Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755537-Robert-and-the-breeding-eel
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1755537
A story of aliens that breed inside human beings. Very mature.
Robert was every girl's dream. Tall and athletic, with perfect skin and eyes you could get lost in, he was frequently in the company of one or more girls at school, each hoping that he would take more than a passing interest in them.
His schoolwork was reasonable, but nothing exceptional. He could have perhaps done better had he not been busy with sports and the affections of young women.
He lived with his parents and his eighteen year old sister in a leafy suburban house just a few blocks from his school and the local shops. Apart from being surrounded by willing girls, everything in his life was fairly normal.

That all changed one night on his way home from a date with Amelia Jenkins. They had been to see a good movie, then he had walked her to her home, which was about a mile from his own. As always, he had declined her invitation to go inside, leaving her only with a lingering kiss, then started walking home by the shortest route. This brought him through the local wood, an acre of trees and ponds set aside as a nature preserve with a few playgrounds and picnic tables encroaching on the outskirts. A path almost directly across the middle was the perfect way for him to get home from Amelia's house, had something not been lurking there.

As he walked down the dark path with only a hand-held torch to illuminate the way, he felt something drop on his shoulder. As he stopped and reached for it he felt something warm and slimy slip down the back of his shirt. Before he could reach around in a desperate but awkward attempt to catch it the thing had dropped to his waitsline and squeezed under his belt into his pants. Panicking, he tried to grab the creature as it moved rapidly around inside his boxers to his virgin manhood and started squeezing itself inside him.
He hastily opend his fly and slipped his hand inside and managed to grab a handful of slimy flesh, but was unable to get a grip as it worked its way into his shaft in an almost pleasant fashion and slipped into his body beyond his reach.
His body began to relax, and his mind fogged over slightly. Why was he worried? He was no longer sure. The only thing that he was really certain of right now was that he was tired and needed to go to bed.
The incident quickly fading from his mind, he made his way home in haste, forgetting even that his fly was still undone.

He staggered home and into the house, feeling somehow dirty and confused. He was tired, but more importantly he was hungry.
He went into the kitchen and checked the fridge for leftovers. His mother tended to cook large meals, and there was usually plenty stored in the fridge for later. Tonight was no exception.
Finding a number of sealed plastic containers of spaghetti in the fridge, he took one out and put it in the microwave to heat while he buttered some bread.
While he waited for the food to heat, his sister entered the kitchen and went to the fridge to get some milk. As she bent over in the fridge, her nightie barely covering her bottom, Robert found himself staring at her almost perfect figure from behind. As she turned away from the fridge, bottle of milk in hand, he shook his head and tried to focus on the sandwiches he was making. She was his sister, for crying out loud. Why had he been staring at her ... beautifully toned ass?
He tried to put the image from his mind, and concentrated on combining reheated spaghetti with bread to make a filling meal.
His sister finished her milk and left the room, presumably unaware of the eyes that were following her exit.

Robert finished making three sandwiches with a generous filling of spaghetti bolognaise. Mince, pasta and bread were quicly devoured, leaving Robert feeling very full and resting one hand on a slightly swollen belly.
His hunger satisfied for the moment, he succumbed to the need for sleep, and dragged himself upstairs to his bedroom and fell asleep without undressing.

His dreams were vivid and populated by girls that he knew. Girls from school. Girls he had dated. His teachers - at least, the young and reasonably attractive women. Other women that he dare not recognise. All the fertile women he knew were after him, and all of them were naked. And he had something to share with them.

He awoke just after dawn, his body drenched in sweat and other fluids. Unlike other mornings when he awoke energetic and keen to face the day, he felt tired and lethargic. He rolled out of bed and lurched down the hall to the bathroom, one hand resting unaware on a slightly swollen belly, the other on his very stiff manhood.
He reached the bathroom and shed last night's clothing, unaware that he was being watched from the other end of the hall. His hand gently stroking his engorged member, he stepped into the shower oblivious to the fact that in his daze he had left the bathroom door open.

He felt tired and full, and perhaps a little heavier in the belly than he was used to, but all he could focus on was the jet of warm water on his skin. That the water was streaming around and beneath the protruding curve of his belly failed to penetrate the fog that coated his brain.

As he dried himself off after his shower, his stomach began to demand sustenance. By the time he hung up the towel the demand had become quite insistent.

The gnawing ache in his belly grew more insistent, and the need for sustenance over-rode common sense and even his memory.
Shrugging off the notion that he had forgotten something important he went downstairs to the kitchen and prepared a large and very full bowl of cereal. Sitting at the table he greedily scooped the simple meal into his waiting mouth as fast as he could manage.
As he neared the end of the meal his sister walked into the room wearing only a nightie and opened the fridge. As she bent over to retrieve the juice from within the fridge Robert caught a good view of her well-toned backside. The images from his dream haunted him, and he realised with guilty pleasure that his sister was one of those naked young women he had been dreaming about. He could feel his manhood stiffen with excitement while the faint shred of his concience were drowned out by the fog that crowded his brain.
With the bottle of juice in hand she turned to the bench beside the fridge and began filling a glass, giving Robert a clear view of her barely covered figure. The fabric of her nightie was thin enough that he could see that she was not wearing a bra, and the curve of her ripe breasts tantalised him.
The last few spoonfuls of his breakfast lay forgotten as other primal urges comandeered his brain.
His sister put the juice away in the fridge and turned to face him, took a casual sip from the glass in her hand, and then sweetly asked him if he planned to stay naked.

Robert slowly looked down and it finally dawned on him that he was not wearing a stitch of fabric! In his haste to eat he had forgotten to don any form of clothing.
His fog-addled brain tried to consider his options. He could always try to act cool and finish eating before trying to leave the room without his sister spying the excitement she had caused him, or stride out in haste with little concern about what she might see.

