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Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1760656
Chapter 2 of my work in progress
Chapter Two

Two weeks had passed since Oris had taken out the ogrish gang thier leader slain and all but forgotten. Oris had spent the two weeks in his basement, his metal project finaly taking shape in the way of metalic gloves. A leather glove as the base and strips of layered metal adoned the top flowing masterfully to the top of his forearm. At the knukle of his gloves was a beatuifull yet deadly looking dragons skull it's horns clearly showing as a deadly weapon, to recieve a blow from these weapons would easily leave even the strongest man bleeding out. He smiled wickedly to himself, he had longed for a deadly pair of fists and at last he had created some. A while passed, his eyes scanning his work continuously checking for faults or mistakes his mind drifting occasionaly back to his step farther who taught him his smithing skills. A sad look now on his face, he walked his work over to his wooden chest and placed them carfully in making sure not to scuff his work or damage the chest. He turned and looked, his work place was a mess, paper strewen every-where, crumbs and left over bits of food also littered his basement, a look of realisation came over his face as he figured he had been in his basement for such a long period of time, he made his way back upstairs the light coming from the windows causing him to be blinded for a moment, he looked out of the window his hand shading his eyes the village seemed more alive, children were back outside playing and fumbling about carelessly, a complete contrast to two weeks ago... He looked satisfied and smiled a little, death is nasty but one mans death is a whole villages' advantage.

It became night, the children were now in bed and the daily drull now came to a perfect still, Oris quietly walked out, locking the door behind him he saw several of the towns guard drinking and celebrating around a small fire just near the entrance of the village they notice Oris and raise their cups to him, Oris replied with a small shy nod of acknowledgement and walked towards them taking a seat near one of the smaller guards. Oris' face remained shadowed by his Miatu hood his head hung slightly as not to catch eye contact, suddenly one of the more drunken guards began to burst out into song followed by the rest of the group, Oris remained quiet for a time and eventually put out his hand gesturing towards the townsguard chief who was still in full swing. Oris' gestures were sadly missed several times untill the boy came to his feet, the guards stopped instantly all looking towards the boy, Oris gestured again, his other hand clearly clentched the chief looked at his hand and then towards Oris "Oh... Really? We thought you were more civil than that, you only killed those guys because you thought we'd pay you eh?" Oris didnt move, his hand remained outstreached "C'mon kid, dont give me this shit! We dont have much money ourseleves AND... Well as far as everyone knows, Glen over there killed the big guy, not you! Now shove off!" The guards began to start singing again, thier mugs of ale swining along to the merry tune. Oris retracted his hand and brought it to his side, his hands now both clentched he raised his head slightly. The guards were oblivious to the boys actions and soon regreted it as Oris stanced forward his right fist crashing strait into the guards chest plate, causing it to crumple around his fist, the look of horror on the guards' face was instant and horrific, Oris however stopped just before the blow would then become a deadly hit and left the guard gasping for breath as the deformed metal began suffocating him, the other guards rushed to his rescue using thier weapons to litterally cut the man out of his armour. Oris now grabbed a couple of coin bags left by the stumps the guards had been sitting on, he pulled them into his Matiu and made a swift run for his house, the guards were fumbling and panicing about the guard before one of them managed to prize the chest plate enough to cause the armour to fall to pieces. The guards gathered together and began to plan an attack on Oris' house this was their biggest mistake...

The guards decided to pretend to be going back to what they were doing, for about an hour they sang songs and acted as if nothing had happened at all. This lasted till about midnight when they quietned down and began to make their move on the house. their weapons were in good check and their armour was ready they got to the garden wall one of the guards tripping over as they did so creating quiet the racket. The guards stood perfectly still for what felt like hours before one of them decided it was all clear to continue, they reached the front door, the chief guard checked the door, strangely it was unlocked. A careless mistake he mumbled to the rest of them, they nodded in responce and moved in another guard tripping over as they got into the house, he manages to catch himself before he lands though causing little to no sound. They sigh in relief, little did they know that what they were tripping on were wires leading down to the basement connecting to metal scraps that jingled telling Oris where in the house they were. He smirked as he readied his new weapons on his fists, his manovability was unchanged, his craftsmanship truely unique and unrivaled he began to move up from the basement into his kitchen two of the guards had started eating out of his food stock. Oris walked within striking distance his body already stanced, he stuck silently using the palm of his hand to hit pressure points in their skulls, they were easily taken care of, the slumping of their bodies hitting the floor alerting the rest of the guards to them, Oris was already out of sight, he watched as the remaining guards tried to wake their comrades with no success. The chief began to look around his eyes were angry and his face twisted with rage he began to try and taunt Oris out "Hey kid! We know you're here, why dont you just save us the trouble and get your punishment now?" The chief crossed his arms and looked around, a loud noise broke the silence the chief turning to see his group decimated "Wh... What?1" The guard spun around trying to catch a glimpse of Oris, as he 180'ed he came face to face with Oris' fist the blow breaking the guards nose as it sent him flying into his kitchen wall.
© Copyright 2011 Kizumuki (kizumuki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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