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Rated: · Short Story · Fantasy · #1756831
Tasi loves the sea but when she meets a mysterous guy named Dylan, things get interesting.
The afternoon sun is shining through the window of the car warming me all over. It was like a huge invisible blanket. My parents are marine biologists, and we are moving for a huge job opportunity seven stories under the sea’s surface. We were moving to the underwater hotel named Sun-tropics. It was just off the cost of Cape Sable, Florida. Just like my parents I love the water, it is my second home. I closed my eyes and opened my car window we have been in the car for almost two hours and I can finally smell the salty ocean. I opened my eyes and smiled.
“We will be there in about twenty minutes.” My mom said sensing my excitement.
“Awesome, I’m starting to lose the feeling in my foot.” I said kicking off my flip-flop and hitting my foot. My dad started laughing. I’m only child my parents thought one was enough because I’m defiantly a handful. My grandparents were going to meet us there so they could take our car.
We pulled in to the parking lot where I spotted my grandparents little Volkswagen. I got out of the car trying to keep my balance after losing the feeling in my foot. I saw my grandma; for being 60 years old she could move really fast.
“How is my little baby bear?” my grandma said hugging me tight
“Pretty good, how are you?” I said smiling
“Just wonderful!” she said stepping back looking at me more closely “I see you have another hole in your head.”
“Yeah, it is a going away gift from Sarah. She and I both got our cartilage pierced.” I said pulling my blond hair behind my right ear.
“Well I think it’s weird but it looks cute on you.” She putting her arm around me
“Thanks” I said laughing
My grandma was in her death wish car and my grandpa was in our car. I waved good-bye as they drove away.
“Let’s go” my mom said
We walked over to the dock to get our submarine ticket. The dock was reserved for today while we got loaded up to go. We waited in line for what felt like forever.
“Ticket please.” The gloomy worker said as I handed him my ticket
“Have a good day.” He smiled
“You too” I said

Chapter 2
I walked to the end of the dock were the top of submarine was floating. I hate heights and the only to get down into the submarine was to climb down a latter, it made me nervous. I turned and started to climb down the latter. I made it through the hole on the top. I let my breath out but I still had 5 feet to go. I stepped down but I could find the step I let go to look but ended up falling. I just closed my eyes and braced myself for falling on the cold hard ground. But instead of the hard ground I landed on something warm and human like. I opened my eyes to see a guy there holing me in his arms.
“Are you okay?” he said looking at me
“Yeah I’m fine I don’t really like heights. Are you okay?” I said as he let me stand on my own
“Yeah,The people that were supposed to help you backed away rather than catch you.” He said turning to the guy helping my mom down.
“I’m Tasi by the way.” I said holding out my hand
“Dylan” he said accepting my hand. I looked at him he has green eyes, with short black hair and was not really tall but not small. He was tan and really cute, I looked away from his eyes.
“Okay, well I better go find my parents.” I said
“I will see you around.” He said turning his back to me. I turned and found both of parents; we started walking to the lobby to wait to get off the submarine.
We landed on a platform and the door closed then all the water drained out. Then we went out through the door, thank god there isn’t another latter. We walked through a door and it went to the lobby of the hotel. The lobby is all glass and you can see the reef with all the fish and dolphins swimming around. It was like a dream I couldn’t stop looking around. On the other side of the lobby there was the dining room and stairs going up to the school for the marine’s kids. (Like me) I was excited to meet other kids that loved the ocean as much as I did. Then there are two corridors one for visitors and one for the marine people to stay. We went down the second corridor. Our room was right in the middle. Our room numbers are 50 and 51. We have joint rooms but I have my own room technically.
“Be responsible” my dad said handing me my room key. I smiled
“Always” I said taking the key from him.
I closed my eyes and put the key in the key hole and I walked in the door. There are white walls then a bathroom and closet on the opposite sides. Then there was a swinging door and then it is all blue, literally. It is a circle form and it is half made of glass so you can see out. It has a beautiful view of a reef. The colors are so beautiful and mesmerizing.
The in the middle of the room there was a bed made to perfection. Then on the wall there is a T.V. a mini fridge, a desk, a phone, lamp, a book of all about the hotel and a coach by the window. Then the door opened from the left side of my bed where I was sitting.
“What do you think?” my mom said coming and sitting on my bed
“It’s really amazing.” I said hugging my mom
“I’m glad you like it.”
“Who wouldn’t like this?” I said laughing
“Oh, I don’t know sweetie I’m just asking.” My mom said standing up and going into her room, I fallowed. It was the same as mine but this one has a kitchen.
“What do you think bud?” my dad said
“Amazing” I said because it was the only thing I could think of.
“Great! Okay all of our stuff is going to be here around five o’ clock so you can do anything you want until then.” My mom said sitting on the coach by the window.
“Okay sounds good!” I said turning around and going back into my room, it was only 3:30pm.
I grabbed the book about the hotel and started to read it on the coach:
Sun-Tropic Hotel
Chapter 1: activities and places
Chapter 2: marine families
Chapter 3: your room
Welcome to Sun-tropic we look forward to serving you, please do what you please within reason.
Thank you,
Ted Burtly (Creator or Sun-tropic
Chapter 1: activities and places
Our activities include:
• A indoor pool (yes, we have one under water)
• Spa room
• Workout room (included with a soccer, football, basketball, baseball, and track activities)
• Library (part of the school but is welcome with the public)
• Nature room (we have REAL plants growing their so please be respectful)
All of these rooms are on the top floor
• mall
• grocery store
• dining room ( on the other side with the lobby)
• school (only for marine families)
• activities (read above)
• Marine store ( we will have real marine biologists there to answer any questions you have or if you are interested in buying something)
Also on the top floor with the activities
Chapter 2: marine families
First if you have in children please come to the main office as soon as you can to get your form to fill out for school to start on September 5th.
Next, we are very delighted to have you be staying year round to do your work more contently! If you need anything please tell us and we will be willing to help you.
If you think you will be leaving the hotel please tell us so we can notify the waiting list so we can give marine biologist a chance to discover the life of the underworld.
Lastly, your room is your responsibility, please take care of it!
Chapter 3 your room:
Your phone is free if you call within the hotel but if you call out to land you must dial (9) first then the number. (It is $2 per three minutes)
Your fridge is for you to supply with food for you to snack on but if you don’t want to cook please come to our hotel diner that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner!
on the bottom floor

