Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762644-Giantess-Aelita
by person
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1762644
With Jeremy at a tiny size Aelita has to try and fix him.
"Has anyone seen Aelita?" Jeremy asked the group when he didn't see her with them.

"No, we thought she was with you." said Yumi.

"I'm going to go and check in her room, even though its Sunday she should be up by now." Jeremy said. When he went to Aelita's room he saw that she was shaking in her bed and still asleep. He went to go and wake her up, but as soon as he touched her he was shocked badly. He passed out. When he awoke he could tell that something was wrong. He was sitting next to Aelita's bed only he was very small. There was a pencil on the ground near to where he was standing so he judged that he was only 2 or 3 inches tall. Jeremy knew he needed to find help, and he hoped that Aelita hadn't left her room yet. He was relieved to hear Aelita just waking up. His relief ended when he saw her giant foot almost land on him. She was completely unaware that she almost crushed her good friend under her foot. Jeremy tried shouting for her but she wasnt able to hear him while she was standing up. Since Jeremy was only a few inches tall Aelita looked hundreds of feet tall to him and he was pretty scared. Regardless of her size Jeremy atempted to climb onto her big toe so he could get her attention. When he started up her giant toe, Aelita felt something ticking her foot. She looked down to see a tiny Jeremy climbing it, and she asked, "Jeremy, why are you on my toe? and why are you so small?"

Jeremy answered,"I have no idea, i just woke up and was only this big. And i was climbing your foot to try and get your attention, can you help me?"

"Sure" Aelita said. Then she lifted her foot, put her hand under it and told Jeremy to jump on. Then she lifted him to eye level and said, "Do you think XANA has something to do with this?"

"I don't think XANA would be able to shrink me, after all he's never been able to alter our physical forms before..." Jeremy said.

"That is true but how do you explain the fact that you are now 2 inches tall in the palm of my hand? Aelita said with a little smile on her face.

"Hey this isn't funny, i'm scared out of my mind here." Jeremy said, starting to ge a little frustrated.

"Why, you're in good hands, haha." Aelita said jokingly.

"Hello, i'm 2 inches tall, we need to find a way to fix me." Jeremy said

"Ok, ok, im sorry, you just look so cute being that small, i'll take you to the factory, let me just call the others." Aelita said.

Jeremy interrupted, "Wait I dont want a commotion, so lets just you and me go, im sure you'll be able to fix me on your own." Aelita agreed with him and put him on her desk while she went to go and take a shower. Jeremy was waiting for a little while when he suddenly got dizzy,he fell off of the desk and landed in one of Aelita's boots. He could smell her feet all around him in her boot but was relieved that he didnt fall on the hard ground and get hurt. The only real problem was that he was stuck in her boot.

Eventually Jeremy Heard Aelita coming back from the bathroom. She was putting her clothes on and then Jeremy felt the boot he was in move. He saw Aelita's giant foot coming in and he ran for the toe end so that he wouldn't get crushed but he was stuck right in between her second and third toes. At first Aelita thought it was just a rock or something between her toes, but when she saw no Jeremy on her desk, she began to worry. Then she slid off her boot and found him between her toes. "Why on earth were you were hiding between my toes Jeremy? Im beggining to think you like being with my toes..." Aelita said.

"I certanly do not like being with your toes, or any part of your feet for that matter, i fell in your boot because i was dizzy and lost my balance on your desk." Jeremy said.

"Ok well im going to take you to the factory now. I guess I'll just carry you there, unless you'd rather ride in my shoe haha. Aelita said to him.

Jeremy said,"Not to be rude or anything but your feet smell Aelita."

"Hey, that isn't very nice to say to me." She said

"Ok sorry, but can we go now? I'd like to return to normal size sometime today."

"Relax we're going now." She said as she left her dorm, then she closed her hand up and and whispered into her fist, "I don't want anone to see you so im going to keep you out of sight."
When they finnaly got to the factory Aelita put Jeremy in a scanner and went back to the computer to scan him so they could see if XANA did something to him. The scan showed that XANA had nothing to do with his current state. Jeremy asked her to take him to the computer so he could double-check the results. She did as he asked and held him up to the computer screen. "Well everything seems normal except for the fact that i have a lot of your DNA on me." Jeremy said.

"I saw that too, but i assumed it was because you were in between my toes" Aelita said with a little smile.

