Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1759546-Definition-of-Hope--FIrst-Chapter
by Syd
Rated: E · Sample · Teen · #1759546
First chapter to "The Definition of Hope," sequel to my book "The Definition of Perfect"
                “I’ll see you all at the dance tonight!” my teacher announced.  “Remember, girls, wear your pretty dresses and boys wear tuxedos.  I promise that this year it will be the best end of school dance!”

         “She probably says that every year,” Erica Seas muttered.  Maggie Silkia nodded in agreement.

         “I’m so glad we’ll be out of high school in a few minutes,” Carma Belle whispered, glancing at the clock.  Her long red hair was fashioned into a single braid that stretched down her back.

         Our school was different from most.  We had high school graduation yesterday, the day before the last day of our senior year.  Today, when school got out, we would all rush home to get ready for the short dance, which would be from seven to nine at night.

         I couldn’t wait to put on my dress.  I had taken a bunch of friends dress shopping two weeks ago and we had spent five hours helping each other pick out the perfect dress.  At first, I didn’t want to go and neither did Maggie.  We didn’t have dates since our boyfriends lived in California.  But Erica convinced us to come.

         I flashed back to memories of Brenden Brooks, the boy who I had met in California and am now engaged to.  Glancing down at the ring on my finger, I smiled.  Only Maggie and Erica knew the real story behind it and I intended to keep it that way.  The last thing I needed was for people to bother me about when my wedding would be and such.

         The last I had seen of Brenden was back in August, the night of the first day of school.  We’d agreed to get married after college, but I was having serious thoughts of changing that to sooner.  I thought about him every day and missed him more than anything.

         The ring of the bell interrupted my thoughts.  The whole class cheered at the sound of freedom and raced toward the door.

         Erica disappeared in the crowd, leaving Maggie and I to wait for her since we were going to her house.  She appeared a moment later with Rick Woods, her boyfriend of 11 months ever since they started dating in July.  For Erica, it was the longest and happiest relationship she’d ever had.

         Rick had dark hair and dark brown eyes and was constantly smiling.  He seemed to love Erica and was one of the nicest guys at our school.

         “I’ll see you tonight?” Erica asked.

         “Wouldn’t miss it,” he replied, giving her a lingering kiss before leaving.

         “Ok let’s go!” Erica exclaimed, leading us to her brand new red convertible.  Let’s just say her family didn’t have to worry about money anymore, ever since her dad had made a break-through in the medical field.

         We hopped in and she drove us to her house: a two story that they hadn’t changed even with the new abundance of money.  I knew this house as well as my own.

         All three of us grabbed a quick snack and then headed upstairs.

         Hi there.  I’m Alysia Lisa Catona, though you can call me Aly.  Well, a little about me? I live with my Dad and half-sister, Samantha, who is now 8 years old.  I used to have an evil stepmom, Jessica, but my dad divorced her during the first few months of school.  My real mom, Anabell, died when I was 7.  Anyway, I have two best friends, Erica and Maggie, who I’ve known since I was 3.  I’m engaged to Brenden Brooks and will turn 18 in a few weeks.

         So, what is your definition of the word hope? According to the dictionary:

Hope (noun):

1.           belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life

Synonyms: desire, belief, aspiration, goal, promise, wish

But can you really describe hope, that burning desire in you that is so pure and selfless, that keeps you positive in times of trouble and need? Well this book is my definition of the word hope.

         “Shelby and Brooklyn aren’t going to the dance tonight,” Erica told us as we sat on her bed before getting ready.  The dance would start in four hours, so we had enough time to talk beforehand.  Each of us would take probably an hour or two to get ready.

         “Why not?” I asked.  Shelby and Brooklyn Galen were twins.

         Erica shrugged.  “You know how their mom is,” she said.  “I’m surprised she hasn’t shipped Shelby off to military camp or something yet!”

         Shelby Galen dyed her hair a different color every month.  The first month of school was lime green and she had spiked it up every day.  She had also colored her hair blue, purple, red, dark black, regular blond, brown, white and more.  This month’s color was pink.  No one knew what her actual hair color was and no one bothered to ask.  Her sister, Brooklyn Galen, had normal short red hair and acted as if she didn’t know her twin at all.

         “Everyone else is going though,” Maggie assured us, fixing her hair in her phone’s reflection.

         “So what did Jordan’s shirt say today?” Erica asked.

         Our friend, Jordan Strano, wore shirts that said weird/funny/random things on them.

         “I think it was ‘Cupid rhymes with stupid,’” I said after a moment of thought.

         Maggie snorted and Erica sighed.  “We need to set her up with a guy.  Why is she so against love?” Erica asked.

         I shrugged.

         “She totally is,” Maggie agreed.  “Last Friday’s shirt was: Single Forever!”

         “Who would we set her up with?” I asked, my thoughts drifting to Brenden and wondering what he was doing right now.

         “What about Matthew Williams?” Erica asked, naming one of her old boyfriends.

         Maggie shook her head.  “He’s dating Molly Bean right now, remember?”

         “Well then who-” I started to say.

         “Can we put on makeup and get into our dresses now?” Erica interrupted.  “I just can’t wait!”

