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         Death is viewed as a time of mourning, sadness and grief for the loss of a loved one. Many people believe that you take your final breath and pass away. However, death has a rather extensive process. The last minutes, even seconds before you die, are absolutely incredible.

         Everyone experiences death in their own unique way. A process begins; a journey from the known life of this world, to the unknown of what lies ahead. As this process begins, a mental path of discovery begins. They begin to comprehend that death will indeed occur and believing in their own mortality. The journey leads to the physical departure from the body. They may withdrawal themselves from their surroundings and decline visitors. They are most likely contemplating their lives, and sorting through memories and regrets.

         The body no longer needs the energy or nourishment from food as it normally would, so weight loss may occur.  However, they are simply not hungry or thirsty, nor is the body suffering in any way by not eating. The brain begins to release an enormous amount of of endorphins that make you feel a rush of emotions. This is why when people die, they see things like “a light”, and they feel so euphoric. It is a normal occurrence accompanying the journey they have begun.

         Within 1-2 weeks of death, a person begins to sleep the most. Disorientation, delusions, and altered perception senses are common. Hallucinations such as seeing or speaking to someone who isn't there, often people already passed, are common as well. Some people view this as "the veil being lifted between this life and the next". They may become agitated with senseless movements and actions. Vital signs will slow or lower, and speaking will decrease and/or stop all together.

         A surge of energy may come a few hours before death. It will suddenly cause the patient to want to talk to and see people, as well as eat. It only lasts for a short time, and previous symptoms become more obvious as death approaches. Breathing becomes irregular, with possible "Cheyne-Stokes" loud, rattled breathing to occur as well. Skin may become mottled. The person's eyes may be open or semi-open, but they are unresponsive, and do not see their surroundings. It is believed that hearing is the last sense to go, so loved ones may choose to say final words at this time. Eventually, the heart will stop and breathing will cease completely, meaning death has occurred.

         No one knows what you see, feel, and think before you die, until the moment that you die. We know the scientific process of death, but we do not know the emotions one goes through as death occurs. The body is an amazing being that we will never fully comprehend. The process of death is understood, but will still always have something to discover.
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