Chapter 3
I closed the folder and set it on my table. My phone started to ring.
“Hello?” I said
“Hey Tasi, its Katie”
“Oh hey, are you in your room yet?”
“Yeah I just got here”
“Isn’t the rooms amazing!” I said turning and looking out the window
“Yeah it really is. Anyway I haven’t seen you in forever do you want to meet up?” she said I looked at the clock it was 4:00 in the afternoon we would have a hour.
“Yeah how about we meet in the lobby” I said
“Sure see you in a minute!” she said then there was a click and the line went dead
I put the phone down and started for the door. I was so excited to see Katie! I haven’t seen her since the Christmas when her parents came for our house for the break. Katie lived in California our parents are best friends but there work requires them to be far away from us. Katie and I hated being away from each there because we are best friends. I walked into the entrance of the lobby.
I didn’t see Katie but I saw Dylan. He was on the coach looking out at the reef.
“Hey Dylan” I said
“Oh hey” he said standing up
“So how do you like the hotel?” I said sitting down
“It’s cool a great view.” He said staring out at the reef
“Yeah I know I love the ocean it just gets me”
“Yeah I feel the same way” he said turning looking at me
“Tasi is that you?” a voice said behind me, I turned
“Katie!” I said going around the coach
“Oh my gosh I have missed you so much!” she said hugging me
“Me too” I squealed
“Oh um, who is this” she said noticing Dylan who was staring at us.
“Katie this is Dylan, we meet earlier at the submarine” I said
“Hi” Katie said holding out her hand
“Hello” he said taking her hand
“I better get going my brother is probably wondering where I am” he said putting his hands in his pockets
“Oh well I guess I will see you around” I said
“Bye” he said walking away
“Okay where did you find him?” Katie said
“I had some troubles getting in the submarine and fell on him kind of.” I said
“How romantic” she joked
We went to the main office to pick up the high school sign up. Since the underwater school is going to be different than normal school we don’t have P.E we have diving classes. Katie and I couldn’t wait to start diving. Then we would have regular math, science, and language arts. We signed up for all the same teachers.
Chapter 4
I left Katie at 4:55pm to go meet up with my parents to organize my room. I opened my first box it had all of my clothes, make-up, and bathroom things in it. My second box had my electronics, school books, and extra stuff I took from my house.
After I put everything away I turned on the T.V. and flopped on my bed. News, children shows, nothing is on. I sighed and turned off the T.V. I walked over to my parent’s room, my mom is putting the dishes in the kitchen and my dad was in their room organizing all there items. I sat down at the table by the kitchen.
“Did you get the form for high school? My mom said
“Yeah, Katie and I both signed up for the same classes.” I said walking over to start helping my mom with the silverware.
“Good, I hear all the teachers are very nice and good at their job” my mom said I nodded not really knowing what to say next.
“What are we having for dinner?” my dad yelled
“Hamburgers” my mom shouted back. Yummy I thought.
“Honey, would you go to the dining room and pick up the food” my mom said
“Sure” I said
I stood in line for food for about 10 minutes then they finally gave me my order and I started walking back home.
Chapter 3

A week has passed and school has just started. It was weird on the first day Dylan wasn’t there. He came today and I couldn’t help but want to know why he wasn’t at school. In Language arts we sit by each other, maybe I would get a chance to talk to him then.
I sat down next to him and said hello. He smiled and said hi. Mrs. Berry our teacher, started talking about today’s lesson. We are reading and writing poetry.
“Now I would like you to write poetry today” Mrs. Berry said handing out a sheet of paper to us. As I read over the requirements it had to be about the ocean and it could be any kind of poetry. I thought about what to write and I thought of doing a rhyming one but I wasn’t going to start right away because I didn’t really want to. The class started to chat and Mrs. Berry went over to her computer and started doing whatever she does on there.
“So how have you been?” I said casually
“I have been good” Dylan said shortly
“Oh well that’s good so have I” I murmured
“Cool” He said, Dylan isn’t very talkative today I thought. “Are you here with a relative or parents?” he said
“Parents, aren’t you here with your brother or something?” I said
“Yeah, my parents aren’t really into the whole under water hotel thing” He laughed
“Oh cool, how old is your brother?”
“25” Dylan said
“That’s cool, I’m an only child.” I said twisting my hair around my finger
“Sometimes, I wish I was” Dylan sighed
“It’s nice I guess” I shrugged
“That’s cool”
“If you don’t mind me asking why weren’t you at school yesterday?” I said looking at him for the first time
“I don’t really think that’s any of your business” Dylan snapped
“Sorry I didn’t know…” I whispered
“Whatever” he said darkly
I swallowed hard and just sat there and said nothing.
He stood up as the bell rang, he didn’t say good-bye just took his backpack and left. I stood up and walked out.

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