Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1763923-Shadow-Ops-Floyd
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1763923
Priscilla Roletti, is found half dead by a exiled mountain man, ( needs further editing)
    Washington state, not far from the Canadian border….
    Priscilla Roletti thought this was the end, she was paralyzed from the bitter cold, the jaws of death were finally closing on her. Laying in the frozen snow she awaited death to take her, even though mentally she tried to tell her body to get up it wasn’t happening. At least she could die knowing the fact that she succeeded in her mission before the eternal darkness took her. Deep in her thoughts, she could have sworn she heard movement not  far away, she hoped it wasn’t her pursuers and if it was she was powerless to do anything about it. She only hoped that the shadows of the forest concealed her well enough.  The sloshing through the snow came closer till whomever it was, was right on top of her. She tried to move but her body was frozen the last thing she felt before succumbing to the calling of death was her body being dragged.
    Her dreams were wild, with images only the dark reaches of ones imagination can bring disturbing and psychedelic. She saw imagines of death…every inch of her body twitched from fear and cold. A cold sweat broke out all over her body, a crashing sound threw her eyes wide open, she bolted up but only a few inches. She was tied down and wrapped up to her neck, laying her head back down on the soft surface, she calmed her breathing, every time she took in large gasps of air her chest burned, she tried to stifle a cough that felt like a knife going through her chest. The over whelming sensation took her, she felt a shadow come over her. Then a gentle hand raised her head, propping it up better allowing her to cough without choking herself. Once she was done with her coughing fit, piping hot thick liquid was put to her lips she drank almost choking again. The server saw this an allowed her to swallow what she had before giving her more. Almost immediately she stopped coughing the itch in her throat subsided. She tried to look into the face of the one helping her but the light from behind him darkened his features to her. She couldn’t even hold her head up.  She tired to talk but her throat was raw, her eyes rolled back into her head. The last thing Priscilla Roletti, felt before she sank back into the darkness was a warm damp cloth gently dab her forehead.
      She screamed out, jumping up this time she was able to erect herself upon the bed. She put a shaky hand to her forehead it was sweaty, she felt dizzy. If she was standing up she’d collapse. Priscilla looked around quickly before she was over come by exhaustion and had to lay her head back down. A rather large man walked over pressing her down slowly.
      “ Rest….Rest don’t get up.” He said, in a grainy deep voice. She swallowed on a dry throat as she looked up into the worn face of a man. He gently ran his fingers through her hair as he smiled warmly down on her.
    “ Water can I have some water?”  Priscilla asked weakly the man without a word of  acknowledgment walked off and returned with a piping hot drink. She got up as best she could, while he held the cup she took a mouth full of a tangy liquid, then laid back down.
    “ Thanks.” She muttered, he nodded placing the cup off to the side.
    “ Do you think you have the strength to sit up, I prepared a chair for you.” She wasn’t sure, Priscilla didn’t even know how long she was out for, let alone if she could stand. She tried to move her legs they were stiff, she looked back to the man nodding.
    “ I’m not sure, but…but let me try I don’t want to lay here any longer.” He smiled  through a thick grey beard then stepped back taking off his very heavy fur coat that closed around him with a rope. She took notice that the man was missing an arm and was about to tell him she could do it herself. But before she could get the words out he was already helping her. It took the use of a walking stick and the help of her savior, but with effort she managed to get to the chair made of fur and pillows that was near the fireplace. He helped her get comfortable wrapping another fur around her. Even though it was hot where she was she couldn’t get rid of the chill in her body. When the man was satisfied that she was comfortable he walked to a table. With his back to her, Priscilla eyed her environment it was a simple cabin. A very well built cabin. Outside she could hear the wind howling and not a single draft seeped through. All along the wall were furs of various animals a head of a moose was adorned above the fireplace. Her eyes then fell on the man. She took in his features, he wore winter pants with heavy-duty boots that looked to have seen better days. As though feeling her eyes on him he turned around they met eye to eye. He smiled then continued doing what was keeping his attention.
