica awakes violently after a rough and sleepless night. The sun is barely rising and has just begun to appear in her room. She takes a few deep breaths to try and calm herself. After a few minutes she starts to calm down and realizes no one is up yet. She groans as she glances at the clock it reads 5:30. “What’s with the weird freaking dreams?” she asks out loud.
    She gets up, opens her window and walks out onto the roof to get some fresh air. Suddenly she starts to get a headache. She presses her palms to her head to try and calm it down but that just makes it worse. So she slowly stands up and makes her way back inside. Once she gets back inside she collapses right next to the bed.
      A bunch of images of Lilith and her parents start flooding her mind. Three minutes pass and the images and the headache just stop. She gasps in a big deep breath and try’s to stand up but quickly realizes she is to dizzy so she lies down on the bed.
    After a few minutes pass she sits up and grabs her cell off of the nightstand and calls her mom to make sure everything is still alright but doesn’t tell her about the images or the headache. After her mom reassures her that everything is still fine she hangs up and gets ready for the day. She grabs her favorite Iron Maiden T-shirt and her dark wash ripped up jeans.
    She heads downstairs to make some coffee to wake herself up. While the coffee’s brewing she starts breakfast knowing that everyone else will be up soon. Ten minutes later the boys head downstairs just as she finishes making breakfast. She says “morning guys” as she heads out to the porch with her coffee in hand.
      She sits down on the steps and takes a deep breath of her coffee, trying to forget the images. Dean comes outside and sits down next to her. “Is something wrong?” he asks.
    “I just didn’t get much sleep that’s all.” Erica answers as she rests her head on his shoulder.
        Later while at school Erica is watching her teacher grade some of the tests when her head starts throbbing. The pain keeps getting worse and worse, when out of nowhere the images from earlier just start flooding her mind. Flashes of Lilith standing in front of her parents mangled SUV with that smug smile of hers and the look on her mom’s face when she sees who the girl is are the two images that stand out the most.
    A few minutes pass and Erica’s mind flashes back to reality with tears streaming down her face. When she looks up she sees the teacher standing right next to her and the whole class staring at her. She wipes away the tears with the back of her hands as the teacher asks her if she’s alright. Erica replies with a small smile and a nod of her head. “Are you sure you don’t want me to call your uncle?” Mrs. Smith asks. “I’m fine really it was just a headache.” Erica replies weakly.
    After class Erica is finally done with school. Since it is only 10:30 and the boys still have five more hours of school she heads back to Bobby’s which is only an hour long drive. Just as she walks through the door her little brother comes running at her from the living room. She picks him up and he just stares at her with the biggest grin on his face. “You’re done with school now right?” he asks.
          “Yes.” Erica replies with a small laugh.
          Three hours later just before she is about to head back to school to pick up Dean and Sam her cell rings. She takes a deep breath and answers it. “Hello” Erica says.
    “Is this Erica Hunt?” asks the woman on the other line.
    “Yeah.” Erica replies.
    “I’m Doctor Belvedere from Campbell County Memorial Hospital it’s about your parents they were in a car accident.” says Dr. Belvedere. 
    Erica clinches her jaw as the doctor continues. “I’m sorry but they didn’t make it.”
      Erica starts crying and Bobby comes into the kitchen. “We need you to come to the hospital to fill out some paperwork as soon as possible.” Doctor Belvedere says.
    “Fine I’ll be there in about an hour and a half.” Erica replies still crying.
    Bobby comes over to Erica who is now sitting at the table with her head in her hands. He puts his hand on her shoulder and she looks up with tears running down her face. “Uncle Bobby mom and dad are,” she stops not wanting to finish.
    Bobby sits down next to her realizing what Erica is talking about.
    “What am I going to tell Ty huh Uncle Bobby what am I going to tell My three and a half year old brother,?” Erica asks looking at Bobby for answers.
    “I don’t know I guess you break it to him as gentle as possible and easy for him to understand” Bobby answers her.
    Erica nods her head in agreement and stands up. “They want me to fill out some paperwork at the hospital and I’m sure I’ll have to talk to the cops so I better go.” Erica says.
