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by silky
Rated: XGC · Other · Action/Adventure · #1753079
Chapter 4

After a couple of days, as i had predicted, and a lot of TLC, my Beloved was healed, there being only minor scarring on his side where the lash had taken him to the bone. His thoughts on it being gratitude

on his part that he have something to remember the incident by so that he knew just why he hated and mistrusted my brother so. I on the other hand needed no such reminder. Though loyal to a fault, I am

a quick learner. It dosn't take too many "Lessons" for me to get the hint. We woke slowly in each others arms warm and secure, like two kittens balled together. He reached down through the covers and furs

to my extreamly hard cock and captured it in his massive hand, stroking it slowly at the head. I moaned my approval softly, kissing him on the neck, my fangs elongating to razor sharp daggers, scraping

lightly against his warm, pulsing flesh. Just then one of the servents poped in unbidden and very flustered. My Beloved sat up sharpely demanding to be told why we were being interupted and threatening

to take the hide off of the servents ass. The boy fell to his knees begging "Please Master, I only do as commanded by His Magisty" My Beloved glanced over at me sharply. "What the hell are you on about boy?"

"He is here, Sire, and demands your immediate audience" My Beloved growled loud and hard and i laied my hand on his shoulder as he crawled over my naked body saying "Please my Heart, do not anger

him. Let's go see what he is demanding before we react. Give him no reason to do more to us" My Beloveds eyes softened slightly and he kissed my forehead and sighed "As always you speak wisely, MINE...

Let's see you follow your own advice" He tittered lightly and i boped him playfully on the arm smiling, drawing a brief frown from him, which was gone as quickly as it had appeared. I jumped from the warm

bed ahead of him earning a slap on the ass for my effort and bade the servant boy to fetch my robes and riding boots. Beloved bellowed for his hand maiden and demanded his black leathern pants and

boots, also instructing the slave girl as to our morning repast and what to have on the menu. We dressed quickly, kisses eachother loveingly and exited the bed chamber his arm about my waist, as per his

usual preffered possition. As we entered the foya from the main hall, there he stood in all his arrigant splender, his husband slightly behind and to the left of him, as usual. He was attired in his black battle

armor with a blood red silk Masters robe about his waist and black cape hanging from his shoulders. He WAS a handsom man and struck a magnificent visage as we approached. I bowed deeply as my

station demamded and as usual Beloved mearly tilted his head slightly, illisiting a mild frown, as always, from my brother. The frown quickly dissapered and was replaced by a wide cheshier grin and I feared

the worse. Before he could speak the servent entered and announced that the morning meal was ready and i looked at my brother, forcing my brightest smile and invited he and his husband to dine with

us. He accepted, not being one to turn down any hospitality and i motioned the slave to lead us into the dinning hall. Layed out before us was a modest but elegant table, filled with not a few epicurean

delights such as quail eggs, pate` de foie gras, Beluga cavier and goose eggs Benadict for Beloved. I chose a simple bowl of oatmeal, knowing i had to watch my figure closely if what i believed had happened

in the last few days, had truly happened. Being a demi-god had its advantages...and its drawbacks. I was not sure how my new Husband would take the news when i sprang it on him, not being at all

informed as to his feelings on children.

  Again the meal passed without incidence untill its completion. It seemed he had this knack, or perhaps it was all cunning forethought, of finding the wrong thing to do at the right time. My money was on

the later. Again he demanded me dance and again came the scowering glance from Beloved but this time as I passed him my brother stoped me with a loud inhale of air as i stood before him. He looked up

at me his glinting eyes wide with merth and and a sardonic grin spread across his hansome face making him look extreamly Mephistopheleon. Again Beloved rose to his feet, this time an open look of defience

on his beautious face. He would never bend to my brother, I knew that now and that made me the dangerous pawn in this game of cat and mouse my brother was playing with us. Why was he doing this?

