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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #1754087
More fun is had with a magical Katana, and relationships get complicated.
Katana of Magic

As you would have learned from my last story, I discovered quite by chance that the true blade Katana I own is actually magical.  I also started dating Eriko, with whom I discovered the magic with, and the magic of love as we fell head over heels for each other.
I will continue my story from the moment I ended the last, the morning having started early due to not being able to sleep, and currently my hand is doing the perfect impression of the ‘Thing’ from the Adams family.

Of corse, me being me, I decided to find out what else I could do with the magic before Eriko would arrive.

I walked my hand around the room for a few laps, getting use to the control and freedom the sword had given it.  Though I couldn’t move as fast as I would have liked I felt the speed would come in time.  I was especially happy when I manage to climb my hand up the bed sheets and on to the bed and with a dare devil jump, land back on my fingers back on the floor, before walking back to my current position.
Scaling my leg wasn’t as easy, my legs too large and muscled to get any good grip, and finally I relented and picked up the tired hand.
I reattached it, feeling the bliss of rejoining skin again, only this time more intense than I had felt when rejoining my severed finger.  I suddenly had a glimpse as to why Eriko had found the rejoining so sensational.

I checked the clock; only an hour had passed since I had gotten up, so I had plenty of time before Eriko would arrive.
Sitting on the end of the bed, I took the sharp blade to both my ankles, cutting off both feet cleanly. 
I then attempted my first experiment, and pushed my left foot to my right ankle.  At first nothing happened, and then just as I was about to give up, the skin fused together.  I smiled and did the same with my other foot before trying them out by walking around the room.  I did find it a little awkward, but far from impossible.

My second experiment to try had me sitting back on the bed, and with just my hands, I pulled on my foot.  Again nothing happened at first, but then as I applied more force, the skin parted and my foot detached at the same place as the original cut.

“That’s better than trying to line up the blade to the same point I guess.”

I pulled on the hand I had previously removed, but no amount of pulling would remove it again.

“So miss-joined can be pulled back apart, but correct joins have to be re-cut, makes sense I suppose.”

I corrected my feet and then tried something else.

Being an avid Internet surfer, and having magical fantasies, I had found sites that catered to my twisted dreams.  Magical stories and wonderful photographic manipulations, some created by myself as well, gave my imagination a wealth of ideas to try out.
This time I removed just my little finger, a cut made without even holding the sword as I moved my finger through the blade.
I then took a breath, and turning my finger round, pushed the end to the cut surface on my hand.  Again it took a little time for the magic to understand the request, and then slowly my finger sank into my hand.  I kept pushing until none of my little finger remained, no physical presence, and neither could I feel it any more.

“Okay, now that worked just as expected, but now comes the tricky part, how the hell do I get it back out?”

I sat on the bed as I considered the options; thankful I had had the insight to use a small body part for the experiment.
Only one idea really came to mind, I took up the Katana and pushed the tip of the blade into the area my little pinkie should have existed.  The blade went in about an inch, and as I pulled the blade out, my little finger followed, pulled back into existence by the blade that had severed it.
However, although I could see my little finger I could not feel it.
I pulled my finger off the end of the sword and examined it, no feeling or movement at all in my detached body part, but the cut end was still covered in skin.  With no other course of action to take I placed the cut end of my finger to the cut on my hand, and like having sudden pins and needles, all feeling came back and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“That was weird, as if the rest is normal anyway.”

I checked the clock again with a quick glance and then looked back to the mirror like shining blade.

“Now what else is there?”

My mind was on overdrive, and I knew one of my ideas would not be wise to try on myself, however, another was.
Again I used the blade to remove my left hand, I then pushed the severed end over my belly button.  It took much longer this time, but finally, as I hoped, the skin magically joined.  I flexed and moved my left hand as normal, but unlike normal, it was attached to my stomach.
“Now that gives me many ideas.”  I said to myself.
I found it easier to remove this time, I considered the stranger the change, the longer it would take to work, but the quicker it was to undo.
It was now 8am and I decided to make ready for Eriko’s arrival.  It was only now I wondered what the surprise was she had in store, and then smiled a knowing smile at the surprises I had for her.

I made myself busy as I waited, tided the house in general, and moved some crash mats out into the dojo downstairs.  Not as soft as a bed, but for what I had planed the bedroom wasn’t really big enough to go swing around a sharp blade.  I had already discovered none living material, like clothes, could not be fixed by pressing the cut ends together, and having just finished decorating, I didn’t want any accidental slashes across the walls and bed covers.
I also brought down the sword and placed it on the sword rack downstairs, one that normally stayed empty unless I was training.
I was not worried about anyone looking in, though the house looked English and typical from the outside, the dojo inside had sliding panels of paper that covered all the windows.  Light could get in, but only light, and none would be able to see in through the windows even if they had their faces pressed to the glass outside.
It was also good that the closest neighbour was over 600 meters away, so I had little concern for peeping toms.

