Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1754367-Allamier-dream-chapter-1
by Zelyka
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1754367
Does contain fantasy violence, Allamier is a story about darkness and magic creatures
In a dream world named Allamier, all was peaceful until a dark blanket of doom spread across the land, many of the survivors kept within their villages, having hope that someone will save their land and stop the mysterious shadow that lurks, but now everything is going to change.

In the morning, I awoke from my dreaded sleep as once again I dreamed about a place called Allamier, in this dream people scream out for hope to come and the three silhouettes of beings, finally weird yet wonderful creatures that you can wield.
I slipped out of my bed and looked wearily at my sketch of one of the beings hanged on the wall, it looked human but wasn’t human, I closed my eyes and thought hard at what this creature looks like, but nothing, not even a glimpse of the face etches in my mind, I reopen my eyes to quickly notice that a slight smoke fog ran past my eyes, I spun round, nothing lurks, I heard a faint sound and looked up, there it was a dark moaning cloud hovered above me like a hawk and I’m the prey to its razor talons, before the cloud strike, I closed my eyes, feeling a numb blur around me like the vibration of angry wasps, I was out.

When I finally came to I was surrounded by poisoned trees and the floor was murky with a black hue to it. I decided to get up and have a better look, the place was like a arena, no way out, but soon the doubts fade, two trees moved very grisly and untwined themselves revealing a pure eclipsed hole, suddenly a long creature slithered out the hole on its many purple legs attached to it black body, it had a head of a serpent with a purple ring imprinted on top, piercing green eyes, the body was a version of a giant centipede. The creature looked at me, rose up and roared with heavy might, I quickly stepped and noticed out of the corner of my eye a heavy branch close within range, I swiftly grabbed it as soon as the creature strikes down and slammed the branch against its huge head, the beast roared and grabbed the branch with its fangs, yanked it out of my hands, finally a powerful launch across the arena finished the branch. The creature bared its lethal fangs, as when I gave up hope for survival, a light shone bright pure emerald and a shape formed into a lizard the size of a komodo dragon within the tree tops, then the spirit hissed down with strength and into the creatures back, the creature roared in pain, then it fell with heavy might, it was defeated.
I quickly looked in blind panic for the spirit, but it was not found no where
“Don’t panic at all lady, plus is that a way to take down a Centipernt?” laughed a voice
“Who are you?!” I yelled “and what’s a Centipernt?! Show yourself!”
“it’s a creature of a serpent and a centipede, lives only on dying screams of people” replied the voice “and I’m up in a tree, the names Lizdroi”
I looked up, noticing a human lizard sat in the very top of one of the trees, having he’s eyes very half closed.
“Maybe I should thank you for saving me, I would be dead if you didn’t show up” I said softly
Lizdroi opened his eyes,
“I always navigate through here, and it’s the first time I seen anyone cornered without proper battle species”
“Are you calling me a ’battle species’?” I replied in anger “I’m no mere battle slave”
“You not one slave” Lizdroi twitched “Only these monsters of the dark; trap just to battle”
“Oh, so how am I going to live without good skill against these monstrosities?”
“Have this” Lizdroi chucked a arm band and a amulet to me “this is the spirit creature Ox, somehow it wants to chose you”.
Lizdroi leapt down from the branch, faced the wall, and held his claws high, he bring his claws down with a green hue of light wrapped around his hand, finally strikes the wooden wall making it crumble with splinters. He leapt through the hole, I quickly followed.

