Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1764007-Shadow-Ops-X-GL
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1764007
Priscilla Roletti, steals back a interstellar fighter jet (Needs further editing)
      In the pre dawn sky hidden in the dense clouds a, C-17  cargo plane flew high above the earth not a living soul beneath it knew it was there, or ever would for that matter. Its location was over a desolate part of Iran or that’s what was supposed to be believed. The C-17 flew around the area once before it dropped it's cargo which was a single person in sand colored paratrooper gear. She fell to the earth like a rocket minutes ticked by before she pulled the ripcord and was viciously jerked from her free-fall. Within minutes she landed safely upon the desert. With the sun just starting to come up she quickly stuffed her chute back in the pack and buried the parachute as deep as she could along with her helmet and goggles. Priscilla Roletti of Shadow Ops, mission has just begun.  She was sent to a secret Iranian facility that not only was a supposed secret nuclear weapons development center but, also was the testing grounds for a new interstellar fighter jet called the X-GL a fighter jet that rightfully belonged to the United States, of which the plans were stolen sometime ago. Through satellite reconnaissance it was finally discovered. 

The mission had three objectives one was to destroy the facility, the second was to destroy a nuclear plant just north of the base, third which was the primary retrieve the X-GL and rendezvous with the USS Lincoln in the red sea. If obtaining the fighter jet was not possible then destroying it would be necessary. The drop zone was less than a mile from her target getting there before the sun had risen was a blessing the scorching heat would not be a factor just yet. The chilled wind blew sand at her as she trudged through the dunes as fast as she could within no time she spotted the metal fence surrounding the facility. Inside the perimeter the area was solid concrete with a runway leading to a large hanger at the farthest point north of the base. Taking out her binoculars Priscilla took in her surroundings there were sentries patrolling the area.

She needed to move quick before the next shift came around which meant a heaver guard. Using the dunes as cover she crept along. She was carrying light for this mission all she had was her Berretta 9mm extra clips and her pen laser torch. If all went well she should be outta here in the next hour or so. Getting to the gate she climbed it as fast as she could her one piece paratrooper suit was not only made of Kevlar protecting her from the barbwire, but it was also insulated just incase the fence was electrified, jumping down to the other side she quickly made her way to a close by jeep rolling beneath it. She had a good view of the area she needed to head to, she laid there for sometime, when she felt it was safe to continue she made her way closer using anything she came upon as cover.

It didn’t take long for her to encounter the enemy which was something she needed to do, taking off certain removable pieces of the paratrooper suit, it now looked like a Iranian soldiers standard issue uniform in her pocket she grabbed a small devise and clipped it underneath her collar and flicked it on. Her face instantly changed from the blond haired blue eyed woman to a Iranian with a mustache in his mid forties, the devise was a hologram projector that covered the face and any other exposed parts of the body with pre-programmed information.  It could be programmed with up to 10 different races.
Once she was ready she came from her hiding spot and walked over to a soldier sitting in a near by jeep tapping him on the shoulder he looked in her direction, saying something in his native tongue. Her reply was a punch to the temple knocking him out, he slouched over the wheel she then quickly pulled him out of the jeep dragging him to a area with crates stacked, she slit his throat. Going back to the jeep, she took his place sitting there watching the comings and goings of the other soldiers, some even nodded acknowledging her she returned the gestures. She checked her watch, she needed to move now, time was quickly slipping away.

She started the jeep and drove off to the hanger, hoping she’d not look out of place, she tried to look as though she belonged and knew where she was going. Looking ahead the large hanger doors were sealed tight, there was a side door off to her right, three guards walked in front of her. One of them putting his hand up for her to stop, she could mask her voice to sound like a man but her Arabic was a little spotty, as the man walked to her side, she glanced quickly at the other two guards who were eyeing her in no particular way that said they were suspicious of her.
She stole quick glances to her sides making sure she didn’t miss someone that was close by.
She readied herself, her silenced gun was gripped in her hand, as the man in charge stood there asking what her purpose was, she looked up to him, and was about to say something when she fired a round into his chest, the man slumped over the jeep. She called out loud enough only to be heard by the two men closest, in their haste they didn’t take notice, that her voice sounded a little to much like a Arabic woman. They ran over asking what had happened they got their answer, each one was shot in the forehead. The two men fell to the ground, as she got out she flipped the slumped over man into the jeep out of sight. She looked around quickly no one was watching, with the jeep blocking what she was doing, she only had to watch behind her she moved quickly dragging one of the men to the shack, followed by the other.
She then pulled the jeep back and away from the hanger doors, taking the keys she threw them away. Picking up her pace she hurriedly went inside the hanger slipping into the side door. As she walked in, there was someone behind the desk who looked up at the new arrival she quickly shot him in the head too. She then jammed the door, dragging the desk over at a angle that would prevent it from being opened even if the door was kicked in. There was another door,  leading to the hanger, she opened it slowly. 