Robert shrugged. There was no way that he was going to allow his sister to out-cool him. Keeping an eye on her to gauge her reaction he casually finished the last of the cereal. Though she seemed to remain as calm as ever, her breasts heaving slightly faster than it should. She seemed to watch him intently, presumably to see if he would break from the humiliation of being caught naked. He was not about to give her the satisfaction.
However, neither did she seem to be inclined to give him a chance to leave the table unwatched.
Time was wasting. He knew he had to make a move. Pushing back his chair slowly, he rose and strolled to the sink to rinse the bowl, his erection on full display. It may have been his imagination but his sister seemed to be breathing faster.
As he moved to leave the room she stood in his way, his manhood almost touching her. Although she was a year older than he was, they were of a similar size and she was quite fit. He might be able to force his way past her if she resisted, but the fog in his mind made it difficult to consider it.
She smirked, and asked teasingly if his breakfast was that exciting. Or perhaps, she went on to suggest, her unrestrained breasts heaving beneath her nightie, there was something else on his mind.
Robert knew that his sister could be annoying, even demanding, but this was a little forward even for her. He was confused, and more than a little aroused. Images flashed in his mind of her naked beneath him - images that he tried desperately to put from his mind, but found impossible to do. He knew he had to act fast while he still had some solf-control left.

Robert could feel his self-control slipping away as base urges demanded that he touch the desireable girl in front of him. Hands barely his own reached out for her, then without warning threw her to one side as he made a desperate dash for the doorway. But as he moved past her, his hands barely having released their momentary grasp of her appealing form, she grabbed his wrists, pivoted on her heels, and swung him back into the kitchen. With lust in her eyes she backed him into the table, but he hooked his ankle around hers and spun them both around, landing her backside on the table, her torso propped up by her arms. His hands were now on her waist, and the tip of his manhood hovered perilously close to its desired target between her legs, which lay open and inviting.
He wanted this, and from what he could tell she wanted this too, and he felt himself slowly bushing his hips towards her, closing the gap between them. Then some shred of moral decency reminded him who this was and he pushed himself away from her and fled upstairs to his room.
Safely in his room he locked the door and leaned against it panting, listening for sounds of his sister following him. He heard none, and after a few minutes left the door and began to dress for school as fast as he could barely aware that his clothes were tighter fitting than he was used to. Scooping up his backpack, he leaped out his bedroom window and grabbed the sturdy tree branch that waited for him there and swung down to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the grass he was running as fast as he can towards school, the strange weight bouncing in his belly completely ignored as memories of what happened in the kitchen, and thoughts of what had nearly happened, assaulted his mind.
Thinking that he would be safe for the moment at school, he was soon proven wrong.
The guys found plenty of opportunity to tease him about some weight they claimed that he had gained, one going so far as to ask when the baby was due. As for the girls, they were flocking to him as always, their desireable bodies close to his, but now they tended to rest their hands on his rounded belly and looked into his eyes with varying degrees of desire. His body, in return, responded with desire of its own, a fact they surely could not have failed to notice. His hunger for these girls could only be matched by his hunger for food, which he fed at every available opportunity. The girls even took to hand-feeding him some of their lunches in a bid to win his affections.
As lunch was drawing to a close, and his shorts were straining under the pressure from his belly, Amelia wrapped her arms around him, her lithe body pressed up against him, and asked him to meet her after school. There was no doubt that she could feel both his swollen belly and his swollen member pressing into her, and she was clearly keen to be with him. The unsated desire was strong within him, and he knew for certain that he could not resist her tonight.

The rest of the school day dragged by. Robert found it hard to concentrate on anything except any girls that he could see. His desires on overload, all he could think of was undressing these girls and ...
The ringing of the school bell brought to his attention that he was free to leave. Athletics training was due to start shortly, but Amelia would be waiting for him and there was no way he was going to turn her down today. The bell had barely stopped ringing as he scoooped up his books and waddled towards the door. He soon found Amelia and suggested that they stop at the take-away on the way to her house to get something to eat. She seemed surprised, but readily accepted.
Arm in arm they walked up the street, a little slower than yesterday as Robert felt a weight in his middle shifting from side to side and making his movement a little awkward. Soon they reached the shop, where Robert ordered a hamburger while Amelia settled for a milkshake. Feeling ravenous, Robert quickly devoured his burger, much to Amelia's surprise. As he finished the last swallow the button on his shorts came undone, the strain finally pulling it open. Amelia suggested that her father would have a spare pair that would fit Robert, and led him back to her home.

Unsurprisingly, Amelia's father would not be home until much later. He worked long hours, and Amelia had counted on this to get her some alone time with Robert. He may have put on some weight, and awfully quickly too, but it was all in his tightly packed belly, and she felt herself drawn to him even more than normal.
She left in her room while she went to fetch a pair of her father's shorts. Robert dropped his now-useless shorts to the floor and looked at himself in Amelia's floor-length mirror. Even through the haze in his brain he could see that his belly had become quite large, as if he was trying to hide a basketball inside his body. Still, the surface of his belly was fairly muscular, and he did not seem to be carrying any extra fat. Perhaps if he did some more excercise and stopped skipping training to be with girls he would be able to work off this mass quickly enough.

Amelia returned with a pair of shorts in her hand and saw Robert gazing at his figure, his shirt raised exposing his abnormally large belly. While his swollen belly obviously commanded her attention, she was also acutely aware of the otherwise lean and muscular body standing in her bedroom with no shorts on, and the erect manhood trying to escape his underpants.

Dropping the shorts as she walked over to Robert, Amelia wrapped her arms around the boy pressing her flat belly into his round one. Robert almost seemed stunned as she leaned in and kissed him, waves of desire battling the knowledge that what they wanted was improper. He knew he should restrain himself, but he didn't want to and he knew he wasn't going to. He found his hands at her hips, his arms over hers. He slid his hands up her sides until one was wrapped around her sholders and the other behind her head. Then they broke apart at they began swiftly removing each other's clothes with great impatience.
They moved to her bed, and without a word she pushed him to the bed flat on his back, climbed astride him and slowly and gently lowered herself onto his erect manhood. She took her time, and he let her, neither willing to do anything clumsy and ruin this moment.
They made love with awkward inexperience, but soon they had a rhythm going, thrusting towards each other in wild abandon. Her hands frequently rested on his swollen belly as if it were exciting to touch. Then she began shrieking with intense pleasure as Robert's member began to swell inside her from the base of his shaft upwards to the tip as if something were moving through it. Then, as her first orgasm overtook her Robert stopped thrusting and held himself deep inside her, and it felt to Amelia as if something slid out of his member and through her waiting cervix. Lost in pleasure she held him tight and waited for the waves of excitement to subside.
Once it was over they held each other for a while until, mindful of the time, they rose and began clearing away any sign of their union. Showers were had, and bed linen changed, and then, wearing the borrowed shorts Robert left for home before Amelia's father arrived. Amelia, in turn, crawled into her freshly-made bed and immediately fell asleep, exhausted.

