Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1753898-The-Last-Story
Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1753898
At the time of the settlements there are several things that are completely forgotten.
An army of men, determined to win the coming battle. They take all the material in their hands and wait for the command of their captain to attack. The rule of the earth is threatened by evolved lizards with wings.This is the first coming battle of two different races who think the world should be in their hands.
On the other side is a completely different army. No spears or wooden sticks but claws and wings.The world was once their domain but ruled with fear for the survival of hunamity.
People called them draks, named after evil spirits. When the battle bursted loose it became to be a huge massacre. Hundreds of people lay dead and wounded on the battlefield. Many of the other side were bleeding to death and had mostly wooden sticks in their bodies.
The leader of the draks was walking wounded through the battlefield and sometimes slipped because of the many blood that have been wasted that day.
He could see where people are capable of, their army is no longer in control of everything after more than five thousand years. He retreats into the mountains where he wants to lead a different life, a family with a beautiful mate and children.
But for his kind from he was seen as a traitor. They took over The behavior of the people. Rules and punishments. The same feeling of hatred that will mean their downfall.
In the middle of the battle, one of the soldiers fled in the air as the captain has seen that.
It was his job to get him back to fight, but he did not. By the decision of the surviving drak's, he was banished to a forest where he may not come out.
However, he could easily win this battle by himself because it was said that the runaway drak was a master the wind element, masters of an element are powerful beings who can use forces of nature.
The exiled soldier thinks his sister is a queen , a queen of the element wind. Kings of the elements can do anything with it when the emotions are at his strongest.He was afraid of his sister, because the legend says when the kings come together, the draks will all die.
This is the last story of the dragons, written by people who had sympathy for them during the war. Older than the Bible and never made in public because of confidentiality.
It is nine thousand years BC, it was a war that has been forgotten by religion and lack of evidence. Strangely enough, we know nothing about their actions and it has all been deleted from our history books.They were a gift of nature.
But in more recent years they could not bear that another creature with an intelligent mind is capable of taking over the leadership of the earth.
It reveals their concerns that an ancient legend predicted their demise many hundreds of years ago.
There are also some of those who did not want that, who could not handle so much bloodshed. They live isolated, all alone.

It is a time that is all forgotten, one time the water still looked like crystal and could be used as a mirror. a time when the four elements of nature were seen as a god.
and mythical creatures that threaten the safety of ordinary beings.
This is the story of one of them, but one that makes everything else long has fallen into oblivion. It's a cold time, we speak of extreme cold on the highest peaks of a huge valley.
In these times you better stay in groups or you're dead. It started on these mountains, it was snowing and a mysterious creature steps toward the edge of the valley. she sighed deeply and looked down. She thought of the fact that they can not go on living without any help.
This creature has just become a mother of five newborn children. in fact there were six but one of them has just died and is now buried under the snow. The other five are not aware of what happened.
one by one, her children with her are sitting the same way next to her, She turned her head down and could make a smile on her face.
she sits down while it began to snow heavily.Their silver color was unvisible through the white snow and the mother used her huge wings and placed it over her five young.
It is unusual for this creature but you could see a tear in her eyes that instantly froze away. she worried about her future and that of her offspring.
She knew the rumors of this ape-like creatures that live at war with their own kind but she has always refused to be a part of that war. Their species becomes extinct and this unusual but intelligent beings get the upper hand to be the master of the earth.
If these beings will win the conflict they will kill her children and herself for sure. That is if they can survive in these circumstances.
They find no food at this altitude and in the valley, it seems that all creatures on earth all become extinct.

Since these smaller creatures have developed more knowledge they wanted to reign over the earth. They use material objects to defend themselves and try to dominate in this way.
There were some beings that not accepted this and began to revolt against them. In the early days in this revolt, thair kind became in minority and the fear was getting bigger with all of them.
The one's who decide not to fight against these rebellious creatures were exiled and was seen as a traitor. This was a couple who would not interfere in this senseless struggle to star a family.
But not so long ago, the male of this family was ambushed and killed by a majeure force. The others from his own kind watched from a distance and refused to help him while he screamed for mercy.
Now the female has bacome a parent she can barely find any food because she would quickly reach to be a prey of these small but powerful beings.
The mother was able to sustain for a while but soon the inevitable happened.
In a search for food in the valley, she came to the same fate as that of her mate. The mother did not return to the mountains and her children were left to their fate.
On an extremely dark night,the ignorant children realize that she will stay away forever. Her body was taken and hanged as an example for everyone. To demonstrate that they are the rulers of this world and no winged rebel will ever stop them.
At first sight it looks like this joung one's are just waiting to die... and it happend... one of the females became malnourished and died for the exhausted eyes of her brothers.
This is the first time that young learn about death, they were very afraid of this unknown fact.

