Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762919-Under-The-Moonlight
Rated: E · Fiction · Dark · #1762919
Annabella Mathews, discovers a hidden secret .Would you like to know the secret too?
Under The Moonlight




I ran for the back door.I felt breathless.My head ached and I felt dizzy.Why was the door not opening?I tried again and again.The door just wouldn't open.I screamed,shouting for help.My neighbor,Mr and Mrs Johnson were out of town.I needed help and I needed it immediately.The "monster" was behind me.I knew it.I should have never gone to the grave yard. Now,the monster was going to kill me and take away my soul and secure it.Preserve it to use it in time of need.I knew too much and killing me was the only option left.I screamed again,even though I knew that no one would be able to hear me.I was alone.And about to die.I heard heavy footsteps.I felt my heartbeat stop.This couldn't be happening.I closed my eyes and whispered,"I Love You Jack".

                                                    Chapter 1:An Illusion


The morning air was fresh and the sun was high in the sky.I smiled.Another new day.I never really liked night.I had always preferred the daylight.I don't know why.But it just feels like I'm safer during the day.I should introduce myself.I'm Annabella Mathews,15 year old living in Timberland Falls.It's a very small town.We just have one barber shop for both men and ladies and one huge supermarket for all daily needs.My most favorite place is the Timberland Falls grave yard.Me and my best friend Kate love visiting it.I go there ever since I was 4.That was when my grandfather,Lucas George passed away.I still remember his funeral.I saw him for the last time as they shut the coffin.Tears rolled down my cheeks.I wiped them off.I gently placed a rose on his chest.He was a strong man and I'd never forget how much he had done for our family.He saved us..He was a very inspiring man.Losing him was the worst impact I had ever faced in my life.I visited his grave every day.Even if its been a really long time,I can never recover from his death.The reason:Because he didn't commit sucide,he was killed.But people don't trust me.Infact I saw it happen.It was a late Friday evening and my grandfather was busy telling me a story.At age 4,I could do a lot of things.I could make my own sandwhiches,wash few of my clothes,pour my own milk into the glass etc.I was a very helpful child.That evening,something unusal happened.A man ,about 60 years old,knocked on my grandfather's door.I was upstairs,in his room.It was a small yet clean and well-kept room.It had a small bed with two blankets on it.One was for me and the other for my grandfather.There was a little table next to the bed.It had a Bible inside the first drawer,a chain with the cross and a small booklet.My grandfather would keep all his records in that small booklet.On top of the table,was a small photo frame with the glass broken and fixed with tape.The photo frame had a photo of me at the age of 3.There was a box,with my grandfather's rough handwriting written on it "Anna's toys".Whenever I'd go to visit him,I'd play with those few wooden toys.I loved it.I was always the suffer in silence type.Always satisfied with what I had.I couldn't ask for anything.After my grandfather's death I felt like I was hopeless.He was a strict Christian and he wanted me to be one too.But I lost all my faith after his death.Most of the nights,I'd sit in the corner of my room and cry or curl up into a ball in my bed.Memories would appear like clouds.Huge clouds.Each moment I spent with him would appear to me like a slide show.But the one I hated the most,the part where he just dies.While I was playing with my toys,my grandfather opened the door.I gently tip toed downstairs.Hiding.The man had a scar on his face.A silver scar.He had beautiful golden,green eyes.They were sparkling due to the little light we get from the small lamp in the living room.His lips were perfectly heart-shaped and he was very pale.White-skinned.Somehow,he was beautiful.Just too beautiful to be real.But something told me he wasn't good.My grandfather would always tell that there were two kinds of people.Good and Bad.The good always have good intentions and care for the other people.They help the others.They have faith in Jesus.But the bad,They kill poeple.They don't have good intentions and they always have an evil look in they're eyes.And that's what I felt about the man.Maybe I was exaggerating  But why would I?It had been only 4 years to my life and could I,a 4 year old exagerate about the fact that the next thing I saw was that the man stabbed my grandfather repeatedly till the blood was all over the floor.My eyes were wide.I wanted to run down and save my grandfather.But if I did,I would be dead just like him.I could feel the heat in my skin.My cheeks were burning.My eyes streaming with tears.They rolled down rapidly.Like rain drops.I closed my eyes.I just couldn't see this happening.This was not real and it was deffinately not happening .The man looked up he took a step inside.I ran upstairs,and hid in the small basket in my grandfather small wardrobe I closed my eyes.My grandfather always told me.In time of need,always take His name.I whispered,in the smallest voice possible."Help me,Jesus.Help me".The man walked into the room.My grandfather's small room.I heard his footsteps.I heard him kick my box of toys.Deffinately,he understood that my grandfather wasn't the only one living here.e understood that there was someone else here too.He quickly opened the wardrobe.Looked through my grandfather's thick winter clothes,and looked down at the small basket I was hiding in.I could see him and I was holding my breath.If he heard me,I'd be dead.Dead for ever.He walked away.I opened my eyes.Gently stepped out of the basket and ran quietly towards my grandfathers rapairing things drawer.I caught a hammer.The hammer felt heavy in my small baby hands.It felt like a baseball bat.I was too small to hold one.I locked my hands firmly around the hammer and tip-toed down the stairs.I ran towards the man. But then,infront of my very own eyes,he vanished.Into thin air.That was the most weird thing ever.I tried to find him.Maybe he was hiding under the bushes.Or behind the hedge.No clue of him.He ran away.And I could never find him since I had absolutely no clue who he was,where he came from and why he had just killed my grandfather.I looked at my grandfather's dead body.Lieing there,blood all over.His eyes closed and the knife stuck in his chest.I cried a little louder this time."Why?Oh Jesus !Why?" I screamed.I quickly dailed 911.