Robert jogged home awkwardly, his heavy belly swaying back and forth. As he neared the wood and his usual shortcut he became aware of a number of imposing looking vehicles surrounded by barricades blocking entrance to the park. A number of obviously armed men milled around, watching in all directions. One of them waved an official-looking badge at Robert and told him to stay out of the woods.

Surprised and confused, Robert turned down a side street and jogged home the long way. By the time that he reached home he was quite tired, and it was all that he could do to drag himself upstairs, remove all his clothing and crawl into bed. He fell asleep almost immediately.

Robert's little sister, Emily, decided to wake him up in the middle of the night. She wanted to screw him like a jack rabbit. She didn't know where this thought came from she just knew that it wouldn't go away until she and her brother had made beautiful intimate love to one another. She got the idea around breakfast that morning hoping that Robert wold take her then, but instead he just rushed off to school. But this time there would be know choice.

Meanwhile, Robert was tossing and turning in his sleep due to the extremely erotic dreams he was having. Dreams in which girl after girl would ride him until an ocean erupted from his pelvis. He woke up in a sweat and noticed two things. First h noticed that his bratty little sister was sitting on the corner of his bed in noting but her bra and panties and second he noticed that he was wearing even less while being so hard that it was competition for a NASA rocket.

"What do you want brat?" Rob said sitting up using his pillow to try and hide his shaft.

"oh Robby, I just was thinking that me and you could use some quality time together." She replied.

It was at this point that Emily started to make out with Robert while tossing the pillow aside. He responded by ripping off her clothes (what little clothes she had on) and returned her kiss deeply. Any hope of self restrain left when her mouth assaulted his. They tumble around and they manage to stay busy until morning. When Robert woke up he decided to check up on his Lovely little sister. "Strange", he thought to himself, "I never reffered to her as lovely before." He shrugged it off based on what he had felt the last couple of days.

Clothed in a dressing gown this time, Robert went downstairs wondering if he had been dreaming about Emily's visit to his room. As he walked into the kitchen he was surprised to see the table covered with food, and his sister seated and already eating.

"Here comes my really big brother," said his bratty little sister, Emily. His instant annoyance quickly evaporated as she waved at the laden table. "You must be hungry," she told him. "I know I am."
She said nothing more as she tucked into the meal in front of her.

Part of Robert's mind tried to pay attention to his sister's naked, firm breasts, but his stomach demanded filling, so without taking his eyes of his lovely sister he sat heavily at the table and began eating. They said nothing as they sat and ate every scrap of food on the table. It was hardly a banquet or a feast, but it was a sizeable meal, and soon it was weighing heavily in the bellies of the siblings.
Emily finished first, and pushed her chair back and walked around the table to stop next to Robert, her young b-cup breasts in line with her brother's face.
"Finish up," she encouraged him, "but do not take too long." Her chest heaved invitingly, and her naked belly seemed fuller than he remembered.

Keeping those beautiful breasts in his field of vision, Robert quickly finished his breakfast and washed it down with a glass of juice. As soon as he was done he stood awkwardly, the weight in his belly catching him by surprise. He was barely on his feet when Emily was reaching for the belt of his dressing gown, and seconds later the garment was falling down around his feet.
Yesterday it took all his resolve to walk away from his sister. Today was a different story. Yesterday he had had sex for the first time, and now he knew how much he liked it. Now all he could see was a desireable young woman before him, her body bereft of clothing, and his body demanded action.

In a motion mimicking yesterdays actions, Robert pushed his sister onto the table, then, standing before her as she sat on the edge of the table with her legs spread in front of him, he leaned in and kissed her firmly but gently on the lips, then thrust forwards with his hips and slowly entered her body with his manhood.
Their lips remained locked together as he slowly plunged himself deep inside of her, before drawing back and thrusting in again. Her arms wrapped around him and his hands cradled her divine breasts as he continued to thrust himself deep inside her with an increasing pace, his large belly bouncing off her slightly swollen middle, until finally, as they both screamed in pleasure he pushed deep inside her his member swelled as if something was passing through it. Emily yelled in ecstacy as once again something seemed to ooze out of her brother's penis and through her waiting cervix.

When it was over, he stood there for a minute, his member buried deep in his little sister. Then, knowing that their time was short they separated and prepared to leave for school. Clothes were put on, school bags were gathered, and together they jogged to school as fast as their swelling bodies could manage.

In spite of all the release he had had lately, Robert still found himself obsessing over the girls at school, and kept imagining them naked and offering themselves to him. He did not understand why he was so driven these last couple of days, but he knew that he was going to enjoy what lay ahead.
He looked around the school for Amelia, hoping that she may have been interested in another union after school.

Robert and Amelia did not share any classes that morning, but he looked about as best as he could for her, but there was no sign of her beautiful figure to be found. Other girls, however, were quite happy to fill in for her, cuddling up to him and rubbing his big belly and strong arms. He was happy to let them, and images danced in his head of them slipping out of their clothing and letting him into their lovely bodies.

The boys at school did not tease him so much today. Their attitude seemd more a mixture of horror at how quickly he had grown and being impressed by his size and how the girls still wanted him. One jock decided to start gaining weight if that was what it took to attract the girls, and another asked if he could feel Robert's belly, which he was allowed to do.

Robert lapped up the attention throughout the morning, his fog-addled mind paying attention to the desireable girls and not to the movement in his belly. Classes were, as usual lately, difficult to concentrate on as he kept imagining himself mating with whichever female was in his field of vision.

