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I lay on the carpet at my mother's feet beside the fireplace reading a book I'd gotten for Christmas, Teeshia and Brittany argued in the kitchen about who got the last piece of pizza we'd had for dinner. Mom sighed and rolled her eyes flipping through the channels, I'd had enough, it was getting ridiculos, the name calling, the hair pulling, the swearing. I was stuffed but I stood and wandered into the kitchen glaring at them. They were supposed to be my role models! They were acting like three year olds!
"Hey, let's compromise, I'll eat the last piece." I smiled snatching the piece of pizza from the box and went back into the living room.


"I'm the oldest!" I snapped back at Brittany as we wandered down the hallway to our rooms. She rolled her eyes and laughed.
"That means nothing, I'm the middle child, I get the least attention, I should have gotten it." I groaned and cut her off going into my room. She slipped on the floor where water had fallen from the leak roof. She grabbed my ankle as she thudded to the floor and I went down too. I screamed and kicked at her, we heard mom's angry footsteps coming down the hallway and I scrambled away into the dakness of my room. Brittany shut the door as she dashed down the hallway to her own room.
"What's the matter with you two?!" She bellowed, I cringed as the doorknob turned on my door, why was it me?! Go interogate the youngest! Mom didn't look angry, she looked calm, and just slightly disappointed. I crawled on my bed and wrapped my arms around my knees. The light flicked on.
"Your supposed to be a role model for Devyn, Teeshia. So far all I've seen, is an older sibling who can't manage to cut a fucking slice of pizza in half and share it with her younger sister!" I cringed as she swore at me, I knew she would never harm me, never try to hurt me, but I was used to getting hurt when I did something wrong, we all were. Mom's ex boyfriend Dennis was an asshole, whenever we did something we weren't supposed to, he'd hurt us. One time, he beat me until I could barley move or breath. He did the same to Devyn. He did both of our attacks on the same day, mom came home with Brittany, and saw us laying on the floor gasping for air, and that was enough, she ran to the kitchen grabbed a knive and Dennis;s face wasn't exactly the same after that. We never heard of him, or saw him after that.
"I'm sorry mom."
"Sorry for what honey?"
I inhaled, "sorry that Brittany is so stupid and fought over a piece of pizza."
"I'm disappointed in you. Both of you." She stood quietley switched off the light, closed the door gently and went back into the living room with Devyn.


Mom knocked on my door waking me up. I swore under my breath but got up off the floor and went out into the kitchen for breakfest. Maddy was already at the table eating her toast flipping through the pages of her book like a mad man.
"Why are you such a nerd?" I spit at her.
"Excuse me?"
"Why are you such a nerd?" I shoved a spoonful of Fruit Loops into my mouth and waited for her reply.
"I'm not, I'm reading a book, because reading is good, and I have to read it for a book report. Homework. You'd know what it is if you weren't so fucking stupid. " We all gasped at her, mom didn't scold her for her language just turned back to making her coffee and ignored my reply. A horn honked outside and I gasped. It was my boyfriend Kevin, why was he here so early?! Mom peeked out the window and told me who was here. Who else would be here so god damn early?
"Tell him I'll be out in a minute!" I ran down the hallway brushed my hair until it was perfectly straight, brushed my teeth and did my makeup.
"Bye mom!" I skipped out to the truck and slipped in beside him. His lips kissed me softly and I smiled against them.
"I gotta make a stop before school." I nodded and did my seat belt up. Kevin pulled out of the driveway and tore down the highway. He slowed near Ritchie's house and I cringed in fear. I hated coming here. He stopped and jumped out of the truck, stuffed something in his pocket. I jumped out to, there was no way I was staying in the truck. He pounded on the door, we were greated by guns at our faces. Someone's hand wrapped around my wirst and pulled me into the house, Kevin followed.
"Who are you?!" They screamed. I cringed as the person's hand on my wrist tightened. Kevin reached into his pocket and threw a Ziploc bag filled with white powder onto the floor.
"Delivering this to Ritchie!" They nodded and the guns lowered.
"Sorry man."
"What the FUCK?! Why would you do that?!" I screamed slapping one of them across the face. He winced then metal hit my face and I slid across the floor.
"Hey man! Don't fucking touch her!" Kevin helped me up, the guns were pointing at us again. He leaned in like he was going to kiss my cheak, but instead whispered "run out the back door and to the truck as fast as you can. Go." I scrambled backwards and ran out the door, he was behind me. The truck started and we tore down the street to the school.
"Are you ok?"
"Why the FUCK would you take me there?!" I scremed shaking in the corner of my seat. He looked confused. I normally didn't react like that. I'd gone wit him so many times to deliver drugs, I'd never reacted at all. I'd just gone with it, I never questioned it, and I never thought it was dangerous.
"What the hell?! Why are you sp bitchy? Do you have your period or something?"
"Fuck off!"


