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by Aggie
Rated: · Fiction · Pets · #1762691
When Gracie meets an abandond puppy, their friendship changes their lives forever.
My Four Legged Body Guard

Chapter 1: The puppy that no one wanted...

British weather, that was common to be heard on all of the holiday television shows. It wasn’t pleasant. Well, living in a place that rains and is cold, isn’t the most pleasant of experiences. In fact, this day was no exception. The wind howled a painful cry. When no one responded, it shook a few trees, ripping off their new spring leaves. Flowers had their heads ripped clean off by the angered wind. Rain shot out of the sky, like bullets out of a fully loaded gun. Puddles were forming in every place imaginable, outdoors. Each new rain drop created a ripple effect in an already existing puddle. Cars on roads splashed pedestrians, who were desperately seeking shelter from the harsh rain. Streets were mainly quiet as people preferred to stay indoors on such wet days. Even the farmers were rushing their animals into barns, where they would be safe and dry. But for one animal, home seemed to be a million miles away.

Out on the quiet streets of a forgotten town, a small pup sat in the rain. The pup was tied to a rusted lamp post with an old piece of rope. His short pelt was a filthy grey, though it was only mud that hid his true pelt colours. His ears were slightly bent. The pup’s eyes were the colour of a tree stump. They seemed lost in the world and how cruel it was. He was sitting in mud, his paws were sinking; forcing him to pick them up and reposition them every few minutes. The rope snapped after he changed his position for the final time. Lost and frightened, he ran towards the small woodland area by the local park.

The woodland area was small, yet it cast an eerie shadow before it. The trees hissed angrily as the wind beat them up. There was a smell of decomposing bodies in the air; it lingered from the river that swept through the area. The ground was covered in small rocks and twigs that covered the sticky mud. A few bushes rustled while the odd bird flew over the woodland. The frightened pup raced into the woods; his tiny heart was pounding like a drum as he ran.

Suddenly, his paw slipped on wet rock. He fell into the river. Because of the rain, the river’s current was dangerous. Water bounced up and down as it pulled the puppy further up the river. The puppy flailed his tiny paws, splashing frantically in hope of escaping the river’s strong current. It kept on pulling strong. The pup was becoming exhausted from hunger. He wasn’t strong enough to get out of the river, so he was carried away; until he eventually was washed up on the river bank, far from the town or the woods.

The river bank was in the peaceful country side. Grass grew long and wild. There were a few badger sets in the area. The wind had died down. It was more of a gentle breeze. The harsh rain had stopped. The rich soil was more like a bog. It was slippery, cold and wet. A fox wandered past the river bank; its nose was in the air as it sniffed out home. Close to the river bank was an old farm house. It had a small, empty barn beside it. Outside of the farm was a police car. It sat on the side of the country road. The small pup, limped towards the barn, seeking shelter from the world.

Chapter 2: Mugged...

Inside the small farm house was a woman, a man and two police men. The woman had a black eye that was swollen and painful. Her long brown hair hid the cut on her left cheek, which had been repaired with stitches. She was wearing a red t-shirt, black pants and a pair of boots. Tears were streaming down her face as the black haired, tanned skinned, tall man; who wore a brown t-shirt, brown pants and wellington boots on, comforted her. The police officers in bright yellow jackets were taking notes and talking calmly to the clearly distressed woman.

“Can you describe the man, Gracie?” One police officer asked.
“He was wearing a blue hoodie. I couldn’t see his face. All I saw was the hood’s shadow.” She replied, while the other officer took notes.
“When he punched you did he take any item of value to you?” He asked, looking at the tears filling up in her eyes.
“Yes, a locket... It had a picture of my mother inside it. The locket was made up of pure gold. I take it everywhere with me.” She sobbed.
“Don’t cry sis... They’ll find it. No one will mug you when I’m around.” The tanned man spoke in a caring tone.
“What about when you have to go back?” She asked.
“We have enough information. We’ll try our best to return your locket.” The police man interrupted, standing up. His partner stood up shortly after.
“I’ll see you out.” Gracie said, also standing up. Gracie walked over to the door. She opened it, watching the police men leave until their car was nowhere in sight. She closed the door and went back inside.

