Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1754638-The-Shadow-Of-The-Dragon---Chapter-One
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Fantasy · #1754638
the first chapter to my book
Chapter One

"Behold the sidh before your eyes. It is manifest to you that it is a king's mansion which was built by the firm Dagda. It was a wonder, a court, an admirable hill."

- Mac Nia
"Book of Ballymote"

Zenith Sidh, March 27, 1964 (Good Friday) deep within the Alaskan Mountains

It was not an unusual morning in the sidh. The Elder trees, the mighty oaks and the apple trees were all abloom with fruits, nuts and flowers which were popping out of their winter shells. A chilly breeze played and the rivers sparkled like diamonds on a sea of cerulean blue after awakening from the ice that had covered it for the past 6 months. The air hummed with the promise of spring even though there were still lumps of snow to be found scattered throughout the sidhe. In the distance a castle loomed beyond the village and it's magnificent spires were gleaming in the sun as fluffy clouds floating lazily overhead. No there was nothing unusual here at all. At least not to the casual eyes of anyone who might be watching. But a terrible plot was afoot.

Two men were rushing hurridley through town to "The Lady". One was a tall brute of a man very dark in appearance with a nose that resembled a hooked beak, the other a squat portly little shrew of a man with long unkempt curly black hair and glasses. They were excited as they had finally succeeded in finding the Egg, completeing the first part of their given task. Shamus The Guardian was finally dead and through his torture they now knew where the prize was laying in wait for the Dark Lady to claim.

"What reward will she give us do ya think Gunther?" asked the shorter of the two.

With a gruff voice Gunther replied, "I don't know, but she smells of power and power is always a good thing to have you stupid lout." Good God how Gunther disliked his shorter co-hort Rufius, but he was an evil necessary to keep around. He was good at menial tasks, he was excellent at deceit and he was downright lethal with his feet. This fact always kept Gunther on the ugly little man's good side even though he was as smart as rock. After all what good was a raven without his talons?

"Hrmf! I may be a lout but I ain't stupid as you." replied Rufius huffing to keep up with Gunther's long strides.

So engrossed in their conversation were they that neither noticed the Dark Lady waiting for them as they rounded a bend behind a building. She was resplendent and shrouded in a magnificent cloak of midnight blue, her face obscured by a dark fur lined hood. "Well, is it done?" she inquired. "Could it be you two have finally succeeded in dispatching the Guardian Shamus to hell?" she asked tauntingly.

"Aye m'lady, tis done." replied Gunther respectfully. "Shamus is dead."

"Excellent." said the Dark Lady with a laugh so evil both men felt icy chills running down their spines. "And the egg, where might I find it?" she inquired rubbing tiny glove encased hands together relishing the thought that one of the obstacles in her way had finally been removed.

"It is hidden on his woman, The Lady Elzbeth's necklace." replied Rufius. "We are returning this night to retrieve it for you after the she retires for the evening." He went on excitedly.

At that name The Dark Lady's breath was indrawn and a horrible screech echoed through Gunther and Rufius. "Do not fail in this your last task. I want that necklace at any cost and I do mean any cost." she said meaningfully. "And I don't care what harm falls on the Lady Elzbeth." she said between clentched teeth. Well at least she knew where Elzbeth had been hiding these five years past. With that she pulled two tiny sachet bags from deep in her cloak. One was full and the other empty. "There is a powerful drought in here to help Elzbeth join Shamus in hell. Once you have disposed of her bring me the gem from about her neck. But for Gods sake, don't touch it. It can't be broken and has been charmed with all kinds of protective spells against any one else's touch unless given willingly and it must remain intact. Place it in this bag and meet me here this time tomorrow." With that she turned and left leaving the two men suddenly alone. The two men then morphed into two ravens and they flew off to watch their quary and lay in wait till dark.

None of them noticed drapes falling from a window near the spot where they had been talking. Also no one noticed the tall man that left the cottage, taking shape as a bird and suddenly taking flight as a firey red and orange bird of legend. That bird also flew towards the Lady Elzbeth's cottage. With a different agenda, he prayed to the goddess that he might save two innocent lives, and he prayed that he wouldn't be too late.
© Copyright 2011 Katherine Little (palmergalkat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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