    “ Who are you?” She closed her eyes rubbing her forehead even talking right now made her dizzy. He turned around with two plates full of food gently cupped over each other. She took the top plate with shaking hands, breathing in the aroma, immediately made her stomach hurt of hunger. She didn’t know what he served her and she didn’t even care she had no idea when the last time she had eaten. She dug right in, she didn’t even wait for the utensils, he was gonna give her. He looked at her smiling.
    “ You have an appetite this is good!”  He said tearing into his own food. The only sounds that followed was from there chewing, Priscilla didn’t care for manners she ate like a pig. Once contented she slumped back handing the plate to her new friend.
    “ Thank you.” She said softly, he nodded, taking the plate onto his empty one and put it off to the side. Then reached into his clothing and pulled out a pipe he gestured her with the pipe she nodded.
    “ So my friend, you care to tell me your name? I’m Floyd.” He extended his hand, Priscilla took it firmly shaking it.
      “Priscilla, nice to meet you, thank you again for everything you’ve done.”  Floyd waved his only hand dismissing her thanks.
      “ Thank god not me, I just happened to be traveling when I saw you, you almost died.”
    “ Story of my life.” She said giving him a faint smile. He didn’t get it he furrowed his brows to the dry humor.
      “ It was a joke.” He smiled a few seconds later after running the words through his head again, then a small smile crept up between the pipe in his teeth.
    “ What were you doing out there?”
    “ I was coming back from hunting,  I lost my bearings.” He laughed a bit after saying that. “I must be getting old, I know this terrain like the back of my hand.”
She nodded, he gestured to her indicating it was her turn to talk now. She thought on this for a few seconds of whether or not to tell the truth. But  this man was no dummy he could tell she was as much from around here as he was a New Yorker.
    “ I work for the Government, I was tracking down arm runners which lead me here, I vaguely remember everything.” He chuckled repacking his pipe.
    “ Your lucky to be alive, you had Pneumonia, frostbite you were hardly breathing.”  Priscilla stared at him for a moment afraid to ask the next question but had to know.
    “ How long have I been here.”
    “ One week tomorrow, and tomorrow is Thanksgiving.” Her eyes widened in disbelief, he nodded, lighting the pipe again, then handed it to her. She took one long drag.
    “ What’s the closest city here?”  She asked as smoke exited her mouth.
      “  You mean town,” he corrected her. “ Foster, it’s
about 25 miles south of here.”
      “ Is there a way to get there? I really appreciate all you’ve done but I can’t stay here I have to get back.” She tried to get up and got as far as standing almost straight when dizziness took her she was very unsteady. She quickly sat back down. The man laughed slapping his leg.
    “ Even if you were up to it, you’d freeze to death.”
    “ You have a truck then?” he shook his head,
    “  Yes, but I'm not giving it to you, its the only one I own.” She slumped back down defeated, then she looked up remembering something.
    “ Can you drive me back to town?" The old man chuckled a bit.
    “ Listen Priscilla, I would but your not well enough to go anywhere, and besides we're caught in the middle of a storm you hear the wind out there?”  He gestured to the door with his thumb. “ As soon as the storm passes and your well enough I'll be more than obliged to take you to town.” She nodded then remembered something quick.
    “ Was there anything on me?”  Floyd nodded getting up and walked to the back of the small house and returned with a leather satchel. Handing it to her, she quickly rummaged through it frustrated with not finding what she hoped she didn’t lose.  She emptied it out on her lap, the old man watched with a slight curiosity she found it a small sliver box about the size of a M-4 carbine magazine. She gripped in in her hand removing the top cover, there was a empty slot for it to be inserted into something, she showed it to him.
    “ This contains arming codes for a warhead, the Russian government supposedly lost a nuke.” He gave her a skeptical look.
    “ Hmmm lost? One would imagine how you lose something so big no?”  She nodded agreeing.
    “ Anyway I tracked them down and recovered the arming codes without these the warhead is useless. This is why I must get back, I have to give this to my superiors.” Floyd reached over, gesturing to look at it. She handed it to him. He looked it over with a keen interest, he got up walked to the table where he prepared their meals and then without warning smashed the thing with a hammer. Priscilla was slightly shocked by this then scoping up as much he could in his hand he threw the smashed pieces into the fire.
