Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764159-The-UnExpected-Baptism-of-Fear
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1764159
A Young Superhero's first day on the job as an agent of Law Enforcement turns hairy.
Plot: A Young Superhero comes into conflict with a motley gang of meta powered friends, and then a entity of extreme power shows up to suddenly reek havoc.
Authors of the Roleplay this is based on: AzabacheSilver, HarleyQuinned, MacMcJones, Dr.Isley22, tinkerbells1998, AmandaEmoChick, Guest_DHarlieQuinn, EndlessGloom Special thanks to imikid
Novelized by AzabacheSilver with input from The Gotham Outskirts Players)

((This story takes place in an earlier part of Blackhawk's life, when he was just accepted again as a member of the "Batman Family" after begging Batman to take him back after his disasterous deployment in Iraq, so characters mentioned are not as old as they are mentioned in current continuity, (This is before the comic series "52"). Blackhawk, Wayne County Sheriff George Sherriman are creations of mine based on other characters and concepts from DC Comics. Blackhawk is written with a Texas Accent as he is meant to sound like. Clue created by HarleyQuinned based on characters and concepts from DC Comics. Mac The Cat created by MacMcJones and based on ideas from World's Finest: The Batman episode #61 Attack of The Terrible Trio). Elektra created by Dr.Isley22. Grell Sutcliff is a character from the anime Black Butler by Toboso Yona.

Bat Family
AzabacheSilver(As Blackhawk the Trashman, Batman's worst student. Former member of The Blackhawks, a group that did dirty work a "SYSTEM" organization called G.E.O.R.G.E. The Blackhawks were tasked on taking down individuals or organizations deemed too great a threat to the SYSTEM's secret control of the world as a whole. Blackhawk was called The Big Eye and his teammates were Silver Centurion(Major Force), Mechanique(a Belgian who has an andriod body capable of turning into a human armored woman shaped robot), Leaper(A super acrobat with astonishing leaping powers. He previously recieved the same serum that Poison Ivy made later for Harley Quinn to give her acrobatic powers.), Listener(A sniper with super hearing that has a weapon that can shoot through steel walls), Weapons Master(Slade Wilson, better known as Deathstroke The Terminator), The Deadly Hands(Fang Zhifu, who became Gang Tie Sheng Jiang(August General In Iron)), Queen Killer(Shasha Bordeaux, who became an O.M.A.C. cyborg.)
Guest_DHarlieQuinn: (Batgirl VI a.k.a Isabella Wayne, wife of Terry McGiness, The Batman of Beyond
Azabache is also writing for Batman and other members of the Bat Family that respond, including BatMite

Escapees and Gotham Outskirt residents(Played by The Gotham Outskirts Players)
HarleyQuinned as Clue(created by HarleyQuinned), Emily Nygma Nashton sister of the Riddler(Edward Nygma), of whom she calls her boss. Knows Mac, tells him he was guilty of Bank Robbery, but Mac doesn't see it that way.)
MacMcJones as Mac The Cat(created by MacMcJones), also jokingly reffered to as "Bank Guy" claims to be falsely imprisoned at Blackgate, an escapee. His cellmate was the leader of the Terrible Trio, David(This Terrible Trio(Appeared in The Batman Episode #61) was comprised of three University students who were social outcasts: David, Justin, and Amber. Instead of costumes, they used a mutagen stolen from Dr. Kirk Langstrom's computer. David - the brains and de-facto leader of the group, recreated the formula and put it into dissolving patches. David became The Fox, and transformed into a therianthropic Fox, Justin became a therianthropic Hammerhead like Shark, and Amber became a therianthropic Vulture.) David taught him Mac how to re-create the formula and Mac used it to create patches to turn himself into a therianthropic cat.
Dr.Isley22(Elektra(created by Dr.Isley22) - Defender of her friends, been to Arkham and really liked it. Elektra will befriend anyone whom she thinks is cool, whether they be super villian or a super hero. She despises The Bat Family and The Joker and his gang equally, and wishes she could clear them both out of Gotham, so people could live normal lives there for once.) She finds out that Shelby is really the villianess Tundra in this story.
tinkerbells1998(Tundra/Shelby(Created by tinkerbells1988), escapee from Arkham Asylum, works for Mr. Freeze and received cold powers from him.)
AmandaEmoChick(As Grell Sutcliff (from the Manga "Black Butler" by Toboso Yona), former butler to the Burnett household. But in truth a Shinigami(Death God), a supernatural neutral beings who review lists of individuals about to die. They decide who should continue to live or die based on each individual's history. Shinigami can make a "Cinematic Record" if they cut a chosen person with their Death Scythe, this record is actually an instantaneous review of the chosen person's memories. From the record, the Shinigami can make a decision on the spot whether or not this person shall die from cut of their Scythe. They are not permitted to kill those who are not on the Death list or alternatively called Soul Collection lists(those chosen to die by the Personnel Department.) It is understood that humans who are dying from grievous wounds shall be allowed to die, unless their existence is truly beneficial to the world. Grell's Death Scythe resembles a Chain Saw. Shinigami have human ailments such as hunger and exhaustion, but able on sleep without breathing.

