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Rated: · Other · Other · #1759317
Not everything and everybody is as they seem.
Ryan smiled at me coming around then corner from his locker. His lips gently kissed mine then he pulled away and his fingers laced themselves into mine and we went downstairs to go to the House.
"Hey Skid get the fuck outta here!!" Ryan cringed at the word skid then lashed back at the four boys wearing volley ball jerseys.
"Why don't you shut the fuck up. Go back in the gym and be penis partners, but leave me alone." The boys laughed and took several steps towards us. Ryan's hand released from mine and he walked towards them. Even though the group of boys were weak, there was no way Ryan could take them all. He knew that. But he wasn't going to back down from a fight. I gave him a look but he completely ignored me. I shoved passed him and glared at the group of boys that were too cocky.
"Hey, just because you're "perfect" and don't do anything bad like smoke, drink or party, does not mean that anybody who does do that, is a skid. So why don't you fuck off you preppy sub-division trash."
"Fuck you, whore." Ryan flew at the taller one of the boys who called me a whore. His hands were instantly on his throat.
"What the hell did you just call her?!"
"A... Whore..."
"Don't ever talk to another girl like that ever again." Ryan snapped throwing the boy against the school wall then turned and came to me. I kissed him softly and we started off to the House.

Ryan had several cuts and bruises on his face, the boy must have hit him a couple of times. We slipped through the creaky front door of the House five boys shared. The floor was littered with pop cans, plates, beer bottles and several other things. Wade, the eldest of the five jumped off of the couch and hurled Ryan against the wall.
"I just got a call from the school Ryan!"
"Oh yeah?" Ryan shoved against Wade's hold, but he didn't budge.
"You can't beat people up because the call you skid!!!!"
"The fucking kid deserved it!" Wade's face flashed red with anger and pressed Ryan against the wall harder, pressed against his neck. The guys and their girlfriends were crowding now.
"Wade!! Wade stop! Please!!!" I cried tugging him, finally Braydon came, grabbed Wade from behind and threw him onto the ground. I grabbed Ryan's hand and raced to his room.
"Are you ok Ryan? It looked like he had a pretty good hold on you." Ryan rubbed his neck, red hand marks were embedded on it.
"Yeah, whatever, I'm fine baby." I shook my head and kissed his neck tenderly he shoved me away.
"You aren't ok Ryan." He shook his head and tackled me onto my back. His hot lips met mine and our lips were moving, our hands were moving all over each others bodies, I tingled every where, I wanted more. But I didn't want to take it from Ryan. He was still a virgin and I wasn't, I wasn't going to take his virginity until he was ready. He insists that he's ready almost every week, but he's not yet. You can tell, the way he pleads, the way he tries to take more then he'll get.
"No, no stop Ryan," I said against his lips, he shook his head, "Ryan. You aren't ready."
"You can't tell if I'm ready or not Mackenzie."
"I can tell Ryan!"
"Just because you've had sex three times, does not mean you can tell If someone is ready to have sex or not." Ryan lashed back at me and I crawled away from him as he spit his vicious words.
"I-I know, but I can tell if someone I love is ready or not."
"Whatever Mackenzie."
"Ryan, I'm sorry." I crawled over to him again and sat in his lap. "Even if I were going to have sex with you today, it wouldn't be here, with all of these people outside you're room."
"I hate living here. I can't ever be alone with anyone. I guess it's better then living with my parent's though."
"It is better then living with you're parent's, and anything that get's you away from them I support. I love you Ryan."
"I love you too baby." I smiled and kissed my forehead softly. I crawled tot eh top of the bed and fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.

