Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1756472-Dear-God-332011
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Religious · #1756472
Letters to God thanking him for things He is teaching me.
Precious Lord, my creator, it is with great awe, that I ponder on the things in my life that you have been showing me. It may be through a book or two that I have read, or an email that was sent to me. It may be a website you led me to, or words spoken by another faithful believer of yours. You died just for me to have eternal life.... with You, the Father, and the Holy Spirit who has been placed IN me. You love me so much that it wasn't enough to be with me, you went a step further in intimacy by taking permanent residence within my heart.

I have a life so full of abundance, bubbling over with joy. I have moments where I see into the full extent of the freedom that you have already purchased through your blood. Complete freedom that draws, and strengthens me to persevere without exception. The exhilarating thing you showed me today is that even when my days start to look the same they, in fact, are not. On the surface things may be boring, insignificant, same old same old, dull, ho-hum, uninteresting or another day of unanswered prayer. Looking deeper, its another day to glorify You God. To walk in the purpose you set aside just for me, there are things only I can do to complete your will.
Psalm 139:16-17 says Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts,God! How vast is the sum of them!

May I never look at each day the same again. You hear my prayers and I can count on you working towards the details in the unseen. Whether you answer with what I asked, or what sometimes can be even better, what is best for me and for my good. God you are a good God. In the Cosmic Christmas book I read by Max Lucado, you even offer Satan a chance to come back to you. God, you truly want no one to perish.

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