At lunch time he found himself sitting with a gaggle of girls and a couple of boys, his tray piled high with food. The girls watched with devotion as he consumed every morsel of food before him, while one of the boys forced his way through a larger meal than he was used to.

When he was finally finished eating he sat back and let the girls rub his large belly. One of them easily slipped her hand under his shirt, his shorts having long ago taken up position beneath his belly, and the touch of her hand on his smooth, taut skin sent him into overdrive. One of the girls noticed his erection bulging in his shorts and offered seductively to relieve his obvious pressure. Robert eagerly accepted, and the girls as a group escorted him to the nearest female toilets.

As soon as they were in the room a couple of girls stood guard at the door while Robert was led to the bench and the cute girl who offered to help him removed her panties and sat on the bench. Robert quickly let his shorts fall and his large member sprung free to the excitement of all the girls who could see. The girl before him handled his manhood briefly while he rubbed his hands slowly up her sides from her waist to her breasts, then she ordered him to take her immediately. Slowly but deliberately he forced himself inside her eager body. She shrieked in pants as he penetrated deeper and deeper until he struck bottom and withdrew, then her moaning began as he started rhythmically plunging his manhood inside her.

The other girls watched and cheered as their friend screamed in delight as the athletic but swollen boy pounded her with all the energy he could muster. Then, as her excitement reached fever pitch he gave one last shove and buried himself deep inside her and held it there as she screamed her joy as his member seemed to swell inside of her. Her pleasure was tinged with confusion as something seemed to slide out of him and through her waiting cervix, but the orgasmic pleasure over-rode all sense of caution as she rode the wave of bliss and melted in his arms.

"What is going on here?" demanded a stern voice.

Everyone but Robert and his latest conquest looked to the door to see the owner of the voice. Ellen Johnson, an English teacher, stood just inside the doorway with her crossed arms resting on her pregnant belly trying to seem as stern as she could. It wasn't easy for her, for something she could not identify was undermining her strict demeanor.

Robert slowly removed his still-hard member from the cute girl he had just bred with, who was lying back on the bench overwhelmed by post-coital bliss. Ellen found herself staring at Robert's manhood, transfixed by its size and firmness.

"What is happening," Robert said casually as he turned to face the teacher, his youthful penis pointing at her enticingly, "is that I am giving girls an unforgettable experience." He was amazed at his own audacity, but he could not restrain himself. "Perhaps you would like to find out for yourself exactly what I mean."

The teacher's temper flared for a second, an indignant reply preparing to launch from her mouth, but she found herself hesitating. She found it difficult not to look at the large organ beneath the young man's distended belly. It had been so long ...

"You should put that away ... " she began as the boy stepped out of his shorts and began to bring that monster near her and her under-used loins. The girls seemed to watch enraptured by the scene unfolding before them.

"Oh, that was awsome," moaned the girl on the bench. Ellen struggled to remember her name. Stacy? Perhaps. It was hard to think about anything but the boy with the bloated belly before her and his enticing package.

The girl looked around the room and saw the teacher. "Oh, Miss," she sighed. "If he is offering that to you then you ought to have it." She slumped back against the mirror.

Ellen stared at the young man's penis and sighed. It had been too long since her husband last ...

She reached out and fondled the erection before her. She needed this. Like the student standing before her, except for a swollen belly she was quite attractive and well built, but as her belly grew her husband gradually lost interest. She could really use this excellent example of manhood inside her.

She struggled between desire and appropriate behaviour, and knew that she would have to make a decision quickly while she still had the chance.

Ellen grasped the erect manhood offered to her firmly yet tenderly.
"I need this inside of me," she demanded, "right now."

A cheer went up among the girls, and the two guards leaned on the door to prevent further surprises while another two girls helped by lifting the teacher's dress up and pulling her pants down so that she did not have to let go of the mean-meat in her hand. Part of her was appalled at her wanton behaviour, and in front of the students no less, but the urge was overpowering and she had to surrender to it.

When she did let go of Robert's willing erection it was so that she could put both hands on the bench beside Stacy and present her now-naked backside to the gravid boy.
"We do not have much time," she commanded. "Do me now before I change my mind."

Robert happily placed his hands on the teacher's well-toned rear. Even though she was pregnant the young woman had taken the effort to stay in shape, and the boy liked what he felt beneath his hands. Then, with an accuracy that belied his sexual experience he gently nudged the entrance of her moist womanhood with the tip his penis before slowly driving it into her welcoming body.

Ellen gasped with pleasure. It had been to long since she last felt someone inside her like this, and the boy had plenty of it to give her. She felt his hands slide around from her backside to the sides her swollen belly as he began to pump himself inside her eager womanhood. She could feel his swollen belly bouncing off her bottom as the girls started chanting "stroke" each time he plunged himself deep into her. She found herself adding to the chant with a rhythmic moaning of delight as the boy drove himself into her faster and faster.

She barely noticed as Stacy's hands slipped up under her dress and began massaging her full, pregnant breasts, but the girl's soft hands quickly added to her excitement. The pleasure seemed to go on forever, and her final orgasmic scream was almost drowned out by the school bell as Robert's shaft seemed to grow thicker inside of her. With one final thrust he buried himself deep inside of her, and it felt like something slid out of the boy's swollen penis and pressed against her sealed cervix. As the post-coital euphoria washed over her she did not notice something force itself through the mucus plug in her cervix that kept the amniotic fluid inside her. If she had she would have wondered why her waters did not spill onto the floor.

As Robert pulled out of her, Ellen's knees grew weak and a couple of girls helped her sit down. She managed to pull herself together just enough to play teacher once more.
"You two," she indicated a couple of girls from her next class," stay with me and help me. The rest of you get to class before people notice you're missing." Then she added before they could leave, "None of us are going to say anything about what has been going on here." It was an order and an agreement in one.

The girls filed out, taking Robert with them. Stacy quickly redressed herself and left. The two remaining girls helped their pregnant teacher to her feet and rearrange her clothing. Ellen was surprised that beyond her own vaginal fluids there was no mess to clean up. It was as if the boy had not come in her at all. She thought little of it, however, her mind still overwhelmed by the endorphins still washing through her body after the first sex she had had since her belly had started swelling.

