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Rated: · Other · Other · #1757803
Respect and good wishes to women everywhere. :)
I understand this is the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. *Bigsmile* Fortunately many things have changed for women since 1911, albeit far too slowly. Women in Canada would have to wait until 1917 until they could vote and 1920 for women in America. (Women in Wyoming could vote in 1869. Way to go Wyoming! *Bigsmile*) Today in Canada, (and in many other countries), women have come a long way but there is still a long way to go yet before there is complete equality and all of the old chauvanistic attitudes are gone. It's sickening to hear daily of stories in the news, (and in TV and movies), about men's violence towards women. I'm angry at some of my fellow males for how badly they treat females. They're cowards and bullies. *Angry*

Women in some countries have it better than women in many other countries. According to Wiki, many women only recently got the right to vote. Here's a short list...

Marshal Islands...1979
Central African Republic...1986
United Arab Emirates...2006

Apparently women in Saudi Arabia are STILL unable to vote.

Here's a link to the full list...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_right_to_vote

Here's another short Wiki snippet I found interesting...

International Women's Day sparked violence in Tehran, Iran on March 4, 2007, when police beat hundreds of men and women who were planning a rally. Police arrested dozens of women and some were released after several days of solitary confinement and interrogation.

I don't understand the reluctance, (fear?), some males have with treating females with respect, nor do I share their attitude of superiority and entitlement. Grow up guys! *Angry*

Happy International Women's Day ladies! *Bigsmile*


Aaaaaaaaargh! I just read that a Saudi woman is to get ten lashes, (with a whip), because she was driving...


It infuriates me how females are still being discriminated like this in 2011. I realize there are many different cultures and religions in this world, with different outlooks and different ways of doing things, but whipping women for simply driving seems totally ludacris to me. *Angry* Apparently Saudi Arabia is the only country to ban women, both Saudi and foreign, from driving.

"How come women get flogged for driving while the maximum penalty for a traffic violation is a fine, not lashes?" said Zein el-Abydeen, (a prominent female member of the governmental National Society for Human Rights).

"There are no written laws that restrict women from driving. Rather, the ban is rooted in conservative traditions and religious views that hold giving freedom of movement to women would make them vulnerable to sins." (quoted from the Associated Press article)

"Makes them vulnerable to sins"? Males are also "vulnerable to sin" aren't they, yet they aren't banned from driving. Call it what you will, but I believe this comes down to another example of males controlling females. Seems some guys are threatened simply by women driving. Probably the same guys that are threatened by intelligent women. Hell, I find intelligent women damn sexy. *Bigsmile* I don't have a problem with women driving, talking on telephones, flying kites, looking through microscopes, eating with plastic cutlery, or using electric can openers. Sheeeesh guys, lighten up.

On the bright side, I also see in that article where Saudi women will, (finally), be able to vote, (in 2015). That's positive change. Slow and looooooong overdue, but change nonetheless.

Equality and respect.

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