The large hanger was dimly lit which was good, creeping out she didn’t see anyone in her vicinity, nearby were stacked metal crates, deep inside she heard a forklift moving about and people talking, right where she stood, she preceded to deactivate the her hologram disguise, and unzipped her make shift uniform underneath that was a thinner than normal flight suit that was almost skin tight. It was made special for the X-GL and was needed to fly the craft for pilot survival in certain flying conditions especially if going up into space. She took a deep breath before moving on, coming out of her cover, she moved fast those guards she killed would no doubt be discovered very soon, going through the maze of crates she finally saw a large silhouette of a plane just ahead, stopping and crouching just mere feet from it. She heard voices close by she strained to listen it sounded like a mechanics and a pilot. She caught the words test and a few various others words, giving her the impression that there was gonna be a test flight today, gripping her gun tight she got up and continued slowly towards them. They had not noticed her till she was almost on top of them, of the three mechanics  two were by the wheels and the other was on the ladder leading up to the cockpit. The pilot was evidently inside. 

Before  the two near the wheels so much as made a move, she shot them in quick succession hearing the muffled shots both the pilot and mechanic looked her way with the pilot standing up, she quickly shot him three times, each bullet hitting him squarely in the chest. The mechanic scared stiff at what he just witnessed, was stuttering as he made his way down the ladder with one hand as he held up the other to show her he was not up to anything. Priscilla didn’t care what he was saying before he even touched down to the floor she shot him off the ladder, she didn’t need any lose ends now, that would present a threat. Tucking her gun inside her suit she scaled the ladder with a lot of strain she managed to pull the thin pilot out of the cockpit dropping him the ten feet or so she heard something crack with the impact. Taking his place she grabbed the helmet that was the pilots and put it on. It was a little to big, but would do for the short time she’d be flying. Looking  at the complicated controls, the pilot she killed was in the middle of a pre-flight start up, she flicked the switches she needed to continue.
The read outs all confirmed everything was a go. She was ready to fly outta here. She could feel the plane rumbling with the raw power it possessed  no doubt others heard it to, but that didn’t matter they’d all know in a matter of a minute their stolen jet was re-stolen. With a push of a button the canopy slid into place sealing. Before  moving the jet she almost forgot to check her life support systems, hooking up three hoses to her suit, the readout confirmed all was ok. Turing down the face shield, she then griped the two controls yokes on both sides and went forward, the powered up engines vibrated the entire hanger, she brought her weapons online and fired a missile at the closed doors blocking her way, they were obliterated into atoms sending debris all about, throwing the yokes forward she picked up speed, whatever was left of the hanger blocking her was easily pushed away by the sturdy wings. In the bright light the jet was a sight to behold, something truly out of a sci-fi movie it had a long semi-thick nose that lead up to the cockpit the wings could be split apart,  giving it the X shaped look.
At  the ends of each wing were machine guns below were missiles, she paid no attention to anything else, she looked straight ahead and gunned it. The thrust pushed her back a bit, the jet fighter was made to take off on shorter than normal runways so within seconds she was in the skies gaining altitude. She locked her S foils and put the jet into attack mode splitting the wigs gave it better maneuverability and speed. From the briefing she got on this craft, it was able to go Mach 5 or better.

