Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755045-Elen-Shoemocker--part1
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1755045
Elen Shoemocker is a young woman who gets an unexpected wish.
    Elen Shoemocker made her way off the bus and down the sidewalk toward the mall.  She was a young woman, just turned 25 a couple weeks ago.  At five feet, five inches tall she was quite a small woman.  And she was quite slim and some would even say bony, with very pale skin.  Her body did not have any curves, and more then one guy had called her flat chested, but she though that her small B-cups looked just right on her small frame.  Her long brown hair was kept back in a pony tail.  As she was on her way to work, she wore a white blouse and dark brown slacks and her somewhat fancy brown flats.  But she did work in a shoe store and was expected to show off the merchandise.  And Elen did like shoes, and by extension woman's feet.  Even as she walked along she kept her eyes down to watch the feet of the other women walking along.

    "Excuse me, miss?" said a voice from off to Elen's right.  She turned to see an older woman, who was slowly getting up from a bench and looking right at her.

    "Yes?" Asked Elen as she stopped and looked at the other woman.  her eyes naturally drifted down to her feet and her pair of old shoes.

    "Here, dear, I have something for you, " said the woman as she reached into her purse.

    "Do I know you?" Asked Elen as she looked at the other woman's face.

    "Oh, no dear.  Here take this," said the older woman as she held out a small round stone.

    "What is it?" asked Elen as the other woman slid the stone into her hand.

    "It's a wishing stone.  Now be careful!  You only get one wish.  And that wish must be with all your heart.  And once you make your wish, give the stone to someone else, " Said the woman.

    "Ok," said Elen as she looked down and ran her fingers over the smooth stone.  When she looked back up, the other woman was gone.  Elen quickly looked around and did not see her anywhere.  Then she shrugged and dropped the stone into a pocket.

    Elen continued on into the mall and over to Shoe World.  She found the store oddly empty, and wondered if she was the first one to get there today.  Then Margaret came running out of the back room.

    "Oh, your here....good.  Amy and Jessica both called off.  And I have that big corporate meting today. So your gonna be her alone for most of the day.  I don't know when I'll make it back and Susan won't be here until four," said Margaret very quickly.

    Elen just nodded and tried to take all of what she said in and understand.  Margaret was somewhere just under 50 and was a bit heavy, but she took good care of her feet.  Elen could not help but look down at her bright red power pumps.

    "That should not be a problem.  It's Monday, it's normally I slow day....I'll be fine, " Elen said, briefly making eye contact.

    "Good," said Margaret as she grabbed her things and ran out the door.  Leaving Elen alone in the shoe store.

    Elen spent the next hour tiding up the store.  She made sure everything looked nice.  By mid-morning she had started to clean the front windows.  This was one of her favorite things to do as she could look out into the mall and watch women's feet as they walked by the storefront.  A young mother pushing a stroller moved by the store front, and Elen's eyes were drawn to her rather large feet that shown very clearly in her flip flops.  She sure wished that woman would come into the store so she could get a better and up close view of her feet.  She let her mind just wander and drift thinking about that woman's big feet.

    Then she felt a warmth from her pocket and reached in and pulled out the stone.  The wishing stone the woman had said.  Elen started to shake her head just as the stone gave off a bright light. She dropped the stone and covered her eyes quickly with both hands.  She felt a tingle all over her body and the light faded away.  Elen uncovered her eyes and blinked and looked around.  She gasped and looked up and up and up.  The whole room, the whole store was huge.  Everything around her was gigantic.  Her eyes moved to the wishing stone that was laying on the carpet in front of her, though it was now more of a wishing boulder.  Then it hit her, everything did not get bigger, she had shrunk!

    Elen stood there on the carpeted floor of Shoe World, now only about three inches tall.  She looked around in shock and awe, thinking that it could not be real.  She pinched herself and it did hurt, however.  She ran over to the wishing boulder and ran her hands across it, hopping to some how undo the effects.  As she touched the stone, however, nothing happened.  The stone did not feel warm and did not glow again.  Then several soft thuds echoed across the room, and a shadow fell across her for a moment.  Elen looked up and over, to see that a woman had walked into the store.

    The woman has huge to tiny Elen, she had to be at least a hundred feet tall.  she was wearing a dark black pants suit with white stripes.  Her blonde hair was set nicely in a short bob and she looked maybe thirty or so years old.  Mostly Elen looked over at her feet, and her feet were huge.  Each of the womans feet was a good fifteen feet long to her, and the size of a bus.  The woman had on quite simple and plain black pumps.  She slowly moved from display to display looking at the shoes.

    Elen wondered what she should do.  Her first thought was to run and hide, much like a mouse would.  But she was the only one in the store, she could not just let people walk in.  But what could she do being so tiny.  The woman selected two pairs of shoes in boxes and headed over and sat down in one of the chairs.  Slowly the woman took off the shoes she was wearing and revealed her fully bare feet.  As Elen watched this, she walked forward to get a better look.  There was nothing else in her vision or her mind, except the giant feet of this woman.  She could not believe how great her feet looked up so close.  She had never before seen another woman's foot in such detail, and Elen found that she liked it a lot.