Leaning on the girls for support, she slowly made her way back to class. With the girls under her arms, it was easy for one of the students to rest her free hand on the teacher's swollen belly.

Robert spent the rest of the school day in a dream. The boys were still treating him oddly and his clothes no longer fit, but the girls were practically throwing themselves at him and he had had an awesome amount of sex in the last couple of days. The only way this could get better was, well, with more sex. Images of girls still plagued his thoughts, but now he revelled in them and looked forward to the next time it would be real and not just his imagination.

The school day finally drew to a close, and everyone left to go to their separate destinations.

One boy went home to stuff himself silly because the chicks at school apparantly liked guys with a big belly.

Ellen Johnson drove home after briefly being confused by a few minutes of particularly vigorous activity from her unborn baby. When she arrived home she sat on the couch, put her feet up, and daydreamed about the awesome sex she had had today.

Robert's little sister Emily went straight home. In spite of her bloated belly she was ravenously hungry, and needed to put more food in her body.

As for Robert, he went directly to Amelia's house. He walked this time, even though he was worried about Amelia not being at school today. With the great weight in his middle he was no longer feeling up to jogging. He felt good being so large and heavy, but it was awkward, and moving too quickly threw is weight around in a manner that he was not used to.

When he arrived at Amelia's house no-one answered the door, but he went around the side of the house and found the door to the kitchen unlocked. Amelia was sitting at the kitchen table, surrounded by used dishes and empty food packets. She greeted Robert with a mouthful of food. She was clearly pleased to see him, but not enough to stop eating.

Robert sat down at the table with her and told her that he had been worried because she had not been at school today. Amelia explained between mouthfuls (and sometimes during mouthfuls) that she had been too tired to go to school today for some reason, so she stayed at home to rest. Then as the day progressed she began to feel very hungry, so between naps on the couch she was constantly eating. Although now that Robert was here she was beginning to feel hungry for something else.

As she finished the last of the food in front of her Amelia stood up and Robert was almost surprised by what he saw. She was only wearing a t-shirt and panties, the former riding up over a noticeably rounded belly. She looked like she had swallowed a football whole, and Robert found himself turned on by the sight of her swollen body. Granted, he would likely have been excited anyway, but the sight of her full belly was irresistable, and when she lunged at him he scooped her up in his arms and carried her awkwardly to the couch in the next room.

As he put her down she was already pulling his shirt up over his head, and they quickly helped each other remove their clothes and mated with each other in wild abandon. They were lost in a sea of ecstasy until finally Robert's manhood swelled, and it felt like something slid out of it into Amelia's waiting body.
Sated, they sat beside each other on the couch, embracing each other and saying nothing for words were insufficient. After a while an alarm on Amelia's watch went off. Her father was due home soon, and Robert needed to go to avoid any awkwardness. They slowly dressed, and then Amelia saw him to the front door.
In the doorway they embraced for a minute or so, their swollen bellies pressed together. Then Robert reluctantly let go of her, turned away and strolled of into the night as fast as his heavy belly would allow him.

Although he did not feel like walking so far due to his increased weight, Robert remembered the men he saw at the park the other night. Rumours at school had said that they were still there turning people away from his preferred shortcut. He was not sure why, he thought with his hand resting on he swollen belly, but he was better off avoiding these strange men.

It was late by the time he had arrived home, and his sister had already gone to bed, but she had left him plenty of leftovers from the large meal she had cooked tonight. He warmed up a considerable portion of the food and sat at the table to eat. His shirt gave up any pretense of trying to cover his belly and rode up tp the top of the swollen mound, just as his shorts had since made their way to the base, nestled between his large belly and his almost perpetually erect manhood.

His hunger was intense. He had not eaten for hours, but he ate as though it had been days. He could feel the food plummet with every swallow down into his stomach, making his belly feel more and more full with each bite. It was a great feeling, to be growing larger like this, second only to the joy of filling a girl with his seed ... or whatever it was erupting from his shaft when he came inside of them. The thought quickly slipped from his mind, replaced by hunger for food and for sex.

He was almost finished eating when his mother arrived home from work. A career woman trying to support two teenage children, her work kept her at the office until late most nights. The financial rewards were good, but she saw little of her children unless they were up late ... like now.

Carol greeted her son warmly as she entered the kitchen, and went to the fridge to see what there was to eat. Her back was turned as Robert stood and took the dishes to the sink, and when she turned back to bring some leftovers to the table she could only see her son from behind. She thought it was odd that his shirt seemed to have ridden up his body somewhat, but her mind was distracted by warm fuzzy feelings that had started about the time she had walked into the house. She found herself regretting that she had been unable to successfully start a new relationship in the years after her husband had died, for she could use a man tonight.

She had just started eating when Robert turned away from the sink to face her, and what she saw made her drop her fork in surprise. His belly was huge - swollen from his pelvis up and fitting snugly against his ribs. Obvious now was the reason why his shirt was not sitting on him correctly, leaving his firm belly bare and in no doubt that it was real.

Carol demanded to know why he had become so fat. Robert smiled and told his mother that he was not fat at all.
She pointed to his large belly and demanded to know what that was, then. Robert patiently explained that whatever it was it was quite firm, not fat at all, and took her hands and placed them on his belly to demonstrate.

As her hands touched the bare flesh of her son's large belly, Carol felt the pleasureable sensations intensify, and her distress began to be overshadowed by desire. Still sitting on the chair, she leaned forward and rested her ear on the swollen belly before her. She fancied that she could feel movement beneath her cheek, and she was sure that she could hear the beating of a heart other than her son's.

She stood up, Robert's hands sliding up her arms from where they had been holding her wrists to her shoulders, then down her sides to her waist. Carol shivered at the touch. She wanted to be held by a man right now, and she felt herself falling into his embrace as his arms encircled her waist and pressed her against the large firm belly of her son. Her hands slipped around from his belly to his back, then seemed to move of their own volition up the masculine torso before her to grasp the base of the shirt and pull it upwards over the young man's head. He raised his arms to allow her to remove his shirt, then brought his hands back down to cradle the sides of her face gently as he reached forward and kissed her.

