Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762384-Worlds
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1762384
A love story written in complete insanity
So once there was a girl, we’ll call her Ignorance for now. Well sweet little Ignorance grew up in a place called Oblivion. charming place really. Full of silly hopes and dreams and vast fields of nothing. There she grew, happy and naive. Spoiled by the great nothingness of her life. As she aged her body began to change. She grew taller, her chest formed these awful swollen things that made her back hurt, her butt seemed to get bigger too and then she began to bleed. She ran to her mother and cried, afraid of what was happening. Her mother, we shall call Insanity replied. “My dear daughter you are becoming a woman. You are no longer allowed to be stupid or happy. From now on you shall be called Confusion and you will live your life in such.”

Now Confusion, she was thrust out of Oblivion and forced into a world called Reality.  Reality was cold and dark and scary. In Reality she felt alone and fearful. She learned what pain was and sadness. She learned how cruel Reality could be and how easily joy was sucked out of everything. Confusion met others in this world. Some were like her, called the Lost. Others, named the Wicked, had become the cruelty and tormented the lost. Everyday the Wicked came and played their games with the Lost. Confusion cried day after day, wishing for death to come, to return to sweet Oblivion.

One day Confusion decided to just shut out the world. She began to hate everything and wanted nothing to do with anyone. Other Lost tried to reach out, thinking companionship would save them but it wouldn’t. She drifted between being Lost or being Wicked. She tortured those who wanted to be near her but couldn’t escape her own torment. She was not strong enough to be wholly Wicked.

It happened one day that while playing Wicked she made a new discovery. A Lost boy had lied to her like many had before. She decided to be his tormentor, cursing him each day for his betrayal. One day while her torment was ment to begin she was caught off guard. Someone accompanied the Lost boy who hurt her. Another Lost one, another boy. Confusion hated boys but this one really got her attention. He mocked her torment, like it was mere  child’s play. He laughed at her and this drove her mad. She hunted down this boy, this Confidence as she named him. She asked other who he was but her leads were useless. Finally she found him and ordered his attention. No one mocked her! She was to be a Wicked and Confidence made her one of the Lost again. She tried to torment him but he never minded. Why didn’t he mind? In time Confusion became obsessed. She needed to know more of him, needed to figure this boy out.

Little did she know Confidence was hunting her. He desired her. He wanted to know why she was the way she was, why her soul was full of hate. They began to talk, each opening up to the other. Confusion bore her secrets to him. Allowed him to enter her heart. Confidence, who’s real name or what I say is his name, Loyal, wanted to chase away the pain in her eyes. He renamed her Shadow, for she was caught between light and dark and she dubbed him Light, for he was her light to salvation. They fell in love and created their own Reality called Forever. In Forever nothing hurt them, nothing mattered but their love. However Forever didn’t last.

A demon came and laid claim on Shadow. A darker form of Wicked he drove a stake between Shadow and Light. Light grew depressed and could not stay by Shadow’s side. This turned her back to the dark, back to Confusion. She drifted into another world called Delusion. There she lost herself and believed that she would never be happy. Light saw her and mourned, he tried to reach out for he still loved her so. Slowly she became Shadow but stayed in Delirium. Her mind became fractured like her heart.  She wanted Light to be hers forever but he never crossed into her world. Only arms length she cried everyday.

Light began to drift away again and this tore Shadow apart. In desperation she fooled herself to believing he would love her forever if only she could prove how sorry she was for allowing a demon to rule her. Light had other plans though. He too fell for a demon, a trickster called Deceit. She was cruel and manipulative. She kept Shadow and Light apart. Shadow begged Light to destroy the demon but he could not. She had poisoned his mind.

Shadow discovered one day that she was with child. She knew it was Light’s and she told him. However, not even the news of being a father could break the demon’s spell. He abandoned Shadow one day without warning and started a new world with the demon. Shadow became Loneliness and was forced to raise her child alone. She gave birth to a boy who she named Salvation. Slowly she returned to Reality and enjoyed motherhood. Her son grew older and wiser and became the only one she needed. Still Loneliness couldn’t fully let go of her pain. Light had moved on, becoming now Shell and made a family with Deceit. Deceit bore him another son they called Failure for she desired a girl not a boy. Deceit continued to poison Shell, determined not to let him ever leave her side even if she didn’t truly love him. Shell tried hard to look after his son but he began to doubt his wife. He started to wonder about his beautiful Shadow and what had become of her.

Finally all hell broke loose and Deceit grew bored with Shell and abandoned him for other toys. Her betrayal sent him into a whirlwind of sorrow. His pain called out to Loneliness and she went to him. Her heart ached to save him, to make him her Light again. He was hesitant but her company brought a comfort he had long forgotten. They became Shadow and Light again and there was once again happiness. Forever returned and this time they weren’t going to let it go. Until…..

Light feared that Deceit would return and she would destroy his happiness. He feared for his other child, who he called Blessing, because he did not regret him nor did he wish him gone. He loved both his children deep down and hated Deceit for making him abandon his firstborn. Now she was trying to steal away his second. Shadow knew he would choose his child over her but prayed that day would never come. Sadly it did and he left her again. Shadow mourned everyday but knew there was nothing to do to stop it. Light still loved her but until Deceit was slain they would live in Forever, but it would be Forever in Hell.
© Copyright 2011 Serafina Corrine (darkmiko2003 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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