    “ Now, no need to worry no rush to go home, you stay here rest and when the storm passes and your at your full strength you can go home.” Priscilla made a face, then smiled he certainly had a way about himself. He  was right, the codes could have been destroyed at anytime but it was always better to have something to bargain with.
    “ The people I took them from may come looking for me, just so you know.”
He let out a loud laugh, holding his stomach.
    “ Let them come, even if they did manage to navigate these woods. It'll  be the last thing they do, I have nothing to lose missy the last thing I’m gonna allow is some yokels come up here and make trouble.” Priscilla couldn't help but smile at his way with putting things.
    “ Why do you still stay here? I mean you could have a better life somewhere else no?”
    “Perhaps” he said shrugging his shoulders. “ It's to late to think about that now.” it was her turn to give him a skeptical look.
    “ That’s bull shit, it's never to late, don't you have family? Ever married?” He shook his head.
    “No, came close along time ago, but never again. I was a lumberjack, I got hurt on the job, and the money I get every month is not enough to live in town. So I built this cabin, I live off the land, I get only what I can't get here in town. I like it out here, I'm free.” She nodded, she felt herself feeling depressed and sad for the old man. Even  though he may like it, she just knew he wasn't truly happy here. But gave up for the fact that it was to late in the game to change. Floyd rose, then reached over for his coat.
    “ I haven’t talked to someone in I don’t know how long, I have food prepared for Thanksgiving, it should be enough for two, I've always prayed to god for someone to join me this time of year. I'm not very welcome in town they think of me as this crazy old hermit. I don't care what they all think.” He looked at her for a moment longer with  sadden eyes. Priscilla felt awful, that she wanted to leave, she of all people should know how it feels to be a outsider with no one caring who you are or if you even lived or died.
    “ I'm gonna go, out to the shed stay here rest, or if your feeling up to it maybe later come out, I’ll check up on you every so often. There some clothes for you over there, along with the ones I found you in.” She followed his finger to where he was indicating to. She looked back to him, he nodded then walked out. Priscilla could see the storm was not letting up, for the second he opened the door snow rushed in.  She leaned back into her comfortable makeshift chair, closing her eyes and not meaning too, fell into a deep sleep.
    An untold amount of time passed by when Priscilla awoke. She looked around the cabin and saw no sign of Floyd. Taking a deep breath, she told herself it was time to get up dizzy or not, she wasn’t going to sit here another minute. As she got up she was unsteady. But quickly regained her balance, her joints cracked with the movement, and protested in pain. She was stiff as a board, it took longer than she thought but she managed to get dressed. Just  as she wrapped herself with a fur she broke out into a uncontrollable coughing fit, her throat was raw, she cursed aloud slamming her fist hard against the wall in frustration.
    “ Damn fucking cough” She muttered, as she made her way to the door and prepared to meet the harsh weather quickly opening it. Her face was pelted with snow, inhaling the sharp cold wind made her cough again but she stifled it. The shed was closer than she thought but took longer to get to. The snow was almost up to her knees, she squeezed through the double doors, and was engulfed in warmth. The snow in her hair stated to melt. She immediately  saw Floyd  by a furnace, he had a apron on, he turned around as soon as she came in.
    “ Can’t sit still can ya? Don’t push yourself to hard now.” He said laughing shaking his head going back doing whatever it was before she came in. Priscilla walked deeper in, unloosing her fur cover. Then hung it on the mirror of his pick-up truck that was off to the side.
    “ Trust me I’ve been through worse, I was kinda hoping to give you a hand with something to work out this stiffness.” The old man shrugged his shoulders looking around.
    “ Well there’s nothing for ya, I’m cooking for tomorrow, and I don’t need help with that.” She nodded, looking around her eyes spotted a old wooden bucket, she walked over and grabbed it. It was already filled with dirty water.
  “ You don’t need this anymore right?”  He shook his head, pointing to several other buckets nearby. Priscilla then grabbed some rope there was a pulley on the wall, tying it and hosting the water filled bucket to about six feet off the ground.
    “ Do you have knives? Any kind will do?”