Carol found herself lost in the moment. All thought and care of who he was fled from her mind as she greedily kissed the half-naked man here in her kitchen. All that she knew was that what she wanted was right here, and she had to have him. Her lips still firmly pressed against his, her hands moved to unbutton her blouse, slowly at first, then hastily as impatience grew within her. As her blouse fell open strong masculine hands gently cradled her breasts in a fashion that she had not felt in far too many years. Lips moved from hers to her kneck as she unfastened her skirt and forced it down over her hips and let it drop to the floor. The hands gently massaging her breasts moved around behind her and with a little difficulty unclasped her bra, then pulled the straps off her shoulders and the undergarment slid down her arms and fell to the waiting floor. His lips worked their way down to one of her breasts, kissing the soft flesh and sending ripples of pleasure through her. A large, firm belly now rested between her legs, pressing against her moist womanhood through her panties.

Carol could not wait any longer. She demanded that he take her now, and pulled him towards the table. He pulled her panties down as she swept the table's contents aside and lay back on it. Almost immediately she felt herself being penetrated for the first time in years - gently but firmly as the young man's considerable member entered her body. She felt her passage become quite full as he slowly worked his way deeper until he was fully into her, and then slowly pulled back and pushed his way in again, a little faster this time. Again and again he did this, a little faster each time, the underside of his belly brushing against hers each time that he entered her writing body. Time lost all meaning as Carol floated in a sea of ecstacy brought by the virile young man's powerful strokes inside her eager body.

Then, as she was screaming with delight as a powerful orgasm washed over her and feeling that this could not get better, it did as his member swelled inside her. A few strokes later he thrust hard and held himself deep inside her, the tip of his manhood pressed firmly against her cervix. She felt as though something almost solid slid out of him and through her cervix, but then she drifted off into blissful sleep.

Robert withdrew from his mother, kissed her tenderly on the forehead, then went upstairs to sleep.

As Robert slept deeply, exhausted from the demands made on his body, his sister Emily stirred restlessly in her bed. She was tired, but she was hungry, and not just for food. Her fingers stirred in her loins for a while, but, pleasant as that was it was not enough.

She gave up in frustration and, dressed only in her nightie, went downstairs to the kitchen. She was surprised to see dishes scattered around the darkened kitchen, as her mother had always insisted on people cleaning up their mess, but right now she was hungry and not interested in cleaning.

A search of the friedge yeilded little to eat in a hurry. Between herself and Robert they had eaten most of the food. She settled for an apple, and leaned against the fridge and started taking rapid bites out of the fruit. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander, lost in the pleasant sensations of food passing down her throat and filling her swollen belly. She knew that she had put on a considerable amount of weight over the last day, but she did not really know or care why. It felt good, and she enjoyed the feeling of filling her belly.

She opened her eyes as her lips came into contact with her hand. The apple was gone, core and all. She must have eaten the entire thing!

She sighed. Her hunger was far from sated, but at least she had eaten something. Now she needed something else, and she knew exactly where to get it.

Quietly she made her way up to her brother's bedroom. She found him asleep in his bed, and he did not stir when she pulled aside the bedsheet to reveal his muscular naked body and large belly. He began to wake, however, when she took his sizeable member in her mouth and slowly encouraged it to attention.

"What are you doing?" he asked groggily.
Emily let go of his member and lay on the bed beside him so that she could whisper in his ear. "I need you," she whispered softly as she rubbed her swollen belly against his. "Right now."

"I'm tired," Robert groaned.
"I don't care," she hissed. "Just stay awake ... and stay erect," she added as she sat up and moved one leg over his so that she sat astride his waist, his firm manhood pressing up between her legs. "I don't care if I have to do all the work," she gasped as she began pressing him into her waiting body, "but you are going to give this to me."
With that she let her weight drop and drove his shaft the rest of the way into her. She stifled a scream of pleasure as her body welcomed him inside her. As she began to ride him with a rhythmic motion she noticed that in spite of his protest of fatigue he still went to the effort of driving himself into her forcefully as her weight came down apon him. Her swollen belly requently bounced of his as she drove herself to a creshendo of pleasure which peaked when his shaft thickened dramatically and she plunged down one final time as something seemed to slide out of his member and into her womb.

Overcome with euphoria, she rolled off the virile young man and lay down beside him and cuddled him as they both drifted off to sleep.

When Carol awoke she felt strangely sated, as though she had had a man inside her for the first time in far too long. As she lazily drew back the covers and slowly rolled to the side of her bed, vague recollections began to surface of a young man screwing her vigorously on the kitchen table. Her feet touched the floor and she staggered to the bedroom door, wondering idly who the young man was, and if she could get him to do it again. Assuming, of course, that it was not a dream.

As she made her way gingerly down the hall she passed her son's open door, paying little attention to his naked form asleep on his bed. She felt the satisfaction begin to wane, replaced partially with desire to repeat last night's activity. Perhaps it was one of Robert's friends. She would wake him soon and ask.

She finally reached the kitchen and found the mess she had left behind. Dishes and food lay scattered across the floor where she had sent them in her eagerness to get the virile young man into her. Scattered amongst the mess were her discarded clothes. Finally it dawned on her that she was not wearing so much as a stitch of fabric. She did not remember going to bed last night, but clearly she was in no state to care about cleaning or dressing.

Mildly annoyed at the state of the kitchen she began to clear up the mess. Plates, bowls and utensils were quickly collected and placed in the sink for washing, then she picked up her garments one by one. As she handled each garment she was graced with the memory of it coming off her last night. As she picked up her panties she remembered fondly how Robert swiftly but gently removed them from her before ...

Carol froze. Her pulse quickened as she realised who had given her such pleasure, and her body began to warm with desire. Last night's virile young lover was naked and upstairs. A familiar need began to build within her, and she found herself automatically making her way up the stairs to the athletic young man who would surely please her again.