It was an ordinary day in Gotham City, that morning a jailbreak occurred at Blackgate and super powered lunatics escaped from Arkham Asylum like it did every month. The Riddler knew that the whole Batman force would be out trying to subdue the criminals so he decided it would be better to have his gang lay low for a while till the crisis blew over. So he gave his whole crew a day off, including his sister Emily Nygma Nashton, better known to the rest of the gang as Clue. Clue walked down the street trying to figure out what to do with the night off that the Riddler gave her, when someone called out her name. "Clue!" Shelby called from down the street. Clue looks and sees Shelby, she waves at her. Shelby manages to catch up to the still walking Clue and asks "Whats up?" Clue immediately began scanning the rooftops with her eyes for any sign of Batman and his team. Shelby had been in Arkham as of this morning and it was obvious to Clue that they might be following Shelby, better known to them as the "supervillainess" Tundra, gun moll of Mister Freeze. Shelby walks beside Clue and asks again, "What's up?" "Not much, Riddler gave me the night off, what about you" Clue responded. Shelby noticed Clue was looking around. "I didn't see anybody following me,ok. That's why I'm not in costume. They don't follow me unless Freeze is loose anyways." Shelby told Clue, "So What's up?" "Not much, Riddler gave me the night off, what about you" Clue responded.

Clue remembered that Shelby had a point, Shelby was really one of the more harmless villains in Gotham. She had been given her temperature control powers by Mr. Freeze in an attempt to find a cure for his beloved wife's aliment. But the cure had side effects, and it was thought she would eventually become like Mr. Freeze. Luckily this did not happen to her, as Batman figured out a prescription of drugs for her to take that he had previously concocted to help Mr. Freeze. The drugs had helped her deal with her new condition, however any emotional stress would cause her powers to manifest themselves without control. She ended up being a henchman/gun moll of Mr. Freeze, after she sought him out for a total cure for her condition. Mr. Freeze dubbed her Tundra and gave her a ice blue costume that allowed her to control her powers better. She fought with Batman and Robin, ended up captured, but was instead taken to Arkham Asylum instead of Blackgate Prison where the doctors could help her keep up with her medications. Clue regretted that she had to serve out her short sentence in Blackgate instead, where Rupert Thorne was called "The King". There "The Sparrow" was queen of the Women's detention part of the prison. Clue had to contend with dangerous inmates like Lady Vic and Cheshire on her cell block. And there were rumors she heard that imprisoned crime boss, Rupert Thorne and an unknown partner were having "Metas" (People with powers) and those women with fighting skill shipped off to be part of Boss Darkseid's fight clubs. These terrible suspicions were confirmed as she sat in a conversation between her brother the Riddler and the assassin known as Deadshot. Deadshot had been invited by Deathstroke to attend one of the fights at Boss Darkseid's clubs as a thank you for a favor he did for the other assassin. Deadshot watched and Magpie was forced into the ring with a pair of sub-machine guns. He watched as Magpie fought ferociously, but in the end her opponent burnt her to a crisp. Deadshot was voicing concerns that there might be someone in the Bat Group who was working with Throne and Boss Darkseid. He told Riddler as he was sure if anyone could figure it out, he could. In Arkham all the inmates were under the protection of The Clown Prince of Crime, Mister J or The Joker as he was known. Mister J was enough of a deterrent that even Boss Darkseid wanted no part of Arkham and The Clown Prince of Crime as he was sure to bring bad fortune to any whom harrassed the lovely Gotham Girls of Arkham whom aroused the attention of his lackey/love, Harley Quinn. Though it was known that Boss Darkseid wanted revenge on Mister J when he temporarily became the most powerful being in the universe, during the "Emperor Joker" event and humbled Darkseid. Lockup was the last to regret messing with Arkham's Gotham Girls, as he was the former jailer of Arkham, but was now consigned to a security cell of his own, some whisper he was driven insane by chemicals created by Mister J.