    “ Yeah, back in the cabin, near the fireplace, I have a set of throwing knives actually I’ve been meaning to learn how to throw, I bought them years ago, never used them.” Without a word she trekked back outside and quickly came back. It was a set of ten blades and just as Floyd said they were as new as the day he bought them with that factory polish. Priscilla walked back 20 feet, the old man took an interest in this an watched her. She wished he didn’t because she missed all but one and it barely stuck to the wooden bucket. Floyd found amusement in her attempts.
    “ Perhaps your in the wrong profession missy.” He said between laughs, she gave him a quick fake smile while picking up the blades. She rotated her shoulder trying to loosen it up some more. Standing a little further away this time, she let the blades fly once again. The laughing quickly stopped when she nailed the bucket all ten times, to say Floyd was impressed was under statement. While he cooked, she put herself through her paces, throwing the knives till the bucket was no more than a few planks of wood. Then doing some shadow sparing, push-ups and pull-ups. All the while Floyd threw his eyes back and forth, perhaps he’d never thought of someone like her able to do the things she did. She had a feeling he thought she was delusional until this point about the warhead story. Floyd finally finished up the cooking and brought the food back to the cabin. Priscilla insisted on helping even though he told her no.
    “Don't treat me like a invalid!”  He told her a few times, she ignored him though and helped anyway. She wasn't treating him in such a way as a matter of fact, she respected him for living out here like this for whatever the reasons may be. With the food all prepared and ready for tomorrow they sat and had a small meal with some wine Floyd made himself. It was a bit to strong for her, but it wasn't like she was going anywhere. They played cards, rummy to be exact, surprisingly it was entertaining.  She wasn’t much of a car player never had an interest in it by the time the night went along Floyd was two sheets to the wind. Priscilla was slightly buzzed too, but took care in not going over board. Even though Floyd was confident that the people Priscilla took the launch codes from wouldn’t be able to make there way here. She knew better than anyone that if someone wants something they’d go through hell to get it. They chatted the rest of the night away she was growing more curious as to why the old man chose this way of life, for some reason she didn’t buy the whole fact that he couldn’t afford the way of life in town or somewhere else. No one lives like this by choice alone. Normally she wouldn’t care but being she’s under his roof for the time being, she felt she had a right to know. Floyd seemed harmless but, she wasn’t gonna bet her life on it either, and if she had to she’d take his life if he proved to be a liability to her in anyway other than being over caring towards her well being. She took one last gulp of her wine then placed the cup down she gave Floyd a piercing look. He took notice to it right away the laughter from the story he just told her vanished.
    “ Floyd, we’ve been honest with each other, I think your not telling me something, what is it? Don’t bull shit me man, I can spot it from a mile away when someone is hiding something.” The old man swallowed, giving her a look then took a deep breath, reaching into his breast pocket he took out his pipe.
    “ Well missy, your right…it’s just somethin you don’t go telling strangers” She leaned in closer.
      “ Try Me,” she said with a small smile. He nodded with the pipe clenched between his teeth, he packed it before he spoke he lit it and took in a long pull. 
    “ Well, about 15 years ago I told ya I was a lumber jack, I lost my arm I was outta work the company dicked me on my benefits. I had nothing, I applied for so many jobs but no one called me, but I finally got one. I was working in a small school in town, everything was fine, the kids loved me they loved listening to my stories and what not. I never did think anything was wrong with me talkin to the kids, maybe I shouldn’t have. I was alone in a class room with a girl, she was crying about something, what I don’t know, I tried to talk to her, all I did was place a hand on her shoulder that was all I swear.” Priscilla took notice that his eyes were welling up as he recalled the story that she had a very good idea of where this was going now, she didn’t say a word as he continued.
      “ Some days later, I get accused of touching the girl,  I was arrested, they even put me on trial, I was found guilty, I was put on probation, I was run outta town, nowadays if your accused with something like that your life is over. I tried to get a job but no one wanted to even take the chance of hiring a sex offender,  so I came here.” Gesturing with his arm. “ This is my land, I bought this a long time ago, the house was built already.” Priscilla looked on, she was a bit surprised from his story, she didn’t think he was up here for this reason.
