Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1763220-Jungle-Pride
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1763220
5 teens get the surprise of their lives when they are chosen to defend the world from evil
Mysterious Voice

Many people from around the world are happy and enjoying their lives. What they didn't know is that an new evil will be unleashed soon and cause massive destruction. This is when the jungle animal guides of the Cougar, Jaguar, Cheetah, Leopard, and the Tiger find their new hosts to save the world.


Christian Morgan

A young boy, around the around the age of 16, has a red backpack slung over on his right shoulder and is walking to the front steps of his high school. He was Caucasion, about 5 feet and 6 inches tall, had jet black hair and has hazel eyes. People know this young man as intelligent, a good friend, and a great leader. He has some issues when it comes to people picking on his friends, and him. As he was heading to his locker, he saw two seniors picking on a skinny freshman kid. The kid had glasses and he was being pushed around alot. He dropped his backpack and seperated the seniors from the freshman.

"Hey hey! Back off of him!" Christian yelled at the seniors. The two older guys chuckled snidly and crossed their arms.

"Well well well, the little hero has come to save the day." One of them said smiling.

"Back off Jack! He's just a kid, I want you to leave him alone. Along with your little partner here." Christian said also crossing his arms.

"Oh yeah?" Jack said coming closer to Christian's face. "Who is going to make me?"

"I will." A voice said from behind them. It was the Assistant Principal, Jennifer Ellen. She always had this serious look on her face that she uses to scare kids in her place. She pointed to her office door.

"In my office. Both of you." She said harshly. Both seniors gave Christian a harsh look and hung their heads while they headed to the Main Office. Ms. Ellen walked away after giving Christian a pat on the back. Then Christian looked over to the Freshman.

"Are you okay?" He asked him. The kid nodded,

"I'm fine. Thanks alot." He said picking up his books and walking to his designated classroom. Christian headed to his locker and grabbed his books, when he saw something glowing red in his locker. He wondered if this is a prank pulled by one of the older kids in his class, but he wanted to make sure if it was legit. He touched the mysterios glowing object and it glowed even brighter when it was in his hand.. It was a small red ball that had a small tiger in it. Before he knew it, he was sucked in a portal, to Lord knows where.


David Megumi

A boy, about the same age as Christian, is in his kung fu class, training to become a black belt. He is about 5'6, Caucasion, blond hair, and electric blue eyes and 15 years old. So far, he is up the ranks as a blue belt, which means he is very close. He tends to push himself hard, so he can be the best of the best. Sometimes, he pushes himself to the point where he gets sick. But to his amasing determination, he can accomplish anything. Now his class ended and he picked up his blue backpack and his heading out the door, where he was met up by another girl in his class, who goes by the name: Kristin.

"Hey David! You did great in class today." Kristin said smiling while walking beside him.

"Thanks for the compliment," He said blantly. He was trying to get home so he can continue practicing. Kristin smile disappeared as she tried to think about what she wanted to say next.

"So......want to go to the Ice Cream Shop? A bunch of us are going there."

"Sorry. I can't." He said blantly. They both stopped in front of his apartment building. He took out his key and unlocked his door,

"I guess I'll see you later then?" Kristin said, David looked back and smiled at her. He knew she was trying to get him to losen up. So far it isn't working,

"Maybe," He said disappearing behind his door. Just then, something glowed in his backpack. It was glowing bright blue, and he forcefully opened his backpack to see what the heck it was. It was a small glowing blue ball that contained a small jaguar. He grabbed it and it glowed so bright that it can fill up a room. Then, he was sucked into a portal.


Damien Ward

Running in a track race was the 10th grade hottie, Damien Ward. He was about 5'7, Caucasion long brown hair, and grey eyes and is at the age of 16. All the girls were cheering for Damien to win. All the girls were falling for him, because as all the girls would say "A Hunk that Everyone wants." He's an honors student who is aiming for a scholarship, and is part of the Boy's Basketball team and the Track team. He won in first place after 3 laps around the track field. All the girls were screaming, as some fainted. Damien walked to his gym bag to grab his water bottle and towel. A group of 3 lovestruck girls came over to congraulate him.

"Oh my god Damien! You were awesome out there!" One girl shrieked. The other girls nodded.

"Thanks Miranda." He said blantly. The truth is, he doesn't like all this attention from girls who only admire his looks. Frankly, he's getting sick of it.

"Would you like to head over to the Food Court with us?" Another one of the girls said beggly.

"I rather not. I need to get home." He said picking up his bag anf walking to the gym lockers inside the school.

"We understand! Bye Damiennn!" Miranda called out in a sing-song voice . Damien rolled his eyes as headed to his locker. But he notice that it was glowing green. He went over and forcefully open his locker where he was engulfed in green light. He took the small object and it glowed even brighter in his hands. It was a small green ball with a cougar inside of it. Then as he closed his locker, a portal appeared in front of it and he feel inside of it, both the portal and himself disappering in the process.


Olivia Casale and Miriam Motgomery

Olivia and Miriam have been best friends since they were both 4 years old.Olivia was about 5'5, Caucasion, brunnette hair, and chocolate eyes. Miriam was African-American, also 5'5, Dark brown hair, and really dark brown eyes, and both of them are 14 years old. Olivia was like a big sister to Miriam, who is very sensitive and gets her feelings hurt easily. She trusted Olivia and wouldn't go against her. They were chatting about how their 8th grade Graduation is coming up in 3 months.

"Have you picked out a dress yet?" Olivia asked Miriam. She shook her head.

"I haven't. My parents have been busy, and I broke, so...." She hung her head in shame. Olivia walked over to her to comfort her.

"It's alright. We both can go dress shopping together! My parents love you, so I'm sure they'll pitch in with you." After she said that, Miriam perked up and smiled greatly.

"Thanks Livia!" She said hugging her tightly.

"It's alright Mira." She said hugging back. Livia and Mira were their names for eachother since they were young. Miriam looked at her watch.

"Wow...it's getting late." She said picking up her pink purse. Olivia grabbed her yellow one.

"Hold on, I need to use the washroom, then we can leave." She said heading to the washroom. Miriam followed. Once they headed in, Miriam noticed that there is something glowing in her purse.

"Hey Livia, there is something in your purse." She said. Olivia opened her purse and was blinded by a yellow light.

"Dang! That's bright!" She said covering her eyes. Then she looked at Miriam's purse.

"There is something in your purse also." Olivia mentioned. Miriam looked in her purse and was also blinded by a light. This time, it was a pink color.

"What the heck,,," She said picking up the small object. It was a small pink ball with a leopard inside it. Olivia picked up hers and it was a small yellow ball with a cheetah inside it.

"What is it?" Olivia asked.

"I have no idea,,,," Miriam said, then both of them saw a portal in front of them, Both of them shriek as they disappered inside it.

Little did they know that these 5 teens have come across great adventure.

Author: That's it so far! I'm hoping to continue this. Oh and by the way, I got this Idea from watching re-runs of Power Rangers Jungle Fury. I may sound lame, but I wanted to express this.

This is part 1 of Episode 1
© Copyright 2011 Rosemary Taylor (marilovely96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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