    She looks across the hall over at Ty who is glued to the TV and then looks down at her watch. “Oh crap” she says.
    Bobby looks up at her and she asks “will you go pick up Dean and Sam for me?”
    Bobby nods his head and stands up now also staring at Ty. Erica walks over to Ty and asks him if he wants to come with her or go with Uncle Bobby. He chooses her and so Erica goes upstairs and gets some of there stuff. She heads back downstairs still trying to decide how to tell Ty. She picks up Ty and takes him out to her car. She gets in after making sure Ty is buckled up.
      “Where are we going?” Ty asks after about fifteen minutes.
      “Home” is all Erica manages to say.
      “What’s wrong?” Ty asks.
      “I’ll tell you when we get there o.k.” Erica says trying harder than ever not to cry.
    Ty just nods his head as he stares out the window. About an hour later they pull into the parking lot of the hospital. Erica parks the car and turns around in her seat to face Ty. She takes a deep breath as Ty stares at her with a confused look on his face. “Ty the reason we’re here is because mom and dad got in a car accident.” Erica says as she stares at her brother.
    Ty just looks at her as she finishes “mom and dad didn’t make it.” Erica says as she starts to cry.
    Ty understands as he also starts to cry. Erica wipes away the tears and gets out of the car. She grabs her brother and her backpack. She carries Ty into the hospital and walks up to the front desk and asks for Dr. Belvedere. The nurse at the front desk takes her to her office. She knocks on the door and the doctor says “come in.”
    “Hi my name is Erica Hunt we talked on the phone.” Erica says quietly as she enters the office.
      “Hi who is this with you?” Dr. Belvedere asks as she sits back down.
      “My brother his name is Ty.” Erica replies as she sit opposite of the doctor.
      Dr. Belvedere grabs the paperwork out of the to do pile and sets in in front of Erica. “How old are you?” Dr. Belvedere suddenly asks.
    “Seventeen I turn eighteen in about a month.” Erica answers quietly while looking at Ty.
            Dr. Belvedere just nods her head with a sad look on her face. Erica fills out the paperwork and hands it back to Dr. Belvedere. “I know you’ve been through a lot today but there is a  detective waiting in the cafeteria, he wants to ask you some questions.” Dr. Belvedere says as she glances over the paperwork.
    Erica nods her head as she picks Ty up and heads out the door. Erica heads outside before going to the cafeteria to call Bobby to tell him that she will be there a while longer. She heads back inside and walks into the cafeteria. She spots the detective and walks over to his table. He glances up at her and asks “can I help you?”
    “Since I’m Erica Hunt I guess I’ll be the one helping you.” She says coldly.
    He just stares at her for a few seconds before motioning for her to sit down. He jumps right into questioning and after a few minutes he makes it sound like she is a suspect. “Are you trying to accuse me of murdering my parents?” Erica furiously asks as she stands up.
    “Let me tell you something Mr. hot shot detective I didn’t kill my parents and I didn‘t have them killed.” Erica yells.
    “You will never catch my parents killer because you don’t know what’s really out there, you don’t know about the true killers that are worse then any bad guy you have ever faced.” Erica says as she gets right up in the detective’s face.
      She picks Ty up out of his chair and storms out of the cafeteria leaving the detective to stare.  Once Erica gets outside she takes a big breath to try and calm down. After a few minutes she realizes that Ty has fallen asleep. So she walks back to her car and sets him down in the back seat. She heads to the front of the car and sits down on the hood and starts to cry. She puts her head in her hands to silence her sobs as to not wake her brother.
    A few minutes later Dean sits down next to her and puts his arm over her shoulders and pulls her close. She wipes away the tears and looks at him. She gives him a weak smile as a solitary tear falls. “Ms. Hunt I can’t believe that tirade of your’s that I just witnessed in there.” says Detective Woods as he come barreling towards them.