Clue had enough of these deep thoughts and commented,"Feels strange doesn't it ..." Meaning that it was strange for any costume criminal in Gotham not to be at least be working towards a big score. "Yeah it does..", Shelby noted, and then intoned in her cutest voice "sooo....whatcha wanna do?..." "We could go rent a hotel room and bother the staff there!!" Clue joked. Shelby laughs slightly at her comment. Someone who they hadn't seen in a long time walks up to Shelby and Clue- "Ladies..." he says with a smile. "Hey wats up bank guy!" Clue says upon recognizing him. "Hey, my name is Mac The Cat!" he says with much annoyance. "I know, but calling you bank guy is more fun XD" Clue tells him laughing. Mac replied "Nyah...", as he arched his brows in humiliation at the name he was called. Mac was arrested for bank robbery and was a recent escapee from BlackGate that neither Shelby or Clue had seen in a while. Apparently this was his first successful escape from BlackGate, as he always came to bother them when ever he was out. Mac always insisted he was framed for the robbery by the Penguin, but Clue enjoyed ribbing him by telling him he was probably guilty, like everyone else in Gotham. Mac took her ribbing in stride, he really liked Clue as a friend, though her parading around in her "Crime Costume" made him nervous. He began to scan the rooftops as well, he wasn't about to be an easy capture for The Bat. They had never fought before, but he did take on Nightwing once.

Elektra watched the group happily converse from the side of the street, then realized that she knew them and walked over, "HEY HOES!" she jokingly shouted. Mac did not like the comment Elektra had made and retorted "I ain't no hoe!" ".... Hello skank" Clue responded as she nearly fell over laughing. "Hoes are for farming." Mac said sternly. "Indeed" Clue said jokingly. As laughter echoed through the alleyway, another voice spoke "Good one!" Everyone knew it was Grell the new guy, who claimed to be a globe trotting librarian, but when he mysteriously showed in Gotham he was accepted as a friend by the "Gotham Outskirts Gang". But one could merely told of the expereince of meeting Grell, Grell had to be experienced not told of. It was rumored even Mr. J, whom met and ended up liking Grell said of this as well, and he found Grell "A little too much" She laughed, "You guys know I was just playin'. So what are we doin' tonight?" Elektra told them. The androgynous Grell sat in the shadows and twirls his hair "La di dum~ dum la di dum dum di da" he murmured. Many thought Grell acted very sissy like and some suggested he might be homosexual but few wanted to strike up a conversation up with him about that. Those of the "Gotham Outskirts Gang" felt he kinda belonged here and minded not his feminine ways or the large red chainsaw he carried around which he claimed he carried around for his job. "Gah... I feel naked..." Mac spoke, regretting his own plain clothes while Grell sported his familiar bold red jacket and Elektra boldly wore her own costume as did Clue. Mac puts parts of his own "costume" not wanting to be left out. Mac suddenly grew fur all over his skin, he put on one of his Mutagen patches turning himself into a Man-Cat. "Naked?" Grell spoke at this statement he found odd the hairy cat-man spoke and then laughed heartily at him. "Much better..." Mac said as the fur sprouted from him and he stretched his arms up to flex out the large cat paw like hands he had that made him unique. Mac had learned how to make Mutagen patches from a cell mate name David, who stole Dr. Walter Langstrom's formula to create them. Clue personally did not like Mac attracting attention to them in his Cat form, but said nothing to scold anyone. She was still wearing her Clue costume out on the street, though Clue was not even on the top ten of Batman's most wanted. Not even really looked for by the "GPD" as they called the local police, as they only reffered to as an associate of her brother, The Riddler she had found out. Even though this was the "Bat's City" there came a funny respect from the natives of Gotham when someone wearing their "Crime Costume" did walk down the street towards them. Being a villian in Gotham had perks and disadvantages.
The Riddler & Mr. J called it "Respect of the Masses" as when the natives got off the sidewalk and let he and his cohorts pass when they were dressed up to commit their next crime. Clue jokingly referred to it as "Hoping not to get hit by the Batarangs, Arrows, and Bullets that were coming thier way." It was already bad enough there was the Bat Crew to arrest them, but those in their Crime Costume had more to worry about, like the Huntress shooting a Cross Bow Bolt at them or some vigilante, like The Banner putting some 5.56mm ammunition in their direction. Also not the mention when some Hero went crazy and decided to go "Red Hood" and try to kill you. Mr. J himself barely survived the Red Hood Incident himself.