Because the only thing he loved and embraced more than his own pain was that of anothers. I decided to hazard a glance to his husband and it was then i saw the bruises he was trying so hard to hide beneith

his long hair unsuccessfuly. I rest my case! So his nefariousness knew no bounds after all. Even the one thing he clamed most beloved of him was not spared his foul temper and cruel afflictions. That ment Beloved

and i didn't stand a rats ass chance. My brother opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a syllable i wheeled to Beloved and spoke. "Husband, I pray that you will not be too angered with my dereliction

of duty, I have had alot on my mind as of late. However i have what i hope is good news to your ears. There is soon to be the sound of tiny feet pading about the home." In my brothers eyes was the look of shear

hatered directed toward me. Daggers would have pinned me to the far wall and pierced every organ in my body were he able to manifest such a thing. Beloved mearly looked dumbfounded and i sought in my

head some way to break the spell. He looked back and forth between my brother and i, his eyes lighting on each in turn in rapid succession. A soft sound came from behind me and i saw his sweet brother smile

brightly to me, which immedatly earned a vicious chastizment from my brother. The blood flew across the table and floor in front of them as the back of my brothers hand connected with his husbands bottom

lip, effectively splitting it open. I groaned out loud and wheeled, grabing my Matster as he bound across the table once again on his way to sure disaster but he was too strong for me to containe and he broke

free of my grasp, drawing his dagger and rushing head~long at my brother. My brother not caught off guard too often was prepared this time and his hand was up and on Beloveds throat as he reached him.

Beloveds dagger was poised to my brothers throat, tip pushing against the flesh, at the ready to plung in deep. There the two stood for what seemed an eternity as i rushed to the side of my brothers brother

to tend his wound. I rose to my full stature from the bent possition i was in at his side. I was tall and leath, taller than either of them, and moved with the purpose of a great cat set upon its prey. I grasped

the blade of my hubands dagger and said mearly "Don't give him the satisifaction of an excuse, Beloved". I then turned to my brother saying "Your fearocity is well known through my...your Empire. Is it truly

necessary that you must with your own hands destroy EVERYTHING you touch....even down to your very soul?" With this he jerked his hand free of my beloveds throat allowing free air passage once more though

his constricted wind pipe. He through his head back and roared with mearthless, hollow laughter. "I have no soul or haven't you been paying attention. I rule MY Empire with a velvet fist. MY people know what

i want before i want it and i get what i want." "That's important to you isn't it...total control and domination?" i queried. "It's the only thing important in this world. It tells you who you are, where you are and

where you are going. Without it you are no better than a rudderless ship. I am the captian of MY soul and the Master of MY destiny" "And what of responsibility for your actions. With every action comes an

equal and opposite reaction?" i posed stalling him that Beloved had time to recover fully were they to go at each other once again. "Let the chips fall where they may, I'm not responsability for the feelings of

others toward me. If they hate or love me that's their own doing, not mine. I'm not a god having the power to manipulate all things...well not quite, just demi-god" Here he once again bellowed with merriment

at his own cleverness and i realized i had just had a glimps into the mind af a true megalomaniac. Well so much for the little psychology session! I moved to my husband and wraped my arms about his waist

looking to his face, still hard and set at my brother. He glanced at his own baby sibling and my heart went out to him as i saw the pain and worry flash in his deep Ice blue eyes at him. I called to a servent and

comanded him take his Magisty to be tended to. However, ever the vicious bastard that he was, my brother intoned "He's capable of travle...leave him be. He can be attended at home. Thank you once again for

a quite satisfactorally entertaining repaste. We MUST do this again." here he chuckled to himself and i felt Beloved shift in my arms and i tensed to restrain him. He relaxed and kissed me on the top of my head

illiciting a loud "Humph!" from my brother as he stroled past us, his husband two steps behind him, head lowered as blood driped down the front of his tunic showing in stark relief against the gold and white

silk brocade cloth. We watched them dissapear into the darkened hall and as their footfalls on the coble stone floor fell away into silent echo, Beloved turned to me and asked as he held me tightly "Now pray

tell MINE...how did this happen?" to which i playfully quiped "Dear, they know what causes pregnancy now a days!"

Chapter 5

  I awoke with a start, my breath catching in my throat. Was it all a horrable nightmare or...I reached for Beloved and there his warm, soft, naked body lie beside me, breathing deeply and evenly. The sleep of

the rightous. His soft snoring sounding more like the purring sound i make when we...I realized then i had a raging hard on so i slipped my hand around his waist and to his groin, as we had fliped in the night,

and i was appearing to be behind him now. My long delicate fingers encircled his massive cock, semi-rigid in sleep and gently started carressing the head of the shaft. Presently he moaned softly in his sleep

and slid his hand to mine, its massive size engulfing it, and worked my hand with his up and down, conversly slowly rocking his hips back and forth into the smooth flowing sensious movement. My cock was a