And then she was beside the bed, gazing down at the naked form, slender yet muscular save for the large firm belly. Gently she reached for him to wake him up.

Emily arrived at school feeling great. Although her school uniform was pulled tight around her mid-section, she felt strangely enervated and full of desires that she no longer wanted to restrain. Occasionally she felt a stirring in her swollen belly that felt somehow pleasing to her, and somehow her mind kept dodging any attempt to wonder what it was.

Throughout the morning she found herself flirting with many of the boys, and while it was no surprise to her that they responded well, she was amazed at how much she enjoyed their reactions. A couple of times she even noticed an erection in some boy's shorts as he failed to keep himself under control while she "accidentally" brushed up against him.

In between classes she devoured the few pieces of fruit that she had been able to bring to school with her. The first couple disappeared into her stomach in a handful of large pieces and were gone before she realised it. The last ... well she remembered putting it up to her mouth, but she did not remember biting into it or chewing it before it joined the others in her stomach. Clearly her mind was not focussed today, and she was not paying attention to everything that happened.

At at least one point during the morning her friends expressed their concern about her obvious weight gain. She brushed it off with a knowing smile and assurances that everything was fine, and that in fact she never felt better.

Lunch time finally arrived, and Emily was one of the first to reach the cafeteria, and she quickly began piling her tray with food. The staff gave her a few odd looks, but her attention was on the food before her. By the time her friends joined her at the table she had already made a good start on her considerable lunch. One of her friends asked if she was going to eat all the food on her tray. Emily smiled and suggested that she might do just that, and resumed stuffing the food into her stomach as fast as possible.

At the next table over a group of Robert's classmates sat, eating their lunch and discussing Robert's absence. Some of the girls lamented that he was not there and hoped that he would be at school tomorrow. One solidly-built boy ceased eating his large lunch to suggest that they could always rub his belly instead, and was disappointed when they ignored him. Another boy occasionally stole glances at Emily, hoping that she did not notice that his attention was on her belly.

Somehow Emily (and the boys in her vicinity) made it through the afternoon, and the students were soon fleeing the school in favour of whatever they would be spending the remainder of the afternoon doing. Emily strolled directly to the shops, her belly straining at the buttons on her shirt. When she reached the bakery she strode in, gazing greedily at all the pies and pastries in the display cabinets, unable to decide which to have first. Everything looked so ... edible.

Then a voice broke her out of her adoration of the food before her.

"Good afternoon, Emily," announced a cheerful voice. "What brings you here today?"

"Food," Emily blurted out automatically before turning to see a nice-looking boy from her brother's classes. He was quite fit with red hair, and still dressed in his school uniform. His build was not as large as her lover of recent days, but he was still quite fit and his stature lent him a speed that was quite advantageous on the field.

"I mean, I am feeling quite hungry, and I thought I'd stop in and see what I felt like eating."

The boy smiled. "Well, the way you were looking at all the cabinets, I think everything appealed to you."

"Yes," she muttered quietly as if in thought, "everything seems good."

"So what can I get you," he asked pleasantly.

"I don't think I can say for sure," Emily sighed. "I feel like I could eat anything."

"Well, then, perhaps I should choose something for you," he suggested.

"I have had some powerful appetites lately," she told him, absently rubbing her belly. "Do you think that you can fill me?"

"I think I can manage," he said, trying not to let the double entendre phase him. He selected a good pie, bagged it up and handed it to the waiting girl. She handed him some money, and he looked away from her while he rung it up on the till. When he turned back to her with the change she was scrunching the paper bag up, the pie nowhere to be seen.

"That was delicious,' she announced with with some satisfaction, "but hardly filling. What else do you suggest?"

Trying not to let his surprise show, he selected another pie, bagged it and gave it to her. This time, as he turned to the till with her money, he glanced up to see her raise the opened bag to her face. What happened next alarmed and excited him. He could not see properly with the bag in the way, but it seemed that she pushed the pie out of the bag into her waiting mouth, chewed a few times and then swallowed the entire pie in one mouthful. He quickly resumed finalising the transaction before she crushed the bag and turned her attention back to him.

"How was that?" he asked as he handed Emily her change.

"It was good," she replied, "but I am still hungry. Could I bother you for another one?"

"Sure." He chose another pie, and handed it to her without a bag. "This one is on me."

"Why, thank you," she smiled, and raised the pie to her lips. The pie was a few inches across, but she closed her eyes and pushed it into her waiting mouth effortlessly. This time she did not even chew it, but swallowed it whole. He watched in amazement as the bulge travelled down her throat into her swollen belly. He was awestruck, but had enough presence of mind to seem to be looking away when she opened her eyes once more.

"Thank you, Tim," she smiled, gently rubbing the top of her rounded belly. "I think that will keep me going until dinner."
She turned to leave then paused. "Speaking of dinner, we are low on food at home. Can I get you to pack me a few things to take with me? I may as well save Mum the trouble of cooking tonight."

As Emily left the shop, he leaned against the counter and sighed. That had to have been the most awesome thing that he had ever seen! He was so glad that she had not seen how hard he had become watching her fill that lovely round belly of hers.
He wondered if he would get to see her do that again.

Strolling home, her arms wrapped around a large bag full of baked goods, Emily couldn't help but smile. She had been feeling really good in recent days, and it was pleasing to know that she had turned that boy on, if the erection he was trying to hide was anything to go by. It was Saturday tomorrow, and she would have to visit him at work again.

When she arrived home, she found Robert sprawled naked on his bed. She put the bag down on the bedside table, and gently shook her brother awake. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Have you been in bed all day," Emily demanded.

"Too tired to get up," he said softly. "Haven't eaten all day, and I am worn out. Everyone wants a piece of me."

"Well," she said in a softer tone, producing a pie from the bag, "I have brought you something to eat, and if you're good you can have something more."

Robert sat up slightly, the large weight in his belly making it difficult to move. To his surprise Emily began feeding him the pie, which he gratefully ate in large bites. When it was done he lay back and closed his eyes. He thought he heard the sound of fabric hitting the floor, then he opened his eyes suddenly as he felt her naked body next to his and her soft hand around his member. It began to stiffen immediately.