The doorbell chimed not long after I had gotten everything ready, a quick look at the clock on the wall told me it had just gone 9am.  I made sure my robe was bound correctly, not knowing quite what to expect when I opened the door, and headed to the front door of the house.  I slid open the inner door first to the porch, slipped my feet into some slippers and took the two steps needed to reach the front door.
I opened the door and immediately knew what Eriko’s surprise was when my eyes fell upon Hozumi, her younger sister standing just behind her.

“Morning,” I greeted the sisters, not knowing what else to say I just stood there.
“Morning Max,” Hozumi said with her soft sweet voice.
“Yeah, morning, let us in already,”

I blinked at Eriko’s impatients, and stood to the side to allow both ladies to enter my domain.
Hozumi smiled at me a little awkwardly, I had no idea how much Eriko may have told her, but it seemed she knew something of what happened the night before with her younger sister.
Eriko grinned at me as she passed, and while her sister could not see, pulled me into a quick kiss before kicking off her shoes to follow her older sister into the dojo of my home.
I closed the door and hoped my heart would hold out, before following the sisters into my home.  With the slippers removed, I stepped up onto the tatami mat and turned to slide the second door closed.

“What are these for?”

I looked into the room at Eriko as she prodded the crash mats I had pulled to the centre of the room; I then looked to Hozumi and worded my answer carefully.

“I was going to practice some tumbling today, I can’t really throw myself, but I can learn better ways to fall and land.”

As Eriko considered my answer I took the time to take in the sight of the two beauties who now brought light to my dojo.
Eriko had her hair tied in her standard manor but today dressed in a skimpy emerald greed crop top and matching hot pants.  It was the end of summer, but still quite warm outside, one of the hottest summers in the UK for sometime.  Her feet were bare, and I was quite sure she wore no bra under that tight crop top, her hard nipples trying to drill holes in the material of her thin top.
Hozumi was a little more covered up than her younger sister, her white summer dress almost reaching her knees and she wore a light jacket to cover her shoulders.  However, to me her dress was also a little tight at the top, her large breasts straining against their confines, and I somehow doubted her jacket could be done up, it looked more like a jacket her sister would wear.  Again she wore no socks, and like her sister, her small and delicate bare feet stood on the tatami mats.

“So, can I get you ladies a drink?”  I asked, the host inside me rising to the occasion.
“Oh, yes please,” Hozumi said, turning her black eyes to mine, “have you any green tea?”
“I have chilled bottles in the fridge, I wasn’t thinking of hot drinks.”
“Oh, that would be fine, thank you Max.”

I started my walk across the dojo to the kitchen galley at the back,

“Eriko, anything for you?”  I asked, noticing she was already looking at the sword I had brought down, just what was she planning.
“Eriko?”  I asked again.

She seemed to come out of her trance and turned to look at me, I hoped the evil glint in her eye wasn’t aimed at me.

“I’ll have the same as sis.” She said.

I nodded and completed my journey to the kitchen, taking 3 bottles of green tea from the fridge; I filled 3 large glasses and carried them back to the sisters.  I handed Hozumi hers first, and she accepted the glass without looking at me; I was even more convinced she had heard something of the events of last night.
I carried another glass to Eriko and she accepted in the same manor as her sister had and I sensed she was anxious.

“So what brings two beautiful women to my door today?”  I asked; someone had to break the ice.

I was surprised Hozumi to be the one who answered, and her answer almost had me drop my glass.

“Eriko told me what happened last night, I still don’t believe her, and wondered if you could explain things to me.”

For a moment I was stunned into silence, a look towards Eriko didn’t help as she quickly looked away.

“And what exactly did your younger sister tell you?”  I asked carefully, and then turned to look at Hozumi.
“That…that…” she seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then let it out, “that you slept with her.”

Well, there it was, out in the open. 

Apart of me had hoped Hozumi had been told of the magic Katana, in away that would have been a lot easier to explain.  I knew a drawn out silence would be all the confirmation Hozumi would need, but I had no words to use.
I looked up to Hozumi’s eyes, and could see the betrayal she felt, even though I had never made a move towards her, it appeared Eriko had been right about Hozumi wanting me.
She didn’t seem to know what to do, her drink was forgotten, but she appeared at a loss; I expect she was wondering if she should leave or stay.
That’s when things got worse.

“Hey sis, look.”

