Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1758449-Chapter-1-What-Goes-Bump-in-the-Dark
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Drama · #1758449
This is a story of murder, love and betrayal. Its time to start from the beginning
It was a new moon, high in the sky over the Cathedral Academy of Learning. The ancient building towered over the small town of Linthen Creek, just outside of Los Angeles, California. Even from the quiet country-side that surrounded Linthen Creek, it was possible to see the Academy. It just didn’t fit in but no one in the community would ever think of tearing it down, it was what Lithen Creek was known for, the ancient building in the middle of nowhere. But tonight from the steps that cascaded down from the library, the night sky casted an airy glow over the school.

Caylyn Auston was heading back to the dorms under the airy glow of the might sky, her history study session had run later than anyone had expected. She had been caught up helping Tray with his paper that was due the next day. If he wasn’t so cute I could have been like “Oh I’m sorry but I’m meant to be meeting up with Steph, I got to go” but she didn’t mind, he was kind, which was extremely hard to find around here. She almost wished they never broke up after a night like this, but that was far too late for that now, that idea had to be put out of her mind. Well it would have been nice if he had offered to walk me be back to my room, which would have been the gentlemanly thing to do, oh well even the nicest guys have dumbass moments.

At the mouth of the stairs, the senior biology class’s project opened up before her. The courtyard, which was once known for its unforgivable and restrictive concrete exterior, was now reformed to be a lush environment of trees, plants and usually teaming with life, which now all seemed as dead as what had been before it. The darkness flowed threateningly from the trees, turning the lush, green, beautiful oasis of environmentally friendly earth into a bottomless pit of blackness, the perfect hiding place for a monster. Just watching, just waiting.

Caylyn sucked in a deep breath, filling her lungs with ice cold steal that burned its way down her throat like vodka, causing a small wince to cross her face. She pulled her knee length double buttoned fleece coat closer to her body, normally, she felt safe here, at the school, in the courtyard, everywhere, she knew how to fight, just in case. But there, at that moment, she lost that comfortable feeling. Was she being watched? It sure felt like it, her heart skipped a beat every time the animals that hid themselves around the trees took a breath. She stepped out from the comfort of the light. Stopping, just for a second, to let her eye adjust to the darkness that now surrounded her. The scene came into view; she scanned just to settle her worried nerves. Nothing, the courtyard was free of anyone. But for so reason, she didn’t feel any better.

But she went on anyway, I'm over-reacting, I walk this way every day, its fine, she said to herself, so she went along on her voyage. It wasn't far. Caylyn had to walk through the courtyard, lined with what seemed like hundreds of willow trees that looked even more threatening at night. Then she had to round the corner and she was back into the light of the dorm rooms, she was home. Her sanctuary.

Her steps were fast. Rushed. Her long blonde hair swished from side to side as she marched her way through the tree, getting more excited as she got closer to her home. Her liquid sapphire eyes darted from side to side, hoping that no eyes would meet hers, checking the untrustworthy forest as she drew her white fitted button down trench coat closer to her side, clutching her pepper spray tight in hand. Just in case.

Half way across the courtyard, the sound of footsteps erupted into her concentration. She spun on her heels to see nothing. This was what happened in all the scary movies, the victim thinks she hears something, someone, but when she turns around, no one is there. This can’t be happening. She continued along the path, faster. Unfocused. Not at all like the one other person in the courtyard. The sound footsteps found their way into her ears again. She spun. Catching the shadow slip silently back into the trees.

“Who are you?”

Maybe, if she was lucky, it was her friends playing a prank. They were always playing pranks on her. The gullible one. The blonde one. The weak one. But she was one of the lucky ones, always had been. Hopefully the creep that loomed out of the bush that was actually a friend, or even a teacher, just anyone she could trust.

But the shape emerged in front of her, not afraid of her in return. He was big, tall and strong. Easily bigger and stronger then she was. No doubt. Her fighting skills would do nothing.

“You’re out late don’t you think? There could be terrible people out here, thieves, rapists, and murderers. A pretty little thing like you shouldn't really be out alone” his deep voice rippled through the darkness, flowing through the distance between us.

He was advancing

Caylyn' hand were shaking like crazy as he got closer and closer. His eyes loomed into view. Startled, her fingers tighten onto the button of her pepper spray. She wrenched her arm out of her coat pocket. A burst of pepper extended to his eyes.

Something couldn't be right, he didn’t even flinch. Blink, move. What was he?

“That wasn't very smart Miss Auston.”
“Please, what, who are you? Your scaring me”

She pleaded. Caylyn wasn't dumb, she had a 3.8 grade point average, was head cheerleader and watched a lot of CSI, and this little interaction was starting to look like the opening scene to every episode she had ever seen.

“I scare u? That’s not something to tell some people, or me especially, it gives us confidents, power.”
A shiver went down her spine, as he pulled her into his iron clad stomach. His arms wrapped around her waist and held her tight
“How about now? Am I scaring you now?” he pressed his lips roughly onto her neck. She felt his teeth graze her.
“You see, Caylyn, I always thought that we would make an amazing couple, but, you see I was away far too shy to ask you out.” his arms tighten around her, it was actually more painful than romantic, was that his intentions? A tear slow run down her check.
“But then this great plan came to me. Why don't I just steal you from the night, who could ever resist such a romantic man?”

Caylyn was terrified to see a smile stretch across his face. One hand unlaced from her back, and grabbed the tear as it dropped from her chin, took it to his lips as Caylyn's heart raced its way out of her chest.

“hmm” his eyes closed for a second
“You taste just as good as I imagined you to. Now let’s get a better taste, shall we?”

Caylyn felt his arms tighten around her again, she could swear that she felt her ribs crush into her chest; his lips hit hers with be power of a 18 wheeler.

She shoved him, hard in the gut, with as much force she could muster, he actually stubble back a little, she must have caught him off guard. Breaking the bond between their lips.

“Don't ever touch me again! Do you understand? Or I will scream, I will scream so loud it’ll wake up the whole dorm.
She was almost screaming already, and jumping backwards to get out of his grasp.

“That was dumb girl! And know I’m going to have to make you pay” the voice came from the darkness, everywhere around her, yet from nowhere all at once.

Something collided, hard with the back of Caylyn's head. The tears stared rolling down her face before she even hit the ground. She tried to crawl; she tried to get away, to save herself. But it was too late, she couldn’t stop him.

The blackness engulfed her along with the rest of the courtyard

© Copyright 2011 Arianna Stray (elise2001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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