screaming rail spike of painful extacy as my pre-cum flowed quite heavely across the top of my cock head. Gods what he could do to me! I hazzarded the movement of my cock to his smooth heart shaped ass

and slid very gently between his cheeks holding my breath a bit to see how he would respond this morning. Beloved was pure TOP DOM! Except with me. There were rare times he demanded i take HIM...to

which i happly but gingerly obliged. This morning he responded with a nudging push back against my groin and i knew he was reseptive to my advances. I took my cock in my other hand, slightly awkardly,

as i was lieing on it, and gided it to his extreamly tight bud of an ass muscle. I pushed slowly and easly till the head finally "popped" in and he groaned louder than before. He was so very tight i feared i would

cum on entrance. I put my head against his back and inhaled sharply, thrusting foward at a snails pace, trying to remember to exhale then inhale again. He suddenly pushed back hard against me, ramming

my cock deep into his hot pulsing passage crying "MY GOD MINE...JUST FUCKEN TAKE ME!!" I complied slamming hard into him again and again each impact of my hips going deeper every time till i

felt to crawl inside him. My body broke out in a heavy sweat as did his, and my hips rocked against him, pumping and bucking wildly, loosing all rhythm, as my seed shot deep into his body and i felt his cock

throbing franticly in my hand, the warm, thick fluid flowing over the top of it, sticky and satiny feeling all at once. He called out my name in a long drawn out sigh and i whispered soothing words of love into

his ear, caressing the flesh of his stomach and chest with my long, delicate hands, slipping my fingers to one purt hard little nipple and swirlling it about on my palm slowly, feeling it harden more. He shuttered

hard and grabed my hand "Ok you, you don't want to go there, MINE" I tittered playfully and pinched his butt drawing out of him gently. He sighed ever so low and i knew i had pleased him. I turned on my

back and sat up with quite an effort as i was very heavy with child now and moved to crawl over his beautiful naked body my stomach creating something of a road block. "If you get any fatter MINE I'm

gonna have to trade you in on a new model!" WRONG! With that my eyes started stinging as the acrid, salty fluid began to fill my bright green irises, clouding them over with hurt and dismay. He looked into

them and giggled softly and teasingly, pulling me down onto him and kissing me rapidly across my face as i protested lightly trying to pull from his grasp...but not too hard. As he chuckled in my ear

whispering a barage of "sorries" the tears ceased and i kissed him back gently and loveningly, falling into the embrace like quicksand, my breath leaving me, my only thought being how very content and

loved i felt. He pulled back from the kiss and whispered to my face "I love you MINE" and i melted. Those words came at a premium with him and were not at all cheep. If Beloved said it, it was so. We lay in

eachothers arms for quite a passage of time till presently our man servent tapped on the door requesting entrance. The whipping he took last time for disturbing us suddenly had stuck heavely in his mind and

he was now quite vexed to interupt us anymore in such a maner. Even when my asshole brother the Emperor appeared uninvited the boy would dance and flail wildely outside our door untill he got our

answering call to "Enter". Beloved regreted i knew being so terrably hard on the boy but was none the less quite pleased with the response. Having been the one to primarly tend the boy i knew he was more

hurt at the feeling of rejection by his beloved Master than he had been injured by the crop. All of Beloveds people adored him...myself above all...but again i digress.

Beloved calls out for the boy to enter and inquires as to the reason we are being disturbed. I lay in his arms kissing him on the neck playfully not paying much attention to the boy untill i hear that one word...

"EMPEROR"! Oh gods what does that man want now!

We hurriedly dressed thinking the faster we dressed the faster and easer we could get there and get rid of him. Ha ha, foolish us! Nothing with him was ever fast and fain the thought of easy. We walked out

of the room arm and arm, down the corridore to the entrance of the foya. There he stood, back to us, his body, especially his hips, writhing and bucking hard and fast back and forth, the echo of deep moans

reverberating through this part of the castel. I looked up at Beloved and scowled just a bit. Even though i was collard to my husband now and even though i had been a Master, a War-Lord and also raised

as a sitting Emperor, with all the power and perks that went the station, i had tried to bring some symbalance of proprity to each of my stations in turn. No, i am far too arrigant to be a prude, however

if one follows a decorum of respect to the smallest degree to the plight of others, they are seen as having some quality of compassion and are generally venerated and beloved by even the lowest stationed hand 