A few moons later the four surviving brothers went apart, but the fear of leaving the mountains was great. one of them is standing the same as his mother on the edge, looking to the valley and is thinking what things would be outside the mountains.
In small steps, the young creature begins to descend, anxious but determined and looks behind where his brothers where sleeping at the time.
Halfway through the high mountain it seemed to be too steep to go further, he dared not go further than this.
He turned away, but tripped over a boulder and fell. He falls down and lost consciousness for a few seconds.
But the fall made him increasingly sliding into the steep part of the mountain. Further and further, he woke up and fell like a stone toward the valley.
He was frightened and did a lot of pain to always collide with the big stones on his way down.
At the foot of the mountain he crashed against a large tree and finally made him stop. He raises his paw and gently touched his nose that hurt a lot.
When he looks at his paw and was completely red. He thinks he has touched red water but that came naturally from his bleeding face.
He remained there a whole day on the same place because he could not immediately stand up.
Eventually, the moon appeared and the small animal was standing up with trembling legs.
There was a small stream next to the tree and decides to drink first before he continues his journey.While he drinks he could see himself, he started himself, his whole face was red.
But this water was clearly not red. Curious to the color on his face and with a suspicion he scratched his nose a bit and as he had thought there was a drop of blood coming out.
The drop of blood came into the river while he wished he had not done that because now his nose is back in pain.
He got further into small steps into the unknown world that he always had viewed from above.
He thought back to his mother, why she left them, have we done something wrong?
Arriving at the edge of a forest, the young one saw the entrance of a cave. Maybe a great place to rest.

He sat down at the entrance of the cave and could not fall immediately asleep after everything that happened just before the morning sun was rising.
After a long time to sleep, he opened his eyes softly. The sun shone brightly, but at that moment something darkened the rays which he immediately woke up.
He stood up straight, opened his tiny wings and growled. It was a huge paw in front of him.
Frightened and confused he looked next to the unknown being to find a way out of the cave but it was completely blocked by the huge creature.
The large being bowed down before him and showed his face to the boy. It was just a reflection of himself, only bigger and older. A metallic sheen on his skin and enormous wings, much larger than that of his mother.
The elder took his paw and touched his nose while the frightened boy closed his eyes. It felt no pain anymore.
But the boy was still afraid and saw an opening near the entrance where he immediately fled in to.
He turned his head to the cave but when he turned his head from the direction he ran into the arms of the elder.
The elder took the boy onto his body and closed his eyes, when the boy closed his eyes too out of fear.
He heard something in his head, a foreign language, the language that his mother sometimes used. He did not yet understand many of these strange language, but could understood what he heard" The elder had the gift to communicate with every living creature by touching them.
"You will fall if you stay alone, I'm your only protection in this world."The boy sat up and felt less threatened by him.
The elder felt pity on the boy and was determined to have him like his own child.Like his parents, he is an exiled soul who would not participate in the war for supremacy.
But he has unwittingly slain many beings who also wanted to kill him. He witnesses the death of the boy's father. He wanted to help him but was stopped by other elders. From that moment he was exiled in this valley where enemies are currently regulated.
He will be trained as a warrior, a warrior who will serve only himself in this odd world.He will find out what death really means, but will fight with respect for life and the four elements.
The two entities will now wait for enemies that spread in the valley, it will not take long before the boy sees his first death drop before his eyes. The Elder hopes he's ready at this young age for more blood than just his nose.