Then suddenly a tall figure, about 5'11" walked over to the group. He was scrawny as The Joker and he came wearing a black mask with cap, Black shirt, Black Jeans, Black "Mickey Mouse" Military Boots, and elbow length leather gloves. He sported a badge on his belt, of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. Everyone had a different reaction to this newcomer as he walked up to Grell and Elektra, who seemed to revulse at this man's presence. Clue was reminded about something in his demeanor as Mac walked over to Grell, the new comer, and Elektra. "Hello. And why Hello there young man." Clue giggled.remembering that this joker was referred to as Blackhawk, and was the Sheriff George Sheriman's super crime fighter agent as Batman was Commissioner Gordon's agent in Gotham City. Blackhawk's eye trained on the newcomer, "Don't I know you?" he asked. Mac realized whom it might be as he looks at Blackhawk, and cooly replies "Er... No! Of course not!" Grell snickers, "Suuuureee." as he hides chainsaw behind back. Blackhawk thinks about the cat like person he was chasing this morning, "Could this be him?" Elektra sighed "Hey Mac.", as Blackhawk approached. She did hide her dislike of this Blackhawk, as she seemed to recognize him well. "If I can just touch this guy, I'll be able to use my contact telepathy on him to read what every thoughts he is thinking and make him nervous enough to reveal if he was" Blackhawk thought. "Too bad I can't read memories, but I guess we can't be all powerful" He continued to muddle in his mind. Shelby walked down the street mumbleing something about being bored as her mind began to wander. Mabye this new comer could provide the excitement she craved, but she certainly didn't want to go back to jail. Blackhawk reviews the pocket booklet of Gotham Villains he carries, "Could these be some of them?" he thought to himself as he thought Shelby looked familiar, giving her a glance as she walked away from him. "Gah i hate this city..nothing to do!" Shelby pouted as she leaned against the wall of a building. Grell crept around the corner and stares at the girl against the wall, "Bored my dear?" he asked with a wide grin that was punctuated by the red rimmed glasses he wore. "Very bored..." Shelby replied.

"Excuse meh, mam!" Blackhawk said as he caught up to Shelby and spoke to her in his typical disarming Texas drawl. Shelby looked up, "Can I help u?" "Yes, I was wondering. Are you from Gotham?" he asked strangely, but reality hoping to get a good look at her face. Shelby replied "Umm..not really..but..I've lived here long enough to say yes." "Heh" Grell laughed. Blackhawk thinks he sees a chainsaw on one of the women(of whom he mistakes the androgynous Grell for), and pulls out the mini-Bat computer Batman gave him a long time ago. "Is this one of Batman's or is this a new one" he wondered. as Blackhawk was allowed by the Dark Knight to go after any new villians or outsiders in Gotham, but he forbade Blackhawk from trying to take down any of the villains typical of Gotham, especially The Joker whom nearly killed Blackhawk with his Laughing Gas once. Grell gripped his chainsaw tightly behind back and smirks widely, "Live in gotham? Why no. Just visiting on my part, for Business matters." "What does he want?" Elektra asked Clue. Clue responded, "I have no idea." "Well, I think this is the Trash Man." she told her.

"Trashman?" Clue asked. "There used to be a friend of Robin's, from the Teen Titans. He was being trained by Batman but he was quite peculair. He was a Texan they say who wore a Boyscout's uniform as his costume." Elektra whispered. "The Gotham Girls as we called ourselves could always get away from the Trashman as we called him, if we dropped something of value to him, like an eyeliner pencil, a compact, a tube of lipstick, or part of our costume, especially our high heels. Alot of the girl criminals took to wearing them because of him. There was a rumor that Trashman valued this stuff because he was really Batman's little boyfriend and like to pretty himself up for him. Nothing was ever proven of the rumor, but he did took Catwoman's boots right off her once. Poison Ivy said she even once divested herself of her suit to get him to stop chasing her. It's said he collected other costume parts that the girl's were forced to drop to escape from him. If you didn't do it, he would chase you all day." Elektra spoke to her.

