Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1758264-Time-is-Linear--Right
Rated: E · Essay · Action/Adventure · #1758264
Maybe James Cameron can explain this?

                "Eeek! What the-?" a 13 year old Muzzy squealed.
    "Listen to me kiddo. I'm ah tar-mah-nah-tar. Undt I've come from
    the futuha to save your life!" a very large man with sunglasses
    slurred. Muzzy hid under his bed with his stack of Mad Magazines
    and Playboy Mags. The large man flipped the bed over. "Okay.
    Maybe I shouldve explahn myself. I'm a robot fromm thah futuha.
    I wahs zent here by you in the futuha to stop ahnuther robot from
    killin you." the large man took off his glasses and smiled at Muzzy.

        "Ehm. That is a temporal contradiction. I cannot interfere with
        my time line. My future actions would be erased." Muzzy answered
        clutching a playboy. Muzzy smiled upward at the large man.

    "Uh? Vait a min-hut. .." the man looked very confused. "Sky-Net muss
    be stopped!" he continued lifting Muzzy onto the back of his motorcycle.
    He had driven it through Muzzy's bedroom wall. "I assure you my logic is
    sound have you read Heisenberg's "Uncertainty Principle?"' Muzzy stammered,
    "Every particle has a certain wave pulse that is dependent on the previous
    particle action."

          "Hey! I'm a robot frohm thath fut-hah! We havf to find the robot hahnd
        that is used to make Sky-Net undt destroy it!" the robot man slurred.

  "Now that is just nonsense. If this future evil "Sky-Net" came from a
  robot hand from Sky-Net, then Sky-Net would be caught in a temporal loop!"
  Muzzy said; "Sky-Net cannot be and not be at the same time."

        The robot man stopped his bike and dismounted. "Are you John Connor?"
  he asked clearly. "No." Muzzy answered. "Oh. Ah .. I gut thah wrong ahdress."
  The robot man turned the bike around and put Muzzy to bed with some milk
  and cookies.

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