"Ugh dont remind me, but it still would explain why there is so much of your DNA on me." Jeremy said. "you know, before i woke up shrunken, I went to wake you up and when I touched you I was shocked and passed out."

"Are you saying that I did this to you?" Aelita asked.

"No, well at least not intentionally." Jeremy said. "This morning, you were having a nightmare again right?"

"No actually i was fine last night, no nightmare." Aelita said.

"Then what did you dream about? Because you were shaking a bit..." Jeremy asked.

"Um Id rather not talk about it." She said while blushing.

"Great now you sound like Jim." Jeremy said. "But in all seriousness, i dont know what we are going to so about this."

"Well I can take care of you until we do find a solution." Aelita said.

"Thanks, its good to have a friend like you, but it feels awful to be a bother to you" Jeremy said.

"Well you did go though all the trouble in the world to bring me to earth for the first time." Aelita said. Jeremy still seemed a little down about being only 2in tall. "Aw come on, dont be all down" Aelita said to her little friend. "You aren't any trouble, at least this way you are portable." Then she pet him with her giant index finger. Jeremy forced a smile but Aelita could tell he was still unhappy.

When they got back to the dorm it was already lunch time but they both thought that it would be better if Jeremy stayed in Aelita's room so he could stay out of sight. On her way to the lunch room Aelita kept feeling somewhat guilty for what happened to Jeremy, even though she didnt do anything intentionally she still felt responsible. At the lunch table everyone asked her where Jeremy was so she told them that he stayed at the factory to finish some work. They believed her as Jeremy has done so many times before. Aelita took a plate for Jeremy and went back to her room. Once there she gave the plate to her tiny friend, only there was a problem, he couldn't reach the food so Aelita had to lift him onto it. Aelita had saved a plate with enough food for a normal sized person, not realizing that Jeremy only needed a small amount of food so there was a lot left over. "Well for dinner should i just bring you a few crumbs?" Aelita asked.

"You know i don't eat much to begin with." Jeremy said.

"I didn't want to bring you crumbs, i thought that would be mean of me" Aelita said.

"Why do you say that?" Jeremie asked

"I didn't want make you to feel like a pet." Aelita said

"Well you are taking care of me so for the time being i guess i am like your pet, theres no getting around that..." Jeremy said. They both sat there quiet for a while.

"Maybe we should go to your room and try to see if there is anything we can do about this?" Aelita asked.

"I don't see how much that will help but sure." Jeremy said. They made their way to Jeremy's room with no one noticing him. When they got there Aelita started to review Jeremy's scan to see if there was any way to fix him via the scanners. While they were working they heard a knock on the door, and Aelita grabbed Jeremy and put him in her right boot, since she didn't have any pockets with the clothes she was wearing. She told them to come in. It was Yumi and the others wondering where they had been all day. Aelita told them that Jeremy had to go with his parents to solve some family matters. They were all unsure because Jeremy isn't the type to just leave with no notice/ However they didn't see any reason why Aelita would lie to them. After they left she took Jeremy out of her boot. "Why did you put me in there?" Jeremy asked.

"Sorry, i don't have any pockets and i panicked and you didn't want anyone to see you did you?" Aelita said. Jeremy agreed but he still didn't like that she put him in her shoe. "We need a way of keeping you out of site while keeping you with me" Aelita said. "hey, i have an idea. You remember that locket you gave me a few days ago? You could ride in there, unless youd rather my shoe?"

"No, no ill take the locket. But are you sure I'd fit in it?" Jeremy asked.

"Well maybe, lets go back to my room and see." Aelita told him. They made there way back to her room, and she managed to find the locket. Jeremy tried to fit in it but he was too big. "Oh, you're too big. and it thought this would be a good idea." Aelita sighed. She was tapping her fingers nervously trying to think of a new way of bringing Jeremy with her. To Jeremy her tapping her finger was making little earthquakes for him. She couldn't help but laugh a bit to see Jeremy struggling to keep his balance when all she was doing was gently tapping her fingers. Jeremy on the other hand wasn't finding it so amusing. While she was thinking about a new plan she kind of wished that Jeremy was just an inch shorter so he could fit into that locket. Then a little bolt of pink lightning jumped from the finger she was tapping onto Jeremy. She only felt a little shock, but to Jeremy it was like the first shock he had gotten and he was out cold again. Aelita was really worried about him and her worrying only got worse when she noticed that he started to shrink even more. He was now only one inch tall. Despite the fact that Jeremy was now even smaller Aelita wanted to see if Jeremy could fit into her locket, so she picked him up using her first two fingers of her right hand as gently as she could. While she was carrying him he woke up to find Aelita looking even bigger than she was before. Then instead of putting him in the locked she put him in the plam of her free hand

"Aelita, please tell me you foud a way to make yourself bigger." Jeremy said.