The elder had a strange feeling about the boy, something terrifying and yet powerful. From the first contact he had not only the idea to protect him, but also to find out what this force should be.
It was a good first night, the boy tossed all night long, and fell asleep lying on the elder's back.
At the first rays of day, the boy was awakened by a loud roar. Slowly he opened his eyes and was blinded by the sun's rays shone through the trees.
Before he was fully aware he gets a enormous blow to his head. So hard till he rolls out the cave.
He shook his head and stands up. His courage falls away immediately when he saw a completely new creature, a creature he had never seen before.
It was obvious that these creatures has no friendly intentions. He had his teeth shown, but made the creature only laugh loud who surprisingly could stand on two legs.
Quickly he looks around to find the elder, he shouted to find him but he did not show at all.
Threatened by a spear and a creature that wants to kill him gets the boy into a corner just oudside the cave.
The boy closed his eyes and was terrified. At that moment something seemed to happen in the forest where it is located.
The whole ground seems to shake, getting worse. The trees, they move their branches. Like a changing wind played with them.
From the air, the elder appeared, surprised by the things that happen with the forest he hung just above the ground.
The creature was impressed by what is going on and had no attention to the two others.
The two-legged one shaked his head and looked back at the boy who was driven into a corner but the boy showed a strange behavior.
His spear is preparing to kill finish him off, at that time, the elder fly's to attack him to safe the boy.
But the forest moved from its foundations, the trees are alive!

Just before the Elder could attack him on to break his neck, a large branch pierced the heart of the two-legged one.
Blood was on the face of the elder who was rightly impressed by what just happened.
The boy opened his eyes and saw the man in front of them with a hole through his chest.The two looked at each other because neither has an understanding of what just happened, although the elder had a suspicion why.
He told the boy that this was a test, and he regrets that it was too drastic and too dangeres and he was sorry.
But the boy did not look at him, he kept his eyes closed and still trembling. The elder held his paw up, hesitant to touch his shoulder. "What is wrong?"
The ground was already in motion, the branches danced like a storm is coming. The elder looked anxiously around him and held his wings around him as protection.
A branch was headed toward the elder, he roared very loudly. 'Stop!'The boy's eyes opened again, his eyes became pitch black, he looked around him with angry eyes.
The branch circled around the elder's body and dragged him to a halfway a tall tree. "Stop this, let me go" he shouted anxiously.
The elder was able to break the branch and fell to the ground and ran as fast as he could to the possessed young. He touched him, and cried out loud "Stop!
The boy fell down exhausted, he was completely collapsed. The earthquake has stopped and the trees have calmed down.
He pushed him back into the cave and had regretted this test, he did not think this such a tremendous force could come out of the the boy.
As the boy recovers from what just happened where the elder watched over him day and night, he looked worried and scared and did not leave from his side for a second.
In this world he has seen a lot but this was the first time he witnessed this earthly forces that came from the body of its kind, out of a child even.
There was a myth about the four kings of the elements. They feared that this myth could be reality. Life originated from water, it was the first broken egg of their kind, a donation from the water element.
This creature was able for the water management and use it against enemies. Storms, rain and even tears, he could use against his enemies like water snakes.
He could only use the special gift by strong heartfelt emotions. Fear, frustration, hatred, joy...He brought their species to life , and after hundreds of years of evolution, they could walk on land, fins became wings and forelimbs.
The second king was a queen and she reigned over the fire. Amazingly, this female could change her breath so that her breath could be changed into fire.Her strength came mainly from anger and hatred.
Her goal in life was the discovery of the new natural element in the young world. Unfortunately she was murdered by her own children who could not control the anger like she did.
As the king of the wind and king of the earth will come together, it means the end of the whole race. The elder feared that he was one of the elemental kings in the myth.
The boy woke up several days later in the middle of the night. Glad he was unhurt, touched the young to his chest. He felt his heart pounding softly.
He asked him if he still remembers some of the fight against the two-legged a few days ago. The boy had no idea what he meant.