After a few miles of walking, Lizdroi broke the silence
“Any way, I still not got your name”
“Whoops” I sheepishly grinned “It’s Katie, I am fond of forgetting that part”
“Is, that so…wait” Lizdroi quickly stopped me and held his head high
“More Centipernts are heading this way” he whispered “look, put that arm band on your arm, then slot the amulet in”
I did as he said, as soon as I slotted the Ox imprinted amulet in the gap, a strong brown energy flowed through me.
“What just happened?” I asked
“You are now in touch with Ox, you can’t remove the band now, even you wield Ox’s power, you are one” Lizdroi replied, then he scrambled up a tree “now its time to use this power”.
As soon as he said that, a Centipernt leapt over a high bush and landed in front of me with full anger, the monster went for me with it’s large fangs, I swiftly dodge backwards, then leapt forward and landed a punch on the monster’s head.
‘That felt like pure power’ I thought
The Centipernt recovered from the blow and leapt towards me, I ducked to let him fly half way over me, I pulled back my fist and lunched it towards the monsters stomach, as I did my hand became encased with the spirit of Ox, like the horns are going to drive into the area I was striking, I landed the hit. The monster yelped in pain as the spirit horns dug in, Centipernt fell into a pile next to me…dead
“Ha-ha, that was exhilarating, you was able to use the power” laughed Lizdroi in the tree
“Humph, that’s why you left me, to see if Ox will work” I angrily replied crossing my arms
“Don’t worry this time I’ll join you with my Lizard, follow to the next village, find you some proper clothes, then on, lets think about what’s going to happen”.
Lizdroi was right about my clothes, I was still in my pyjamas from bedtime I had before I came here.

As we carried on, we encountered more and more of the same kind of Centipernts lurking round, I think that it’s the most suitable environment for them to live in, plus Lizdroi’s Lizard is a fast remarkable spirit in battle.
As we came over the hill, there it was, my first visit to a village surrounded by darkness that could strike them at any moment,
“Okay time to find you some clothes” laughed Lizdroi
After a while in the village, I found some suitable clothes, a grey shirt with a sleeveless leather jacket, grey trousers and leather boots.
“Ha! You remind me of some sort of worker on the fields” laughed the shopkeeper
“Eh, that’s what you only have” I frowned
“Didn’t got one word”
“Never mind”.
I walked though the tiny square of the village, the village had only a bar, a shop and a few houses with swinging amber lamps on every inch of the way, some of the villagers were cowering in small places, like they want to stay away from something, the place all seemed grey.
I walked into the bar and over to were Lizdroi sat on a chair, sipping his clear drink very slowly, I sat down next to him
“Okay, what now?” I asked “So what are we going to do? Plus why did the band grow on top of my sleeve?”
Lizdroi put down his drink and replied
“Don’t know the first, but the second is that the band likes to be visible at all times”.
Before I said anything else a loud crowd of people started screaming outside, my thoughts quickly changed
“Come Lizdroi, we need to find out what’s happening out there”
Lizdroi nodded and we both ran outside.

As we ran outside, all the villagers were crowded next to there houses holding heavy bounties of food for whatever was, everyone’s attention was drawn to the entrance of the village, what seemed to whispered and groaned, came floating in, a Skeleton swamp serpent, it had two fanged head with short horns, a long extending spine with a rib cage, and moss like skin drooped around the spine, the creature stopped.
“I Skelswampernt, has come for the bounties and a sacrifice, for the week in Allamier’s swamp” roared Skelswampernt
‘Allamier, that’s like my dream’ I thought
“Who’s the lucky one today then? Hmm” the skeleton grinned, he turned to a elderly lady
“Ah, you should be”
“No! I won’t let you!”
Everyone turned their attention to a young man stomping towards the serpent
“I just about had enough of you! Go do you job somewhere else!” he yelled
The skeleton got angry and head butted him really hard, so that the man got launched across the square, then landed in a heap.
“Anymore complaints before I do my job” he growled
“I do!” I yelled and stepped towards it
“Ha-ha! You, what do you want to complain about, little girl” he giggled
“Lizdroi! Let’s teach this bony-clown a lesson”
Lizdroi came up to my side
“Teach me a lesson, Lizard-man and little girl, can’t you be more serious” Skelswampernt burst out laughing.
“This is serious! Ox! smash this paper doll!” I roared summoning the spirit’s power
“Lizard! gravitate you’re power!” Hissed Lizdroi.
Both a green and brown spirit formed into there glorious creatures and shot there way towards the monster, the monster instantly stopped laughing, then it plummeted sharply into the ground.
“Ouch!, that, you’ll pay!” it quickly slithered out of the exit with pain.
The whole village started cheering, accept for the elderly lady
“It will be back” she said softly “it never gives up, it needs to be defeated”
“Is there any way we can help?” I asked
“There is, follow me”
Me and Lizdroi followed the lady into her house and up to a large bookshelf, she reached up and grabbed a scroll from a very tiny gap, she unrolled it and it revealed a picture of a blonde haired girl and three silhouettes.
“This is a prophecy” she whispered “that a girl finds her way into our world, learns to wield the power of the formeast spirit, finds new allies and saves the world of Allamier” she looks up with her grey eyes towards me “you are the one”
Lizdroi gasped
“You mean, me and her go on a journey find two more allies, then save the world”
She nodded slowly and rolled up the scroll
“Wait, you need to show us where the serpent lives” I said
The lady bowed and turned round put the scroll away and pulled out another and unrolled it again.
“This is a small map, see this is our town, the serpent exits, goes round the back and into a passageway to a lake, that is now a swamp”
“Don’t worry, I Lizdroi and Katie, shall defeat the swamp serpent, then carry on with this journey” Lizdroi vowed, I nodded in agreement.

