Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755131-Lorccan-Juda-Seadhan-Prologue
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1755131
EU Star Wars Fanfiction set 4 years after original "Fire and Ice"
This is actually a sequel of sorts to Fire and Ice, which I actually have't finished uploading, and might not, unless it's wanted haha, as I was never really happy with the quality of it.
Before you read this, please read the intro to the original here
http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755126-Lorccan-Juda-Fire-and-Ice-... it explains the story, and acknowledges some of my writing weaknesses.

If you want a summary of what happened in the first part, read here. If you couldn't care less, skip it*Wink* . Pretty much in the first part, Bastila is kidnapped by Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress and taken to the Sith Academy on Korriban, as a way to lure Anakin to them, and using his sister, cause him to fall to the dark side. They don't succeed as Bastila never falls, and therefore tempers Anakin's anger rather than reinforcing it. While on Korriban, she meets Lorccan Juda, a Sith Apprentice. Similar to Anakin, he is tortured by nightmares, but his are of a young life he has all but forgotten. He and Bastila forge an uneasy friendship, and by the time Anakin and Obiwan, and Bastila's Master Ania Nors arrive at Dreshdae Academy to bring her back, he makes up his mind to leave the Sith, and helps Bastila and the Jedi escape. Although he is offered a place with the Jedi, he refuses, and departs from Bastila. This sequel is set around four years after the first part, and takes place on Seadhan, Lorccan's homeworld, where he hopes to find the family the Dooku told him abandoned him, but whom his dreams told him, never did...

Again, any adivce on improvements to my writing to be made would be much appreciated! Thank you :)


The music in the Kiho Cantina was loud, to the point of deafening.
The lighting was blinding and the dancers distracting, thus the perfect place for weary souls to lose themselves.
The Kiho Cantina, like most cantinas found throughout the galaxy, was a magnet for young men who came to drink, be merry, and watch the dancers. For old men, who came to drink away their bitter memories. Smugglers, spice dealers, and various other galactic low lifes also frequented the establishments.
To Katya Glenn, a dancer at the cantina, virtually all patrons to the cantina were rather predictable, easily thrown into one of the aforementioned categories. Very seldom would one capture her intrigue like the young man slouched over the bar counter at the far end of the cantina.
She had watched him come into the cantina just about every night for the past two weeks. He would enter wearily, walk straight to the left end of the bar, then order himself drink, after drink, after drink, before getting up and stumbling out the way he came.
Hence why he interested her so. Though he was young, like the men who drank for enjoyment, he had the aura of an old man, weary, disillusioned and disappointed with the track of life.
There was something about him, something hidden and dangerous. Somehow, his dark, brooding manner excited her. Every time he entered, her heart would jump, and her eyes would lock onto him.
Just as they did now.
Presently, his broad shoulders were hunched over the counter top, his left arm crossed in front of him, and his right toying with yet another empty glass.
His head was bowed so that his exceptionally shaggy brown hair fell across his tightly shut eyes.
Katya had bided her time for the past two weeks, but now she couldn't stand the pull of him any longer. So, as she gazed at him, her eyes narrowed and her mouth tipped in a decidedly predatorial smile.
He would be hers.


