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by Rozen
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1753270
A story i have been working for a few months that i have been working very hard on
Chapter 1: An Incident and the Mysterious Mark

It was night in the small town, the weather was very cold. Snow began to fall in big clusters as people were hurrying to get to their homes. I stopped and watched as the beautiful white dots hit the sidewalk and very soon it covered the trees too.

Girl: I must get home (running) this weather is getting terrible if this keeps up we could have a blizzard

10 minutes later

Girl; I’m home
Sister: Welcome back
Brother Welcome home Sapphira
Sapphira: Thanks, well the weather has turned for the worst
Sister: Yes it has, the windows are frozen over.
Brother: You two don’t complain.
Sister: Okay Alan.
Alan I think you two should go to bed.
Girls: Ok, good night Alan
Alan: Night Sapphira, Night Suka
Sapphira: Shouldn’t you get some sleep too Alan
Alan: I’ll be there soon

I have always lived with my twin brother and my younger sister. Our parents died when Alan and I turned 10 and Alan and I have raised our younger sister. I look up to Alan he is smart, kind, and well he is a great older brother. We even share a room. My bed is next to the window and his near the door. Our sister Suka is in the next room over. My side of the room is very small yet I like it and well my brother side is very elegant looking and well kept too that’s another thing I like about him

Alan; You asleep yet
Sapphira: No I can’t sleep for some reason
Alan: When you can’t sleep then I can’t sleep either
Sapphira: I think I feel a weird vibe
Alan: What do you think it is
Sapphira: Not sure it’s a faint vibe
Alan: It’s not fair that you can sense vibes and all I can do is heal.
Sapphira: Alan at least you can do that Suka is basically a human she has no powers at all

Alan started to realize on what she had just said their younger sister was defenseless without any powers. She was born a human like their mother. She even looked like her too.

Sapphira laid back down and covered herself up so she wouldn’t sick. She started to mumble to herself but Alan started to look at her funny.

Alan: What’s wrong now
Sapphira: Nothing
Alan: Liar
Sapphira: Your Mean
Alan: Thanks (smiling) and you’re a liar
Sapphira: GO TO SLEEP NOW!!!! (throws a pillow at him)
Alan: Ouch, what was that for
Sapphira: Nothing (sticking her tongue out at him)
Alan: Oh how mature.
Sapphira: Just go to sleep.
Alan Fine I’ll just fall asleep next to the wall by your bed?
Sapphira: Why
Alan: Revenge of course
Sapphira: Sleep in your own side of the room you’re such a weird boy:
Alan: Thank You (smiling)
Sapphira: Night. Don’t wake me if you want to live to see tomorrow.
Alan: Hostile aren’t you.
Sapphira: (growls) that’s it.
Alan: Oh my such a drama queen.
Sapphira: What was that (ticked)
Alan: nothing I’m sorry
Suka: What’s the heck is wrong with you two I was trying to sleep
Sapphira; Alan started it
Alan: No no (thinks for a excuse)
Alan: ENOUGH YOU TWO GO TO BED NOW!!! (collapses)
Sapphira: ALAN! Wake up, Wake up.
Suka: Go get his meds.
Sapphira: I will. Help him into his bed and get a cold cloth and put it on his forehead.
Suka: Brother wake up wake up please wake up.

5mins later

Sapphira: Suka move now
Suka: Sis is he going to be okay? (worried)
Sapphira: I think so I think he forgot his medicine today.
Suka: Will you stay by him? (crying)
Sapphira: Yes he is my twin after all. (hugging Suka) Suka go to bed I’ll wake you when he wakes up
Suka: Okay night
Sapphira: Night sweet dreams

She knelt by his bed looking at him brushing his hair off his face. Feeling sorry about the incident that she had caused. She just smiled and whispered gently good morning. His eyes opened slowly. He tried to sit up but he couldn’t

Sapphira: Your awake (she leaped towards him to give him a hug)
Alan: Ow Careful Sapphira don’t kill me
Sapphira: I won’t (smiling at him)
Alan: You were by side all night weren’t you.
Sapphira: Yes and I gave your shots
Alan: Thank you (tries to get up)
Sapphira: Don’t get up
Alan: Please let me (begging her)
Sapphira: No do you want to die (begins to cry)
Alan: No (wiping her tears away) don’t cry be strong
Sapphira: Promise me you won’t do anything to scare me or Suka anymore.

He let go of her hand and looked at her with those sad blue eyes of his. He couldn’t believe he was the one to hurt his twin sister. She looked back at him with her blue eyes full of tears.

Sapphira: Suka he’s awake
Suka: Thank goodness he’s alive.
Sapphira: Yeah thank goodness.
Suka: What’s wrong did he do something to make you cry
Sapphira: No, (lying) these are tears of happiness
Suka: Okay well stop them please
Sapphira: I’ll try

Both girls walked back to where their brother was he hadn’t got up he just stared at the window at the field outside. The day was of gloom rain poured heavily from the sky.

The twins hated rain because it made them think back to the day when their parents were murdered. Sapphira and Alan were only children on the day they lost their mother and father. Their mothers finials words were that of importance to the twins they were to take care of the sister.

Alan: Sapphira you okay
Sapphira; huh sure yeah.
Alan: Your heart hurts doesn’t it
Sapphira: How did you know
Alan: It’s raining I know that you and I can’t stand it

The next day

Well it was a day of sun and not a dark cloud in the sky. The sun was very bright. Alan started to squint it’s was to bright for him.

Alan: I’m going to do work today
Sapphira: Alan!!!!
Alan: What do you want
Sapphira: Alan (gasp) what is that mark on your shoulder
Alan: Huh what mark.
Sapphira: this mark (points)
Alan: Huh what? how did this appear? did I hit anything when I fell?
Sapphira: No you just fell
Alan: Weird
Sapphira: Check your other shoulder
Alan: Why
Sapphira: For the a other mark if there is any
Alan: (checks) Nope nothing
Sapphira: Weird I wonder if I have one
Alan: You should check yourself
Sapphira: Okay well (checks her shoulder) no (checks her other one) nope.
Alan: Maybe’s it’s on your back.
Sapphira: okay but I’m not checking in front of you I’ll have Suka check.
Alan: Get back here brat.
Sapphira: SUKA HELP ME!!!! (screaming)
Alan: Just show me your back.
Sapphira: This is rape
Alan: Geez Your messed up you know that
Sapphira: Let me go
Alan: No not until I see the mark if you have one
Sapphira: SUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alan: Geez Your loud (he said teasing)
Sapphira: Shut up (collapsing)
Alan: See what you do (carrying her)
Alan: She did it herself she overused her energy
Suka: Your so cruel
Alan: Shut up, you don’t know anything about me.
Suka: I know enough you’re my brother.
Alan: Do you know about the “deal”
Suka: No
Alan: Then you no know nothing about me.
Suka: what deal
Alan: I am not allowed to tell you

In Their Room

He laid her down on her bed and checked to see if she had a fever. She wasn’t hot or red in the face. She was just tired and needed rest. He was done with work and wanted to stay home to take care of her. He saw a flash of light and flames appear in the midst of nowhere like it was a magic act.

Alan: What on Earth is happening here.
Unknown Figure: It’s Time
Alan: For What?
© Copyright 2011 Rozen (rozen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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