"No, sorry you've gotten smaller. I somehow shrank you even further. I'm really sorry Jeremy please dont be too mad at me, i didn't mean it." She said

"Well at least you didnt do it on purpose." Jeremy said. "But if you can shrink me, can you fix me?"

"I'm not sure, i mean i wasn't trying to shrink you, it just kinda happened... But anyway its late and we missed dinner so can we just go to bed?" Aelita asked.

"Alright, but where are you going to leave me to sleep?" Jeremy asked.

"Well I would put you on my bed, but i don't want to move and hurt you. I have an idea though." Aelita said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What are you goi-" was all Jeremy could say before Aelita closed her hand on him and was unable to hear him. Then with her free hand she took off one of her boots and her sock, slipped Jeremy in the sock and tied up the end before Jeremy could say anything. then Aelita said

"Goodnight Jeremy!" and went to sleep.

When she woke up Aelita almost forgot about the tiny Jeremy in the sock on her desk. she took him out of her sock and saw that he was awake. "did you sleep well?" Aelita asked.

"Well im surprised i slept at all..." Jeremy said. "Its hard to sleep when all you can smell is someone's sweaty foot."

"Haha sorry, i think i got a little carried away hope you're not too upset." Aelita said.

"Don't worry about it, I'm starting to get used to the smell..." Jeremy said.

"So you liked being in my sock?" Aelita said confused.

"No, i said i was getting used to it, not that i was liking it." Jeremy said.

"Anyway, I have to go to class, so you wanna get in the locket?" Aelita asked.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Jeremy asked nervously.

"Yeah you'll be fine Jeremy don't worry. Would I put put you somewhere that was dangerous?" Aelita said while gently picking Jeremy up with her two front fingers.

"I just spent the night in your sock Aelita..." Jeremy said.

"I said dangerous, not uncomfortable." Aelita told him.

"Well anyway lets get this over with." He lied down in the locket and waited for her to close it.

"Aw, you look so cute!" Aelita said

"You're going to be late Aelita" Jeremy said. She nodded and closed the locket. Then she tied it around her neck and left for classes. All throughout the day she went to the bathroom regularly to check on him and at lunch she went to the bathroom locked the door and put Jeremy on the sink and gave him a meatball from her tray. He took near to 4 bites and said he was full.

"You know Jeremy, I dont see a reason in bringing you food if you aren't going to eat it." Aelita said.
Jeremy just told her to put him back in the locket so they could get on with the day.

"By the way, you don't have to check one me every 15 minutes, I'm not going anywhere." Jeremy said as she was closing the locket.

"Well I'm only making sure that you are ok." Aelita said to him.

"I'm in a locket, i dont see how i could get hurt." Jeremy said.

"True, but since your in a locket on a necklace if i get up too quick, run, or even turn my head to fast you could be shaken really badly." Aelita said.

"So why don't you put a little tissue or something for a cushion?" Jeremy asked. Then Aelita took a tissue and put it in the locket with Jeremy.

"There, comfy?" Aelita asked as she closed the locket. After she closed the locket she left for the rest of her classes. After her little conversation she only went to check on Jeremy once more untill the end of the day. On her way to the cafeteria she lifted the locked and asked Jeremy if she should bother getting him any food, and she heard him say (barely) that he wasn't hungry. At dinner Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich were talking about why they thought Jeremy didn't say anything before he left. Aelita explained that along with the fact that he was in a hurry it was more of a private matter with his family so he really didn't want to have to tell anyone.

"Einstein said that to you? Doesn't sound like him." Odd said to her.

"Well, no he didnt say that exactly, but i could tell from the way he was acting." Aelita said.

"Oh, that makes sense." Ulrich said.

Then Yumi said, "I hope everything works out for him."

