Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1761702-Winter-in-Love
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1761702
This poem illustrates the ultimate desire for a man to warm his lover's heart.
Amidst the Winter's calmness
shivers the naked trees
as they are violently beaten by the chill wind
under the darkness of a humming city

My hands are clenched within hers
as we slowly pace ourselves along the sinking tracks
that resemble a buried sidewalk--
A truncated smile paints her face
watching the colors of lights spark the homes
with the snap of a gorgeous aurora . . .
I gently kiss her rosy cheeks

Her eyes gazed at the abounding stars above us--
"Why did you kiss me?"
"You seemed cold, my dear."
The haze lessened with her breath
and she began to rub my hand with her thumb
"I'm--I'm still quite cold."
I did not hesitate to stop her . . .

Kissing the crimson atop her brisk forehead
we held one another
letting the falling snow settle on top our perspiring coats
and gently swaying together
as the bells in the distance jingled and echoed and sang

We both leaned ourselves back
in one another's grasp--
Staring at the twinkle in her eyes
I grinned in the manner of a deep feeling
that could only be explained
by the acts of vast lachrimosity . . .

The dark figures in the distance
resembled dead trees
or an ultimate sword of Thor
when trying to view it through the abate snow--
I removed my hand from hers
and rubbed it past her right cheek . . .

"You still feel cold."
She admired my lips with a dreaming eye gesture
that suggested a feeling . . .
that I couldn't explain--
"I am quite cold-- quite, quite cold."
At this I slightly arched my head
and forwarded myself towards her face,
closing my eyes more and more with each approach . . .

We walked on together,
Her head rested on my shoulder,
And from that point on
she remained warm all the way home . . .
© Copyright 2011 Daniel Ray Thomason (danielraythoma at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1761702-Winter-in-Love