Two hours later someone (probably Wade) was banging and hitting Ryan's bedroom door.
"What the fuck," he whispered, "what time is it?" I checked my phone.
"Almost seven thirty. Why?"
"Tell you after," he jumped off the bed and flew to the door. He was shirtless. "Sorry man, I fell asleep I forgot it was tonight."
"Whatever," Wade's deep voice floated into the room, "is she coming? Or not?" Ryan shut the door and turned to me.
"Do you want to come with us?"
"Uhm, yes please." He nodded then turned back to Wade.
"She's coming."
"Fuck, kay, you gotta make sure she doesn't get hurt, involved or in the way."
"I'm not going to let her get fucking involved with it you dumb ass!"
"Ryan! Shut up!" I hissed at him. I didn't want Wade to attack him again. He rolled his eyes.
"Fine, hurry up and get ready. I'm not letting us look like bitches because you decided to take a fucking nap."
"Sorry man, I-I just I-"
"Whatever. Enough, get ready." Ryan nodded and shut the door.
"What's going on Ryan?"
"What the hell?! With who?" Ryan was shaken, he didn't make eye contact with me, his eyes wandered around the room. Boobs. Stereo. Boobs. Boobs. Door. Phone. Computer. Boobs. Eyes. Boobs. Boobs. Stereo. Boobs. Floor. He took a step then crumpled onto the floor and buried his face into his hands.
"Babe, what's wrong?" I slid onto the floor beside him and wrapped my arms around him.
"I've been in so many fights, I've won tons of them, well over half, but I duno, this fight seems different, this fight has knives. I've never gotten in a knife fighting and I'm scared. I can't say that to Wade though, I'll get my ass kicked. Babe, I don't know what to do." A tear slipped down his face and I wiped it away as soon as it appeared.
"Baby, tell him. I don't want you to get stabbed, and I don't want you to fight. Ever."
"No, I can't.."
"I can't, it's too late, next time. You can't get near this though. Promise me you won't get anywhere near this."
"I won't."
"Promise me."
"I promise you Ryan, I won't go close to it. But you have to promise me something too.'
"Don't get stabbed. I plan to use your body eventually."
"What? Really?"
I winked, "promise me."
"I promise you-"
"Hurry up!!" Wade screamed. Ryan slipped a shirt on helped me off the floor and we ran out to the car. I was nervous, so were the other girls. I needed an Ibuprofen. By the looks of it so did the other girls. They'd done this before, I hadn't, they shouldn't be as nervous as me. Or did this feeling stay forever. Did dating a gang boy come with these feelings. Did they stay? I hoped not, I couldn't cope if they did. We sped down the highway at an insane speed. If my mother saw me in this car she'd kill me for sure. I cringed and shut my eyes as we skidded to a stop. When I re opened them, we were in a deserted parking lot invisible from the highway.
"Ryan, take your girl, keep here hidden and don't let her get anywhere near this."
"Obviously not Wade." Ryan came up to me and wrapped his arms around me waist. He hugged me tight, I didn't want him to let me go, I could tell he was reluctant to release me.
"I love you so much Mackenzie."
"I love you too Ryan. Please don't get hurt. Please."
"I promise I won't, come on, I need to show you where to stay." He led me and the other girls up a hill and sat me down. Ryan laid one gentle long kiss on my fore head that I didn't want to ever end. But it did, and I saw his eyes water up like he was about to cry. I shut my eyes so I wouldn't let my own tears fall down my face. Off in the distance I saw a glow coming closer and closer. What was it? As it got closer I noticed it was flashlights. Who would be carrying flashlights to a deserted parking lot in the middle of Nevada...? One of the flashlights was running. Towards Ryan. Who's back was turned. Was i just going to sit there stay quiet and let my boyfriend get stabbed?
"RYAN! MOVE!" He looked up at me, then jumped out of the way just as a knife missed his back. Tears streamed down my face as I watched in horror. Fists and knives flew in every direction. Why would anyone, ever think do this? I saw Ryan's small body flying every which way. I wish he wasn't involved in a gang. We shouldn't be exposed to this. I don't understand how he could be so good at fighting, he's so small, and he's so young. The youngest out of all the boys at the House. He was knocking people on the ground flat on they're faces, they're backs crippling them. I didn't see him pull out his knife once. A girl was amongst everyone, three girls. Why would there be girls fighting? As I watched the answer became clearer, the boys wouldn't hit the girls, so the girls had a chance at winning. A girl was trying to fight Ryan. Fuck that stupid little bitch. I wanted Ryan to hit her. He wouldn't though, he'd never hit a girl. I made sure the girls weren't looking as I jumped up and took off down the hill.
"Mackenzie!! Come back!!" Aubry yelled after me. I shook my head and threw a fist at the girls head that was hitting Ryan. She looked shocked, as she fell to the ground. Good. She stood up glaring at me. As soon as she got up I threw a hit to her stomach then the face, she fell again. Dumb blond doesn't know how to fight.
"Mackenzie! What are you doing?! Go back!!"
"No! Fuck that!" The blond jumped up again. This time she was holding a knife. What the fuck? Where did that come from? Jesus Christ. What'd I do? I looked at Ryan for help. He reached into his pocket and came out with his own knife. Awesome. I snatched it out of his hand and held it towards the blond.
"Your to much of a pussy bitch to even think of coming close to me with that knife." I threatened.
"Hah, just watch me." She took a step forward and I hit her hard in the face. She fell back again, this time she didn't get up. Ryan snatched me up into a huge hug.
"Please go back with the other girls."
"No. If I go back, everyone will see where I'm going and then they'll follow. Even if I wanted to go back, i couldn't because it would be putting them in danger."
"Fine. Do not get hurt, and try not to fight."
"I'm the only chick down here with you guys. You can't hit the other girls. I'm obviously going to fight."
"Be careful Mackenzie." I nodded and ran off to the other girls. One was attacking Wade this time. I saw her reach into her back pocket for something shiny. A knife? I think so. I didn't give her time to use it. I was on her back in five seconds. She was on her face in less than three. Wade looked shocked to see me, but he shrugged and let me continue. Once I finished off with the girls, I moved aside and watch the mayhem continue. It was awful. Ryan had gotten a huge black eye whilst fighting. I hoped it didn't hurt. But I could tell that it did. That's where the other people would hit. They knew it was his weakness now, they had something to use against him. Ryan didn't give in though. He'd won. He'd fought and defeated more people than anyone else fighting. Jesus I needed a joint. I gasped, my mom would be going by the House soon if I didn't text or call her. I whipped out my cell phone and sent her a quick text,

