Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762842-The-Battle
by Wiz
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1762842
A brave warrior encounters a fearsome foe in a duel to the death.
I lunged off the cliff, almost dropping my sword as I came down hard on the dusty, arid battlefield. I was immediately swarmed by enemies, their gruesome features attempting to stare me down. I quickly pulled my sword out from my belt as I jumped into the air, spinning on my way down behind the enemies, easily dispatching them with quick, precise motions. I dashed across the battlefield, effortlessly cutting down anybody, or anything in my way. Part of me wanted to fall back with the front line soldiers, helping them hold off the seemingly endless waves of snarling, slobbery monsters, but I knew my mission was more important. 12 cut down monsters, and 6 near-deaths later, I spotted my target.
I saw him barking a command in their bestial, un-understandable language, as he finished off one of his own injured soldiers. No remorse in his cold, dead eyes . This mad general needed to be stopped. I found my way to high ground, fending off any monsters who went astray from the main lines and ended up near my position. I finally found my opportunity to strike. I swooped down towards the general, sprinting, not worrying that I had cast off my defenses, as nothing could stop my momentum. At full speed, I tucked my head down, and drove the general forward, knocking him down one of the many uneven, steep cliffs in the area, taking me with him. The momentum carried us forward, and grunts and snarls of pain filled the air. We ended up far away from the battle, away from any other troops… just as I wanted. Knowing he had to fend me off himself without any of his lackeys near him, he pulled out his gargantuan battle-axe. He spit in my direction, and yelled something I couldn’t understand. I don’t think it was a compliment. Despite his weapon being bigger than me, and the General towering over me at 8 feet tall, I was not afraid as I knew I was more skilled. I pulled out my trusty sword, taking a defensive stance, knowing I couldn’t just charge at him, unless I wanted to be split in half. He pulled the axe over his head and slammed it down hard, vibrating the ground around me like a sudden earthquake. Luckily, I quick-stepped my way around his clumsy axe slam and went to flank him. I plunged my sword into his back, thinking the battle was over. But I had no clue of the Generals true strength. He simply reached behind his back with his lanky, scaly arms, and pulled the sword out of his back as if it wasn’t the slightest bit painful. With my sword and one hand, and his giant axe in the other, he came charging at me with the closing speed of a pack of rabid wolves. I knew I couldn’t out run him, so I simply knelt down, scooped some dirt in my hands, and threw it into his eyes knowing no other way to bide my self enough time to make a plan. He yelled, and swung his weapons wildly. I simply leapt up towards him and grabbed unto his neck, swinging myself around him until I was hanging off his back. I pulled my hidden dagger out of my shoe and plunged it into his back multiple times, know what happened with my sword. I dragged him onto the ground and finished him off with my dagger.
Or so I thought. He grabbed me by the throat, lifting me high into the air, ready to crush my neck like an aluminum can. But resorting to desperate tactics, I spit in his eye, and then following up with a kick to the face, causing him to drop his axe. I dropped to the ground and picked up his axe, barely able to lift it. I swung it like a baseball bat, hitting him in the stomach with massive force, knocking him to the ground. Tired and bruised I lifted his axe and attempted to deliver the final blow, but he resisted, grapping the axe just before it split him in half. I tried to push it down, but he was to strong. He pushed the axe up, trying to uppercut me with it. I rolled out of the way, grabbed the sword, and severed his head with one mighty stroke.
I scanned the area around me, breathing heavily after that tough battle. My target was dead, but I knew the battle was far from over. I knew the army needed back-up. I picked up my sword from the remains of The General and took off towards the battle, sword raised above my head.

© Copyright 2011 Wiz (wizkid1696 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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