The two winged creatures lived together for years. For years, he has no peculiarities observed in the offspring. The boy grew up as a mighty winged one that almost resembled the elder.
Meanwhile, he taught himself how to protect against two legged. Their cave was filled with bones.
The war starts to decline, losing more of their kind in population in the world. Safely hidden in the forest, the two do not know what happened in the outside world.
The boy was a silver-colored winged one, his head covered with horns and scales. At the end of his tail was a form of a green colored leave.
And though his body from the silver, also his two huge wings was covered with a green color, just like his eye's.
He taught the power to communicate with each other in order to talk to his teacher that he looked as it was his father.
But the elder was still not comfortable in the forces he saw years ago. He refused to make him angry or playing with his feelings.
For the two legged, the time has come to the settlements. They live in large groups to protect themselves during the war between the animals.
Usually they surround their homes with the bones of the killed winged one's in order to deter their enemies by spreading a smell of death.
Sometimes it happened that some of the villagers step into the woods to hunt, but more often, the two adult winged one's left them alone. Only if they feel threatened by them they slay them and drag their bodies out of the forest so there wasn't any suspicion in their hometown.
Life was good for them, enough to eat and drink and an environment that gives the boy some rest. It did not seem that the myth was coming reality. Or so hoped the elder.
The story is about the end of their species as the king of wind and the Earth are fighting each other. When the last king dies it will mean the final end.
Then another being will give them a name if any dead winged one has fallen into oblivion.But after a few years to educate him, it seems that this will not happen, even if he is a master of the earth.

The silver boy had a bad night. He had bad dreams about the elder who dies before his eyes in horrible pain.
Before dawn he awoke with a cry and stood up right. To to shake off the horrific images that he saw last night. He went out and walk throughs the forest.
He looked down, thinking about how realistic the past dreams where for him. He feared that it meant something.
He accidentally bumped against a tree. It hurt a bit and bites a piece out of frustration from the tree. With a piece of bark in his mouth, he looked strange to the tree. It was red.
His opened his mout and dropped the piece of bark for his leg. He looked beside the tree and saw the crystal clear river.
It was his blood that still clung to the tree when he fell from the mountain, many years ago. He knows that blood clot after a certain time so he was surprised that this is still visible.
he don't know why but he scratched himself a tight wound in his arm where a few drops of blood fell on the floor.
He dipped his paw in his blood and touched the tree on the same place with the old blood. The tree swayed, as if there a strong was coming.
The force that he could feel was indescribably powerful. Underneath the blood gave a golden glow.He could not hardly breathe and tried to remove his claw from the tree but he can't.
Acid came from his mouth foaming and screaming in the hope that the elder would find him.
Suddenly a huge wind case from the forest, a violent storm that ripped him loose from the tree and fell on his side.
Breathless He tried to cough and looked around him. A few more trees further was a shape. The whole forest was blowing violently.
He stands up straight and walked to the figure in the forest. From here he can see it better. It seems ... another winged one. Unsure he walks silently to the figure.