servent earning their trust, devotion, and unending loyality and that's what it was ultimately about...control. Therefore i tried to afford each person some symblance of dignaty to their lives, sometimes breaking

all the rules to do so. I didn't care though. MY EMPIRE...MY RULES! But no longer...that had been wrenched from me by envy, greed and the burning need for retrobution no matter who got in the way. My

brother was not concerned in the least with such things as the dignaty or feelings of others. He ruled as i had once, with an iron fist but he relished the sight of open fear on the countanances of his people, even

basking in the dark light of disdane, as his preffered method of rulership over my...his Empire. To call him ruthless was actually a compliment to him but then what did one expect, having changed his birth name

to contain the word "SYN" in it and he made quite sure that he lived fully up to the singular sylable. He had already put away numerous wives (where we haven't located yet) and ruled not a few small Kingdoms

and serfdoms. Each of which he left in deboched dissaray, broke of gold and spirit as he moved on to the next unsuspecting township or Kingdom, towing with him his few loyal troup of minions, who had quite

the same personalities and openions as he, picking up more stragglers here and there like a pied pipper of perversion as he went. Any person showing him the slightest loyalty was used to emptiness, then discarded

without so much as a backward glance when he finished with them, more often accusing them of it being their own fault of their plight at his hands as he ran them away or abandoned each in turn.

We stood in patient silence as he draged the moment out with his husband, quite obviously relishing demonstrating his particularly callous and brutle style of "love" making, if love was applicable in any way, form

or maner of the word. When you were married to "His Arrigance" you were his! Collered just like myself. Actually your station was under that of myself for my Beloved had me collard only in look and name

for my own safty from my brothers reach and because "His Arrigance" had demanded it to be so. My brother had collard me on an old legal technicallity and wrenched my throne, title and lands from me

saying it was for the protection of the Empire and myself more than his self gain and that when he felt it was safe again to have me rule once more, he would reinstate me. The months were melting into

years on that one as i waited patiently for the "Safty" that never came...and now i am given in ownership and marrage to another. Probably the best thing he's done to me to date. I had fallen in love with

my brother, neigh i worshiped and was obssessed with him, allowing myself to be Dominated, taken and finally collard by him and happly so i thought. Untill my Beloved.... When he first came to the Empire

i noticed him straight off. He was tall, almost as tall as me and massive of size. I soon learned he was of Viking decent, with magnificent flame red hair and deep tanned skin, lightly freckled with rosey cheeks. His

eyes were a pearcing ice blue, that flashed fire when angered, and he had even bone white teeth, which showed a length of fang when he chanced to smile even slightly. He was an Ancient. There at the time

of the creation. My brother and i being Ancients also but a bit younger, born at the time of the falling from Grace. His and my souls had called out to one another and had answered each other in turn. He

WAS the other half of my being. Part of me...and i couldn't be more complete than when i was in his presents or in his arms...But again i digress....

My brother voice bellowed out his release to the heavens and as usual a couple of panes of glass in the stained glass windows cracked. GODS, why does that man have to be such an ass! I looked down to my

feet...well where they were presumably, as my belly was to emense to actually see them, and i shuffled them nervoulsy. Beloved stood erect and regal, his eyes never wavering from their foreward focus,

his mind off in some distant land perhaps quailing some foe or bedding some wench. I felt myself react to the latter sensual thought and saw him glance to me and smile ever so slightly as if he had

just peeked into my thoughts and caught me secretly pleasuring myself. His hand came to mine and patted it reasuringly and though i felt myself flush feverishly, i calmed, much like his stallion does under his

expert hand when the beast was uneasy from some strange presents or event he sensed. My brother released his vicious bite on his husbands neck not being too careful to not painfully rend the flesh as he with-

drew his fangs. Even thought he licked the wound closed; one knew the bite had been intense from the soft whimper that came from Beloveds brother as the Emperor finalized the whole act with this one

moment. He then wiped the blood that driped from his bottom lip across his arm and hand and smiled his infamous cheshier grin. My husbands eyes flashed at the savagery commited upon his younger sybling

and it was my turn to try to resure him. He looked back at us faining a startle and chuckled softly to himself. "He's so delicioulsy irrisistable i just couldn't help myself." His husband flustered to dress and i

called over a hand servent whispering to him to lead his Majisty to a room that he might clean and change himself. He glanced to me greatfully and cast his eyes back to the ground as he withdrew from our

presents and down the dark hall. My brother, never missing an opertunity to stick a knife into a wounded person called after his husband "Make sure you get behind your ears well and put on your gold silks.