"Many come to Gotham to do business as well as our robust tourist industreh" Blackhawk replied to Grell's answer. Shelby kept leaning against the wall and wondered "Why do u want to know if im from Gotham?" "Well, I wanted uh purty little thing like you to know as there are several dangerous criminals on the loose I am told, and it's my job to find them and put them back" Blackhawk replied. "Criminals you say? Why, how terrible!" Grell replied as he tried to look innocent. "So if ya'll let meh know ef there's any suspicious characters you see around here" Blackhawk asked of them. "Will do officer" Grell smirked. "I sure will sir" Shelby blinked looking innocent "Thu criminals in this town are strange, they wear costumes and have gimmicks to commit crimes. Even the regular people are starting to dress like them." Blackhawk spoke, "So they're easy to spot, I am told" "I seeeee." Grell replied. "Not that easy." Shelby mumbled to herself. Elektra walks up to this group- Hey guys? What did I miss?" Elektra asked of Grell and Shelby. "Why they do so is particu-lar-lee perplexin.'" Blackhawk admitted as he noticed Elektra's costume. Grell tapped his chin, and responded "Nothing Elektra... and yes officer? Is there a certain REASON?" "Some say they are trying to beat the Batman at his own game, and if there were no Batman, they wouldn't dress up and commit crimes" Blackhawk told them "Then why don't u see the one standin' right in front of ya" Shelby mumbled quietly, wondering how dense this cop was. Grell heard her comment, and his eyes narrowed at Shelby.

"I think they are whut's part of what we call Supervillains, but only the minor ones live here" Blackhawk commented to the others. "Hey!" Shelby spat at the comment. "Super-villains?" Grell said blinking. Elektra stepped between Shelby and Blackhawk and jabbed a finger into the later's chest as she laughed and glared at the cop, "My name is Elektra. And the police in this city are brutes." "Most of them anyway." Grell added, he had the very dislike of Detective Bullock himself, a bully who dressed so awfully. "Why don't you leave these people alone?" Elektra asked as she narrowed her eyelids into slits as she looked at Blackhawk. "Mam, I am not a brute. I assure you", Blackhawk said defending his record. "I'm not a minor villain.....oops" Shelby spat out as she covered her mouth. "Well Yeah. Ah, I did beat up Bane. And threw a car at Killer Croc, but they started it" Blackhawk shamefully admitted and was too angry to note Shelby's comment. "Well, being a Superhero myself, I can assure you I know these people, and they are not of the Supervillain variety." Elektra defiantly told him. Grell snickered. "I am CERTAINLY not a villain of any sort!" "You are a superhero?" Blackhawk asked Elektra, thinking he thought he knew every superhero in Gotham, including the dark ones like The Demon and local heroes like the deceased Tommy Monighan whom The Cauldron had referred to as Hitman. "Yes......Is it not obvious?" Elektra looked at him sternly as she spoke. Grell began to giggle. "I cant believe i just said that outloud.....well..nice meeting u." Shelby said as she turns to walk away. "Well, it's good we have more Super Heroes" Blackhawk replied, not sure what to make of Elektra. "Crime en thess town es so prevalent. Not like Texas where you can leave your door unlocked at night", Blackhawk told Elektra. "Yes... anyway... farewell", Grell said as he followed behind Shelby, dragging his chainsaw behind him which Blackhawk seemed not to notice. Elektra nodded, "You, on the other hand , are a brute abusing your powers to rough up civilians. Did Batman send you?" "Well, I work with The Sheriff of Wayne County. And I know The Batman" Blackhawk said in his defense. Shelby whispered to Grell, "I just called myself a villain out loud and he did NOTHING..some hero he is.", she said as she kept walking.