Light roaring toward the other being, he saw that her eyes are completely black in color. He stands for her bows his head in gratitude.
But she did not respond, she just stood there like a petrified. He raises his paw and placed it on her paw."I am grateful to you, stranger."after which he bows again.
She started talking with a two legged language voice. "Master of the earth?" He looked up at her, he did not know what she meant.
She talked again to him. "No, king of the earth!" "my lord!" after which she bowed to him as a greeting. "I'm glad I could help you in your destiny".
But he did not understand her, it was such a strange language. He shook his head to show that he did not understand.
Her eyes were blue in which he kept staring at her. He was enchanted by the beauty that shone in her eyes.
They get in touch with each other when he asked the question: 'Who are you?'
She did not respond to his question and she touch his neck. Her nose bumped against his and whispered in a language he could understand "I'm your destiny."
It was morning and the elder yawned so hard that the whole forest could hear its echo.
He turned his head beside him and finds an empty space. His pupil was gone. Concerned, he walked outside the cave.
He walks as fast as he could through the forest after a half day walk, he heard loud snores a little further. Behind the tree were the two creatures sleeping, undisturbed.
The elder looked at them. It was a female who was lying beside him. A very beautiful specimen.
By a strange reason he growled loudly gave the female a large scratch on her neck. With her loud cry she made him up and he looked around.
She saw him and stood up. "Brother?" The elder went to the boy and touched him around the neck."I want you to leave this place".
He stares amazed at the elder but ignores his response. He growls at the boy and turns his back on him.
Quietly he walks to the injured female. "Why are you here?"He squeezes her neck near his jaw. She gasped and shouted to the boy.
His emotions of fear and misunderstanding came up. The eyes changed color for the first time in years again in black.
The ground shook to its foundations and the trees swayed violently. The fighting creatures knew what was going on when they looked at the boy.
Along the foot of the mountain fell an avalanche of stones in the direction of both creatures.
The elder yelled the boy. "stop, king of the earth, I try to break the predictions for the survival of our species."
He let the female go and she saw a huge stone falling in the direction of the boy. Quickly she flew to him and gave him a push.
They roll together and brought them to safety. The Elder flew high above the trees in order to escape the avalanche.
The two young layers together. The boy's eyes were normal again and gave her a bow of gratitude again.
But from the air, the elder pushed her off him with his hind legs. She rolled away and he looked surprised at the elder for his voracious reactions on her.
"Mind your own business boy, this is our fight."He sat on the floor and looked at her. "I'm sorry to do this."
She lay there and tried to tell him that it was not she who had to be destroyed to break the prophecy. But he did not listen while his eyes were pitch black like with the others.
"You're the king, I am only a master who had been passed by our parents!" A devouring storm dominates the forest where the boy flew a long way through the power of the wind.
"Stop this, you let the prophecy come true!" But he was nailed to the ground. The female had no effect by the enormous wind also.
But at that moment, the elder created a tornado by the power of the element that should meant the of death for his young sister for sure.
The boy saw this coming and by grief and anger his earthly forces fanned. His silver body changed into pure green like his eye's.
Trees and branches move like a snake around the elder who squeezed his airways. with the force of the wind, these branches could blown away just in time before he suffocated.
He paid no attention to one of the branches behind him thet came in his direction.
But just behind him he gets pierced in the center of body by the pointed branch , just as it did when the two legged a long time ago.
The elder fell to the ground, he was dead instantly. The boy turned back to normal again and had a silver shine on him.The woman screamed and ran straight to the corpse of her brother.
As the boy, he had no idea what just happened. When he saw his master lying dead, he burst into tears.
His sister whispered to her dead brother "The prophecy came true, soon we will see each other again.".
She turned and saw the boy standing with shaking legs and a sad face. Afraid of the reaction from her. Quietly he came to the body and then lowered his head. "Rest in peace dad"

Exactly one year later, the happiness of the couple could not increase more. The war is over and the two legged won. But that was not their concern because they were the proud parents of three children now. 2 girls and one boy.
The two legged began placing small villages and settlements where they lived together. Killing them is stopped because the winged one's are almost all dead by their rebellious action.
The father of the family hopes that improvement will come quickly and they can spread around the world soon. The youngest of the family, the last one who came from the egg was a very lively girl. Her father was very proud of her but also very worried.
Her games made that she lost her way or get into trouble with the animals of the forest. A bit too social with everything, unlike her brother and sister who refuse to leave the cave.
On a beautiful sunset roared her father very loudly so she came home again because there was no trace of the girl once again.
Beside the river of the forest, a little further than the cave was his daughter, she didn't heard him at all, she was climbing in tree. This is the same river that her father used to see himself as he rolled off the mountain. and the same tree where He bumped on.
On the first thick branch of the tree rested the girl, looking down while the forest was darkening and she had a nice view of the sunset from that height.
Down on the ground, she heard a rustling in the tall grass beside the River. The girl thinks that this is will be an animal of course.
But she is shocked when she saw that this is not just an animal of the forest, it was a two-legged one... a smaller version. She has heard so much about them from her father and mother. Dangerous and bloodthirsty creatures for winged one's.
The child on the ground was lost in the woods, confused she walked past the trees. It Did not seem so dangerous as they have said to her.
Determined flies the girl for the two-legged one and stood straightened. They seemed to be the same length as the girl stood on her two legs. Only her little horns on her head came above the two legged child.
The child began to talk to the girl, she thought it was funny how she could speak so beautifully. The girl smiled at her. The two-legged child held her hand and touched the girl to her little wings and kept on talking in a foreign language.
She was looking forward to a game to play with her and placed her two front paws against the child. She fell down and laughed softly.
there were funny noises coming out of her mouth. She stood up and gave the girl a push against her chest. She also fell down and smiled at the child.
She stood up and sat on a rock standing nearby. In an attack mode, she gave the child a huge push with her front legs.
The child fell down again, but suddenly she gave a loud sound from her mouth. The girl went to look better why exactly. Her head lays to a small stone, She lay in a pool of blood which came from her head.
The girl was terrified and went closer. With her nose, she tried to wake the child. But she didn't moved and there were no more sounds coming from her mouth.
In the distance she heard someone shouting, screaming. It came nearer and nearer. The girl hid quickly behind a tree.
It was a two legged adults who was looked for his lost child. When he saw the child lying in a pool of blood he burst into tears. He sank to his knees and tries to wake the child.
The girl felt guilty for this incident. She thought to identifiable herself and thinks that the adult may be as nice as the child.
With small steps she came behind the tree, closer to the man. The child opened her eyes again, she was not dead, just wounded.
But at that moment the man heard the girl silently approaching. He looked back and saw her coming. He cried very hard 'Drak sta, sta!' She wondered what 'drak' means and looked at him with a small smile. Naturally, her sharp teeth where visible, the man felt threatened.
He took the child in his arms and took her into the darkness of the forest.Impressed by what happened, she returned to the cave where everyone else was sleeping.The girl could not sleep at all.
The next day, her older brother's first awake. He saw his sister worrying and went against her. He felt that something must have happened when she was gone and attempted to soften her so that their parents will not see her like this.
He bumped into her and let her see that she has to sleep. Eventually she could sleep before her mother awake.

