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A brief encounter with God, when I wasn't expecting it. I have no choice but to believe. |
Can You Believe Some will believe, some will not. I can only tell you what happened to me. This whole story began in the early nineteen nineties. From the very beginning strange happenings would distort my perception of space and time. For one thing this was the year of the comet. I had seen the comet several nights before the actual trip began. Well I am going to tell you the story,and let you be the judge. My mother had been living with me for several years now. She approached me one day, and asked if we could talk. Sure mom I said. What about? She told me how she loved living with me,and we could not have treated her any better,but this is not my home. She explained. I am used to living in Florida. Tennessee is beautiful,but it's not home. I was very sad at what I was hearing. My mother was old,and I did not want to see her living alone. I thought more on the subject,and realized I could not stand in her way, if this was what she wanted to do. I told my mother let me finish what I was doing to the truck,and I would take her home. I thought my sister lives in Florida she can keep an eye on her. Then I began to live one of the strangest couple of days of my life.My son in law Sammy, who lived just a block away announced he was going with me. I was glad to get the company,besides he could help with the driving We loaded all of mom's belongings on the truck,and a few of our own. Mom said her last goodbyes,and we started out. From the very beginning things just didn't feel right. It was about noon. The sun was shining,and it was a beautiful day. Mom chattered happily about going home,and getting to see old friends. Sammy talked about how good the truck was running. You see we had just finished doing a valve job on the truck. I had to admit it was running great. We left Tennessee, and were now traveling through North Carolina. All of a sudden the front tire on the drivers side, started bouncing horribly. I eased over to the side of the interstate,and I got out to see what was wrong. I could tell right away. It was obvious. The tire was distorted badly. I knew one of the steel belts had broke. We were on interstate 26, in the middle of nowhere. I could see an exit just ahead,and I was about to head towards it. Having trouble I heard a voice call out. I turned and saw a man in his early thirties. He was smiling as he walked towards me. Cautiously I replied . Yes I have a broken belt in my front tire,and also looks like I have neglected to bring my spare. Well i'm broke down also,and if you would let me ride in the back of your truck, I can direct you to a tire store about five miles up the road, and I could also call a wrecker from there. I glanced around and could see no other car anywhere. Still I thought what could he do in the back of the truck. How could he hurt us? So I agreed. Hop in I said. We started off at a very slow pace, and still it was hard to keep control of the truck. I was also trying to keep an eye on the stranger ,through my rear view mirror. The stranger leaned over the side and started talking to me about Jesus. Suddenly ever thing was alright. As we got off the exit he directed me to turn right. It's about three miles he said. I couldn't see anything but woods. I thought what would a tire store be doing out here. Suddenly there it was. I pulled in , the stranger thanked me ,and went inside to call a wrecker. I got hold of an employee, and explained my problem to him. I said I don't have a lot of money. Do you have any used tires? He pulled my truck up next to the air hose, and proceeded to change my tire. When he was done he gave me a bill for fifteen dollars. I couldn't believe it . He had put on almost a new tire and balanced it for fifteen dollars. I paid him and said are are you sure thats enough.He just smiled and said have a good trip sir. I started the truck and started to pull out. the wrecker had arrived for our friend,and he pulled out right in front of us. We followed him back to the exit. They turned on to the ramp and were temporarly hid from us for a few seconds by the trees. we pulled on and there was a long straight away,but there was no wrecker,or anything else. We were astonished,and didn't know what to think. We talked about it all the way to Florida. Night had fallen by this time,and we could see the comet to our right,plainly in the night sky. We watched it for hours. We continued to talk about the strange disappearance of the wrecker. I told Sammy on the way back,I was going to visit that tire store again,something just wasn't right. We dropped my mom off at my sisters and said our goodbyes. The trip was uneventful except for the fact that the comet was on our left going back. When we arrived back in North Carolina we returned to the very same exit,and drove for miles back and forth. We were never able to find the tire store again. Sammy and I couldn't even speak we were so dumb founded. Finally we gave up and headed home,but I will never forget how the Lord opened up a tire store,just to accommodate me. I expect some not to believe, but the next time you are in trouble. Watch who comes to your rescue. Eddie John |