    A loud gasp from just above her made Elen look up, right into the face of the blonde woman seated in the chair who was looking down.  Elen made a quick glance around and saw that in her day dream she had walked over and now stood only one of her arms length away from the giant woman's feet.

    "Um, Hello!  Welcome to Shoe World! My name is Elen.  How may I help you?" Said Elen loudly and almost on automatic.

    "What's going on? Why are you so tiny? Why..." stumbled the woman.

    "It's..um..part of our new store promotion of Big Shoes," Elen said trying to think of something to say quickly.

    "And you work here?" asked the woman, tilting her head to the side.

    "Yes I do, " Elen said proudly.

    "This is very weird, " said the woman.

    "Yea, you bet it is!  And your my first customer today too! " Elen felt nice and comfortable just going with the flow that she was at work.

    "This is so weird," the woman repeated again.

    "So what are you looking for today?"  Elen said as she looked over and read the side of the nearest show box, "Some Jane Wall business shoes?  You have a meeting or presentation to do?"

    "Um..yes..yes....I do, later today.  I just thought I'd wear something to dress up a bit more, " said the woman.

    "Well, I see you already picked the a12 style.  That is my favorite Jane Wall style.  Lets see how they look on your feet,"  said Elen.

    "Ok, " said the woman.  Elen watched careful as the woman pulled out the two large black shoes and set them down next to her.  Then she watched as the woman slid her giant feet into the shoes.  The view was amazing.  She stood just a couple of inches from some giant woman's feet and took it all in.  Elen walked around the woman's left foot and looked at her foot, and the shoe, from all angles.  Then the woman stood up and took a step forward.  Luckly, Elen was just to the side of the woman's foot, so she was not stepped on.  The though that she could be stepped on reminded her of how small she was compared to the woman.  She though that the woman could just walk out of the store with her new shoes, with all the shoes on the shelf's too, and she could do nothing to stop her at all.

    The woman moved over to one of the floor mirrors and looked at the shoes.  Elen followed her over and stood next to the woman, carefully watching her shoes for movement.    She then walked over to the woman's left shoe and tapped the side it with her hand.

    "Well, what do you think?" asked Elen, looking up wards.

    "I don't know....." said the woman, not looking down.

    "Well, this pair is a great value at this price," said Elen, finding it easy to fall back into the role of salesperson.

    "What do you think?  Do they make my feet look good?" said the woman as she tilted her left shoe up and balanced it on her toes.

    "Well....I...I...." Elen started, but was rendered speechless by the massive foot being displayed just in front of her vision.  The size of this woman's foot, was just so big to tiny little Elen.  And this woman even had fairly nice, soft looking feet. 

    "What did you say?" asked the woman, tilting her ear towards the ground.

    "They are great!  The shoes!  They are great!  Your feet...the shoes...the shoes make your feet look great," said Elen.

    "Thanks.  I'll take them, "said the woman.

    Elen stood there and watched as the woman took off the new shoes and placed them back into the shoe box.  This gave her a great view of the woman's bare feet, just sitting on the floor right in front of her tiny body.  She wondered if she could walk over and touch the giant feet somehow, maybe she could trip and fall or something.  But she shook the thoughts away, this woman was a paying customer.  So Elen just watched as she put her old shoes on and walked over to the register.  Elen walked over to the register and looked up.  As she was only three inches tall, she could see no way to climb up onto the counter, or get to the register.  How could she check the woman out?  Only one thought came to her mind.

    "Um, say, could you give me a lift up?" asked Elen, a bit unsure.

    "What?" said the woman sharply as she looked down with an unhappy look on her face.  Then she saw tiny Elen standing there and her expression softened.  The woman slowly bent down and slowly moved her fingers around the body of the tiny woman.  Elen had to hold her breath for a couple seconds as the massive fingers moved all around her and pressed against her from almost all sides.  Then she was lifted way up into the air at a very fast speed.  Then as quickly as the gaint fingers had came, they were gone.  Elen then found that she was standing nest to the keypad of the register.

    "Ok, " said Elen as she shook off the experience.  The woman already had her credit card out and was holding it near the scanner.  Elen  jumped from key to key and quickly entered her employee code and the sale, then waved to the woman who then swiped her card.  Elen then watched the screen and saw that the sale was approved.  The register printed out a small receipt, at least what was once a small receipt to her.  The receipt was longer then she was tall, at least ten feet long to tiny Elen, but only six or so inches long to the woman.  She simply walked over and stood next to the giant receipt.

    "Don't forget your receipt," Said Elen as she pointed and waved.

    "Thanks," said the woman as she tore off the receipt.

    "Oh, and can you set me back down on the floor," Elen said, quickly.  The woman gave a slight nod and scooped her up and set her down on the floor next to the counter.  Then the woman simply walked out of the store.

    Elen sat her self down on the floor, her back against the counter wall, and wrapped her arms around her knees.  Whatever was she going to do?  She could not live like this.  I tiny bug person in a world of giants.  Even though her new size did give her great a great view of women's feet.  Was that worth it, though, considering all the other problems?  She sure did like seeing that woman's giant feet close up, but she sure did not want to be stepped on and crushed by a giant foot.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1755045-Elen-Shoemocker--part1