"Yeah me too." Aelita said while looking down at the locket that she knew contained the friend they were all concerned about. She still felt guilty for what happened, especially after she shrank him even smaller. Now she was sure it was her fault and she also knows of the possibility that there isn't a way to make Jeremy normal again.

"Aelita........ Aelita are you still there?" Yumi asked.

"Oh..... sorry, I guess i spaced out." Aelita said.

"You're not still having those visions are you?" Ulrich asked.

"No, those stopped a while back." Aelita said.

"Well at least the missed school work won't be a problem for him" Odd said, trying to enlighten the situation.

"You seem concerned Aelita, whats wrong?" Yumi asked.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." Aelita said.

When they got back to Aelita's dorm, Aelita was almost crying. Jeremy being in the locket, he couldn't tell that Aelita was so upset. She took off her locket and let Jeremy out on her desk. Aelita didn't even acknowledge Jeremy when he came out of the locket, she to lost deep in her thought. She kept thinking to herself, what if she could never change Jeremy back to his original size? What kind of life would he have? He would have to be like a pet for the rest of his life and all because of her. Jeremy started calling to her because he saw that she was crying on her bed. She got up and sat down at her desk looking down at Jeremy.

"What, your not gonna put me in your sock for the night?" Jeremy said jokingly trying to perk Aelita up.

"You shouldn't be able to fit in my sock, you're supposed to be taller than me." Aelita said.

"How were you supposed to know you'd shrink me, it was not under your control." Jeremy reminded her.

"But its still my fault." She said.

"That isn't true, and you know that. For all we know i could have triggered it." Jeremy said. Aelita ran her finger through his hair and put up a little smile. "Hey, im supposed to be upset, not you." She just left Jeremy on her desk and lied down on her bed. He could tell she was still a bit upset so he came up with a new idea. He jumped down onto her bed, and made sure that Aelita didn't notice him. Then He walked up to her giant right foot and tickled it the best he could, considering the fact that Aelita's foot was 8 times his size. He heard her laughing and knew that he had managed to cheer her up. Aelita sat up and picked Jeremy up.

"You still don't like my feet?" she said with a smile.

"I only did that to cheer you up." Jeremy said.

"Thanks Jeremy you're a really good friend." Aelita said as she picked up the sock she was wearing all day.

"Aelita, what are you doing?" Jeremy asked nervously.

"Putting you in your bed." She said giggling.

"Why cant you put me in a clean sock at least?" Jeremy asked.

"Because there's no fun in that." Aelita said

"You find putting me in your dirty sock fun?"

"Well, its pretty funny." She said as she tied the end. "Goodnight!" As she fell asleep she kept thinking to herself that she would find a way to get Jeremy back to normal. Then she started to think that she might not even have the ability to make him grow. She shook off the thought and fell asleep.

Jeremy was glad that he was able to cheer Aelita up. And we was telling the truth when he told her that he didn't blame her for his condition. Despite the fact that he was now spending the night in Aelita's sock, he was glad that he could still do some good at his size. In the back of his mind though he was thinking of a way that he could get back to normal. Since there was nothing he could do about it, and he was almost certain that the supercomputer couldn't help him, he had to hope that Aelita would be willing to dedicate her free time to try and figure something out with him. With both their minds working at it it shouldn't be too hard coming up with a way to fix him, or at the very least find a way for Aelita to control her new ability or prevent further shrinking of Jeremy or anyone else.

The next morning Jeremy woke up pressed up against what the thought was the carpet floor, but he could tell that he was still in Aelita's sock from the smell. Jeremy wondered if Aelita had forgotten that he was in her sock on her desk and put a book or something heavy on top of it. He kept trying to push whatever was on top of him off, but strength was never one of Jeremy's strong points. But he could tell that whatever was on top of him was in her sock with him. He started to panic and moved around as much as he could. Then Jeremy felt some of the pressure lift off of him. "Oh, you're awake Jeremy." He heard Aelita say.

"Aelita! Help me!" Jeremy shouted.

"Jeremy calm down, you are just in my sock." Aelita said.

"Then why am i being pressed into the ground, what did you put in here?" Jeremy asked while some pressure was still on him, he was starting to get frustrated.

"Well let's think Jeremy, what typically goes in socks?" Aelita said while giggling.