Signalling the bartender, Lorccan Juda lifted his empty glass. Giving him a wary look, the 'tender took the vessel from him and refilled it, sliding it back to him along the counter’s surface.
Lorccan stared at it blandly for a while before lifting it back to his lips and taking another long swig. Then he set it down and stared at it again.
He really couldn't believe it had come to this. No matter how he tried to ignore them, memories and visions still haunted his every thought.
A lifetime ago, raising his hand, hapless victim shaking in electrocution.
When would those tortuous memories leave?
All those he had murdered out of command. Or simply out of spite and anger. So many of them innocent, killed on the whim of some sadistic warlord. There were victims who were pure evil of course, but none more evil than himself. Years filled with anger, hate, malice, finalising in bitter, bitter regret.
And then there was...sweetness. Hope and peace, if only for a little while.
Memory...An eternity ago, walking out of massive doors, leaving her rigidly facing the opposite direction.
Eyes closed; fists clenched. Heart dead.
For a year and a half after that last encounter, he had travelled the galaxy, just as he said he would. Smuggling, mining, bartending, piloting, all this and more he had done in his quest for a new life. For a time, the visions had subsided.
But then, they returned, and for no apparent reason. And in force.
Visions of himself; younger and older; a baby. A little girl whom he somehow recognised but couldn't place, screaming for him. Familiar embraces ripped from each other.
And always there was screaming; Always serene valleys torn apart with flames.
He now knew those valleys to belong to his home world, Seadhan. The screams he now knew, came from his family whom he couldn't even remember the names of. The one who ripped him from his mother's embrace the very Tyranus he had once revered.
And then a face would visit him in dreams, waking and sleeping. Dark eyes, a sweet smile.
When these refused to depart from him, he decided to come here, to Seadhan to find out if indeed his family still lived. Though he had absolutely no idea where to begin looking for them. He didn't know their names or even what they looked like.
So, he had travelled through Kiho, Seadhan's only city, ignoring the dangers of this deceptively beautiful land.
Ignored the war going on before his very eyes.
And all for naught. For here he was, after more than four years, in a cantina every night like an old drunk. To be honest, he had given up.
He would do anything to forget. Anything.
Presently, his alcoholically delayed senses picked up a presence slide next to him at the bar.
Bored, but eager for any distraction, Lorccan peered at the person beside him.
And was quite thoroughly stunned. The woman had shoulder length blonde hair, olive skin, and blue eyes that sparkled with suggestion.
Katya smiled sweetly. "Hey. I'm Katya Glenn. You may recognise me? I'm a dancer here."
Lorccan just stared at her. Something deep inside him knew exactly what she was, but right now, he really didn't care.
Taking his expression, Katya laughed invitingly. Her smile faded as she leaned in, a hand on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear.
"Come with me," she said softly, a slight smile in her tone. "I can make you forget everything. All your worries disappear." Then she stood, slowly, seductively, her hand running over his tense back. Noting his look, she grinned triumphantly, then turned and walked away.
Lorccan just stared after her swaying hips. I can make you forget everything. And he certainly didn't doubt she could.
And so, shutting up the tiny little twinge of conscience that was screaming at him, he stood up and followed the dancer who promised to give him his greatest wish.

For all his memories to be consigned into oblivion.


Katya led him to the cantina's backrooms, following a darkened corridor covered in deep indigo paint.
Lorccan grunted. "Do this often, do you?" Katya turned her blue eyes to him and smiled slyly. Then without warning she shoved him into one of the rooms. It was all Lorccan could do to keep from falling over completely in his drunken state. He instinctively threw out a hand to steady himself against the wall. He put his free hand to his pounding forehead and closed his eyes.
Barely had he had time to realign himself with gravity before Katya pressed her body tightly against his, eyes wide with passion. She heard his sharp intake of breath and smiled. Pressing her palms against his chest, she looked up into his pale green eyes, and asked softly, "What is your name?"
He paused. "...Lorccan."
She laughed softly. "Lorccan." she said, testing the name. Then she looked up at him again. "Pleased to meet you Lorccan." Moving so that their lips were just about touching, she whispered, "You may call me Katya."
Then, with surprising speed and strength, she reached up and pulled his head down, kissing him with sudden passion. When she finally let him draw breath, Lorccan gasped. Then, he gripped her face in his hands, kissing her back.
Once again with her shocking strength, Katya turned him and threw him backwards onto the cheap cantina bed. Lorccan landed with a grunt accompanied by another burst of pain in his head.
Again, Katya Glenn didn't let him any recovery time. There was something wrong about her, about all of this. Suddenly his mind was conjuring up images of another. So completely different from the passion crazed woman above him. Wrong, wrong. This is wrong.
"No." he muttered, half to himself. "This is wrong."
"What is?" Katya asked, leaning down onto his now bare chest.
"This." he said, barely realising she was there. "All of it." Though he had never truly been with the woman who still haunted is dreams, and never would be with her, doing this while still so absorbed with her stank of betrayal.
"No." Lorccan shook his head and it took all his strength to shove Katya off his chest. Katya's eyes narrowed as he stood shakily from the bed. He turned back to look at her, bereft and beautiful, and physical desire nearly took over him.
Gritting his teeth, he turned and all but ran from the room, Katya glaring after him.
© Copyright 2011 BoadiceaHaru (boadiceaharu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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