Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1756035-New-World-New-Life-New-Dreamnot-fin
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1756035
A girl was hurt badly, opened her door, and came to a totally different world...
"Oww!" Oh, anyway, my name is Rain and yes, I'm a girl, and don't ask about my name. I would just describe myself as a tall girl with long black hair and glasses. People described me with one word, ugly. My parents hate me because apparently, I wasn't the "perfect" daughter that they wanted. Anyway, I found out something today... and this was what happened....... I was moving with my cruel parents to a new house that we bought. when I was moving a box full of toys and clothes, I stepped on a nail, a really sharp one. My lazy, mean parents told me to move all the boxes inside while they get some stupid tea. "Oww! Mom, I stepped on a nail!" My mom turned around and looked at me with a disgusted look. "Deal with it!" she yelled. I mean like seriously, it was bleeding! I hopped back to my "room" (the attic) and looked at my foot, it was bleeding painfully. I wrapped my towel around it and dealt with it. "Rain!" "Coming mom!" I got up and fell, realizing that I can't walk now, I had to hop. Stupid me. I hopped down stairs and asked my mom what does she want. "Rain, you didn't finish moving the boxes!" "Bu-" "You are grounded! Now get out of my face!" "Okay..." I ran up to my "room" and sulked, "Why do everyone's parents seem so nice but mine doesn't?" I thought in my head. Suddenly, a light flashed. I turned around and found out that it was from my door. I wiped my tears and was thinking that it was probably my parents. I got up, hopped, and opened the door.....

The light flashed and blinded my eyes. I used my arms to block it. When the light died down, I put my arms down and what I saw amazed and shocked me at the same time. There was creatures that have human qualities but totally different body parts. Others are just weird lookin' creatures. I stared into this new world till a creature came up to me. "Hi, my name is Kiki. I am the school rep. of Rose Academy.I am of course, female. I am also a valcryn. Its like a hybrid vampire, we have poisonous blood, more violent then normal vampires, hard to kill, and we can steal the powers of other people, well some of us can, but I'm the only one left. The rest of my species got killed. And we were an experiment, made by taking a human and changing our DNA into another creatures, we are just test rats gone wrong. She looked down, sadly. "Anyway, would you like to join us since we have a little amount of students? I could ask the headmaster if you could join." I walked backwards, fell because I stepped on that stupid nail, and bumped into something. I turned around really quick and found out that there wasn't a door behind me. "W-W-Where did my door go?" "A door?" "Yeah, my door?" I answered while I was in "shock" mode. Kiki giggled, "There's no door there. You must be imagining things." "I swear that there was a door there!!" Kiki laughed and took my hands. I followed her while she dragged me, I guess.

I came to a huge building that looked like the White House, but like 1,000 times bigger, like a palace! I was focusing on how big the structure was when a tall man with glasses came out."Hello, I am the headmaster, named Rose(and yes, he is a male). As you can see, I am a human. Unlike other people or creatures as you can see." "Oh, okay. I'm a human too." They stared at me as if I was wierd. Kiki walked up to me and said,"You must have bumped your head or something. You're a cat/neko demon mixed with vampire blood remember?" I glazed into her eye for a second, then screamed. Kiki ran into the academy and came back with a mirror-like thing. "Here's a mirror to prove that you are a cat/neko demon and vampire mix." I grabbed the mirror and I saw a girl with sharp fangs, cat ears, black wings, and a scythe. She was wearing a blue and black short dress." I stared into it and threw the mirror on the ground, smashing the glass pieces everywhere. I turned around and ran, trying to end this nightmare. I ran, while tears flew out of my eyes and into the wind. I suddenly fell and my foot started to hurt again. I woke up dazed and found out that I wasn't hurt. I got up and underneath me was a human? Lion? Tiger? "Ummm, would you mind getting off?" "Oh, I'm so sorry." I tried getting up but I can't. It might be caused by my injured foot. Headmaster Rose and Kiki hurried by my side. Kiki and headmaster pulled me up and I leaned on Kiki. The boy that I accidently fell on got up and asked headmaster, "Who's this girl?" " She's a new student here that was just shocked because she found out that she was a cat/neko demon and vampire mix....." "Ohhhh..." Headmaster turned around and said, "This is Akaito(A-KIE-TO)" "Hello, I am Akaito, 15 years old, and I'm a chimera. A human-animal hybrid,kind of like a werewolf or something, only the animal characteristics sometimes are very....dominate over the human characteristics.I attend this academy too" "Hey, why don't you guys be roommates?" shouted Kiki. "B-But I didn't even agree if I want to come to this school yet!" "Rain, why don't you come to this school. Please!!!!" beseeched Headmaster Rose. "Okay, if you want me in that badly..." I replied. " Welcome to Rose Academy!" Kiki yelled on the top of her lungs. "So from now on, you and Akaito are roomates." I turned around and beamed at Akaito. He smiled and said, "Okay, now you have been roomed with me, why don't I show you where everything is?" "Hey! That's my job!" glared Kiki. "Ok, jeez, calm down!" Kiki calmed down and we went inside, so I can have a "tour". Akaito and headmaster followed behind.

I walked in Rose Academy, and I looked up and the ceiling was soooo high up. The room was gigantic with a staircase on each side leading upstairs. "This is the dorm. Your room is 030, sharing a room with Akaito." "Cool! This building is so big to be a dorm." I said while looking up at the pictures. "Anyway, this is the lobby where everyone meet and like hang out." "Okay." Headmaster Rose walked over to Kiki and said, "You will take care of this. Help Rain plan everything out her schedules for school next week. Ok? I need to go to a meeting with the other headmasters now." Kiki nodded and headmaster smiled. He left and waved goodbye. And then, for the rest of the day, Kiki showed me around the school and property around it, giving advises and warnings. Akaito just stuck around.

