Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762547-Kanjar-Prologue-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1762547
Rewritten introduction/prologue to my old work being revisited - Kanjar
Sunlight trickled through the shuttered window, as dawn rose over the courtyard. Hints of dust carried aloft with the gentle breeze. The silence of the bedchamber was disturbed only slightly as the maid gently opened the door.

The massive oaken structure glided on its hinges with remarkable smoothness, barely a sound as it locked back into place behind the young maid, Sahra.

Sahra drew the curtains back from the shutters, allowing more light into the room. The fresh scent of lilacs drifting more freely to chase away the stillness of the previous night’s air.

It is sad, she pondered, that the beautiful view of the courtyard is so marred by the presence of the layers of bars which cross through the window.

With a sigh, Sahra began to pour a glass of water for her lady and turned to carry it to the night table near the bed.

The princess awoke to a shrill scream, followed by a loud clattering of the glass tumbling across the floor.

The heavy oaken door flew open as Laurinda’s feet found the floor, a dagger whisked out of the pillow on which not a second before her head had rested.

Four armed guards were in the room before the glass stopped clattering away.

Sahra’s gaze was transfixed on the bed. On the blade sunk deep in the ornate headboard, and the note through which the blade had been thrust.

Laurinda scowled, reached out to pull the blade from the headboard, but was stopped by one of the guards.

“Highness, it could be poisoned, or otherwise a trap.” He warned.

“Obviously if whomever left this had wanted me dead, we wouldn’t be here to discuss this.” She growled. “But I suppose prudence would be best. Instruct Seldor to meet me in my private audience chambers at once.”

“At once, Highness.” The guard replied and departed.

Laurinda, turned, closed her eyes and breathed for a moment. “You are new, yes? You are called Zara?”

“Yes, my Princess, I am new, this is but my second week to serve you.” Sahra replied almost inaudibly through her tears

“Are you injured in any way?” Laurinda asked as finally opened her eyes. Her voice a level but subtly sweetened pitch.

“No, Princess. I was so.” Sahra started.

“It is understandable that you are upset. I would be myself, if this were not something I'd come to expect, as my security seems inadequate for these fiends. Guards, leave us.”

“Highness, you are not safe. We can not lea--”

“You weren't able to stop intruders last night.” Laurinda's voice flickered. “Zara and I will be fine, and as you well know by now, if she screams, you'll know it and be here instantly. Now get out.”

“By your order, Pricness.” With an abrupt turn, the corporal lead the other guards from the room.

“Now, Zara. Sit for a moment. This is a first for you, it will take some time to overcome the shock.” Laurinda guided Sahra to a nearby chair.

“It's," Sahra whispered, “Sahra.”

“What was that?,” Laurinda lifted Sahra's chin and looked the maiden in the face. “I didn't hear that clearly, can you speak up just a bit for me?”

“My name. It's Sahra, Highness. Not Zara.” her eyes never coming up to meet Laurinda's, her entire body began to shudder. “Of course, if your Highness prefers, I will answer to Zara.”

“My apologies, Za.. Sahra. I will remember your name. And thank you. Many would not have corrected their ruler.”

Sahra's eyes clamped shut, the trembling growing uncontrollably. A constant flow of tears rolling down her tanned cheeks.

Laurinda took a seat beside Sahra and held her gently as she closed her eyes again.

© Copyright 2011 Scott Luinstra (randalin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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