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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1757936
The begining of a love story.
L’Arc waited patiently, a thin layer of white snow covered the entire twelve foot length of his matching  ivory white scales. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scents around him. The smell of wolves caught his attention. They were stalking the forest close to him, looking for their next meal. L’Arc’s large leg muscles tightened preparing to strike when he saw the girl. He stopped, his heart skipped. What was this feeling? She looked majestic to him in spite of the simple deerskin tunic she wore. Although, it was not just brown like the normal townsfolk of Autun wore. Her’s had red and black symbols covering it. He had seen hunting parties using girls for bait like this before, and the girl often would not survive. L’Arc smelled blood in the air. The girl had a pulsing wound on her arm, the hunt had just begun, confirming his theory. Once the small hunting party had passed, L’Arc turned to return to his lair.

The lair was concealed under snow and an overhang. L’Arc slid through the snow and into the frozen cave. Water dripped from the icicles, splashing on the smooth gray cave floor. With a sigh, L’Arc breathed on the icicles jutting from the roof. The water stopped dripping, turning to ice intantly. He let another short breath out, freezing the puddles on the cave floor.

L’Arc curled up on the frozen water and sleep took him.

The smell of oak filled the air as smoke drifted towards the darkness of the night. L’Arc breathed shallowly, only the sound of his pounding heart filled his ears. He looked at the sky. The stars blotted out by the dark threatening clouds.

Lights flared through the sky penetrating the darkness. The illuminated orbs fell to earth and a piercing scream slammed into L’Arc’s ears. Autun exploded into flames.

There were more screams and L’Arc tensed at the smell of burning flesh and blood. The image of the girl flashed into his head. She was down there in harms way. L’Arc lunged forward toward town, every muscle straining.

At the edge of the town, L’Arc stopped. People fled their homes as armed soldiers entered them, slaying all in their path.

The girl walked out of her home, carrying a wooden staff. Her eyes, drifted towards the soldiers, void of emotion. She rushed forward, slamming the staff into the first soldier. The soldier tumbled over as she lunged at the next one.

Five or six soldiers surrounded the girl, trapping her. They held the tip of their blades against her flesh. Before L’Arc reached them, they thrust, filling the girl with the cold black steel.

L’Arc roared and charged toward the soldiers. Fury flooded his mind. L’Arc destroyed everything in his path, lashing out with his massive claws. The soldiers crumbled, screaming, under the shear strength of the blows.. He thought of nothing except for what they had done to the girl.

L’Arc reached down, closing his jaws around the metal men, their weapons pushing through the top of his mouth. The swords and spears of the remaining soldiers slid into his chest, but he felt no pain. He fought against the foreign feeling but his heart cried for the girl. With another roar, L’Arc whipped his tail around, smashing it into the soldiers.

The soldiers lay scattered all around. L’Arc rushed to the girl and curled his large body around her, making a small wall.

L’Arc looked into the girls eyes and together as one the light faded from their eyes. The sky cried.

L’Arc woke startled. He glanced around, realizing he was still in his cave. Why was she in my head? With a quick stretch, L’Arc left his lair in search of food.

The wind blew from the north carrying the scent of deer. They were heading his way. L’Arc buried himself under a thin blanket of snow, as the panicked deer thundered toward him. L’Arc smiled on the inside, Lunch will be good, he though as he waited. The moment his prey raced in front of him, he lunged out of the snow, pinning several down with his claws. He tore at their flesh.

That’s when he heard the screams. Hunters. They had spooked the deer, and now they had seen him. The men in the party had turned and fled in terror, but the girl had not. She kept staring at L’Arc. He froze, captivated by her gaze. He was a little surprised to see the girl again. She had survived being bait after all.

His heart beat rapidly, and he blinked. But the moment he opened his eyes she was gone, as if she’d never been there at all.

Since his meal was interrupted he lost his appetite, so L’Arc stalked the screaming men. With as much noise they made, it was easy to follow them. The town of Autun erupted into chaos, the survivors appeared to be consumed with panic. He was certain the hunters had exposed him to the townspeople, putting his very life in danger.

This was the way of things. People see him and they try to kill him. L’Arc shook his head, quickly turning back towards his cave.

The townspeople cheered when one of the hunters said they were going to hunt and kill the monster. L’Arc was about to continue forward when heard the girl speak. He froze in his tracks, his heart skipping

“Why do we have to kill it?” she asked.

There was a loud smack, followed by a voice, “Learn your place, Maria. You do not speak unless spoken to.” Anger flared in L’Arc, but he did nothing. He had lived for centuries, with the other dragons, and had seen this before. The other men surrounding her snickered. “Men gather your weapons. Tonight we hunt a demon.” Another cheer went up.

L’Arc stalked off quietly, his only thoughts on the girl named Maria. What a beautiful name. A pulse came from inside his body. What was this feeling?

Being hunted didn’t matter to L'Arc, these hunters would never find him. He stalked away, his webbed feet making it easy to glide across the new powder. In a few short hours the hunters would be searching the dark wood. L’Arc would be waiting until the hunters left before he chanced being seen again by Maria.

L’Arc ended his short walk near the other entrance to Autun. He buried himself under the snow to wait. Sleep took him quickly and he dreamed once again of Maria.

The hours passed, L’Arc came out of his dozing state. The hunters were long gone. He shuddered his light blue scales. Sniffing the air he located Maria near the entrance next to the wood. It was only a matter of minutes to reach the entrance on the other side of town.

He glided the outskirts to the wood, slightly revealing his light blue body to the girl. This was risky, but something deep down compelled him do it She took notice and walked over to him, unafraid. With her deep blue eyes burning fiercely with life, she stared back into his soft green ones.

She put her hand against his scales and his heart started beating faster. Her hand gave him chills, he longed to be human, to feel more.. His mind was swirling, her scent, her entire presence was intoxicating. With her this close his senses were going completely haywire.

L’Arc glanced up at her when she tensed. She stared just past him, and that was when he heard the sound of angry men. The hunters had returned from their hunt. They had seen him and were coming fast, leaving L’Arc no chance to escape. One had loosened an arrow. It sailed by grazing his shoulder. He heard a shocked gasp behind him. When he turned, his gaze landed on the arrow, protruding from the girls chest.

Anger filled L’Arc as he rushed forward spraying the hunters with a blast of his ice breath, and stopping the hunters in their tracks as they died from shock. Pain tore at his heart as he rushed to Maria’s side, and curled around her. But, it was too late, his dragon magic could not save her. In that moment he knew what the bond he had with Maria was, It was The Sodalis.
© Copyright 2011 Brett Toper (cbrett at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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