"No sleeping now," she said sternly. "I need you to fill me." She held a cream bun in front of his face. "This one is for you," she told him, and began to feed it to him while gently fondling his manhood to complete attention. When the bun was finished she straddled him and guided him into her hungry body. As she gently lowered her hips onto his, she put another cream bun into his hand.

"Feed this to me," she demanded sensually. "I want you to fill me from both ends."

Robert smiled and began to feed the bun to her as she slowly worked her hips up and down his shaft. In between moans and gasps for breath, Emily quickly ate the bun out of his hand in rapid bites, then immediately replaced it with another. Robert did not count how many buns he fed her as they built up to orgasm, but as she neared her peak she stopped filling his hand with buns, leaving him with a hand sticky with cream. Driven wild with lust, she held his hand to her mouth and began licking the cream from his fingers, her eyes closed in ecstasy. They felt his manhood swell from base to tip as though something was passing through it from his body into hers, and she forced his cream-coated fingers into her mouth as if to muffle her scream as waves of pleasure over-rode all self control.

Emily was overwhelmed by pleasure. Her vagina was filled with her lover's swollen shaft, her mouth full of ... food? And her round belly seemed full of something or somethings that seemed to writhe with excitement within her. Hew eyes were closed tight and she would have screamed but for the fact that her mouth was full.

Then it all happened. Her lover spasmed, she pushed down hard on his hips, and the contents of his shaft squirmed out of him and into her body. Emily orgasmed as something completed the journey from her lover's swollen body and into hers. She lost all control, and swallowed hard. The contents of her mouth shifted slightly, but her mouth remained full. She leaned forwards against it, and swallowed again. The forward part of it entered her throat, but still her mouth remained full. Her mind lost in the pleasure of sex and feeding, Emily swallowed again and again, and the food slipped further and further down her throat, although her mouth remained full. It was as though there was no end to this food.

She could feel the food reach her stomach and touch bottom within her, and still there was more to swallow. A few more swallows and she came to an obstruction, as if the food were suddenly wider at this point. A bad design for any meal, she reflected as she tried to stretch her mouth around the round bulk protruding from the enlongated mass of her food. With little difficulty she managed to fit the large mass into her mouth, it's hairy texture barely registering on her tongue as she redoubled her efforts to get this meal inside her hungry body.

Her lover's shaft slipped from her body, spent, and she lost all interest in him as she focussed on the task of filling her stomach. The large bulge tapered away, and she thought that the hard work was over, but suddenly she reached a broader point and had to stretch her mouth wide around it has she kept swallowing. She could not think of anything that had ever been this difficult to consume, but her starving body demanded sustenance so she kept feeding it into her swelling stomach.

Her meal narrowed a little, and she made good distance on it for a few swallows, her belly filling nicely, but then it flared out larger than it had been before. Now it was large and round, much bigger than her head, in fact, but somehow she managed to inch her way down around the large mass. Something in the back of her mind tried to point out that this was quite impossible, but the fog that had shrouded her mind lately quickly drowned out that notion, and all she could think of was more food.

It seemed to take forever for her to work the large mass into her greatly stretched mouth and down her incredibly flexible throat past her ribcage which seemed to spread apart to allow her huge meal past. Finally she passed the peak and the mostly rounded obstruction slid inexorably into her demanding stomach. She fancied that she could feel something writhing within in, not unlike her own belly, but food did not move so it had to be her imagination. Besides, the rest of the meal was still and limp, why should this part be any different?

Finally the bulge tapered down to a soft squishy part that tasted like sex and two long curved parts that slid into her waiting stomach comparitively easy. Finally it was over, and for the first time all day, she felt satisfied.

Feeling tired, she tried to get up and go to her bed, but found herself pinned down by a great weight in her midsection. Opening her eyes for the first time since she came, she looked down to see her belly was larger than the rest of her body combined. For a few seconds she was alarmed at what had happened to her, but then she relaxed and began to feel quite satisfied. She was full, her hunger satisfied, and it felt rather pleasant.

Still sitting up from when she was riding her lover, she struggled to tip herself over until she reached a lying position, then easily drifted off to sleep.

When Carol arrived home from work she looked upstairs for the hot young man that she had been making passionate love to, but found only Emily naked on Robert's bed. Disappointed, she found the bag of baked goods on the bedside table, and took them downstairs to console herself with a good feed. Emily obviously did not need the food, for she seemed to be putting on weight lately.

Waking the next morning Emily was surprised to find herself in Robert's room. She abruptly remembered why when she found it to be a struggle to get out of bed. Her belly was still quite large and heavy, but less so than the night before. Scooping up her clothes from the floor she went to the bathroom to shower.

For some reason, everything seemed smaller than she was used to. The taps were lower down, and her head was a lot closer to the shower head. She put it down to the fuzzy feeling in her head playing tricks on her.

When she was done she wrapped a bath sheet around her massive body and waddled to her bedroom. It was then that she realised that she was going to have trouble finding something to wear. Most of her clothes were for a slender athletic shape, but now she had a massive belly over which none of her clothes would fit. She tried to settle for a crop top and a pair of shorts (they would just have to fit under and over her belly) but she discovered that they were at least a size too small for her frame. Assuming that they had shrunk, she tried a few similar garments, but the result was the same. It was as if her entire body had grown larger overnight.

Emily studied her body in the mirror for the first time that day, or indeed a few days. She was still fairly trim, with the fairly muscular shape of someone who exercises regularly. If anything, her leg muscles seemed better developed than she remembered. The only significant difference was the huge belly that made pregnant bellies seem tiny. The rest of her seemed to be her usual slender self. And yet, her clothes seemed to say otherwise. It was a good thing that her underpants had a lot of give in them or they would not fit at all!

Resolving to seek help from her mother, she put on her dressing gown, and was shocked to find that it did not fit across the shoulders, and the sleeves were too short. Something was seriously wrong.

Abandoning all hope of dressing decently, Emily went in search of her mother.

© Copyright 2011 Huntsman (huntsman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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