We both broke our eye contact and looked towards Eriko, the Katana in one hand and her detached head held high in the other.
I never knew I could move so fast, I closed the 3-meter gap between me and Hozumi fast enough to both catch the glass from her limp hand and catch her body with mine as she fell to the floor.  With my arms around her I dropped to one knee and let the weight of her body rest into mine, a glass in each hand and a momentary grin as I realised I hadn’t spilt a drop.
Eriko was soon by my side, her head reattached and the sword left behind.

“Nice timing Eriko, tell me, are you punishing your sister on purpose or something?”
“I, I didn’t think she would…”
“Now is not the time for explanations, take these glasses of me so I can lie your sister down.  Seems you both broke her heart and scared her half to death.”

Eriko said no more, freeing my hands of the glasses, I then took Hozumi up in my arms and carried her to one of the crash mats.  I wasn’t all that surprised at how light she was, and as I lay her down I rested her head in my lap as I sat behind her.

“Eriko, get me a damp towel, and a beaker of cold water.”

I stroked Hozumi’s black hair away from her soft face, amazed how soft her rose coloured skin was.  Unlike her sister, Hozumi had a little more colour in her skin, she more rose coloured while Eriko was more peach coloured and pale.
I turned to look up at Eriko as she handed me a damp towel and placed the beaker of water next to me.  As she knelt down I could see the tears had already started to fall from her eyes and I knew I couldn’t stay mad at her.
I placed the damp towel over Hozumi’s forehead and still holding Hozumi to my lap, reached and pulled a startled Eriko into an embrace.  It was not long before she was crying openly into my shoulder.

I knew my life was going to get complicated when I first discovered the magic held by the blade just a few meters away from me, but it was the relationship between myself and the two sisters that would be even harder to control.  Yes I had fallen in love with Eriko, but I now started to develop stronger feelings for Hozumi.  I wondered if it was possible to love two women equally as strongly as I did, and still be able to lead a normal life.  I knew I wouldn’t be able to marry both of them, but neither could I choose between the two, life was being nasty to me right now.

After a short time, and the feeling of cramp starting in my legs, Hozumi opened her eyes.
Eriko was still sobbing into my shoulder and didn’t notice Hozumi was awake.
I moved my arm holding Hozumi to cover her mouth with my hand; I kept eye contact with her and hoped she understood I wanted her to keep quite.  Our silent conversation appeared to have worked and Hozumi looked up at her crying sister before looking at me again and then closing her eyes to pretend she was still unconscious.  I also felt her body move slightly, pulling more of herself onto my lap.
I ignored the cramp forming in my legs and then rubbed Eriko’s back with the hand that held her to me.

“Eriko, why did you tell your sister what happened last night?”  I asked, knowing full well this would confirm for Hozumi her sister’s story.
I did feel her shift slightly as I said that, but she continued to play the game.

“Because I thought she would be happy for me.”  Eriko sobbed.
“But you knew she had feelings for me as well, you told me as much.”
“But I told you last night, you would be mine to share.”

I wasn’t quite sure how Hozumi would be taking this, but she continued pretending to be unconscious all the same.

“You know that wont work, I can only marry one of you, and I have feelings for you both.”
“Then marry my sister.”

I don’t know what I was really trying for, to help Hozumi see her sister cared for her; to show her what happened between myself and her sister was true love, to keep the piece between siblings.  I really don’t know what I was trying, but this threw me completely.

“I thought you wanted me to marry you?”  I asked.
“I do.”

Okay now I’m confused.

“But I know dad tried to set you up with big sister, that’s why I came on to you last night, to get you first.  But I also know dad wouldn’t approve of us.  So I want you to marry big sister, and, with any luck, we can still show our love in secret.”
“Behind your sisters back?”  I asked, looking down at the woman who lay in my lap.
“No,” Erika said pulling away to look at me, “WITH my sister.”

I knew right then, if Hozumi agreed to this love triangle, I had died and gone to heaven.

“Sounds good to me,” Hozumi said as she opened her eyes and looked at her sister.
“How much did you hear?”  Erika asked a little shocked.
“All of it, and I forgive you now I know your feelings.”

As both sisters hugged and kissed, my legs started to scream at me in pain, wanting me to move to release the cramp building up.
Yeap, I must be dead for this to be happening, no pain could convince me otherwise.
As both sisters pulled each other to their feet and hugged, I stayed sitting, both legs painfully numb and cramped.

“Hey, Max, what’s wrong?”  Hozumi asked looking down.
“Legs,” I said, “can’t move.”
“Both sisters grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet, blood spots appeared before my eyes and pins and needles filled my legs as blood was no longer restricted.