         I laughed and we all got up, agreeing to fix up Erica first.  For half-an-hour we brushed her face over with makeup: eye shadow, mascara, blush, lipstick, and everything else.  Next, she slipped on her dress and shoes.

         Then we talked while Maggie brushed, combed, and straightened Erica’s hair.

         After an hour and a half total that we’d spent on our friend, she was done and looking in the full-length mirror.

         Her eyes popped and her lips were parted slightly, giving her a waiting-to-be-kissed look.  Her blond hair looked professionally straightened, with a small crystal and blue flower tucked into it.  She wore a silk, chiffon blue dress that stopped a few inches above her knees.  It looked like it was made for her.  She also had strapped on blue/black peep-toe heels.

         “Thank you so much!” she exclaimed, clasping her hands and then giving both Maggie and I each a hug.

         Maggie was next and we spent another hour and a half working on her.  Then, she stood at the mirror too, one hand to her cheek to make sure she was real.

         Her makeup was perfect as well and she looked like she was always blushing at some compliment.  Her light brown hair was woven into a complicated yet elegant up-do, held by a pink flower, and seemed to shine.  She wore a beautiful one-shoulder, pink silk, rosette dress that was the same length as Erica’s, paired with pink flats with crystals dotting the edges. 

         Maggie opened her mouth, then closed it again, shocked by how pretty in pink she looked.

         A few minutes later, I sat in a chair while my best friends did my makeup.  And an hour and a half later, I was ready too.

         I walked steadily to the mirror and stopped, watching my reflection.

         My face was as beautiful as both of my friends, if not better.  My eyes were dusted with eye shadow that made them prettier than they had ever been.  Mascara had made my eyelashes longer and darker.  My lips had been swiped with lip-gloss and now had the same effect as Erica’s.  My hair hung in chocolate-colored ringlets in the front and the back was curled to perfection with not a hair out of place.

         Eyes moving to my dress, I smiled in happiness at my reflection.  I wore a tier ruffle tube dress that left my shoulders bare.  I paired it with black heels that weren’t too high, a black and crystal bangle set, and chandelier hoop earrings.  After a moment’s thought, I had slipped on my engagement ring and the charm bracelet, both given to me by Brenden.

         “I love you guys,” I breathed, touching the mirror to make sure that this was really me.  My only regret was that Brenden couldn’t see me now.  I bet Maggie thought the same about Chris.

         We had half an hour till Rick would come pick Erica up.  He had also offered to drive us and we’d accepted, so now we all sat on the edge of her bed to talk.

         “Ok so about Jordan-” Erica started.  She was interrupted by a knock at her bedroom door.

         She crossed the room and opened it, finding her mom standing there.  She gave something to Erica, then closed the door and left.

         Erica turned to Maggie.  “Your mom dropped this off.” She handed her an envelope.

         Curiously, Maggie took and opened it, retrieving the content:  a handwritten note.

         “It’s from Chris!” she exclaimed.  Clearing her throat, she read it out loud.

         Dear Maggie,

         Hey it’s me, Chris.  I would’ve called but I lost my phone contacts when I got my new phone.  I guess I’ll have to get your number when I visit you.  Yes, I’m coming to your state this time! I’ll be there either your last day of school or the day after that.  I can’t wait to see you! It’s been forever since I saw you last. Just remember, I love you! See you soon.


                                                           Chris Dolce

P.S. Did you get my flowers? I hope you liked them!

         After a moment, Erica asked, “His last name is Dolce?”

         Maggie laughed, touched by the letter.  “Yes it is.”

         “Maggie Dolce,” I mused with a smile.  “It has a nice ring to it.  Erica Woods sounds nice too.”

         We all laughed.

         “Well we haven’t even talked about marriage,” Maggie said, blushing.  “And who knows what will happen.”

         The doorbell rang and Erica raced downstairs in her heels.  Maggie and I followed.

         After Erica and Rick shared a quick kiss, we got into his car and drove off.

         “I’m so excited about this dance!” Maggie exclaimed.

         Erica twisted around in the passenger seat to face us and nodded in agreement.  “I know I think it will be the best yet!” she turned toward her date.  “And we are going to slow dance whether you like it or not!”

         Rick smiled.  “Slow dancing with the most beautiful girlfriend ever? What’s not to like?”

         Erica smiled in happiness and I sighed, missing the moments when Brenden would say sweet things to me that made my whole day better.

         I turned to Maggie.  “Did Chris say anything about Brenden coming?”

         “No, but I’m sure he will,” Maggie said.

         But what if he doesn’t? I thought.  What if he’s met some other girl? What if he’s forgotten me? I started to panic, then caught sight of my ring and relaxed.  He loves me and would never leave or forget me! I again flashbacked to memories of being with him: our first date and the others after that, our first kiss, him showing up under my window…

         I relived these memories throughout the car ride.  By the time we drove up to the school, I was floating on love, peacefulness, and happiness.

         Erica strolled in, holding hands with Rick, soon disappearing inside the doors, leaving Maggie and I to do nothing but follow her.

         We entered the gym, which had been transformed into the perfect place for a dance.  Decorations hung everywhere and to the side of the gym, a buffet and snack table sat waiting.

         I sighed and went to go pour myself a glass of punch, Maggie following, wishing that Brenden could’ve been here.

© Copyright 2011 Syd (srsuliot at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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