"Wayne County? What on earth are you doing in this neck of the woods?" Elektra demanded to know. "And who doesn't know Batman around here." she added. The Young Blackhawk, though someone had said she was villain, but he did not catch who said it as he was busy mentally defending his actions to Elektra. "Villains... heroes.... same difference" Grell said as he flips his long red hair back and laughs. "But Shelby, you really need to shut your mouth." he added. "Oh, I guess muh search took me into Gotham." Blackhawk said apologetically. "Search for what exactly?" Elektra asked him. "Yes i do...next time i call myself a villain please shut me up" Shelby said as she felt a little too loudly to Grell. "That I will... that I will." Grell said with a grin, showing his shark like teeth this time."I never did get ur name..." Shelby said as she looked strangely at Grell. "The escaped villians, this is so crazy. Why do I need to be out looking for minor villains. Hive Troopers or worse things could be trying ta sneak into here for all they know" Blackhawk grumbled, feeling he could express his frustration to what he thought was a fellow superhero. "Nothing you are looking for is here, and you won't survive if you parade around Gotham like a "Badass" cop." Elektra chastised him. Clue stands there silently watching all of this go down wondering what Elektra is doing. "Joker told me that" Blackhawk replied to Elektra, "once" "Name?" Grell replied to Shelby. "Yes..name" Shelby asked suspiciously. "Ya know that man is smart. He actually studies the Greek Philosophers, especially Diogenes. He says some really fascinating things about Diogenes." Blackhawk told Elektra. Elektra eyes saw red hearing anyone speak highly of The Joker. She had a friend whom called himself "Laughing Joke" who desired to crew with The Joker. He got his wish, but in the end The Joker murdered him for flubbing a punchline he was supposed to tell Batman before he opened fire with his machine gun. "He also tells me I'll make a good replacement. But in my opinion Nightwing has that all sewn up. Batman would pick Robin or Batgirl to succeed him before he ever considered meh." Blackhawk continued. "Grr! Everybody who knows agrees Nightwing is Batman's successor. So this guy really is "Batcave"!" Elektra realized in her mind. Batcave was really a slang word used for true Bat Family members, not idiots who held up some Batarang they found and claimed they were buddies with the Bat. Those were called Bat-Dolts, as Elektra had familiarity with those terms. She hated Batman even more and thought the whole Batman family were heartless pricks. She had a friend name Lady BatWing who came to Gotham to try to join the Bat Clan and made friends with Elektra. Her friend ended up getting scolded by Batman after she tried to help him and she became very depressed. They found her later on top of a smashed roof of a Mercedes Benz. She had tried to improve her flying suit to impress Batman and it failed as she fell several stories to her death.

Elektra thinks, "No way am I going to let this idiot get any of my friends killed" as she grabbed him by the shirt and send a slight electric shock through it, and he falls to the ground. "I suggest you leave." Elektra snarled at Blackhawk. "Ugh!" Blackhawk said clutching his chest as dropped onto the ground. "Before you get killed." Elektra said as she narrowed her eyes in anger at Blackhawk. "Electriciteh, that hurt..." Blackhawk said in pain. Electricity was one of Blackhawks main weaknesses, and it made him very angry. He reached for his baton, but stopped. "He wasn't about to beat a woman like his stepfather had beaten his mother, or like Slade had beaten him." he thought. "I'll scare her with a show of my powers." he thought and with that he got up and stamped the ground. It transmitted raw kinetic energy into the ground, causing tremors that registered 2.0 on the Richter scale.

"Ah well... you may call me Miss Grell Sutcliff. Former butler of the Burnett household" Grell spoke. Suddenly a 2.0 Earthquake shook the buildings around them. Grell's eyes opened widely in surprise at the tremors. Little damage was done, but car alarms around the block were going off. "Ohhh...well im Shelby..but most call me Tundra..." Shelby said after recovering from the event that just happened. "I already knew your name dear" Grell responded. "How?" Shelby said in surprise. Grell's eyes flickered green, "One of my many perks." "oook.." Shelby said wondering what that meant, but she did realize that Grell was hinting to her that he was not as he really seemed to be. "But its so boring being a villain.." Shelby blurts out. Grell puts his hand over Shelby's mouth after seeing the black flowing cape from a nearby rooftop. "Could that be The Bat?" she thinks. "You really aren't very smart Miss Shelby." Grell laughs and releases his hand from over her mouth. "Right no more talk of me being a villain..Crap!" Shelby says as she covers her mouth. Grell can only roll his eyes as he and Shelby go to see what was happening between Blackhawk and Elektra.