I spent the next five or ten minutes walking funny as I willed life back into my legs, which appeared to have both sisters giggling at my expense.

“Are you two sure about this arrangement?”  I asked, still unsure myself.

Hozumi nodded and walked up to me to pull me into a kiss.  I was kissing back a little quicker than I expected, and as the kiss with Hozumi ended, Eriko turned my head and pulled me down into another.

“Hey Eriko, is he as good in bed as he kisses?”

I blinked as my kiss with Eriko ended so she could answer.

“How would I know, he was my first after all, but I can tell you this much, I felt like I was in heaven.  Being in pieces made it so much more fun as well.”
“What?”  Hozumi asked.
“You did see me holding my head up high didn’t you?  That was why you fainted?”
“I’d forgotten about that.  How did you…”
“It’s a magic sword big sister,” Eriko explained before the question could be fully asked.
“We found out about it last night,” I said not wanting to be left out of the conversation, “I could show you.”

I moved to the discarded sword and picked it gently up.

Hozumi paled a little,
“Does it hurt?”
“Quite the opposite big sister.”
“So which body part would you like removed?”  I asked, “or should I demonstrate on your sister first.”
“Me, me, cut me first,” Eriko called jumping up and down like a little kid.

Hozumi stepped back, indicating I should slice and dice her sister first.  I nodded and moved closer to Eriko.

“I want to show you something new as well, game?”
“Can’t wait,” Eriko beamed.

With a quick slice Eriko’s arm was parted from her body, taking her shoulder with it.  I then placed the sword down, retrieved her dismembered arm, and turned to the young woman who had stolen my heart first.

“Point your fingers forward and keep your arm straight, okay.”

Eriko nodded, perplexed at the request.
I placed her fingers onto the cut surface that her arm was once attached and pushed.
It worked quicker on her than it had me, either the magic preferred working on the female body, or I was getting more skilled in its use.
Eriko’s eyes went wide as she watched her right arm vanish into her own body and as the last of her arm vanished I smoothed my hand over her shoulder less side.

Eriko blinked,
“It’s gone, I can’t feel my arm anymore.”
“I was trying a few things this morning,” I explained, “so I knew it would work, and what you’re sensing.  And don’t worry, it can very easily be reversed.”

Hozumi walked up to her sister in disbelief and gently touched where her arm use to be,
“I can’t believe what I just saw, how does it feel sis?”

Eriko stroked her own body where she use to have a limb,
“This is way better than last night, can you do the other arm as well?”

I nodded, and taking the sword back into my hand I quickly removed Eriko’s other arm in the same manor, and this to was vanished into her own body.

“Hey sis you have got to try this.”

Hozumi paled a little at that,
“I don’t think I want to go quite that far straight away, you look helpless like that.”
“Not as helpless as I was last night, Hey Max, vanish my legs as well.”

I swallowed, and then asked her to lie down so she wouldn’t fall.  She did so and with a single slice I cut through both her legs right at the end of her green hot pants.

“Hozumi, why not help me with your sisters request, you take one leg, I’ll take the other and we will vanish them at the same time.”
Hozumi stepped a little closer and looked at her sisters severed legs.

“Come on sis, I wont kick,”

Gingerly she touched Eriko’s left leg and then, with a little more confidence as she felt the warmth of her sisters skin, lifted it up,
“What do I do?” she asked holding her sisters severed leg, still partially unbelieving.
“Just copy what I do,” I replied as I picked up Eriko’s other leg.
Spinning the leg round I placed her foot at the cut where her leg once joined her body.  I waited for Hozumi to do the same and then said,

We both pushed Eriko’s legs into her body, I slowed down to match Hozumi’s pace, and as our hands brushed up to Eriko’s backside we both felt her shudder as an orgasm hit her.

“Oh God,” she cried out, “that was, that was fantastic.”

Hozumi had stepped back a little, I guessed it was the first time she had seen her sister orgasm.

“It feels that good to have your limbs cut off and vanished?”
“You…wont know till…you try it…big sister,” Eriko said between gasps of breath.
“Seems you got your shorts all wet, should we leave you clothed, or strip you naked?”  I said, giving her a wink.
“Let my sister strip me.”

I looked to Hozumi, it seemed this might be getting a bit too much a bit too quickly, but before I could voice my concerns, she moved to her sisters side.

“Why do you like being so helpless?” she asked as she knelt down.
“I may act in control sis, but really I’m submissive big time.  I know you’re the opposite; you always like to be in charge, even when you pretend you don’t.  So you going to strip me or just sit there all day looking at my reduced form?”