Climbing higher towards the heavens, she turned sharply to her left plunging back to earth making a wide turn she wanted to run this jet through its motions so she could get a better feel for it. It had been a while since she even flown anything, and something with this much power needed a quick break in, checking her HUD ( head up display) numbers and various other data streamed across telling her she was now coming back to the base. She readied her weapons, coming in on the base in a dive, she locked on to any target that came up first two missiles were released within a minute the base was rocked by the projectiles she pulled up from her dive gaining altitude and coming back around for one more pass. The nuclear reactor was just north of the base, but before she went over there she let loose two more missiles, by the time she was done, the base was little more than a waste land. She made sure the hanger was hit twice on both attacks, streaking across the dessert, she was going so fast, that in her wake sand rippled like waves, just passing the mountaintops.

She  got a visual of the nuclear reactor, wasting no time at all, she locked on and released two more missiles, once she released the payload she banked hard to her right, and with a straight run went the fastest she’d ever go in her life. The G-force of Mach 5 was incredible, she was going hypersonic, her brain felt as though it was being pushed against her skull. She only needed to keep this speed for a few seconds more till the nuclear factory was hit, she didn’t want to be anywhere near the blast zone, for fear of shorting out the fighter and crashing to her death. Even at the distance she felt the blast, banking left  she saw the familiar mushroom shaped cloud, that was conformation enough for her to break away, and close out this mission, planning her trajectory she made her way towards the red sea.
When suddenly a alarm went off indicating she was locked on by a in coming projectile, she evasively spun twice before recovering and shooting up, hopping to get some distance. She scanned the skies for bogeys, but her CPU picked it up, coming in fast at 3 o’clock she turned spotting three very different looking fighter jets coming in fast. She regained her bearings and went into defensive mode, before she got to far gun fire rattled her ship she checked her scans nothing vital was hit, another alarm sounded she was locked again. A missile was bearing down on her, she dived, plummeting towards the earth, now in a dog fight she’d really see what this thing was capable of. At the last possible moment she pulled up hard on her control yokes heading back towards the skies, she heard the missile plow into the earth, taking a deep breath to calm herself, she ran through a few other moves she could use. Priscilla Roletti was no pilot, the longer this went on the more likely she’d end up dead. She had to pull out all the stops, she needed to go on the attack to make it through this, banking right she scanned the area for her enemies, spotting one. She headed towards it, another alarm sounded. She was being fired upon from above,  she twirled in a semi dive pulled back up and raced to meet him, she had a lock and fired a missile which the skilled pilot tried to avoid, but didn’t his plane blew apart one down two to go, she spun around and gave pursuit, of the other jet she spotted throwing the yokes forward.
She caught up to it letting loose a barrage of her own gun fire, cutting into its side, she hit something vital the jet was trailing smoke behind it as it started to loose altitude. She followed its decent finishing it off. She pulled up from her dive searching for the last jet, she didn’t have to wait that long, she was spotted first, another alarm blared. She looked up seeing the last jet coming at her firing his machine guns, bullets hit her before she could avoid them, straitening out, she tried to put enough distance between them, but the jet was gaining on her firing his machine guns relentlessly. She was using every trick in the book to loose him, he was to damn good of a pilot she had to give him that. But perhaps not good enough.  She had one last move up her sleeve. As the jet gained on her she clutched her speed brake waiting for the right moment, and that moment came when he had a lock on her,  she pulled up hard while extending the speed break, her pursuer over shot her, not wasting a moment she turned and followed  she had a missile lock and fired. The missile was dead on obliterating the jet, she was going so fast she flew right through the explosion, and out the other end with a singed and blackened jet. She relaxed slightly taking a deep breath, she checked her radar, all was clear, she set her course, but thought for a moment, looking up to the heavens she’d never been this close to space and figured she’d never have this opportunity again. She snapped her mask into place and shot up towards the stratosphere she felt  her body slowly starting to rise from her seat but her restraints held her down, she was awe struck by what she saw, before her was deep space.

She couldn’t believe it, turning the fighter around she saw the earth in a way she’d never thought possible it was a sight to behold, something she’d never forget after taking it all in. She readied herself for re-entry, propelling the ship slowly,  her cockpit windshield was turning red from the extreme heat of re-entry. She  hoped the Iranians followed the blue prints to the letter other wise she’d burn to ash at any moment but they did and within seconds she felt her body grow heavy again, she broke through the clouds, leveling out, she took the jet home
© Copyright 2011 Mike DeClemente (roletti at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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