Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1763720-Its-the-Little-Things
Rated: E · Other · Comedy · #1763720
Funny how the smallest of things disrupt your mood for a whole day!
It has always been said, "It's the little things that count" I couldn't agree more--IT IS!!! And no, I'm NOT talking about all the times you have sweet nothings whispered in your ear by you adoring husband, (funny in itself!!) Not talking about when you are having a chaotic week and a friend sends you a funny card that brightens you day, or when your kids come up to you, hug and thank you for being so good to them. I'm not even talking about when you get a pat on the back from your boss, followed by a "Keep up the good work," or your spouse brings home pizza for a surprise dinner, exempting you from cooking on a day that you are too pooped.

I'm talking about the little, nitty-gritty, thorn in your flesh, blood pressure raising small nearly if not, insignificant things that pop up, and SQUASH your day completely. The little things are what get us going when nothing else in the world does!! Why is that? We claim that we are easy going, but watch out if you get a look from someone, or they don't say hey. I'm just saying-- I'm aware of how easily I can get pretzeled up in a knot, I'm not claiming perfection. It's opposite of how we should function.

Assumptions for one will kick you square in the teeth every time. You can never assume ANYTHING with other people, I can barely assume things with my own self much less others, yet, we do it anyway. Upon our wondrous assumptions quickly follows Matrix styled verbal arguments and slammed doors, huffs that knock vases off mantles. I'm simply saying, that you are in your own head, not your spouses', friends, mothers, fathers, sibling of any sort--- never think you are a genius and know what they are thinking because you are a reject and you don't. We mapquest our days too often, have it all laid out, and thinking (where most people get into trouble) that family/friends got the memo about our day. You have it in your mind as to what you think they should be doing, (when in reality you totally didn't send out the daily memo) you get flustered and turn into the devil himself when you realize they didn't do exactly what you wanted them to do. I'm sorry. Get over yourself. Unrealistic expectations are not your friend, they mess up your game and what not.

Area number 2 of sparing over little things. Okay people get all burred up like a porcupine because, "Her tone was less than desirable when she talked to me. The nerve, after all I have done. Can you believe that she would even speak to me like that?!" Okay, stop right there, we have ALL been guilty of that. It's called being a human being, google it. We are so far from perfect we aren't even in the variation list in the definition of the word. What can we take from this?? People aren't always going to talk to others the way they should, the tone is going to be 'off pitch' sometimes, may I also add---- pianos even get out of tune, how do we solve it, hire a tech to come and fix it!! I never heard of anyone asking for prayer over their piano because it's taken the wrong pitch/tune and they feel it's a grave trespass on their life. We need to realize that we all are guilty of abrasive tones. Ironically enough it's astonishing to listen to defense arguments. If YOU get a huffy, less than awesome tone with another and they break the wood ruler out and call you hand at it, what do we do...... 'I would never talk in such a way!! You are totally dreaming!!" Right, of course, because you are perfect--- no if that's still you attitude, you need to go back up a few lines and review what species you are, and the qualities thereof.

Now, I will say, that not always is a exaggerated tone acceptable in the sight of most. Some people need to take their medication before speaking. I'm serious-- if you want to jump the gun, go be a cowboy, sure mom would be proud. Really how do you live with a caliente styled temperament? I'm just saying-- I like to laugh-- I don't like being angry about a speck of something in a conversation! We all do it,I have, I did it the other day!! It surely stinks, then you end up looking like a complete jerk. It's funny it's like something takes over your body, and you black out, go on a tangent, then 2.3 hours later, you come too and try to piece together what in the world happened and need proof of identification for yourself. I'm saying, we fly off the handle folks-- Amelia Earnhart could have used some folks on her adventures as good as some people are at taking off. It's unreal, nearly comical.
So basically in a nut shell--- small things are just that-- small things. Unimportant things most of the time. Some things are worth getting upset over-- but don't you think we ought to slow down, break the old sifter out, go thru it a time or two before we decide to bust out the Samurai swords, hand grenades and nuclear weapons? Life goes by too fast to waste time on small things. Well there you have it, and as my grandfather always tells me, 'BIG PEOPLE BIG THINGS, LITTLE PEOPLE LITTLE THINGS!"
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