"I don't suggest ya do thet again!" Blackhawk grumbled as he spread back his lips to reveal his snarling teeth. Elektra shows she is not impressed as she makes electricity form out around her hands, the electrical power flying off in large sparks, "You don't belong here." she says looking angrily at Blackhawk. "Maybe it's time I show you whut Blackhawk The Black Knight, an the Pride of Texas can do." Blackhawk said in defiance. Blackhawk spotted a flowing black cape up in the roof of a nearby building. Blackhawk's heart sank at the sight, it was surely the Dark Knight. Nightwing, when he was Robin, had joked with him once that if Batman attacks your foe you are doing good. If he ignores your foe and instead stands out where you can see him. You were in big trouble. Blackhawk thought that was funny at the time because it was so true. He was distracted by Batman's presence, so he did not see Elektra charging up for a larger attack. A large shock of electricity flies at Blackhawk out of Elektra's hand, hitting him in the chest and throwing him at the wall. "We'll have to have this little talk later" he says as he distracted look at Batman's flowing cape as he is hit. "Later" Blackhawk grunts as he points toward Elektra as he gets off the ground and quickly flies away. Elektra looks up and watches him fly off, "Jackass........" "People who work for Batman are all the same." she notes.

"My! That relationship didn't get off to a good start." Grell smartly quipped as he watched Blackhawk fly away from the very enraged Elektra. Shelby noted he flew right towards where the Black Cape was flowing from the rooftop. Blackhawk's voice can be heard on the nearby roof top, a familiar gruff voice recognized by all Gotham Villains is chewing him out. Grell eavesdrops, "Oh yes, that's definitely "The Caped Crusader"!" he said with a smirk. Shelby uncovers her mouth and her eyes widen, "Hide me!" she yelps as she goes to hide behind Grell. Elektra laughs and whispers to Grell, "Know whats going on up there?" Grell scowls, "Oh puh-lease." "You acted like a rank amatuer, Blackhawk!" the voice says. "And no" Grell said not really caring that much. "Ahm sorry, I didn't realize, Batman" Blackhawks says appogetically. "Not realizing will make you dead here!" the voice growls at him. Shelby starts backing away as she realizes it is the Dark Knight, "....I..hate...this...city!" "SHUSH!" Grell turns quickly to Shelby and stares at her to be quiet. "Sorry..." Shelby meekly says "You want to be caught?!" he admonishes her. "No of course i dont!" Shelby cried. "You and your big mouth!" Grell huffed, "WOMEN!"

"I jest didn't..." Blackhawk said quietly. Elektra laughed slightly, "Looks like our little friend is getting chewed out by his daddy......Amatuer." Shelby's hair started turning white, "Crap!" she cried as she realised that her powers were manifesting themselves again. "Damn it Shelby." Grell chastised her as he saw her start to change. "Did you even see a woman with a chain saw? You are lucky this isn't the Cauldron!" Batman chews him out further. Elektra noted mentally that the Cauldron was the worst part of Gotham, some even claimed evil creatures like demons and vampires lived there. "Err! Heh heh, I think that one is a bit androgenous." Blackhawk said very nervously. Batman's eyes narrowed. Blackhawk regretted his nervous laughter driven by his need to lighten this tense conversation. Grell heard Batman's comment and was instantly flattered. "He called me a woman. How sweet. I know he only saw me from a rooftop with binoculars. But sweet." Grell emoted. Shelby wondered how Grell knew he was using binoculars, but then another sudden change happened to her as her eyes turned a bright grey, "I-I gotta go!" Shelby turned and took off as she feared the emotional stress was starting to make her powers manifest themselves again. "I suggest you run faster my dear!" Grell suggested, as having a strange power of knowing her true situation. "Go back to your Headquarters at The Wayne County Jail and leave the search to me!" Batman commands. Blackhawk was about to object, but he bit his tongue. He knew better than to ever question Batman. He flies meekly away towards Gotham County.