I want you and my brother to dance for us later" Beloveds fist crushed down on my hand and i feared that he might break bone. I did my best to control the wince from the pain but ever astute to my every

feeling and emotion, he noticed and relaxed a bit. I could hear a soft gurgling growl eminating from his chest and it did not escape the attention of my brother, either."Something on your mind, MY Warrior?"

His gaze was hard and steady, thought my brother did not flench and i thought to myself "That's right brother...fools rush in where angels fear to tread" Beloved didn't utter one sylable and the low growl

slowly fell away into silence. The corners of my brothers mouth curled up in supreme defiant tryumph at the silence. I felt Beloveds body quivering with rage and feared another encounter.

My body suddenly doubled over in excruciating pain and i gasped out loudly and brightly, breaking the moment and actually illiciting a gasp from both men as they watch in mild shock, frozen both in their

places as i rapidly fell to my knees, grasping my abdomen. "OH MY GODS...THE BABY!" With that my brother bellowed in mirthless laughter. "Jeese, you're such a fucking drama queen brother. For a moment

i thought something was actually wrong with you for once in your life." I glared hard at him as he turned on his heal and stroled away chuckling out loud to himself. Beloved went to the floor next to me and

took my head into his lap, screaming at our dumbfounded slaves to atend us. One droped a large platter he was bearing to the meal table, spraying food about the surrounding area and on us. Another

scurried down the hall yelling in his native tongue for the Necromancer to be brought post hast as the Masters baby was coming. Others ran to gather pillows and furs to lay under and over me, as still others

hurried to fetch supplies the Necromancer would need for the birthing "ceremony". One paniced and dove for cover! I giggled softly to myself at this young slave, then winced in pain at the contractions of my

muscles caused by the rapidly increassing restlessness of the infant intent on escaping the confines of my body. If the Necromancer didn't hurry the infant, quite capible of presenting itself unaided to the world

would do just that. It was highly concievable that this one act could end my physical life if the proper care was not taken with the birth. Even an Ancient demon~vampires body could take just so much abuse

and distruction before it reacted. Eviceration and beheading came to mind as two ways to accomplish physical death and if there were no vessal about that could receive the spirit at the time of physical death,

it could result in spirit entrapment in another plane of awareness untill a new body could be found for the spirit to reside in. The Necromancer entered in a flury of billowing silken robes, long hair flying and

flowing about his face. His countinance was one of prefect calm though there was an almost imperceptible scowel on his brow belieing his disdane of ever having to leave his cloister like abode and venture out

amongst the living, which he absoluty abhored for the most part. Yet he had taken a liking to me, though i could not read or fathom why, i did not question it. I was mearly greatful he had and never more so

than now. The Necromancer walked elegantly to me as i lay on the fur strewn floor and knelt down next to me, a slight soft smile on his face. "So it is time, huh little one?" (he always called me that as his

time was beyond even that of Beloveds it was believed). I noded and tried to smile as another spasm griped me hard and i cried out uncontrolably at its acute severity. Beloved griped my hand tightly and a

soft "Shhhhhh...i'm here MINE" whispered from his lips as he looked into the eyes of the Necromancer, his peading with him to do something, anything to help his "MINE" The Necromancer noded once to Beloved

and began chanting the ancient cryptic words of a ceremony done to create the proper conditions for his being able to deliver the infant. As soon as it begaing it was over. His hands shimmered a golden white

and he moved to lay them on my bulging, writhing stomach. However rather than connecting with solid flesh and muscle, they shimmered, dissapearing into my abdomen and presently withdrew with a

wiggling, tiny infant in them. He was pretty and pink and perfect and i could not halt the flow of tears as my eyes locked with his and he got the first bonding glance of his "Da'gi" (demon male birth parent).

"Congraduations little one" and with that the Necromancer rose, wiped his hands on a swatch of cloth handed to him by a slave, tilted his head to the Emperor and wheeled on his heal, to make his way out as

he entered, wanting nothing more than to be back amongst his tombs, familiers and all the trapings necessary for him to ply his trade from the comfort of his home. Beloved and i thanked him quietly as he

withdrew and turned our attention to the tiny, wriggling, package laying in my arms. The living testiment to our loving bond to one another. As i gazed into my beautiful sons eyes, wraping him into the furs

layed across me to shiled him from the damp cold that always hung in the castle, my brother strolled over and looked down at mine and Beloveds son and his eyes flashed. I looked to Beloved trying to ignore

him. My hair was damp from sweat, despite the cold room and hung about my face limply. My husband swiped the strands back and kissed me ever so gently with his velvety lips."He's the most beautiful thing

i have ever beheld...and he looks just like you."