    Erica stands up from the hood of her car and walks right up to the detective and looks him straight in the eye “You think I was pissed in there, well trust me you haven’t even seen half of my temper yet, but if you want to keep accusing of stuff I didn’t do then you will see my full blown temper. So by all means go ahead and start accusing me because I would love to show it to you.” Erica says getting in his face again.
    “Look before you start getting hostile on me I just came to tell you to stay in town for a few days because I might have more questions for you and I would rather ask them in person.” Detective Woods says.
    Erica pulls a piece of paper out of her back pocket and writes down her address. “Here the house is at the edge of town.” Erica says as she hands the piece of paper to him.
      The detective pockets the paper as he walks away. Erica turns back around and runs her hands trough her hair as Dean sits there trying not to laugh at what he just saw. Just then Bobby comes up to her and asks her if she’s okay. She just shrugs her shoulders as she stares off into the distance. “It’s getting late we should probably go.” Erica suggests as she glances at her watch.
    “Yeah, if you want we could stay in town with you.” Bobby says.
      “Works for me.” Erica replies as she leans on the front of her car.
      She heads towards the back of the car to put Ty in his car seat. She then heads back over to Dean who is still sitting on the hood and tosses him the keys as she passes by. They both climb in the car and Erica leans her head out the window “Uncle Bobby do you remember how to get there?” she asks.
  He nods his head as he starts up his Chevelle. Erica gives Dean directions to the house. After a short drive Dean pulls up to the house. Erica climbs out of the car and opens the iron gate. Bobby and Dean park the cars in the main garage and Erica gets Ty from the back seat. Everyone heads inside and Erica takes Ty up to his room. She then joins Dean, Sam, and Bobby downstairs. She leans against the doorway to the living room and says to the room “there are three empty bedrooms upstairs and a master suite in the basement so you have your choice of rooms” Erica says while staring off into space.
    “Is your room still in the attic?” Bobby asks.
    Erica nods her head as she turns around towards the stairs. Just as she gets to the base of the attic stairs Ty screams. Erica spins around and runs down the hallway as Bobby, Dean, and Sam come running up the stairs. Erica burst through the doorway and heads over to the bed. “What’s wrong?” Erica asks as Ty grips onto her.
    “She’s coming.” Ty says
    “Who’s coming?” Erica asks.
    “The woman with white eyes.” Ty says as his grip tightens.
    Erica looks over at the guys with worry written all over her face. Bobby immediately knows that Erica knows who Ty is talking about. “Erica can I talk to outside?” Bobby asks.
    She nods her head and asks Dean and Sam to watch Ty.

    Erica and Bobby Step out onto the front porch. “What Uncle Bobby?” Erica asks.
      “I saw the look, I know you know who Ty is talking about.” Bobby says
        Erica walks over to the railing and leans against it then takes a deep breath “Her name is Lilith she’s a pretty powerful demon.” Erica says as she looks at her feet. She turns around and faces the front yard. “She’s the one that killed mom and dad.” Erica finishes as the tears start falling.
      Bobby comes over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. “How could you know that?” he asks.
    She looks up at him “Because I saw the accident as if I was actually there, I saw her eyes go completely white, and I heard mom say her name.” Erica says.
    Bobby just stares at her as if she’s completely crazy. “I know you think I’m completely crazy Uncle Bobby but I know what I saw, I figured it was just a bad dream or a demon messing with me until the hospital called.” Erica says.
      “I believe you but let’s keep this between you and me.” Bobby says.
    Both head back inside and up to Ty’s room. Ty runs up to her and asks “Can I sleep in your room tonight?”
    Erica nods her head and says goodnight to everyone as she leaves the room carrying Ty. Early the next morning Erica wakes up to the sun shining in her eyes. She looks around and stretches realizing that she fell asleep on the window seat. As she looks over towards the bed she sees Ty sitting on the edge of the bed just staring at her. 
    “What?” Erica asks
    “I’m hungry.” Ty responds.
    Erica glances at the alarm clock next to the bed it reads 7:19 A.M. “How does a bowl of Lucky Charms sound?” Erica asks.
