Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1756042-I-matter
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1756042
when a woman realizes whats going on.
I matter……

I turned to myself and withdrew.
I could no longer control what was going on around me
I did not know what else to do.
I tried to be perfect but that was not enough,
I was always on call whether night or day,
I gave my all to only get less.
Has my life come down to this, do I really not matter.
I have tried to speak out, but my voice is so small.
It seems no one can help, or is it that I really don’t matter.
I look thru eyes that have to look thru crying eyes in order to see.
My soul is bleeding and Im wounded within.
When I try to scream, a whimper comes out.
So I quiver and cower in this corner, because I feel like I don’t matter.
Life no longer has a meaning to me, why am I living.
Then when I felt all hope is gone and I had gave up,
A sliver of light began to shine in my dark corner.
I felt strength that I never knew, like I had a voice.
So I tried to stand, and stood taller than ever.
My life has meaning and I am somebody,
And today I take it back, I do matter.
You can no longer keep me cowering in a corner,
I refuse to be put down by your words, i am worth more than that.
I am a woman of worth and will not let a man dictate my self being.
I am freeing myself today, free to be the woman I was made to be.
I will not let a man cause me to withdraw again,
I am a strong woman and I matter.
I matter, I matter, I matter if not to you than definitely to myself.
Life has meaning and it is full of opportunities.
And I am going to take advantage of every single one I can.
Because I matter!!!
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