The next morning, the parents are the first awake. The first sunbeams came through the trees. It looks like something disturbs the father. He looked around, there was a foul stench in the woods.
Silently he lay down next to the mother and put his head down. But later he heard an infernal noise that robbed him of his sleep.
Like a cat he was looking in all directions and he felt that he should wake up his children because he did not trust it.
He rubs the children and gave them the command to lie close to him and their mother. The smell was still strong, and the noise on the other side of the forest became more audible.
He gave a sign to the mother and asked if she also felt it. She had no idea what he meant.The daughter felt a little guilty about what happend last night and went to her father. He rubs his head against her and asked if there was anything she wanted to tell.
Stuttering she told her story about the young two-legged who was injured by an accident.and that the older two legged has seen her.
Surprised and shocked by her story he felt fear for the consequences.
On two legs and with open wings he roared loudly. The whole family were disturbed from their resting and looked him all.
"Run, everyone, we have to leave here as soon as possible." The mother gathered her children and walked away into the darkness of the forest.
He stood in the cave and looked anxious toward the noise.The sound is close by now and heard screaming 'Drak! Draaksuma! Before he knew it right a spear past him. He stood in an attack mode and realize that this could be dangerous.
But suddenly, the crowd stood still, they do nothing and watch him. Some of them go sideways. Behind the crowd of the two legged stand one's is another one of their species with large wings and a silver appearance on his body.
From a distance they looked at each other and they speak both 'brother? " He left the cave and walked away to his long-lost brother. "I thought you were dead!"
But his brother responded with a huge slap in his face. It noted three bloody scratches down his mouth. "Why did you hurt their child?"
He held his face tilted to let them know that he does not knows whereof he speaks. His brother began to get angry and hit him against his wound.
"Their child is almost killed by one of us, they call us draks, in other words, "horrible creatures." "But after you and me we are all extinct in this world. You and I are the only survivors. I owe my life to those who took care of me in times of war."
"They gave me a name, they call me Dacos, a derivative of Drak."
"From conceivability I have dedicated my life to protect them, with the result that I am like only one."
"His brother was standing back and laughed quietly. "You're not one of us, you're a traitor. How many have you killed already?"
The two legged stand further behind his brother and he opens his wings."I thought to spare your life, after all, we are brothers, but you represents a threat to them, I must destroy you. I'm sorry."
The other opens its green wings."You can only try"!It turned into a huge battle but strangely enough the forces of the earth didn't came free, although he showed a lot of feelings.
Both Exhausted creatures are on the ground, the two legged watched the fight, not interfering with the fight.Dacos looked up ... He sniffed hard in the air. scared and wounded his brother was looking to him.
He looked in his direction and says: You ... have a family. My sense of smell is strong and I smell the same scent of you, they are running... not much farther.
Shocked by his perceptive he runs to Dacos and squeezes tight his neck. "I am alone, I have injured the child, you must have me."
Dacos kicks his brother off him and fly's above the trees. Immediately he chased his tracks.He tried to use his earthly forces to stop him but nothing happened.
Flying and sniffing, he ignored his brother behind him and saw the family running through the trees. The female saw a similar creature as her husband and was planning to attack her with his back legs. For the safety of her children, she used a gust of wind to blow him away. A force that she never wanted to use again after what happened last year.
"A mistress of the wind?" His brother could reach Dacos and gave him a kick in the face. Dacos dropped into the trees.He land next to his family and rub against each other's snout.