    “ I swear to god, missy I never did touch that kid, I never would have thought to.”  She leaned back taking a deep breath, running both hands thru her uncombed hair, the silence ensued for a few moments longer, the cracking of the fire wood sounded louder than normal.  He looked up to her wiping away some wetness below his eye.
    “You think differently of me now don't cha?”  Priscilla let the question hang in the air for a few moments, as she studied him, one thing Priscilla hated was sex offenders, especially ones that preyed upon kids that burned her to no end. But looking at this man, she couldn’t see it, sure she could be wrong about her read on him. She’d  been wrong about people in the past, but that was before she became an Op.  She knew a whole hell of a lot more now but still even as an Op she’s misjudged people, but not much. But  looking at him she couldn’t see it, it just didn’t fit him.
      “No Floyd I don’t, regardless of what you've done I can't judge you now after you saved me, but If it makes a difference I  believe you, your story is not unheard of, there have been situations like this too but the truth comes out, it always does, sounds like to me this kid, maybe might have some metal issues.” He nodded.
    “ Yeah well them are big cities, in these small towns they look to hang you, if your even named in something.” She nodded knowing this well also. She leaned in closer placing a firm hand in his shoulder, he looked to her.
    “ When the weather breaks, I want you to take me back to this town, let me have a talk with a few people, I know some pretty important people, maybe I can help you, you saved my life it’s the least I can do.”  A  faint of hope twinkled in his eye at hearing this.
    “ Really? You’d stick your neck out for old Floyd?” She nodded smiling.
    “ Sure I would, trust me I’ll do what I can ok?” He nodded patting her on her hand, as he looked away he tried to stifle a yawn. It was rather late, Floyd took a walk to the door and grabbed his coat.
    “ I’m gonna go outside for a few clear my head.”
    “ Ok, don’t wander off now, I can’t eat all this food myself” He gave her a bearded smile and then left. Priscilla sat there for a moment longer replaying the story in her head. Why does the world have to be so fucked up? She thought to herself, she wished she had an answer. She wished she could do something about it. With those thoughts she hunkered in more and laid down, staring into the fire. There  was always something hypnotic about watching the dancing flames, in no time at all she fell asleep. 
    During the course of the night the weather finally broke, the sun was going to shine for the first time in over a week. Priscilla stirred a bit, for the moment she thought she heard a motor outside, which suddenly was shut off quickly followed by the slamming of doors. Upon hearing that, her eyes widened she shot up only to have a firm hand grab her by the shoulder she looked over ready to strike. It was Floyd gesturing her to keep quiet. She  nodded wording who was outside. He gestured over to the front of the house, pulling back the curtain she saw four men walking from there black SUV  towards the house. They spread out checking the area, Priscilla stepped back, looking at Floyd. Who then went to his wall and grabbed the rifle Priscilla quickly got dressed. If this was it she was going out in a blaze, she was about to turn to Floyd and tell him to stay put while she took care of this. But he handed her the rifle with a scope attached, and a small ammo belt. She was about to ask what he was up to when he threw aside the bearskin rug in the living room. There was a outline of a door, pulling the metal, revealed a tunnel. Priscilla walked over looking down a sloping entrance.
    “ You first Floyd go!”
    “ Hell no! This is all I got, I ain’t letting these boys rifle my house. If they don’t see you’re here, they’ll go,  hurry up go on.” Just  after he said that there was a loud bang at the front door. Priscilla looked to the door then back to Floyd.
  “ Come on Floyd! ” She pleaded as he pushed her down.
  “ Cover me from the woods, I got my 357, go on go! If you run, you’ll make it to the other side in less that a minute.” Before she could even get a word out, he closed the door, leaving her in the darkness. She cursed, running to the other side, all the while loading the bolt action rifle hoping she could make it in time to cover the old man. The tunnel curved up, the dirt made it easy to climb up the slight incline getting to the opening, which was covered by a small rock and fallen branches. She just made it she stood by the closest tree waiting, hoping that Floyd was right. The last thing she wanted was to have his death on her hands. She quickly lined up the scope, two men were at the front door, and the third was waiting by the truck,  the rapping on the door sounded loud even from where she was. She bit her lip as the front door was flung open, watching through the scope she could see Floyd flashing a smile to the two men who looked hardly amused. She couldn’t hear what they were saying the two men were standing in a position where she couldn’t read their lips. She couldn’t read Floyds because his beard covered his lips, her finger was tight on the trigger just waiting for these guys to make a move. She hoped they’d just take whatever story he told them and left. Then she realized  something Priscilla lost track of the fourth man, she franticly searched for him.