Her tanned older brother was waiting in the living room; still sitting on the black leather sofa. She wandered over to him and sat down. He placed his arms around her and they embraced each other with a hug. They remained speechless. She had gone through so much emotional pain. The locket was a part of her. With it gone, she felt crushed emotionally; while her older brother could only comfort her and tell her it would be okay. Even though he had something he regretted having to tell her. She looked into his pale blue eyes; instantly knowing something wasn’t quite right.

“You’re not telling me something, Jerald.” She spoke through her tears.
“I... I didn’t want to tell you this, but...” He replied, just as she stopped him in the middle of his sentence.
“Tell me... It’s okay.” She said, anxious to know what he was keeping from her.
“I have to go back Florida, tomorrow.” He sighed, preparing himself for more tears.
“I... I have to spend some alone time in the barn.” She mumbled. Jerald watched her as she headed for the barn. He knew when to leave her alone.

The barn was dark and dusty. A few spider webs hung from the roof. A cold breeze managed to squeeze its way through the barn walls. It brushed against a few stacked bales of hay. There was an air of darkness about the barn. Light crept in through the cracks in the brick work; leaving huge, eerie shadows on the walls. There was a strange dirty mound of fur in the corner of the barn. It was on one of the hay bales. Gracie hadn’t seen it there before. She decided to take a closer look. What she saw was shocking...

Chapter 3: A new friendship was born

It was a small puppy. She looked at his thin body and his mud covered fur. Looking closer, she saw that he was injured. The puppy was too weak to stand or even cower away in fear. Gracie ran her fingers through his filthy pelt. His tiny tongue scraped her hand in such a gentle manner. She smiled slowly as she picked him up. He had some trust in her. It was something they sensed in each other; a sense of friendship, love and trust. Gracie stared into his deep brown eyes, knowing that she’d never cast him out onto the streets for as long as she lived.

“Don’t worry... I’ll be here for as long as it takes and if no one comes forth to claim you, this will be your home.” She whispered to him as she carried him inside the house. Jerald saw Gracie enter the house with the pup. He remembered seeing it tied to the lamp post on his way to Gracie’s house. He observed her as she filled an old tin basin with warm soapy water, then carefully placing the pup in the water. She cleaned him up and pulled him out of the filthy water. Now Gracie knew what breed he was. He was a german shepherd. Gracie dried him off with a towel.

“Gracie... Where’d you get that puppy?” Jerald asked.
“In the barn... Poor thing couldn’t even stand up. I can feel his bones. He needs to see a vet.” Gracie replied as she cradled the pup in her arms.
“I think he’s been abandoned...” Jerald said, noticing the rope still around his neck. He pointed it out to Gracie, who carefully cut the rope off.
“What makes you think that? He could have escaped from someone’s garden.” Gracie said.
“Because I saw that same dog tied to a lamp post in town yesterday and he was there the day before.” Jerald told her.
“Well, he can live with me. I just need to get him to the vet.” Gracie stroked the pup.
“I’ll take you...” Jerald replied.

Later that day, Gracie had just got back from the vet. She was pleased with the news. Her new little friend had only suffered small cuts and minor bruising to his leg. All he needed to do was put some weight on. Jerald came back ten minutes later, carrying several bags filled with dog toys, bowls, poop bags, treats, a collar, dog bed, lead and a large bag of puppy food. He handed her the brown leather dog collar. Gracie put the collar on the dog. Jerald poured some puppy food into one of the bowls and poured cold water in the other. They both watched as he wolfed down the food in front of him.

“You’re going to need to give him a name.” Jerald said with a smile.
“Yeah... And I know just who to name him after!” Gracie had the name planned out in her head.
“Who are you going to name him after?” Jerald asked.
“You of course. He’ll be my little Jerry!” Gracie announced.
“Aww, your making me blush.” Jerald said, trying to hide his red face.
“With Jerry around, being on my own won’t be so bad. I’ll miss you... Brother...” Gracie gave Jerald a hug.
© Copyright 2011 Aggie (aggie99 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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