    Ty just nods his head vigorously. Erica picks Ty up and heads downstairs. Just as she sets Ty down on the counter there is a knock on the door. She grabs a knife out of her Uggs and heads for the door. She peers out the window beside it and slide the knife back into her Ugg and opens the door. “Hey John.” Erica says as she motions for him to come in.
    “Hey Erica, I heard about your parents I’m sorry.” John says.
        “Thanks, so why are you here?” she asks quickly changing the subject.
      “I need Sam and Dean’s help on a case.” John replies.
    “They’re still asleep as far as I know.” Erica says.
    John nods his head in understanding.
    After The Winchesters leave and Erica gets her and Ty ready for the day she heads to her parents room to get out some of the paperwork she might need. As she is going trough the papers an envelope slides out from in between some of them . She glances at it and sees that it has her name on it. She picks it up and takes out the letter. It reads:
    Dear Erica, if you are reading this it means my vision came true and your father and I are no longer alive. Yes I did say vision, you see before I got pregnant with you I had a vision of your father and I getting in a car accident. I had a feeling that it would come true no matter what so I gave up my grace so that if you wanted you could accept it. I was half-angel so by giving up my grace before I got pregnant with you it meant that when I thought you were ready I was going to tell you and let you decide if you wanted it or not. Just remember that your father and I will always love you, and always protect Ty no matter what. Love Always, Mom and Dad  P.S. An angel named Gabriel will show up soon after you read this letter.
      Just as Erica finishes the letter a man pops in the room which makes Erica jump. Erica stands up “You must be Gabriel.” she says.
  “Yes, can we talk outside?” Gabriel responds.
    “Yeah but Gabe next time use the front door.” Erica says as she heads for the bedroom door.
      As they enter the barn that has been turned into a garage Gabe asks “have you made your decision about your mother’s grace?”
      Erica turns around to face him “what no small talk?” Erica asks sarcastically.
    Gabriel just gives her a stern look. “Yeah I’ve made my choice, I’ll take the grace.” Erica says.
    Gabe grabs the chain from around his neck and hands it to Erica. “How do I open it?” Erica asks as she stares at the clear vile of glowing grace.
    “Once I leave you can smash it on the ground and it will enter you, but just to warn you it will hurt.” Gabe answers.
    Right after he explains he disappears into thin air. Erica just stares at the spot where he was standing. She takes one last look at the vile before smashing it on the ground. The grace rises from the ground and enters Erica as she try’s not to scream. Just as Erica is able to catch her breath she feels a hand on shoulder. Next thing she knows she is waking up tied to a chair and in some kind of warehouse.
    After a few minutes of sitting in silence and trying to figure out a plan to get untied a blond female walks up to her. “Well looks who’s finally up.” she says.
  “Lilith” Erica sneers through clenched teeth.
    Lilith smiles at Erica and says “funny that’s the last thing you mother said before she died.”
        Erica starts pulling at the ropes that hold her back hoping just hoping to break them so she can wipe that smug smile right off Lilith’s face. “The only reason I brought you here is because I have a little proposition for you.” Lilith says.
    Erica looks up at Lilith and she continues “next time you see Dean Winchester I want you to blow by him as if he wasn’t even there.”
    “What happens if I don’t?” Erica asks as coldly as she can.
    “Then I’ll kill Dean right in front of you.” Lilith responds.
      Erica’s eyes widen as fear crosses her face. She looks back down at the ground and takes a deep breath. “Fine I’ll do it.” Erica says.
    Lilith’s dark smile grows wider as she disappears. The ropes that were holding Erica to the chair just drop to the floor. Before she heads outside she closes her eyes and wishes she was back home. When she opens up her eyes she finds herself standing in her garage. “How did I get here?” she asks herself.
        A few days pass and Erica tells Bobby that she is leaving to try and find Lilith. Just as she is walking out the door the Winchesters show up. She heads straight for her car not even looking in their direction. All three of them notice as she climbs in the car without a single word spoken. As Erica drives down the driveway as fast as she can, she can’t help but look back as a solitary tear runs down her cheek.
                                                        THE END
© Copyright 2011 Danni Michaels (samm1947 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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