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Chapters 12 + 13 of The Dragon in the Theatre |
12 Amplus Koje was rifling his way through Grandfathers store cupboard. He had found two backpacks, and was now filling them with every item he could find that he thought might be useful. ‘Vlad, do you have any weapons?’ ‘No I’m sorry, I have nothing.’ ‘Tools?’ ‘You should try backstage.’ ‘Ok.’ Koje disappeared off looking for the tools. John busied himself getting changed. Koje had kindly pointed him in the direction of some clothing that might be more appropriate for where they were going. ‘Dad, you obviously aren’t surprised to see a Dragon, but something’s not right is it?’ ‘No son it’s not. Dragon’s normally arrive as at least a young adult but this one was not even hatched. And a Dragon is incredibly difficult to look after, or so I’ve heard. I don’t know. All I do know is that they only eat one thing and they eat a lot.’ ‘And what’s the one thing?’ ‘What all babies eat, their mothers milk. Except of course in the case of a Dragon its not called milk its called nectar. But don’t worry you wont have to milk a Dragon, you’ll just have to ask one. The difficult part will be getting close enough.’ John was staggered. He couldn’t quite believe what his father had just told him. ‘Don’t worry son, Koje has lots of experience with this sort of thing. You’ll be fine.’ ‘In his former life I take it?’ ‘Oh yes, I’m sure he’ll tell you some stories.’ Koje walked back in the room. He had found some tools and had already strapped them to his backpack. ‘Ready?’ ‘As I’ll ever be.’ ‘Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. You’ve never been off world I take it?’ ‘No.’ ‘Well let’s go then. Lead the way Vlad.’ Elliott was sitting in his library when the three adults walked in. He had already started to work his way through the new books that had started to appear on the empty shelves in the few hours since the room itself had appeared. He appeared to be sorting them into piles based on the colour of the spine of the book. The boy still looked pale but he was better than a few hours before. ‘Hi Dad, Hi Granddad, Hello mate.’ The three adults all smiled. The boy behaved very differently in this room, as if he could relax and be himself. ‘Koje and your dad are off too.’ ‘I know. They are going to use one of my doorways to go and get food for the Dragon. That’s okay. I think it’s the red door with the pointy tooth emblem on it. I think that will take you where you need to go.’ The adults exchanged an astonished look. John was the first to speak. ‘Son, How many doors are down there?’ ‘I don’t know exactly, but I think I felt over a hundred. Some are a lot stronger than others. Some are barely noticeable, but that one, the Dragon world, It’s unbelievable. Besides where do you think I found the egg? It was right in front of that door.’ Elliott went back to his reading, almost oblivious to the adults, who were still amazed by the boy’s understanding of the library room. ‘We’d best be off then,’ Koje said to John and Grandfather. They started walking down the spiral staircase past the sculptures and the carvings and wall paintings. Koje and John both had torches. When they reached the end of the wooden steps and the start of the stone, Grandfather stopped. ‘I will take my leave of you both here. Don’t worry son, I’ll take good care of Elliott.’ ‘I’ll see you soon, dad.’ Koje and John carried on down the stone stairs until Vlad could no longer see the light from their torches, then he walked back up to the Library room. John and Koje reached the bottom of the stairs, and found that the chamber needed no light, and it had its own lanterns lit and hanging from the cavern roof. They looked around at the many dozens of doors. It wasn’t long though before they saw the Dragon world door. They recognised instantly the red door with its Dragon claw emblem. The door had a small wooden handle, but there was no lock to keep the door closed. ‘Do you suppose we should knock?’ John asked. ‘I think we’re welcome. The fact that the portal has remained open to us at all means that we are allowed to enter. I don’t think we would have got this far if we weren’t allowed to go further.’ John reached out and gripped the handle. He pushed the door, which opened inwards, and noticed immediately that the floor on the other side of the door was muddy earth, compared to the stone on this side of the door. He opened the door fully. It was daylight on the other side and it filled the cavern with the most glorious sunshine John though he had ever seen. ‘Here you might need these.’ Koje handed him a pair of dark goggles. Koje had already put these on. ‘There’s three suns on this world. It’s always daytime, and its brighter than any day you’ll have ever seen. This is one of the most beautiful worlds I’ve ever been too.’ ‘I can see that already.’ They closed the door behind them then shimmered briefly for a second then disappeared as they walked away from it. ‘Don’t worry; It’ll be there when we come back. Elliott will make sure of that.’ John walked back towards the door and it started to reappear as soon as he was near. He smiled. ‘My son. I have to learn to trust him more. He’s capable of so much more than I think isn’t he?’ ‘Yes John he is, come on. That’s one of the reasons I wanted you to come with me. Come and meet a Dragon. An adult. There will be one nearby, we wont have to travel far.’ They walked for a short time along a path that was wide enough for ten men. The path was flanked on both sides by tall flowers that opened up with glorious purple petals that were each the size of a small boy. The flowers all had small insects swarming around them. ‘There are some foot prints up ahead John, I think we will find a Dragon soon.’ They stopped when they reached the footprints. John put his hand down in the crater left by the Dragon’s foot. Both his hands could easily fit in one of the Dragon’s prints. ‘How big are these things?’ John asked. ‘I’ve been here once before, when I was a trader. The Dragons are a very solitary species as old as the universe. Something that was very important to them had been stolen and I acquired it, so of course I did the honourable thing and returned it. At first they were suspicious of me. I was the first visitor this world had had for many, many years. Dragons leave this world and travel to ours of course, but very rarely and under very specific circumstances. But I’m getting off the point, you want to know how big they are don’t you.’ They stopped walking and turned and faced one-another. ‘Be prepared. They can be at least twenty men long and five men tall. Their heads are the same height as you or I, but there’s really nothing to be scared of. They are the most gently of species. I’ve never seen a sight more touching that a Dragon mother nurturing its young. That’s what makes what they give the constants so beautiful.’ ‘You mean a Dragon to watch over them?’ ‘Yes, they send a Dragon to be a guardian. And really it’s the Dragon who is in danger in our world. Their skin, their horns, everything would fetch a hefty price if one were to be caught.’ They carried on walking for a few miles, mostly walking in silence enjoying the view. The sky had changed colour as two of the suns had set and the third was low in the sky, giving the atmosphere a warm purple haze. They came to an open clearing, where a circle of rocks was all that greeted them. ‘I think we should wait here, John.’ ‘Do you think the Dragons will come to us?’ The tall purple flowers surrounded them. In the distance John could see mountains that were snow capped in one direction and a deep blue sky in the other. He could not look in one direction because the setting sun was still too bright. John looked at the mountain range for some evidence of the Dragons that he had heard so my about when he though the sun had suddenly gone down. It became dark. John felt the wind generated by the wings flapping directly above him. He turned around to see Koje kneeling before a Dragon. John immediately fell to his knees. ‘Please friends that is not necessary,’ the Dragon spoke. Its voice was soft but deep. The Dragon landed and stood before the two men lowering its head so that it addressed them to their faces. John was immediately taken aback but its sheer size. It had to stoop to meet their gaze face to face. He looked over its golden scales that reflected the light so brightly that John could not imagine looking at the dragon without the goggles Koje had given him. John glanced down at the Dragon’s feet, each claw the size of one of John’s fists. ‘I am Amplus, the Dragon of Splendour. It is a grand title, but it means it is my task to welcome you to our home.’ ‘My name is Koje, and this is John Hunter.’ ‘You are both well known to the race of Dragons. Koje you returned the Stone Heart, and you John Hunter, are the father of Elliott Hunter are you not?’ ‘That’s right.’ ‘It is good that you are here. But it is curious. Men are not usually visitors to this world.’ ‘We believe that something is wrong.’ ‘Elliott has received his Dragon, yes?’ ‘Yes,’ John replied, ‘but my Father tells me the Dragon should not have been an Egg.’ ‘He is right. We did not have the time to prepare his Dragon, and I fear this confirms that the Dark has infiltrated your world. Somehow it is interfering with the portals between this world and ours.’ ‘Amplus, where are all the other Dragons? Should there not be many of you here?’ Koje asked. ‘You are right. There are only a handful of Dragon’s left. So many have fallen to the Dark. This world is already lost to the Dark. You are at great risk being here, ’ ‘We cannot feed the Dragon,’ John interrupted, ‘So if we cannot look after it, how will it protect my son.’ ‘I will help you John Hunter, It may have been a mistake to come here, but you had no choice. Come, there is a way we can help, then you must return to your own world before you are trapped here forever.’ The Dragon crouched down as low as it could and beckoned the two men towards its back. ‘Climb on my friends, there is one source of Dragon nectar left. I will take you to her.’ John and Koje climbed on board the Dragons back, theirs legs just able to straddle the Dragons torso. John was surprised at how soft its skin was. He had expected the texture to be slippery, but it was soft. The Dragon raised its wings, lifted its neck up and with a thrust of its back legs launched itself into the air. Its wings stretched outwards and flapped and they ascended into the orange sky. Once in the air Koje and John could se what the Dragon was referring too. Looking down they could see large areas of devastation where fields had been scorched and life was no longer evident. ‘A Dragon came back to our world contaminated with Dark. It began to attack others, but we didn’t realise until it was too late that something was wrong. Twelve had fallen before we knew the Dragon was tainted, and it took an army of us to slay one of our own. It cost us more than we knew. We are here.’ The Dragon flew into an open cavern at the bottom of a cliff face. He hovered at the entrance and then landed and let John and Koje climb down. ‘John, Koje, Cover your ears. I need to let the female know I am here.’ Amplus let out a soft low cry directed down the cave. He opened his throat fully and let out a deep roar that shook the whole of the mountain. ‘I have let the female know that I am here. She will try to protect her eggs. Stay here for she may not believe I am to be trusted.’ Amplus walked further into the cavern. John and Koje could feel every footstep as his massive claws scratched at the rock flaw as he crawled through a space that was barely large enough for him to fit through. After a short time there was nothing but silence. John and Koje waited. The silence was broken when flames erupted from the cavern forcing John and Koje to dive to the ground for safety. They looked up and saw Amplus leap over their heads, followed closely by another Dragon. The second dragon was smaller than Amplus, but it looked far more aggressive with razor sharp spines running the length of its back and long ferocious claws. The Dragon did not give the two men a second glance as it launched its attack on Amplus. Amplus shielded his body with his wings, pulling them around his body in defence. ‘We mean you no harm, we are not here to hurt you.’ ‘Too many Dragon’s have become traitor’s, how can I trust you?’ the Female Dragon screamed at Amplus. Fire was brimming at her nostrils. John stood and walked forward. He began to shout at the Dragon. ‘Amplus has come to you on our behalf. A Dragon child has been sent to protect my son, but it is too young and will not survive unless you help us.’ The female Dragon turned from Amplus and looked down at John. The fire in her nostrils abated and her claws began to retract. Her pupils focused on John. ‘You have one of my offspring?’ ‘I don’t know. My son found an Egg, It hatched yesterday, but my son is sick.’ ‘Which one do you have?’ ‘He is ice white and blue.’ ‘He is one of mine. He should have been an adult before he was sent to you. He came too soon because your boy is sick. They are both tied to one another. You must heal the boy, to save the Dragon.’ Amplus unfolded his wings and sat down on the ground as the Female Dragon let down her guard. It was clear she trusted the human. ‘You know why he is sick,’ John asked her. ‘I’m sorry but he will die unless you can rebalance his essence.’ ‘What do you mean his essence?’ ‘His essence is that which makes him what he is. It is the core of his being. But it is broken. The Dragon can protect the boy until the transition, but I fear he will not survive that long. You do not have time to waste.’ ‘How do we do this?’ ‘I think I know,’ Koje added, ‘A friend of your fathers may be able to help. We need to take Elliott to see him.’ Amplus stepped forward. The female Dragon had accepted he was trustworthy now. ‘Can you give these men some nectar, to take back to your offspring?’ ‘Of course.’ Koje took some containers out of his backpack and the female Dragon allowed him to go with her back into her nest. A short while later they returned, Koje’s backpack now laden with full containers of Dragon nectar. John raised his hand to the female Dragon, who extended her own arm and shook hands with him. ‘Thank you, it cannot have been easy to trust us,’ he said to her. ‘Promise me one thing, look after them both, your son and mine.’ ‘I shall. You have my word.’ Amplus lifted John and Koje up onto his back again and launched himself into the air once moor. John looked back and saw the Female Dragon walk back into her nest and he felt sad, knowing that she was separated from her child. He longed to be back with his son, desperate to protect him from all the dangers he knew were out in the world. Amplus let them down in the clearing in front of the portal, and the doorway reappeared exactly where they had left it. Koje opened the door. ‘Thank you Amplus,’ Koje said, ‘You have been a truly honourable friend.’ ‘’It was a pleasure.’ Koje walked through the open doorway. John hesitated for a moment. ‘You have a question John Hunter?’ ‘Am I that obvious?’ ‘Tel me Amplus, what is the purpose of the Dragon?’ ‘He is there to protect your son, that is the obligation we took thousands of years ago, to protect those who carry the burden.’ ‘I have to protect him, that is my job.’ ‘Yes John, it is. But you are not alone.’ ‘Thank you Amplus.’ John turned and walked through the doorway. The Dragon watched as the doorway shimmered briefly then disappeared. 13 Old friends and new ones. Grandfather returned to the Library. He reached the top of the staircase and looked around the room for his grandson. There were books everywhere, neatly arranged in piles according to the colour of their spines. It seemed as if every book had been taken off the shelves. Elliott was sitting alone in the corner in front of a stack of books. The books all had red spines. ‘What are you reading, lad?’ Grandfather asked. He stood a few feet away from Elliott. ‘I don’t know Granddad,’ he replied, ‘what are these books? They have characters names and then words.’ He flicked through the pages reading every word as he did so. Grandfather sat down next to the boy and reached out for the book. Elliott handed it to him with a smile. It felt good to them both to share. ‘Ah. I think what you have there is a Play. Let me see. Yes, here you see. These are the characters and this is their dialogue.’ Grandfather pointed at the words whilst Elliott read the words in his head. ‘A play starts as words on a page, but it needs to be performed in a Theatre by a company of actors. I used to perform in this Theatre you know, until Poyle had us closed down.’ ‘What’s this one about?’ Elliott asked. ‘Well this is a very special play, and it’s from our world, not this one. It’s about a Prince. He leaves his home and when he returns discovers that his father has died and his uncle has taken over the throne. He discovers that his uncle was responsible for his fathers death and with the help of one of his most trusted advisors plots to expose his uncle’s crime and recover the crown.’ Elliott was enthralled. ‘Is it good?’ Elliott asked. ‘Oh yes. I’ve played the role of the King in this play twice. There is a fantastic swordfight near the end between the evil uncle and the prince. It’s al very exciting.’ ‘Granddad, I wish I could go to the Theatre.’ Grandfather sat silently for a moment. The boy looked at him and realised that his Grandfather wanted this too. He did not need to say anything else. Elliott stood up and walked back over to his pile of books. He picked up another book and opened it at the first page and started reading. Grandfather followed him with his eyes and decided he needed to start giving the boy a part of himself. ‘Elliott, one thing about being a Grandfather is that we really have nothing to lose. And do you know, if you want to go to the Theatre, well then, you shall. Come on lad, we have some work to do.’ ‘What are we going to do?’ Elliott asked excitedly. ‘We have a Theatre to re-open.’ And for the first time in a long time there was a smile on Grandfathers face. Grandfather marched down the stairs with purpose. He opened the doors and stormed into the main Theatre auditorium then marched up onto the stage. Elliott followed, struggling to keep up, his short legs fighting to keep pace. ‘Come on lad, we don’t have time to waste. We need some help if we are to open this place up again.’ The old man bounced around the stage like a small boy. ‘Granddad what can we do? Dad and Koje aren’t here. There’s only you and me.’ Grandfather span on his heels, then dropped to his knees and looked Elliott straight in the eyes. ‘Exactly. We need some help. Did you think I only had one friend out there? Oh no lad, I’m hoping that a few more of our friends are out there and that they find their way here. They were the ones who fixed up the Theatre in the first place for me all those years ago. Hopefully some of them will come and help.’ Grandfather pushed himself up on his cane, stood tall then placed his cane in the centre of the stage. The gem at its tip began to glow as he closed his eyes.He reached out his hands and turned to Elliott. ‘Elliott, please hold my hand.’ Elliott did as he was asked and almost instantly the room filled with red light. ‘Look what you did lad, I couldn’t do that alone.’ Grandfather laughed, and Elliott smiled. The air began to swirl around them moving faster and faster. They saw around them faces appearing floating in the air. The faces began speaking all at once, talking over one another. ‘Vlad, what the devil…’ ‘How are you…’ ‘It’s been too long … ‘Hello all of you, I’m sorry for talking to you all at once,’ Grandfather interrupted, ‘It’s been too long but I have to ask your help. By the way I’m talking to lots of you at the same time right now. You all gave me so much help many years ago when we rebuilt this Theatre, but I must ask your help again. The Theatre has been closed for some years, shut down by a man who does not believe in what we do here. Please if you can help, join me here as we have much to do.’ The red glow surrounding Grandfather and Elliott started to expand and things that before had appeared transparent started to become solid. Dark shapes began to appear in the red light. The shapes began as ovals then almost immediately moved forwards and became recognisable as the shape of people. They grew mass from nothing. Within seconds there were a dozen people standing on the stage around Grandfather and Elliott, people who had walked out of air. ‘Oh my,’ Grandfather said, ‘you’re all here. I must say I’m quite taken aback.’ He stood there surrounded by the newcomer’s people with his grandson at his side whilst the red mist subsided. A very large man who was nearly twice as tall as Elliott stepped forward. ‘You asked my old mate, I’m here,’ he said. Grandfather recognised him immediately. ‘My word, Michael, you do look well,’ Grandfather replied. ‘Business is good. What do you need?’ They shook hands, Michael’s giant hands clasped over Grandfathers tiny hands. ‘The Theatre has sat unused for nearly ten years. Look at it. It needs to be returned to its true self. All the work you did.’ Grandfather sighed. ‘But there is a problem, we only have three days. The man who runs this town had the theatre closed and now he wants to take the Theatre over. But I want to re-open it; I don’t care what he says or what his stupid council tries to do. My Grandson wants to go to the Theatre, so I need your help to do it.’ The big man turned and looked at the others who had arrived with him. He already knew their answer but he wanted to hear it, some things were best said in the open. The shortest of them, a lady with hair that was a rich blue stepped forward and spoke. ‘Vlad, I speak for us all when I say we are here for whatever you need, and for as long as it takes.’ Vlad walked forward and embraced the lady bending down and grasping her tightly. He smiled and released a tear at the same time. ‘Thank you Eleana, It is so good to see you all, my company together once more.’ The big man stepped forward and took Vlad’s hand. ‘Where do you want me to start?’ Within a few hours the Theatre had become a completely different place and although there were only a dozen new arrivals they instantly fell in line with one another. They all had places. Some worked to fix the lighting, others worked on putting staging and decorations in place. Others had gone out into the town and had attached some hastily made posters to the front of the building and were now advertising the grand re-opening of the Prosperity Theatre Company. Dust had been swept out of every corner of the building and new life was being brought out with all the energy the company could muster. Vlad was sat in his room with Eleana. They looked through a stack of books that Vlad had brought down from the library. ‘We have to do a Comedy Vlad, It’s what the town needs.’ Eleana was frustrated with Vlad. ‘I’m not sure they will understand it. Most of the people here have never seen one of our plays you see. We never did comedies before for that very reason. No one ever laughed. They always liked a good tragedy though, round here they seemed to understand that.’ He waved his hands as he spoke. ‘That’s awful Vlad,’ She giggled. She held up a book, ‘What about this one.’ Vlad took the book from her and gazed at if for a few seconds as if something about it caused him concern, then he looked at Elena and smiled. ‘Actually my dear I think this one will be perfect. It’s been a long time since I’ve played the Count.’ ‘That’s settled then. I’ll tell the others. On Friday night we shall be performing “The Count’s Final Bow: A Comedy”. Oh Vlad It is so good to be back together. You do look well, tell me how old are you now.’ She had relaxed a little now. ‘You should know it’s impolite to ask someone their age,’ He laughed ‘Vlad you celebrated your hundredth birthday when I was a girl, and I’m an old lady now,’ She started to cry, ‘I don’t know how you do it. I had a family and a husband who passed. What about you?’ ‘You were all my family, the theatre Troupe. When I left my homeworld with the company it was like being set free. I’d never felt like I belonged there anyway, but It surprised me just how long I’d been away when I finally returned. I’d been gone over a hundred years, and no one was alive whom I’d known. I made a living as an actor for a while, but I was just a memory to my world. And then I came here, and I had a family of my own. You’ve met my grandson.’ He spoke with such pride about the boy, it was impossible for him to contain it. Vlad pointed at the boy, who was busying himself with one of the new arrivals who also seemed to have a fascination with organising things. Between them they were rifling through one of the many storage cupboards and putting things in piles according to colour. ‘Where did they come from Vlad?’ Eleanor could tell that there was much that Vlad had hidden from them everyone. ‘The truth is I don’t know really know,’ he replied, pausing for a moment whilst he thought back to that first day in the Theatre, then looked her straight in the eyes, ‘But whilst I don’t know how they came to be, I do know that they are a part of me, somehow, I am that boy’s Grandfather.’ They were interrupted by one of the crew. ‘Vlad, Eleanor, something is happening down on the stage. Come quickly.’ Vlad and Eleanor walked out and headed towards the stage where they could already see a vortex forming on the stage. ‘What is it Vlad?’ ‘I don’t know.’ The Vortex formed a huge circle that could not be seen through, darkness swirling like a massive storm contained within the room. Within it another world with a red sky became visible, then two figures appeared silhouetted against the red sky. They were human and carrying rucksacks and equipment that was recognisable. The figures solidified as they stepped through onto the stage. Elliott recognised them at once, even though they were covered in dirt and soot. He could hear their thoughts in his head as they came through. ‘Its Koje and Dad!’ he shouted, before running to the stage and jumping into his father’s arms. John grabbed him tightly. ‘How are you son? Are you feeling better?’ ‘My head hurts still, the voices are louder.’ ‘Don’t worry mate, we think we know how to help. Vlad arrived on the stage and shook Koje’s hand whilst John put Elliott down on the floor. ‘Mate, you go and get your things together. Koje and I are going to be taking you on a little trip soon,’ John told his son. Elliott ran off. Vlad asked John the question with his eyes. He did not need to speak. John waited until Elliott was far enough away that he would not be able to hear. ‘We found out why the Dragon arrived the way it did. There is something called the Dark out there..’ ‘Stop.’ Vlad raised his hand, sighing, ‘I know about the Dark.’ He looked down at the floor then sighed. ‘Has the Dark returned?’ ‘Yes. Worlds have started to fall, so the Dragons sent Elliott’s protector here, they are afraid he will be vulnerable. And they know why he’s sick, they told us what we need to do.’ Koje stepped forward and placed his hand on his old friends shoulder. ‘Vlad, we need to visit the Professor, the Healer. We need to take Elliott to the centre of the universe. Koje rolled a dusty old map out over the floor of the stage, then placed books on the four corners to hold it down. Vlad, John, Elliott and Koje gathered round the map. It was a map of the known planets and stars, and it was unlike anything Elliott had ever seen before. The boy loved looking up into space and to see a map of all the places he had spent his life looking filled him with excitement. Koje pointed to the upper right hand corner, to a tiny green dot alone orbiting a star. ‘Okay Elliott, that’s where you live, this world here,’ he then moved his hand all the way to the other side of the map, and a red world, one of many worlds around a cluster of stars grouped together. ‘And that’s where I come from here.’ His hand then moved to the very centre of the map to the largest sphere drawn on the map, obvious from the many dozens seen. ‘That’s the sphere at the centre, an artificial planet. At its heart is a sun, the largest of all, and the planet inhabitants all live on the inside, their power provided by the sun. Vlad and I went there once back in the day, and we have some contacts there. But most importantly of all, it is home to The Healer.’ ‘Who is the Healer?’ John asked. Vlad stepped forwards. ‘She is one of us. A constant. I believe she can help. I almost cannot believe it didn’t occur to me before.’ ‘You mean she can help the voices,’ Elliott asked. ‘Maybe she can,’ Vlad replied, but John could see there was uncertainty in his eyes. ‘Then lets get going,’ John stated, before he walked away. Elliott immediately followed him. Vlad watched them walk away, for the first time surprised at the way his son was accepting the news. And the he realised that his son had found his place. He was after all, before anything else, the boy’s father. And a father would do anything for his son. It wasn’t long before Koje, John and Elliott had gathered their equipment in the Library once more, this time with a pack for Elliott. The air was musty with the atmosphere rising from the staircase, as if the air from the Dragon world was still seeping through an open door. Elliott had gathered together everything he wanted remarkably quickly, and had met his father and Koje in the Library. He had actually brought very little. Somehow Elliott felt less reason to hold on to things now. Even john had been surprised. Normally Elliott spent hours arranging his belongings even for the shortest trip, but he had rushed headlong into the packing of his case and brought almost nothing. It was as if he was letting go of his old life. Elliott was excited as he had never travelled anywhere before. Vlad walked in as the group were making their last few preparations. The old man had the dragon under his arm, along with a few flasks of dragon nectar. The dragon was licking the contents out of one of the flasks with his tongue. ‘Aren’t you forgetting something?’ he asked. John and Koje turned and looked at Vlad then noticed what he was holding. John remembered what Amplus had told him and then realised what Vlad was reminding them. If they were going to be able to help Elliott it was very unlikely they would do so without the Dragon. John looked at the creature from head to tail. ‘It’s grown already hasn’t it?’ John asked. He reached out his hand and stroked the creature’s head. ‘It certainly has son,’ Vlad replied, ‘its amazing how fast they grow once they start feeding.’ The Dragon was purring. ‘Isn’t the Dragon going to draw attention to us though?’ John wondered aloud. He had never been anywhere where you could walk around with a dragon under your arm. ‘Not where we are going John, trust me. There are far stranger things there than an occasional Dragon infant travelling with a couple of men and a child. Actually this makes us one of the least conspicuous groups out there. Its that I’m more worried about,’ Koje replied pointing at Elliott. John looked over at his son he understood exactly what Koje was referring to. Elliott’s eyes had changed colour again. They were no longer white. They had become the most brilliant purple. Yet as they looked the colour changed to green and then red. ‘I’m sorry, but to anyone who knows, the eyes tell you what he is. It’s obvious to anyone that he has the potential to be powerful. You can smell it. We have to be careful. John do you think he world mind wearing these?’ Koje reached into his backpack and pulled out a pair of darkened eyeshades, that whilst being far too big for him, would cover Elliott’s eyes completely. ‘Elliott, will you wear these?’ His father asked, before handing them to him. Elliott took them and inspected them for a few seconds. He pushed his hair off his face, and then he put them on. For a second it was unclear if he felt anything at all, then a big beaming smile erupted across his face. ‘I like them,’ he was laughing as he said he words. ‘Then they are yours, Koje responded, ‘Problem solved. Lets get moving.’ The group began the descent from the library down the spiral staircase. The steps were coated in condensation and they had to tread carefully. Koje lead the way followed by Vlad carrying the dragon then Elliott, and John was last. Once at the bottom of the staircase Koje and Vlad inspected a number of doors whilst John strapped Elliott’s backpack on him, and wrapped the dragon up in a blanket. Koje found a door and opened it. ‘The place Koje is taking you is unlike anywhere you’ve ever been before. In fact it’s a little backwards.’ Vlad told his family. ‘What do you mean?’ Elliott asked. ‘Well this planet rotates around a star, and the star keeps it warm and that’s where our energy comes from. But this planet is very different. There is a tiny star at its centre and it has a whole planet build around that star. The people live then on the inside, and the world is covered in water with island sprinkled here and there. They have the most amazing creatures in those seas.’ Elliott was enthralled, he wanted to hear more. ‘I’ll see you again soon. Give the Healer my best.’ Vlad turned and waved, then walked back up the stairs, not waiting for a response from anyone. John shrugged as Vlad disappeared from view, unsure of why his father had responded in such a way. Koje picked up his pack and led the way. John unsure of what to expect held his son’s hand tightly as they followed Koje through the door. Elliott smiled, his new eyeshades protecting him from the brilliant yellow light beaming through the open doorway. They emerged in an alleyway that was illuminated from above by a brilliant sun, far brighter than anything John or Elliott had ever seen. Even the Dragon buried itself in its blanket. Koje gestured for them all to stay where they were, and he walked on ahead to the main street. Once there he joined the bustle of what appeared to be a busy market town, then waved for them to join him. They all walked forwards, stepping slowly and gathered under a covered entrance to some kind of shop. ‘This is the right place. We are right in the middle of Alantor market if I’m right, I recognise a few of the landmarks.’ Koje told them all. Most of the buildings were single storey, made of stone with covered seating areas outside them made from the most brilliant fabrics ever known. Smells of foods so rich they made you hungry filled the air. The whole place was full of many different species, and Elliott could see at least ten different types of humanoid walking around, sitting at tables outside bars and restaurants talking and eating. There were lizard men, women with blue fur and a short man whose skin was covered in small black spines, like a tiny hedgehog. Elliott already thought this was the most fantastic place in the world. ‘How do we find The Healer?’ John asked. ‘Look up,’ Koje replied, ‘you can see the star at the centre of the Sphere. Gives this place a permanent daylight. The settlements are on the inside surface of the sphere. In order to survive they have a huge amount of the surface on the inside covered in water with huge fish farms covering hundreds of square miles. Provides them with their food. The Healer lives on an Island that controls the water flow around the inside of the Sphere. You see it was The Healer who designed the sphere, she was trying to save the star. So if we are going to find her we need to find a ship.’ ‘Which way do we go?’ John asked. ‘Why don’t we ask the little guy, I wonder if he might actually have a better idea than us. What do you think Elliott, can you tell us where the Healer is?’ Elliott looked around for a few seconds. He closed his eyes, and then opened them again. ‘I, I’m not sure.’ John bent down and looked him in the eyes. ‘Son I know this is all new to you, but I think you can find this person if you try.’ Elliott nodded his head then closed his eyes once more. He could see himself and the energy he carried, which was different to everybody else, except one other person on this world. He could see the energy of the Healer. ‘That way,’ he said, pointing down the street. They set off following the street the way Elliott had told them to go, passing street traders selling fruit and all kinds of foods. As they walked they could see that the horizon ahead whilst blue was not sky, it was in fact the ocean. It was difficult to see because the star was so bright it overwhelmed the sky and made them all look down at the ground again whenever they tried to look towards the sky. All except Elliott, who looked everywhere all at once. ‘How big is this place anyway?’ he asked. ‘It’s a small star, but the sphere itself is a quarter of a million miles in diameter. It’s the single biggest constructed object in the galaxy, as far as I know,’ Koje answered him, with a wry smile. ‘Wow,’ Elliott was clearly impressed, ‘Koje, How many cities are on the inside?’ ‘Twelve but they are thousands of miles apart and don’t have much contact with one another. The interior is actually a whole series of interconnected domes, linked together. Some of the domes are just ocean, some just for growing food. It can take months to travel from one city to another by ship. There are a few air vehicles but not many, but they have to use the same gates as the ship so are restricted as to where they can go. Above the domes there is just space, until you reach the Star’ ‘I like it here dad, it’s quiet.’ ‘Elliott it’s noisy, can you not here all the people?’ John replied. ‘Only in my ears, I can’t hear them in my head.’ ‘Oh,’ John understood what Elliott meant, ‘I see what you mean.’ They walked for a short while through the market until they arrived at the waters edge. There were no boats moored that appeared to meet their needs, so they walked along the waters edge for a short time. They arrived at a small inlet, and Koje pointed at a building with a big smile on his face. ‘Now I recognise this place. This is fantastic; we aren’t far from where we want to be; only a couple of domes I’d guess. This is an old watering hole I used to frequent. I’ll see if anyone knows of a vessel we might be able to hire. Why don’t you wait here for me? I shouldn’t be long.’ John and Elliott wandered over to the waters edge and sat down dangling their feet over the edge. They looked into the deep blue and saw their reflections for the first time in a long while. A family. John unwrapped the Dragon from the blanket and stroked its head. It seemed anxious to be free, having previously hidden itself from the light, but it appeared to be acclimatising to the sun. John kept forgetting it had been in the relative safety of its egg only a few hours ago. ‘This thing is actually quite pleasant when you get to know it son.’ ‘Yeah I know, He’s here to look after me isn’t he?’ ‘Yes he is.’ ‘I thought so. It just feels right, like in some way he’s part of me. I think he’s part of granddad too. Granddad’s happier now the Theatre is going to open again isn’t he?’ ‘He is. Are you looking forward to seeing the play?’ ‘Oh yeah, I cant wait.’ A small lady, the same hight as Elliott walked up and tapped John on the shoulder. He turned and saw a smiling serpent-like face looking back at him. There was warmth in her eyes and a smile that only seemed strange because of the two sharp pointed teeth poking out of her smiling mouth. ‘Pardon me for disturbing, but I don’t believe I’ve seen you before, and I always like to offer newcomers a free visit to my stall. My name is Serene, by the way.’ She gestured to a tent over besides the building Koje had entered. A sign above the tent read: Fortune Teller. ‘Can we Dad please,’ Elliott pleaded. John hesitated, but soon stood and followed Serene to the tent. They entered and sat on two cushions whilst Serene sat behind a small table. John kept the Dragon wrapped up in he blanket as it as asleep. She laid her hands flat on the table and gestured for her guests to do the same. John laid his hands out and then Elliott copied. ‘Well my,’ Serene said as she looked at John’s hand, ‘How very unusual. It’s almost as if your life begins in the middle.’ She appeared confused, looking John in the eye more than once. ‘Forgive me; I’ve never seen line’s quite like these. They are unique. Let me see the young man’s.’ She reached over and looked at Elliott’s hand, taking them in hers. She looked at them for a few moments, her eyes scouring his every pore and then dropped them quickly, pulling herself backwards as if in shock. ‘What are you both, where are you from?’ she asked, ‘I’m sorry but your boy, he has no life line. To me he does not exist.’ John could hearm the fear in her voice. John realised immediately that it was dangerous to stay. He scooped Elliott up in his arms. ‘It’s alright, we don’t come from this world, please don’t worry about it.’ He felt a need to create some sorts of cover story for themselves, suddenly fearful that he could have alerted someone to their presence. He turned and rushed out of the tent almost as quickly as he could, whilst Serene tried to frantically stop him, waving as John and Elliott left. They ran out of the tent straight into an extremely large creature with the hide of an elephant. It was standing at the tent door. John bounced off its rear, dropping the Dragon and Elliott. The creature turned and stared down at John and grunted three times. John could not help but stare. It had a nose that was most of the width of its face and a gargantuan mouth filled with blunt round teeth. It raised its fist ready to bring it down upon John’s head, its eyes full of anger and its body trembling with rage. ‘Oh no you don’t brute, these fine people are my client, and I shall not allow you to harm them today,’ a tall thin cat-like female leapt in front of the creature brandishing a sabre. She was dressed in a long blue coat that disguised her slender frame. She stood firm before the creature and held the sabre blade up to its neck, and waited for it to back down, all the while not moving a muscle. The creature flared a nostril and Berani noticed its finger twitch. She could see that It was getting ready to strike, so Berani moved faster, her blade moving slightly closer to the Creatures neck while her eyes narrowed. It took a single breath, then relaxed its grasp for its weapon, realising it could not win. It stood up straight and walked away. Everyone started breathing again The cat woman turned to face John and Elliott. She gave them a smile and sheathed her sword. ‘Thank you,’ John said, ‘But who are you?’ ‘I’ve found us a ship,’ Koje replied, having appeared from behind them, ‘and this is her Captain. Her name is Berani.’ The Captain took a bow. |