Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1756144-The-Little-Sister
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1756144
What she wanted was love - but got something better instead.
August 3rd.

         I know I haven't written in my diary lately, but summer vacation has been too much fun! The trip back home was pretty nice, got to seem mom and dad and my old friends. Mom scolded me about not calling her a lot, saying I'm a bad daughter! I know she was just joking, but I guess I should give her a call more often. Coming back home after two weeks, looks like someone finally rented that unit down the hall. Hope there's some cute guys living there, all the ones I've met in class have been real stuck ups. That’s what I get for going to a good college though. I should probably write more about my trip, but I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow? Ah well, time for a movie and some downtime.

August 5th.

         There so is a cute guy living in that apartment! He looks older than me though, probably in his late 20s. He was wearing a business suit and look real professional and handsome. I want to talk to him, but I'm not sure how to approach him. It's so hard when you only have seconds while passing each other in the hallway! I'll give this some more thought, this guy looks like he has potential.

August 6th.

         I don't know what to do! He has a daughter, she looks like she's seven or eight. He said it was just the two of them living in that apartment, so I know he's not married. He might not have a girlfriend either! I don't know though, I've never dated someone who had a kid, wouldn't that complicate things too much? Well, I still have to see if he likes me first.

August 8th.

         I met the girl today. She was strolling around the walkway by herself, so I asked her if she was okay. Seems like daddy was working late and she was bored in her apartment by herself. She was real talkative and cute! Told me all sorts of things, most of which didn't even make sense. Ah well, that's a kid for you. I've never really got to know one before, but she seems pretty friendly. I wanted to ask if her daddy had a girlfriend, but I held back. That probably would be kind of rude of me, wouldn't it?

August 11th.

         Here I was laying on my couch reading a magazine, when who knocks on my door? Why, it's that cute little girl. She asked me if I would play with her. I couldn't help but laugh, I guess there are no other children in this building. I asked her if her daddy would be okay with that, and she told me that he said she could play with any other kids while he's at work, as long as she doesn't leave the apartment complex. Does that make a kid now too? Ah well, we went out to the courtyard and had a nice chit-chat. She must be lonely during summer vacation. I feel kinda bad for her.

August 13th.

         She came back to my door this afternoon, but this time her handsome father was with her! He wanted to meet the 'big girl' his daughter befriended. I don't think he expected me to be a young women! Well, I invited them in hoping I might get to know him better, but he declined. Waste of a good opportunity. He looked tired though, he had those kind of dark eyes you get when you're missing out on sleep. Must be his job? He seems to come home after dark almost every day. Maybe next time we run into each other I won't still be in my PJs. I'm not winning any awards for sex appeal like this.

August 17th.

         I hope he doesn’t think I'm weird for playing with his daughter. She just seems so sad when she's alone, I can't help it! I can’t remember the last time I held a Barbie doll or a plastic tea cup, but this kinda stuff is cute when the kid is into it. Not like I have anything to do until classes start anyways. I just wish I could run into him more. I need to just say how I feel to him, he must be too tired from work to get my subtle hints. I've never been good at this kinda stuff.

August 22nd.


August 23rd.

         She sat outside my door for two hours until I got up and went outside. She doesn't know I was rejected, but still, I don't really feel like playing with her anymore. School starts soon too, she'll be okay. Me too.

August 26th.

         I gave in and played with her today. School starts the day after tomorrow, so probably won't see much of her after that. Even if he doesn't like me, she's still fun to play with. Maybe I always wanted a little sister and never knew it?

September 4th.

         Classes are easy, the professor even lets us out early most of the time. Every day when I get home 'you know who' is waiting on my doorstep. Seems like she's not allowed to hang out with her school friends outside the complex until he meets their parents. Reasonable enough. A pity he's taking so long doing that. I don't mind though.

September 6th.


September 7th.

         He apologized about yelling at me yesterday. I'm still mad. He didn't apologize about what he's doing though. He can't be mad at me for taking care of that little girl afterschool when he's never home to take care of her himself! This would have never happened though if she wasn't so talkative, poor girl. From what she told me about it afterwards, she got daddy angry because her teacher asked the students to write a short essay about their parents. She wrote about her daddy of course, but then she went on to write how she wishes her mom was the 'nice lady' down the hall. Her teacher was concerned and called daddy. What a horrible man, I wish I was her mother!

September 9th.

         I never would have expected it! I think this was the first real conversation I've ever had with him. He came over, this time apologizing for real. I finally have the whole story, it all makes sense now. He's working hard hours at an office to support himself and his daughter, as his wife passed away a few years ago. He told me he couldn't be interested in another women right now, his feelings are still too strong. He said he did appreciate the care I've provided for his daughter though, that made me so happy. His story is so sad though. He's working hard to provide a future for his daughter, but he doesn't make enough money to hire a nanny for her right now. He hopes he will soon though. I hope so too! I told him that if he didn't mind, I could take care of the little angel after school. He said he wouldn't allow that unless he paid me for my services, although he couldn't pay me much. He insisted on that until I accepted. Oh well, somehow it turned into a babysitting job. I don't mind though. I'm just glad I have my little sister back for good now!

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