    “ Oh shit!” She said aloud when she finally spotted him, on the far side of the cabin sneaking in closer on Floyd’s blind side. He had his gun in his hand, Priscilla lined up the shot she wished she could signal Floyd to get down. She fired nailing him square in the head, one of the men confronting Floyd turned around in her direction, while the other lunged at Floyd, two more shots rang out, Floyd managed to pull his 357 out and shoot the man, Priscilla shot the other guy before he could even so much as aim in her direction. She  came out from the forest and ran for the SUV there was on more guy left, he tried starting the truck,  she stopped in her tracks crouched and shot out the two front tires before he even was able to move the truck. With nowhere to go the man jumped out and made his stand. Priscilla emptied the bolt action in him, as fast as it begun it was over. Floyd whistled to her waving his hand with the gun, she waved back, he had a big smile on his face, he was enjoying this.
    “ That was some fine shooting missy.”  He said, as she came up along side of him.
    “ Thanks, great way to spend thanksgiving huh?” He chuckled.
    “ Shit, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” They walked side by side to the front door, when Floyd suddenly pushed her forcefully the side. Before  Priscilla rebounded a single shot rang out, Floyd was holding his chest, as he fell to his knees, the joy he just had on his face was wiped away, Priscilla spotted the shooter it was the man Floyd shot before.
    “ No! No!” She yelled out, as she ran over to the shooter, kicking the gun from his hand.
    “ Mother fucker!” She yelled looking down at him he was dying, spiteful bastard she thought, she reached into her boot an took out a buck knife she sliced his throat, he was going to die from the gun shot wound. But  drowning on his own blood, would horrible slow way of dying it was the least he deserved. She didn’t take much joy in watching this, she ran to Floyd. Sliding on her knees, and picked up his head he opened his eyes.
    “Come on Floyd, can you get up?” The old man shook his head slowly, gripping her forearm as she tried to move him.
    “ No.... no” He grunted from the pain before talking again.
    “ Old Floyd ain’t  goin anywhere…”
    “ What kind of shit is that!” He gave her a look.
    “ You and I both know, there ain’t no chance for me” She nodded, she knew it to but damn it she had to try. This man gave up his life for her, she wanted to cry but held back tears for fear of scaring him.
    “ I want to thank you, missy I always thought I’d die alone up here…, but I thank god I get to die looking into the eyes of a angel…..” his eyes fluttered his head lolled back and the last breath Floyd would ever take exhaled. Priscilla stared at his still face, for a second it looked like he had a small smile. She  kissed his forehead then gently laid is head down on the ground. Then got up and walked to the shed, there she found a pick ax and shovel with the sun beaming down upon them it thawed the snow some what, enough hopefully to dig a hole deep enough for  Floyd. It  was gonna be an all day project but the man deserved nothing less for all he did for her. She found a nice little spot just near the start of the forest. It took most of the day and afternoon but she managed to dig a hole long and deep enough for her friend she gently placed his cold body into the earth, and covered it up, saying a quick prayer. She walked back to the house, gathering what she needed, the arms dealers SUV was useless, so she took Floyd’s pick-up she warmed it up as she gathered what she thought she’d need. Before  leaving she wrote a quick letter, detailing the events so that when someone stumbled out here they’d know the man named Floyd was nothing more than someone who risked his life to help someone in dire need. It was the least she could do, as she walked to the pick-up she looked upon the bodies of the arms dealers. They  didn’t deserve a burial let the animals chew on them, it was the least they deserved, getting in she drove off never looking back and will never forget old Floyd.   
© Copyright 2011 Mike DeClemente (roletti at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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