But when he turned his neck there flew an arrow, right past the nose of the father and hits one of his sons at his side.The boy fell down, crying to his mother.
Immediately his mother came to him while the father could not believe his eyes. He looked at his mortally wounded child who could barely breathe. "Hang on son".
But the two legged ran up, shot a shower of arrows. When the father turned his head to the two legged he saw the deadly rain hits all his family.
Because he was a little further on, he was unhurt. His female was killed instantly and his two children who had several arrows pierced in the neck and body died with her.
With an arrow in her leg dragged the girl herself to her dead brother and sister. She cried, but she did not know why she did... because of pain or because of sorrow.
With tears in his eyes he walked to his daughter and pulled the arrow out of her body.
Dacos landed before him and took his daughter in his mouth and went back a few meters. The father looked surprised at his brother and he pressed the wounded girl against his teeth while she screamed at her father.
"Leave her alone, your kind of killed my family, let her go, I'm begging you."he says stuttering with tears in his eyes.
"Your fault brother, it is unfortunate that our species walked in to extinction, but on the other hand, it is simply the case and the way as it should be.
He bit a little further while blood was dripping from his mouth.His daughter cried a chilling scream.
Looking at his family lay dead and his daughter who was now quite red in the mouth of his brother it all started again.
The ground was trembling, the trees bend their roots throughout the forest, the eyes didn't became black but completely green. His brother let his daughter fall on the ground, which resulted in a death struggle.
He slowly steps a few feet further and stands above his daughter and took her in his protection.
Dacos slowly stepped back and gave the army of two legged one's the sign to kill the last two dragons with a second rain of arrows.
When they could tighten their arch the ground where they stand collapsed into burning lava. They fell so deep that it touched the core of the earth.
Dacos looked back and saw the huge fire pit where everyone has fallen in to. Frightened and surprised he looked back at his brother who looked back with complete green eyes.
Both brothers looked at each other tough in the eyes. The roots of the trees became in motion under the legs of Dacos . "What is this? Are you doing this? Are you a master of the earth?"
He looked at him "I'm no master, I am the king."Afraid of this reply Dacos try to flee through the fire in the forest, but stumbled over the moving roots.
The roots took them prisoner and bend around the neck of Dacos.
He could not breathe and called out for mercy from his brother who looked at him when Dacos throughout his body gets stabbed by pointed branches everywhere.
Everyone was dead, only the king of the earth was still standing. He looked down, but his daughter was lying down in a pool of blood. Her father wept as he tries to wake her.
His emotion was so strong that he could get no breath. The whole forest still shook. All trees were uprooted and fell on the king's body, knowing that he did not survive, that he no longer wanted to survive. He wanted to die together with his family.
The forest has turned into a huge mess, the stench of death was horrible.
All remaining remnants nlike bone, flesh and body turned into sand, there was no more evidences about the existence of dragons.
Never has mankind ever be able to admire them as they dominate the world as we see it today.

In a large city in the year 2011 was a little girl running near the streets. She looked at a window to delay a statue of a dragon with a silver color, leave-shaped tip on its tail.
Her father is just next to her: "come on baby, we still have much to do today." They hold hands where a small golden spark came out.

© Copyright 2011 Pumpkin (pompoen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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