Mom dropped me and Teeshia off at school early. I went to Brittany's locker but she wasn't there. I couldn't find Kevin either. Had they stopped to do something that should not be done until after marriage? I hoped not, even though my sister was a bitch, and she wasn't a virgin, I didn't like Kevin. I didn't like her dating him, and I did not like her having sex with him. I shrugged, I would surely find out later. I headed to my locker, and as I did I glanced out the iwndow and saw Kevin's truck race into the parking lot at an insane speed. Brittany was driving. What the fuck? I raced down the emergency escape and rn out to Brittany who was walking up the walkway shaking.
"What the hell happened?!" I screamed angrily. Brittany collapsed into my arms. Jesus Christ. "I'm gonna help you sit down ok?" She nodded and I sat her against the wall.
"What the fuck did you do Kevin?!" I screamed, he looked puzzled, I shoved him once.
"Nothing you little brat." He shoved me back. "It's none of your business."
"She's my sister, I'm officially making it my business." I shoved him back. A crowd was forming at the door, and an even bigger one was forming at the window upstiars.
"Learn your fucking place kid, she may be your sister, but she doesn't need you to help her with everything." He shoved me again and this time I fell back flat on my ass. I flew up and shoved him again.
"Exactley, she's my sister, I am going to help her, as much as I can. Asshole."
"Bitch." He wound up and slapped me across the face.
"Woah man!" I looked around and Steven came out of the croud followed by Melissa, Ryan, Shayn and Mike.
"Woah? Your gonna stick up for a little bitch that you don't even fucking like man?"
"Yeah actually. Because she's my girlfriend's best friend, and she doesn't deserve to be slapped around by an ass like you.So lay the fuck off."
"Who's gonna make me?"
"Us." Shayn, Ryan and Mike stepped forward and shoved him.
"If you guys help me, your just going to get suspended. It's not worth getting suspended because of a jerk off like Kevin." Kevin's fist conected with my face and I fell bakcwards sliding against the ground.
"What the FUCK!" Steven screamed letting go of Melissa's hand. Ryan helped me up and kissed my cheek.
"He's gonna get what he deserves babe." I kissed him softly.
"I love you."


I stopped at the window and looked out at the group of people bitching at Kevin. Where was Brittany when all this was happening? She's such a bad girlfriend. A movement against the wall caught my eye. Brittany was crying leaning against the wall. What the hell? I picked out people from the group one by one. Steven. Melissa. Shayn. Ryan. Mike. Devyn. What the hell? I dropped my books and raced down the stairs and outside.
"MOVE!" I screamed pushing through the crowd. Devyn was in Melissa's arms shaking, tears were slipping down her face. I wanted to help her. Brittany was shaking harder than a chihuahua. Ryan, Shayn and Mike were kicking Kevin's limp body that was on the ground. He cried out whenever they're feet made contact with his body. What the hell?! Brittany started screaming when a huge black Hummer pulled into the school parking lot. She reached for the door handl but slipped and fell onto the wet ground. Steven was now helping Ryan and the other's with Kevin who was now fighting back. A man hopped out of the Hummer and started walking towards us. Gun in hand. What the HELL?! Brittany screamed bloody murder when he stared at her. What the hell?! She started to get to her knees to crawl away, but collapsed back onto the ground. I dashed over to her and held her tight, rocking her back and forth.
"No... Stop..." She gagged then puked facing away from me thank god. I nodded and looked back at the guy walking closer and closer.
"Ryan! Stop!" Devyn screamed pulling away from Melissa. Ryan looked up then reached for Devyn. He held her tight against his chest. Steven held Melissa behind his back protecting her from what was to come. Mike and Shayn went and stood on either side of Ryan.
"Mike..?" Ryan said glancing down at Devyn, he nodded and took hold of her. Shayn stroked her back and Ryan took a couple of steps towards the huge creep. "Richie, what ae you doing here?" Ryan knew him? What the hell?!?!
"Hey Ryan, Shayn, Mike." What the hell. "Kevin here, delivered hte wrong shit, and I came ot teach him a lesson. Seems you already took care of that for me. And that bitch," he pointed at Brittany, "slapped me across the face."
"Woah, well I'm sorry man. I'm sure she had a reason, just give her a warning?"
Richie smiled, "your pretty good at this kid, glad I've got you. Alright, tell her what will happen next time, bye kids. Bye Devyn." He smiled at her and she flashed a smile back then ran over to Ryan.
"I love you so much Ryan." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
"You know what? I think I love you too." She giggled and he pressed his lips softly to hers. Steven spun Melissa around and kissed her forehead.
"Come on Brit, let me help you up." She nodded and we woddled over to the others. "What the hell just happened there?" The crowd erupted in whispers and laughs and people saying, "what the fuck?" I glanced upstaits at the window, there was an even bigger crowd there. The principal being one of the spectators. "Hurry the fuck up and tell me, Mr. Harrop will be down here in like five seconds." Everyone just stared at me. "Well don't just look at me! Tell me!" Kevin swore and started to get up.
"You fucking bitch!" He growled looking at Brittany. She wiped her tears and stepped forward.
"Kevin? I'm don... I-I'm really sorry baby, I didn't want them to hurt you. Are you ok?"
"Do I look like I'm ok?! Your fucking stupid!"
"Hey!" Devyn screamed at him. "No she's not! Did you not just learn your fucking lesson you asshole?! And if you didn't notice, she was about to say she's done."
"Brittany, he treats you like shit! And you just take it! You almost had half a backbone five seconds ago! You almost said you were done! Just say what you think and feel good damnit!"
"Uhm, ok. Kevin? Your an asshole that treats me like shit. You bring me to crack shacks, and when they hold guns to our faces you just tell me to run out the back door. Your an awful boyfriend and I'm done with you. We're done."
"I just broke up woth you?"
"Are you nuts?!"
"No! You are if you think your EVER going to have a girlfriend for more than three months! We're OVER!"
"You fuck-"
"What was that Kevin?" Mr. Harrop had finally made his way outside.