Shelby stopped as saw her skin had turned the same color as her eyes, "Oh crap!" She decides to walk back with her head hung down, trying to conceal her odd appearance of her stark white hair and light grey skin. "Making an Earthquake right in Gotham, doesn't he know this city has a fault line?" Batman's voice grumbles as he seems to head away. "I cant believe this is happening!" Shelby yelps, she almost screams it. Elektra yelled up to Batman, "Hey Bats! Come the hell down here! WE HAVE TO TALK!" She even threw up a few electrical sparks to get the Dark Knight's attention. Batman saw them and recognized the voice as Elektra's. He knew Elektra was the self proclaimed Protector of The Outskirts, and any conversation with her would involve her telling him stay out of her realm while she hurled heavily charged electro bolts at him. He had no time for that, not with Killer Croc on the loose. He shoot out a line and swung away before the situation went any further. Grell hears shelby shouting from down the street. "Ugghhh." Grell moans as he put his face in his palm, he is tired this crazy Shelby. Shelby is also mad and emotional about the situation as she punches a wall of the building and the whole wall freezes. Shelby stared at the frozen wall and screamed. It seemed her powers were manifesting themselves out of control again. Grell commented at Shelby's handiwork "Re-learning powers there Tundra?" Elektra hears the scream and runs over to the girl sitting on the ground "What the hell? Did you do this?" Shebly silently nodded. She was silent for a second and then gets up off the ground meekly saying "Yep..i did this.." "I think it helps to say you DIDNT do it." Grell comment from his new suddenly different position sitting atop the frozen wall. "I sigh and look at the completely frozen wall- Good ole Gotham, never a dull moment." Elektra mutters. Shelby growls and punches the chainlink fence and it freezes also. "Gah! Why is this happening to me?!?!" Shelby says as she covers her face with her hands and leans against a wall and slides down until she's sitting. Elektra lays a hand on the fence, and electricty courses through it, heating the metal and melting the ice, "How long have you been able to do this.?" she asks Shelby. "There, there hun!" Grell says as he jumps down and wraps an arm around her. Shelby says through hersniffles, "..I... I dont know...for a couple of years..but..I thought I could control it." Grell pats Shelby's back, "I understand dear."

Meanwhile, Black hawk was heading back at the Wayne County Sheriff's Office in his police cruiser, a Dodge Charger with a labels on it that said "Wayne County Sheriff's Office Special Crime Incarciration Unit". Shelby buries her face in her hands and sobs. Blackhawk was driving at the same time he looking through the Mug Shots in his Bat Communicator, looking for this Elektra. "Tch." Grell says as he curls his nose and continues comforting the girl. Elektra slides down next to the girl and wrap my arm around her also, remembering what it was like to be like her, afraid that everyone was fearing her "There there." she said. "Why do the bad things always happen to me?" Shelby moaned. "It's alright hun." Grell replied. "I'm just lucky that guy didn’t realize who i was and take me back to Arkham." "Lucky that guy didn't think I was suspicious for carrying around my chainsaw." Grell said smiling. Elektra laughed, "That guy was a tool, one of the stupid rookie cops who thinks he runs this town because he has a badge. Makes me sick." "heh heh" Grell laughed. Back in Blackhawk's cruisier as he found the info on Elektra, she appearently was in here because of her tendancy to attack members of The Bat Clan. She once battled Robin(III, Tim Drake), but also helped him later against the monsterous horror named Steeljacket. "I am such a newbie. Robin always got after meh for joking around and screwing up when we were on the Titans" Blackhawk bemoaned." "I made Beastboy look responsible, he told meh" Blackhawk said continuing to beat himself up emotionally for his poor performance in front of The Dark Knight.

Shelby keeps her face in her hands and sobs still. Grell sighs. Clue, elsewhere, notices a strange portal forming in a dark alley way as she walks by it. She decides to walk faster before she can see what might come out of it, always a good policy to have in this town where any boogedy might jump out and attack you. "I just hope he doesn’t come back.." Shelby continued to say, fearing Blackhawk was still out looking for her. Elektra sighs also, "Why on earth are you crying? I won't let him take you to Arkham." "Neither will I." Grell interjected. But they didn't understand that Shelby had been in Arkham so long, she began to fear they wouldn't be able treat her and she would have to stay in Arkham forever, or worse. She didn't want to think about it. "Because I can’t control this.", Shelby said as she put her hand on the ground and causes some of the grass to freeze in a big white patch of icy frost. In that dark alley Clue had just walked by, a strange disturbing character began to walk the streets as it stepped out of an un-Earthly portal next to dumpster. Even the rats and alley cats sheid away from it, Catwoman noticed whom was standing on a rooftop watching it walk out. "Whoa, kitties. What ever that thing is, it's not good." she said as she continued on her way as she leapt to the next roof top. Blackhawk pulls over and sits on in his patrol car as he pulls out a picture he took of himself and Raven together, how he managed to convince her to take the picture with him, he will never figure out. AzabacheSilver: It was at a mall, and Starfire and WonderGirl were taking Raven out, Boyscout as Blackhawk had been called at the time went along. And Raven didn't want to go into a store that the other girls wanted to go to, so he waited outside with her. They saw a Photomat(auto photo booth) and he convinced her to take pictures with him. He still carried the pictures in his wallet; he wondered if he had taken training more seriously, he might have stayed with the Titans

(Go read part two!)
© Copyright 2011 Azabache Silver (rerockstead at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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