"It's now getting late now, you should go back to your dorms now." Kiki said. "It is?" I asked. "Yeah, Akaito, take Rain back with you, since you guys share the same room." Akaito, ignored her. I pushed him, and he was like, "W-W-hat do you want?" Kiki, said angrily, "Didn't you listen? I told you to take Rain back with you, since you share the same room. And also, that I need to talk to some teachers first. "Oh, okay, sorry, I was bored, so I just wandered off." "It's okay" Akaito nodded and I followed behind him, while Kiki waved goodbye. "Umm, Akaito..." I started. "What?!" "Sorry, nevermind." I looked down. Akaito stopped and turned around. I kept on walking bumping into him. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying atttention of where I wa-" "You don't need to apologize," Akaito began in a different mood, "I'm just in a bad mood today, and don't ask why." "Oh, okay." I whispered quietly. "That reminds me of something, let me show you a place that I use to go to when I was in a bad mood!" Before I could say anything, Akaito grabbed my hands and started running. I blushed. It was the first time a boy had touched my hands!

We continued running, until we were out of breath. I breathed deeply, till I was back to normal again. I looked up and saw this amazing sunset! It was so beautiful that I couldn't even use words to describe it. I was so happy, until I realized that Akaito was still holding my hands. Akaito looked at our hands too, and we let it go immediately. I blushed, and my heart beat was fast. I forgot most of it and went back at looking at the sunset. "Akaito, when did you find this?" "Oh, you mean this, I think I found it after a couple days when I first came to Rose Academy." "It's beautiful!" I walked forward, closing my eyes, not realizing that where we were standing was on a cliff. I fell, and turned around in mid-air. Akaito grabbed my hand and then pulled me up. He pulled me so close to him that I could feel his breath, on my head. I was in his arms, blushing before I realized it. We stood there for a couple seconds, till Akaito let go of me when the bell rang that the doors of the dorm are going to close. "Uhhhh, Rain, it's time for us to go to the dorms already or else it would lock us out." "Ok." We started walking and I just followed behind. I was thinking,..."Why did I blush when Akaito grabbed me and pulled me near him? Why did my heart beat so fast when I was near him?" I asked myself all these questions when we were walking.

I went to my room and lied on my bed. I stared at the bare ceiling. Then I heard the door open and Kiki came back. "It's dinner time! Rain, come down here!" "Ok!" I yelled back. I got up and realized that my parents must be missing me... Nahhhh! I don't think that they even know that I'm gone!" I thought to myself. I hurried down and sat between Kiki and Akaito. I stared at the other people while they stared back at me. I tried not to make any eye contact. "Guys, meet Rain. She is new here and she is 13 years old. She is now sharing a room with Akaito. Rain, meet the people. They go to school here and they are,..." As Kiki started from a guy with dark hair, I just listened and looked the people that Kiki is introducing. "Rain, meet Yuki." "Hi Rain, I'm Yuki and I am the same age as Kiki, 16. I am also a human mixed with a mouse demon." "Hi..." I answered quietly. "Next is Len", Kiki continued. "Hello, I'm Len, I am 17. I am a chimera too. Same as Akaito." I just nodded. Next was a girl all in black. "Hi, I am Rez, and I'm a new student too. I came here yesterday. I am a cat demon and vampire mix. Same as you, i think.." "Yes, you are." I replied. Next came a guy with Black hair and snake bites on his lips. "Hi, I am Rayne. I am a snake demon. I am your teacher, from what I heard from Kiki." "Okay." I replied. Next, after that, I met a girl that's a vampire, and other students from the academy. But of course, I couldn't remember all of them. We ate dinner, and I walked upstairs to take a shower. Kiki showed me the way and I just followed. "Thanks Kiki!" "You're welcome!" After that, I just scurried back to my- well Akaito and my room.

The next day, I woke up, got dressed in the room, forgetting that Akaito was sharing a room with me. I was almost finished when Akaito woke up, shirtless. "Hey Rain-" He got cut off when he realized that I was changing. I turned around and stared, terrified. "Sorry, I didn't know that you were changing." "Ummmm, I'm almost done anyway..." I stuttered.I quickly finished dressing and walked to the bathroom. I walked in as fast as I could and shut the door behind me. I quickly brushed my hair, and finished it with a blue bow on the side.I quietly opened the door and peeked out. Akaito was in his clothes and was fixing his hair, putting his black and redish bangs over his right eye. I quietly walked down to the lobby when Kiki was already there, on the couch. "Hey Rain". "Hi, Kiki". I scurried next to Kiki and plopped on the couch next to her. Then people from Rose Acaemy started getting up and coming here. Akaito walked down the steps, not daring to look at me after what had happened. Kiki noticed, got up, walked up to Akaito and talked to him. Couple minutes later, Kiki turned around at looked at me. She walked next to me and said, "Rain, it's okay, it's not like Akaito saw anything." I nodded, looked past Kiki, and stared straight into Akaito's brown eyes. I blushed and my cheek felt a little hot. "Are you okay?" Kiki asked. "Y-yea..." I hid my blushed face with my bangs, but it didn't work.

One question for the readers, should I make Akaito and Rain fall in love? I know that Akaito's 15 and Rain's 13 but it's only 2 years apart. Please tell me what you think and write it in the review. Thnx ;)
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