I knew Eriko would be a hard one to read, but saying she was submissive and then ordering her sister about was way contradictory to me.  Still I really enjoyed the show as Hozumi removed her helpless little sister’s clothes.
First she pulled the tank top off, easy now Eriko had no arms, and I had guessed right, the little Japanese lady had no bra on.  Though I was as shocked as her sister when she pulled off her hot pants, she hadn’t worn any underwear at all.  To come here with just those two pieces of clothing on proved to me she had planed this from the start.  Just how manipulating was she?
I watched Hozumi gently stroke her hands over her sisters sweat covered body, mesmerized by her gentle touch, and her sisters sharp intakes of breath every time her sisters fingers brushed her naked sex or her bullet like nipples.

“Come off it big sister, stop teasing me like that,” Eriko cried out as her breathing increased.

Hozumi seemed to know just when to stop to cause Eriko the most discomfort.

“Max, don’t leave me like this, I need release and my big sister won’t let me have it.”

She was almost in tears, right on the brink, but her sister just kept her there, not letting her reach that last peak.
All I could do was watch, unable to move as I too waited for Hozumi to push her sister just that last little bit.

“After what you put me through Eriko, I’m going to keep you on edge for as long as I can.”
“No fair big sister.”

Hozumi danced her fingers around her sister’s pussy, keeping the quivering mound stimulated, but not enough for release.
“Besides, by the time this little volcano erupts, it should knock you out cold for a long time.”
“And…why…god just stick something in me…”

Hozumi waved me over as she continued to molest her little sister.  I moved to her side and knelt next to her and she whispered in my ear.
To say I was shocked was an understatement, but with everything that had happened so far I just nodded, turned round, made a quick slice with the sword and handed Hozumi the part she had asked for.
Again I was relieved she liked it, and held my manhood in front of her sister’s face.

“Will this do?” she asked

When Eriko licked her lips I swore I watched myself grow another inch as Hozumi held me in her soft hand.

Nothing happened for a while, Eriko was looking like she would cry if she weren’t given release, her sister tormenting her even more by rubbing my cock around her pussy.  Even I was about to beg for release, but before I let my will power slip, Hozumi drove my cock up to the balls into Eriko’s cunt.  I felt my head push past and into Eriko’s womb and she screamed out so loud I literally put my hands to my ears as I too exploded inside her from that single thrust.

I could see Eriko’s body convulse as little of it remained, and a white liquid started to leak from her mound, pushing past my cock still fully embedded inside her.

Hozumi continued pushing and I blinked a tear away as I watched my entire manhood, balls and all, vanish into Eriko’s pussy as she continued to convulse as wave after wave of orgasms hit her.

Still Hozumi pushed, her fingers slightly entering her sister before she stopped.

I knelt next to her as we both held her sister, her convolutions stronger and a little worrying, then either of us had expected.
Finally, after what seemed like eternity, Eriko’s body started to calm down.  I could feel myself get softer, but with the head trapped as it was, it just meant it was pulled higher up inside her.
As her sisters breathing became less laboured, I picked her up and carried her small form to a dry sheet.  At least Eriko wasn’t the only one expecting lots of naughty sex, I had covered the crash mats with a double layer of bed sheets.
Hozumi followed me and knelt next to her sister, to me she seemed warn out herself.

“Is she okay?  I may have over done it?”
“She’s fine, or will be once she’s had a good long rest.  How about you, feeling okay with all this?”

Hozumi turned to look at me,
“I guess, I didn’t mean for Eriko to go though that though, it almost looked painful.  I just wanted her to pass out.”
“Well, you succeeded that’s for sure, though knowing your sister, how the hell we top that next time I will never know.”

Since I no longer had my manhood attached, I had neglected to retie my robs, so when Hozumi looked down she almost appeared to panic.

“Oh my, your still…”
“I know, I know, but I wouldn’t want to try and get it back out just now, let your sister rest.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
“The heat of the moment I guess.  Speaking of which, your sister’s been knocked out cold by countless orgasms, and I doubt she’ll wake for most of the day, I’ve shot my load so to speak, I guess we shouldn’t be leaving you out of the loop.”

Hozumi blushed and looked away,
“I’m okay, really.”
“No, I wont take no for an answer, this love triangle we’ve started wont work if you don’t get any pleasure out of it.”
“But without your…”
“Hozumi please, it just means I can concentrate all my efforts on pleasuring you.  The real question should be, do we involve the magic sword or not?”

Hozumi looked first at her sleeping sister, then up at me, and then her eyes fell on the sword I had placed back on the sword stand.
I knew from her look that she wanted to try it, to experience the blade, and as I pulled her into a kiss I promised she would.

© Copyright 2011 Max_Ryan (max_ryan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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