"Oh my gods..what a horrid thought". My brother through his head back and laughed out loud at my statment and though i felt the tumultuous struggle within him to hold back his rage, Beloved rose to his feet,

full height, depositing me slightly roughly onto the flag stone floor with a sharp exhale of breath and faced my brother eye to eye. My brother eyes glittered in his sockets and the cheshier grin rapidely replaced

his challenging grimace. "Well this is really a fortunate turn of events as my origional intention for my visit was to offer the two of you a hansome price for your slave baby!" The breath caught in my throat

and chest and reality seemed to freez as i stiffened, my mouth droping open at the sound of the words. I turned my head to face Beloved and everything went into slow motion.....

Chapter 6

"Touch him or my husband and retract a stump...YOUR MAJESTY!" A low long growl came from deep in his chest as he stood there eye to eye defiently with my brother. The cheshier grin slowly disoved from

his face and his eyes burned with intense hatred. I knew that my brother was well aware that Beloved could and WOULD do exactly as he said. Beloveds brother, who had been standing in the shadows of the

hall all this time, not wanting to interfere or get in the way as he saw it, rushed foward and pushed hisself between the two foes earning a swift chastizment from my brother. As his hand slamed back against

his husbands face, Beloveds lightening fast reflexes shot his hand out to stay the blow. He did manage to soften it, though not ceases it entirely. He glared hard at my brother "You really don't care do you? Not

about yourself or anyone" "Let me tell you about myself and you judge. I was left to the whims of the fates at the doorsteps of a very poor Church to be raised by an old priest. The priest hated me, knowing that

i was not a normal child he referred to me as sin or sinner, attempting to beat said affliction from my body on a daily basis. My body healed quickly and my back never scarred. I was considered an abomination.

I was underfed and neglected and at the tender age of 7 when he died of lung fever i left to fend for myself and his other charge, my best friend Rat. We were alone in the world, the only thing i knew was how

to steal and i was very good at it. Rat was a seer of sorts and could tell when the pickings were good and when a patrol was heading our way, an excellent talent for young lifters. It kept us out of the worst trouble.

We made do, living hand to mouth, until one horrible fateful day in my 11th year. An altercation at the market an older gang picking on Rat turned ugly, the watch was called and we were unable to escape.

"Seeing" our fates my best friend sacrificed himself for my freedom..and i.. to my never ending shame ran. Hiding in a run down old shed, housing an ancient nag and a pile of hay was how i met the old swords

master Mikalav. He became my mentor and a father figure to me for the next 8 years, teaching me how to fight and instilling in me the concepts of honor and morality. Not that i followed those precepts.. but at

least he was able to make me understand them. Upon his passing at the age of 19, I strapped on his sword and walked blindly into my life , a trial by fire. I became a wandering mercenary. I've been called a thief,

scoundrel, and even a whore. I prefer to think of it as procurer, opportunist, and well...delight of ladies everywhere. I did what i had to, to keep body and soul together.

During my travels looking for the port town of Melor i took a short cut through what the locals called Silent wood. Cursed? Enchanted? All the same to me as i was led astray to a sacred clearing and seduced by a

Demi Goddess intent upon using me to father a child. Her people's seers had predicted a time when their peaceful existence would be challenged and they would need a new breed, warrior mages to fight for their lives.

It could have been weeks or months in that little paradise, i never wanted it to end. Yet sadly all good things must. I was sent away my heart shattered and my memory taken from me.. all i had left of our time together

were disturbing dreams. 25 years later she called to me again, my life had been spiraling down ward, the dreams eating at my soul. As soon as I laid eyes on her the memories flooded back.. bitter sweet and as intense

as when we first met. She gave me a gift then. She let me have a glimpse of him, my son. Grown to a fine strong man, she sent me on my way with one last loving and a heart renewed.