Hey srry I didn't text sooner. Lost track of time. I'm staying at Ryan's tonight, kay? Love u nighty night :) *Heart*

I shoved my phone into my pocket and raced over to Ryan who was laying on the ground panting. The other girls were going to they're boyfriend's now that everything was finished.
"Ryan you stupid idiot. I hate you." Two tears slid down my cheeks, Ryan wiped them away.
"I love you too, I'm sorry you had to see that baby." I shook my head and pressed my lips against his.
"I'm glad I came, having girls fight is a smart idea. If one of you hit them you would have been killed-"
"I highly doubt that. The girls are crack whore's that those guys don't care about."
"Shut up, it gives the guys a valid excuse to kill you if you hit them. That's why I came down." His eyes filled with sadness and he kissed me again. He got up to his knees and held my face.
"I love you, and you helped so much out there, but if you ever do that again, I'm going to kill you.You almost gave me a heart attack Mackenzie. You can't do that, you've never fought before-"
"Ryan. I've been in fights before."
"Sshh. I don't want you to get hurt Mack, I need you to be here and stay safe with me."
"I need you to be here and stay safe with me, are you gonna quit this to do that?" No answer. "That's what I thought. So as long as your doing this, I'm helping whether you like it or not." He grunted. That wasn't him agreeing but it was as close as I'd get to that.
"Everybody to the car we have to go now!" Wade ordered. I hated the way he made his voice, all scratchy and deep when he was giving orders. The other girls thought it was hot and sexy, but I thought it was scary. Kind of like grandpa's voice.. I wasn't going to reopen old memories right now. Ryan and I dashed for the car and sat in the back seats. I rested my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes.

I woke in Ryan's bed a half hour later, Ryan had his arms wrapped around me but he wasn't asleep.
"Hey sleepy head," he kissed my forehead softly.
"Hey babe." I grabbed his shirt and tugged him on top of me. My lips they're way to his neck and started exploring his chest, his whole body. He shivered when I got closer to his.. I could turn him on so completely, so fast. it would be cruel not to give him what he was expecting. I unzipped his jeans and tossed them to the end of his bed.
"Your door locked?" He nodded slowly, his eyes were shut and he was smiling. I couldn't help but smile too. I slowly removed his boxers and my lips found themselves doing things to his body he seemed to like, things I didn't think my lips (and tongue) could do. Once finished I flopped on top of him. He kissed my neck, my face, my chest.
"Do you want me too-"
"No." I cut him off, memories of my grandpa came flooding through my mind. I pushed them away. "Not right now anyways." He nodded, kissed my cheek then reached for his boxers. I'd forgotten he wasn't wearing anything below the waist. I giggled then slipped his shirt off, took my own shirt off and replaced it with his.
"Do you want to smoke a bowl?" I nodded, the stress from his fight made me want the bud more than ever. Ryan passed me his bong and he opened his window, reached for something then plopped on his bed with a lighter and a baggie of weed. I packed a bowl into the bong lit the lighter and inhaled. The familiar taste of smoke entered my lungs and mouth. My body tingled. I held the smoke in my mouth then reached for Ryan, I pressed my lips to his and blew the smoke into his own lungs. After he exhaled he pinned me to the bed and slipped my shirt off. No Ryan, not yet, please not now. I wanted so badly to say yes. My hands found their way to his butt, his back his everything. His hands knotted in my hair and I felt something hard against my thigh. I moaned and he responded with his own sound. Noo, please Ryan stop. Please.
"Baby-" my plead was cut off by his lips, "please, Ryan, not now, not with those people out there. Please Ryan. Stop. Please. Please. Ooohh. Uuhh, Ryan. No- no, please Ryan. Please. Please. Please. I want to do this, soooo much, I really do, but I can't do it here. Please Ryan? Please?"
"What the hell is your problem Mackenzie?"
"Excuse me?"
"What is your problem? You say you want to, but it sure as hell seems like you don't. We almost had fucking sex right there, but you said no. Why? Am I not the right guy? I'm sorry, I'll change. Do you not actually love me? I'll change, I swear-"
"Shut up! You are the right guy! Your the best guy, I love you so much, so much it hurts. I don't want you to change, your perfect. This is the longest I've been in a relationship without having sex. I don't want this to change, because I know it will, it always does. Once we have sex, that's all we'll be about. Sex, sex, sex, sex. I don't want that to happen. I really don't. I need you, and I want you, but I can't have sex with you. Yet. I promise you, that we will have sex though. I don't know how much longer I can go without having sex with you. Oh Ryan, I love you so much." He smiled and threw his arms around me.
"If I ever lost you I don't know how I would live, I don't think I could live. I'd never feel like this about anyone ever again, I love you Mackenzie, I'll wait. But I don't know how long I can wait for." He pressed his lips against mine softly. I yawned and so did he. I giggled, I don't know how I could be tired, I took two naps already.
"Time for bed?" I nodded and we buried ourselves under the blankets.
© Copyright 2011 Nessa Anne Smith (tapebudies2010 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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