We prepared ourselves and exit the village, as the lady said it lives round the back of the village, so we both followed the route till we seen a pathway leading north a little, we followed the path, until we reached a curtain of vines, beyond the vines was a low humming sound.
“Ready?” Lizdroi asked
“I’m ready” I replied.
We both pushed the vines out of the way and stepped in, then a sharp, fast, low roar forced us to stop and looked, we saw thousands of Centipernts gathered round the cliff tops, starring at us with venom green eyes, in the middle was Skelswampernt.
“You decide to come during spirit drain meditation…oh how cruel you are indeed” the skeleton swayed
“We came to rid of you!” I yelled back
“To save the rest of the helpless lives” stomped Lizdroi
“Really? I thought they like it” grinned Skelswampernt
“No! They don’t!” we both shouted
“really?! I should just rid you first then…Centipernts, attack!”.
The Centipernts all leaped from the spots down to where we were, we fended off loads of there attacks, Lizdroi tail whipped one, grabbed it by the head and launched it across into a large group of them, I however blocked there attack and tackled them down, like a full raging ox, Lizdroi pounced onto their heads and strike them into the head with his claws.
After a long battle, all the Centipernts were all quietened down,
“Bwaha, you look exhausted now, don’t you?” the serpent asked laughing
“We are not” I panted
The serpent frowned, slid out of the pool and up to us
“Tell you what” it whispered “you go back, tell them that you failed, and all will be good, okay?”
“We won’t” I roared in anger
I drew back my fist and drove it through one of the rib bones
“Owww! That hurt! That’s it you are DEAD!!”
The serpent threw its head back gaped open its mouth and lunged its head down with full might, we both dodged the blow, causing it to get its fangs stuck in the mushy ground
“NOW’s our chance!” Cried Lizdroi
“Not at maul” Skelswampernt muffled.
It yanked its head high and swung it towards me, I thought quickly, I used the power and my hands to stop the beasts head from hitting me, I took a strong grip of the horns,
“Now Lizdroi” I yelled to my ally
Lizdroi grinned, leapt high in the air and roared with might
“Lizard! Crush this foes head! With you’re power”
The emerald spirit lizard formed and came charging down towards its skull
“Noooo!” it screeched…
Skelswampernt’s head got crushed under the blow of the Lizard’s power, it is now defeated.

Back at the village, everyone was cheering and jumping with joy, we both sat near the gate thinking where should we go next.
“What about you go to the port just west from here?” came the elderly lady “there are far less monsters there, because of good guards there”
“That sounded like a riddle” I frowned
“Well, we should go there next” Lizdroi stretched “we may learn more there”
I nodded, the lady nodded is well.
We got up and waved goodbye to the village, who were waving back and we went west towards the port.
As we journeyed there, many Centipernts appeared and slain, but heavily decreased as we got closer, after many miles we seemed to hear what was left of the seagulls population, me and Lizdroi took long strides down onto a beach and looked to our left, the port stood high, and was very much like day time, with the sun beating down on the wooden shacks and boats.
© Copyright 2011 Zelyka (allamier-hero at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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