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Has the insanity of political correctness at the cost of liberty reached its Apex? |
Atheists Challenge God in Court! “Ky. Law and God in court” was the headline in today’s newspaper. Is this act not the ultimate challenge? Only thing I can think of at this time with so much brass is called Evil! We have let it proliferate like weeds in the name of political correctness and it has ultimately conquered even common sense, and made a mockery of the very things we used to believe. Can GOD be held to the decision of a 3 man court? Can anyone prove beyond the shadow of doubt that God does not exist? Neither can it be proved beyond the shadow of doubt that He does. There are “true believers” at polar-opposite extremes. Then, there is the rest of us who live with varying amounts of DOUBT! How can you take away our Constitutional right to worship as we please? How can the display of a plaque with the name of God possibly hurt anyone? It forces no one to do anything except turn his/her head if he/she has no desire to look at it. One thing which can be readily agreed upon by all except a hardcore atheist is that--if “HE, or IT, exists--is it wise to poke it with a stick? I think He would be much more apt to tolerate a little doubt than a direct attack in the puny powerless court of man’s law who are destined to rule on this case. Where are all those who should be enraged at the direct affront of our right to demonstrate our belief in God? Why do we allow a major interference by Muslims on prayer rugs in our largest city that blocks traffic regular as clockwork? Is God in court there? This is a direct example of one of the most insidious examples of the double standard which rules our nation! I, for one, think that belief can result in a much more fulfilling lifestyle than not believing. I, for one, would rather not spend time looking over my shoulder for people I have injured, either inadvertently or through ignorance. Instead, I seek a way to keep the peace. I guess that puts me right on top of the hump of the bell curve with all that mass of others who have become prisoners of our own inertia. It is difficult to move the snail of perception up or down the scale of reality. I attack this problem the only way I can. We must understand what is happening. Ignorance can no longer be allowed here in the middle. It will kill us all. The snail of the bell curve has to move in the direction of common sense, to do otherwise can only contribute to our demise and the end of all that is; But only if we allow it. We are fast approaching the point at which the world would rotate if all the people who live on its surface were to take a quick step in the same direction! This is “People Power “at its simplest and most powerful. We must discover and exercise this power if we hope to survive by first recognizing the reality of what we have in common rather than emphasizing our differences. United we stand, divided we fall! D |