Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1762275-Zeros-Last-Stand
by CaKe
Rated: · Other · Death · #1762275
This is how Zero Kiryu...died...
    Zero could hear his own footsteps echo in the huge house. Zero went there to kill a vampire orders from the boss. When he got to the end of the hall Zero stopped. He could hear the sound of someone's blood being sucked, and it sickened him. Then without any warning the sound stopped and Zero could hear the body fall to the floor. But that's not what caught Zero's attention. What caught his attention was the sound of a bell. Shizuka's bell.
    "Come on in Zero." Said a voice from behind the door. A voice that pierced Zero's heart like a knife. No...NO why is he here and why is he with a vampire? Those thoughts and more were racing through his head as Zero opened the door. In the room was no other than Ichiru! "It's been a while older brother." Ichiru said in a soft and calm voice. His eyes though Zero, they're red like...blood. "Why are you a vampire!" Screamed Zero at his younger brother. Ichiru frowned not in a pleasant way. "Why you ask? I'll tell you why! Because I wanted to be a vampire and live a nice life." Zero was furious his brother had turned into a vampire just because he wanted to live!
    Than Zero's anger died down. "How are you a vampire. I know Shizuka never turned you into one. And that bastard Kaname didn't either...then who could have..." Zero was lost in thought. Which was a bad idea since Ichiru was still in the room, ready and focused. "I got someone else to turn me into a vampire...someone you know." Zero was confused who else was a pure blood. That's when it struck him.
    "Why would Yuki turn you into a vampire?!" Zero couldn't believe Yuki would actually do it. And for ICHIRU to. "Yes it was our little princess Yuki. And she did it because she pitied me. That little BASTARD! I don't need to be pitied by her!" Ichiru seems really worked up though Zero. Yuki. She was a traitor now, she had done something she knew would upset Zero. The last thing Zero wanted was for Ichiru to become a vampire. And now it had come true.
    "I'm not some little kid anymore that needs people's PITY." Ichiru looked like he was gonna cry. But he held it back. "Ichiru please. Even though I thought you had died doesn't mean I forgot about you. I wanted you to have a future! One without vampires dammit!" Zero was irritated with Ichiru, how could he throw away his life like that was all Zero could think. "You thought I had a future? What a load of crap! I would never have a future with you alive. Cause everyone thinks your best!! Well I'm sick of it. ZERO KIRYU YOU WILL DIE HERE AND NOW!!!!!!" Zero wasn't planning on what happened next.
    Ichiru had ran all the way over to Zero and...and...hugged him? What the heck thought Zero. What is he doing? Before Zero could react Ichiru bit him! "What the. STOP! Let go Ichiru." Zero shot Ichiru in the shoulder with Bloody Rose and walked slowly away from Ichiru. "Ah! Ow that hurt dammit! You and that bloody gun of yours. Why do you even care if I drink your blood. Haven't you wanted to die from the start? Oh that's right you want YUKI to kill you." Those words even hurt Ichiru, but he said them anyway.
    "I don't care about Yuki anymore she's some pure blood..." Zero was talking to himself now. But Ichiru heard him anyway. "Ah you still have feelings for her don't you Zero." "SHUT UP!" Zero was more than mad he was pissed. "You know what Ichiru. You've changed. Changed into a heartless beast like Yuki and Kaname." Zero hoped those words hurt. But he doubted they did. "Ow I'm hurt Zero. Yeah right. I think you're ready to die now so let's make this quick. In a flash of light Ichiru was behind Zero again but this time his fangs were deeper and harder in Zero's neck.
    Zero started to feel faint from losing so much blood in one night. After Ichiru sucked almost all of his blood he let go, and Zero dropped into Ichiru's arms. Ichiru surprised at the sudden collapse snapped out of his blood frenzy and stared at his brother. "Z-Zero did I do this to you?" Zero couldn't believe Ichiru was as still nice and gentle as this when he wasn't going crazy as a vampire.
    "Yes Ichiru you...drank my blood almost dry. I'm...going to die soon. I'm at least glad you killed me..." Zero was starting to lose breath. "Zero you really are going to die this time?" Ichiru was still shocked at what he did. "I'm sorry I did this to you Zero but I couldn't control myself..." "It's okay...Ichiru...I...still...love...you..." With those words Zero Kiryu died in his brother's arms. The body of Zero Kiryu was never found nor did anyone look for it. Cause everyone could tell there was no use. Zero was gone and that was that.
© Copyright 2011 CaKe (cakecake at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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