I traveled alone once more and once more i braved the Silent Woods, this time looking for a sorceress, unfortunately the woman i found was an ancient vampiress.. one who liked the look of me and decided to keep

me as a pet. Her blood hearkened back to the very first of her race and she was as evil as she was beautiful. i became her lover and her main course, after about 5000 years of her corrupting influence i was able to trick

her into turning me, i drained her ancient blood becoming even more powerful yet darker than i had ever been before. I spent the ensuing years hunting down and killing her children taking their powerful blood and souls,

mingling them with my own, more power and darkness. i spent years struggling to master these new hungers and abilities, before finally coming upon a small kingdom . A decedent little place where i felt right at home.

Shortly after i arrived i was made blood brother to the Ruler there in and placed upon the throne. I loved ruling, i took to it as if i had been born a king. It was at this point at about about 10,000 years of age that i fell

in love. She was beautiful but treacherous and i ended up leaving my kingdom for her only to find out the depths of her perfidy. She turned out to be a faithless slut, breaking my heart and leaving me hard and callous. It

was then that i laied my  eyes on my brother for the first time in my life. He was proud, strong, forthright and disaplined with just enough morals in him to make me want to wretch. He had been given everything i had

been denied and why...BIRTH RIGHT! He was born first..that's it. A few seconds difference and the shoes would have been reversed. So here we stand. Eye to eye, toe to toe. Two lives hanging in the balance in the hands of

a Captain of the Guards, over a worthless, dethroned Emperor and his slave baby!" Here he through his head back and up roarious laughter issued from his chest. "It's your move..WARRIOR!" "You really see yourself as some

sort of victum don't you. The only thing victumizing you is your own sick warped mind. It's life..get over it!"

I cringed as i saw beloveds brother duck to me and pull me up trying to take me to safty. As he did so my brother saw the twich of my husbands hand as it started its journey to his scabbord and he reached around my

chest, fully catching me off guard and wrenching our new born son from my grasp. Beloveds Salamanka drew but halted in mid air, as he stood glairing his every death wish upon my brothers head and i knew the minute

my brother flenched my husbands blade would strike and hit its mark. I screamed out for my child as i was pulled from the fray and to safty. My infant son dangeled by his tiny ankel held aloft by my brothers hand

slighty in front of and center of his chest. He had drawn his dagger with the swiftness of cheatah and had it poised to my infant sons neck. "He WILL be mine or no ones!" my brother bellowed, his voice reverberating

through the castel shaking the very morter from some of the stones. I picked up the nearest heavy object, a candleabra i believe and heaved it toward his head with all my strength and a deadly accuracy. It found its

mark and the two men both yelled in unison "GET HIM OUT OF HERE". Beloveds brother draged me down the hall with the aid of the servants kicking and screaming. My last glance of the two men was that of Beloved

rushing my brother, the sound of our son wailing as my brother drops him. My eyes catch the sight of my husbands rapid reflexes catching and cradeling our son to his bussom as my brothers hand reaches his scabbord.

Twin flashes of bright steal glint on the back of my minds eye to this day and still i do not know exactly what happened. I only know that it's never good to "loose your head" in a situation like this. I lost sight of the pair

of dueliers around the corner of the hall and was thrown roughly into our carrage and wisked away with Beloveds brother calling to me "I will come for you in a couple of days, Papi". I arrived at our summer cottage

weak and prostrate with greif and shuffled in ordering the carrage boy and my hand servent to prepare us something to eat and start a fire. First things first. The boy fetched wood and carried the bundel in, myself

aiding him to stack the cord and start the blaze. I sat there in front of the raging fire watching the hand servent prepare our meal and my brain screamed within my head though i had calmed outwardly. Was i a

widower or was i childless. I wanted to cry, scream, yell and beat something but i sat there. More in shock than enraged. I saw my boy suddenly look up with a start and in the corner of my eye came a rapid movement

and scuffel of many feet and the world dissapered as i heard my head exploded and i floted into a velvety black ocean of unconciouness.

Chapter 7

My eye cracks open just a scoch, my mind trying to come up from it coma like state of unconcioness once again from another beating by the Master. Having had the whip layed into me sharper than usuall, rending the

flesh from the muscle, I had bled copious amounts of blood leaving me quiet weak and unable to stand unaided. My eyes effectively sealed shut one by swelling and the other by the thick crusty residue of coagulating blood.