"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to hurt you." Mom had to come get all of us from the school by ten, Steven, Devyn, Mike, Melissa, Shayn, Ryan and Teeshia were all in the downstairs living room talking about what had happened that morning.
"School had barley started, and I had to go pick all of you up for fighting, accesive swearing, DRUG USEAGE, and several other things! Sorry aint gonna cut it here darling. What was going through your head?!"
"I thought I loved him. I didn't do drugs. Well, I'm sorry, I smoked weed, but that's it. I'm sorry mom. I really am."
"Well, Devyn did more damage then you did at this point. Damn, she's got some attitude, she got in a fight with him. I wish she'd gotten her attitude from me."
"She's the reason I broke up with him."
"Really? Wow.."
"I wish I was more like her-"
"Brittany! Come down here!" Teeshia yelled. I kissed mom's cheek then jogged down to the living room.
"Thought you might want to get away from mom for a bit." I smiled, I did, I was not in the mood to talk about what had happened this morning. I took a spot beside Mike on the floor and smiled nicely at him. Devyn was cuddling in Ryan's arms and he was stroking her shoulder.
"I love you." He whispered softly in her ear. Ryan glanced at me and shot me a cute smile. Man, Ryan was so cute.


I glanced down at Brittany and smiled. The way she was looking at Ryan was obvious. She liked him. What a whore. How could I be related to that?
"Brittany? I need to talk to you. Now." I hopped off the couch, grabbed Brittany's wrist and dragged her up the stairs to her room.
"What the hell do you want?!" She hissed pullng her wrist away from my hold.
"You like Ryan. My boyfriend!" I wanted it to be a question, but I knew what the answer would be so I decided to be firm about it.
"You're crazy, I couldn't like your boyfriend Devyn. Kay, maybe I do.."
"No, but how could you move on so fast? You and Kevin just broke up and your already choosing another guy? Why are you such.. Such a whore?! AND MY BOYFRIEND!"
"Excuse me? Who said I was moving on already? Is it a crime to like someone after I break up with my boyfriend? No it's not, so get your nose out of my business."
"Fuck off. I hate you soooo much. Mostly because he's MY boyfriend."
"Oh shut up, you try to act all tough, but inside your a scared little bitch. So shut your fucking mouth Devyn, and don't think I haven't seen you with Mike. Call me a whore? Fuck you little girl. Your the whore here. Your flirting away with Mike when your dating Ryan? What a nice girlfriend."
"Fuck you Brittany, I'm not flirting with Mike. I love Ryan." I glared at her then stormed off. What a bitch. How could she think that I was flirting with Mike?
"Ryan, can we leave please?"
"Uh, sure. Bye guys." Everyone smiled then Shayn hopped up. Mike caught my eye, he looked upset, had he hear our conversation? I got a text four seconds later.
I thought you've been flirting with me. Do you like me..?
"Where do you think yuor gonna go?"
"Can I come? I want to meet up with Dayle." He smiled at the mention of her name. Dayle and Shayn were so cute together, I loved that they had eachother. I loved that she was my best friend.
"Of course," I smiled then spun for the door, "bye Teeshia, Mike, Steven, Melissa, Whore." I smiled and opened the door. I heard a "fuck you!" As I stepped out onto the porch. I knew I'd have to deal with her shit when I got home.
"Why doesn't Dayle come to our school anymore babe?"
I blushed when he called me babe, "she hated it. She's going to the retard school now, on half days, with Chris." Ryan shuddered when I mentioned his name.
"Do you still hang out with him?"
"Sometimes, why? Do you?"
"Yeah, he's one of my best friends."
"But you dated him."
"So? He's one of my best friends too Ryan. Just because I dated him doesn't mean I'm gonna do anything with him, I'm dating you now, not him." I kissed his cheek softly. He inhaled and shrugged it off.
We got to the mall finally, Shayn smiled as soon as he say Dayle.
"Baby! I missed you!" She said smiling as he hugged her closely.
"I missed you too." He pressed his lips to hers then let her go.
"Hey ugly."
"Hey fag." I smiled at our nicknames, and hugged her.


"Mike, are you sleeping over tonight?"
"Am i allowed to?"
"I'll go ask, have you talked to your mom and dad yet?"
"No. I'm jsut not gonna go home for a while.. Wait till shit cools down."

© Copyright 2011 Taylor Stewart (youguessedit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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