"Aelita, you are hurting me!" Jeremie shouted. She was just reading a book on her bed but she lifted her the pressure of Jeremy a bit. However she decided to move her foot so that Jeremy's head was right in between her toes. She kept curling her toes, and played with Jeremy under her toes.

"Quit complaining, I'm not hurting you am I?" Aelita asked.

"In a few minutes i might drown in all your sweat." Jeremy said.

"My feet don't sweat that much, now calm down and let me read." Aelita said.

"No, this is humiliating, let me out of your sock!" Jeremy shouted

Aelita got up and grabbed her boots, she put them on and could no longer hear him, but she knew that he could still hear her. She was having fun having Jeremy under her toes, knowing that he couldn't get out. She needed to go to Jeremy's room so that she could get his computer and try and figure out a way to un-shrink him using the supercomputer. She still really wanted to help Jeremy she just also enjoyed messing with him. She smiled when she rememberd she had him under her toes. Aelita took the long route to Jeremy's room, not just o mess with Jeremy but also to avoid meeting up with anyone that could sidetrack her. She knew that she would only be able to take Jeremy out when she was alone with him and she didn't want to leave him in her shoe forever. When they finally got to Jeremy's room Aelita sat down on his bed and pulled off her boot. She turned over the boot so that Jeremy would fall out on to her hand, but nothing came out. Aelita reached into the boot to find him but there was no one in there. Then she realized that Jeremy had been in her sock not just her shoe. Aelita took off her sock and saw that Jeremy was stuck to her sole. She couldn't help but laugh at Jeremy's predicament. After a few minutes of laughter, she peeled him off her sole and lied him down on her palm. He looked up at her and said, "Aelita, you could have really hurt me! Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry i was just trying to have a little fun..." Aelita said.

"Your fun is torturing me under your feet? Jeremy asked.

"I wasn't torturing you, I was just playing with you." Aelita said innocently.

"Even when you are playing with a doll most people use their hands not their feet." Jeremy said. "I'm not upset that you put me under your foot so much as I am that you did that without warning me and i was really, really scared. Not to mention the fact that it was disgusting. Well at least one good thing did come from this."

"What do you mean?" Aelita asked.

"Well while the life was being squeezed out me under your foot, I thought maybe the key to unlocking control to your shrinking abilities is simply to practice, and if you do happen to have the ability to make things grow it may show up while you are practicing." Jeremy explained.

"That makes sense, but how am I going to practice? I don't think may people will volunteer to be shrunken..." Aelita said

"Well i meant to use your abilities on objects, not people." Jeremy said.

"Oh ok, so you want me to just go around shrinking things?" Aelita asked.

"Not really, you can't let anyone know about these abilities, even Yumi Odd and Ulrich. We don't even want a chance of this getting out. So it'd have to be somewhere no one will look, like my room." Jermey said. "It would actually be nice for you to shrink some of my things so i could use them again, and it'd be great to have some clothes that weren't drenched in sweat from your feet."

"Ok, I could try it, but not right now ok?" Aelita said.

"Why not?" Jeremie asked.

"Well i remember that when i shrank you, the second time, even though I only shrank you another inch or two i was exhausted after. And I didn't get much sleep last night, so I want to get some energy before trying again." Aelita explained.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Jeremy asked.

"I kept thinking about how I was gonna fix you." Aelita said.

"Huh, that reminds me of those days when I used to stay up thinking about how I was going to materialize you out of Lyoko." Jeremy said. They laughed and decided that they would take a nap before Aelita tried anything. Aelita put Jeremy down on his desk and put him computer next to him. Aelita asked him if she could use his bed so they wouldn't have to go back to her room and Jeremy told her that he couldn't use it anyway so he was fine with it. "Before you go to bed you should take off your socks to let your feet air out so they wont be as bad next time you put me under there. And I know that for some reason I'm gonna end up under there."

"Haha, I don't know what you are talking about." Aelita said sarcastically. Then she got up and took her socks off and lied down on the bed.

"Hey you forgot to bring me to with you." Jeremy said.

"Aw can't you make your own way here I'm already lying down." Aelita said.

"Fine." Jeremy said as he climbed down the desk and walked over to his huge friend. It was hard for him to believe that a few days ago this giantess was shorter than him. He didn't feel like walking all the way to her head so he just leaned up against her giant foot and fell asleep while wondering if he was ever going to be normal sized again.

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