"It's OK,honey.You don't need to cry.He was suffering from depression.He ki-killed himself..He su-" My mother spoke between tears.I understood her pain.I felt the same .My mom hugged me tight.I just wanted to forget everything.But I couldn't I never would.A 4 year old facing so much.Not fair.I always felt like my life was not fair but somehow I never complained.My dad was killed the day before I was born in a car accident.He didn't even see me.That's another thing I know,I'll always regret.The fact that I was born.My father could have seen me if he wasn't returning from the office early just  to see if I was doing ok[technically my mom].But still,I know I could have saved my father's life.My mother tells me that I've always taken someone's blame on me.For example,My brother Jermy took my mother's car and ran off to Texas with his girlfriend.He later bought home a damaged car.I took the blame on me.I've always protected my brother or well,atleast taken his blame on me.He's older to me by 4 years.Basically now,He's 19 currently and also been to rehab once.Somehow,he shares his secrets with me.At night Midnight to be accurate.He'd walk into my room ;"Hey,Anna..Umm.Can we talk?" He'd say in the lowest voice possible."Sure,come in Jermy"He's sit next to me on the floor and share some of his deepest and darkest secrets.Even though he'd act like the tough one he had a sensitive side.I knew that."So like,in rehab I saw this girl.She was hot and beautiful...She had golden,green eyes,Perfect long red lips and pale white skin.God,she was amazing at kissing.She'd walk into my room and I'd be like;"Hey babe,whats going on?"and then she'd kiss me.Kiss me for a long time.And when she did,I'd feel like I was transformed to a new era or something.To whole new world I'd never been too.She was like something I'd never experienced before."My brother was very intense.And when he spoke about the girl,I had nostalgia.The blood,The man,the pale white skin,those eyes full of agony...I just couldn't frame it.It was like a illusion.Whenever I'd try to solve this "mystery" I'd get lost.Like someone was trying to block my memories so I wouldn't find out who killed my grandfather.Like some sort of illusion would pop into my mind.And I'd forget everything I was trying to recollect.It's weird.Some nights I would have dreams.Dreams full of pale white skin men.Particularly the one who killed my granfather.He would be standing there,wearing a black suit,and a white shirt and black tie.So beautiful.And he had a bunch of other men surrounding him.No it was me. They were surrounding me.Coming closer ,and closer.Till they were close enough to whisper in my ear;"I'll come for you one day,Anna dear."


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