Had it all been a dream so long ago, i mused to myself as once again i hear the slave Master enter and rouse everyone for the days tasks. I move slowly and deliberity to the door trying to avoid the lash on my back as

i was a favorite of all to "play" with. I had been sold into slavery at a handsom price being what i was made me extreamly coveted and highly prized. You could bend, fold and mutilate to your hearts content and i snaped

back good as new in a few hours sometimes days, without so much as a scratch. And brother did some people have a lot of heart! I was the toast of the town where i was, where ever that was and i was eternally on the

evenings menu. My Master was a brutle man. Many had fallen at his hand and i quickly learned to not get too attached to anyone who came into the household. Not even with his wives as they had a habit of dissapering

also. He threw lavish parties each turn of the week and i was the main course and climax of the evenings entertainment. He typically would start with presenting me brought out in chains by beautiful and pampered slave

girl Dominatrixes, tied to a whiping post and my back and ass cained to to a bright red almost bleeding. I would be cut down and commanded to dance to which i would throw my heart into. It being my escape in my

head from this world, aside from the little enjoyment i wrenched from the physical pain, done so to remind me i was still able to have something that was my own and could not be taken from me...EVER. My own mind!

And my memories BUT were they memories or some long forgotten dream fantasy i once had. The sleeper is now awaken and nothing remaines but the bittersweet taste of a shattered life... the shards of a chrystle

nightmare? NO I had to believe in something. Anything. Even a lie..if it was a lie. Next it was to the rape rack where he would take his excruciating time enjoying my body to its fullest making sure every concievable object

found its way into some orafice of my body as he gleafully demonstrated to his guest how very resiliant and responsive i was to his every attention. Then it was their turn. Some were gentle and some exceded even he in their

brutality. One even partook of my flesh one night in hopes that he might aquire my resiliantes and seeming imperviousness to pain and injury. I didn't have the desire to tell him "If you let me drain you of your blood,

give you the gift of mine to partake of, then you will live forever." Humans fear one thing above all...DEATH! Let him live in his fear and leave me to mine. I had no pity left for anyone. Once i was reduced to a bloody

mass on the floor for the evening, sometimes with skin sometimes not, i was draged back to my cell and deposited there with a few morcles of food and usally an emaciated goat or calf to feed upon never providing

enough sustnance to allow me to be anywhere near potental to possibaly be able to escape. I was far too prized. The days had melted into weeks, then months and finally years as i watch through misty eyes the seasons

roll by past my tiny window in my cell. Even the mist eventually faded and all that was left was a wistfull hardness peering back at the world through long black lashes. My beauty never faded or wavered, though in

this drained and rundown state i was kept in i appeared older and just a bit frail. Which seemed to delight many even more so than when i am at my full robustness.

Today was different though. I was led not to the cleaning house for my daily routien of preparation for the nights events yet instead to the sales house! I was to be sold! I heard the voices of my Master and a another

discussing the term of my sale and i heard their robust laughter and felt the task Masters whip on my back. That voice, so familier as if from a long corridor of my memory echoing its soft whispered "Remember ME!"

I was draged to a carrage and thrown in to face a long and ardueus sojurne to my new home. When we arrived i was only intersted in the knawing paing of hunger eating my insides out and the desert dryness of my

mouth. I knew id probably piss thick puss for the next few days. I was pulled from the carrage and quickly wisked to a bathhouse within the lavish castel i was carried into. I looked up from fuzzy vision where i lay on the

litter that transported me, into the Icy blue depth of a pair of gentle eyes surrounded by a beaytiful youthful face, framed by flame red hair... and he smiled at me. I heard a duo sylable uttered and searched my

memory for its meaning "Da'gi" as i decended into semi-conciousness, floating along as though in a silk dream, swached in a cloud and warmed by a distant thought, a single word i had forgotten long ago...HOME. I

Awoke the next day, remembering little of the previous days events till i slowly, languadly, became aware of my surroundings. I was in a massive four poster canopy bed adorned with heavy blood red velvet drapes. The

matress was covered with soft sheets made of the finest heavy sand washed silk and i was covered in piles of soft furrs...as the castle was always cold and a bit damp "!!!!!" Where that thought had come i didnt know...yet.

Then as my eyes blinked clear of their nights sleepy defocus, I again saw the beautiful Icey blue eyes come into view as i smelled a cacaphony of aromas wafting to my nasel passeges setting my mouth to water. Then as I

focused on the first set of eyes there came behind a twin set pearing over them smiling down to me. My mind screached to a halt and my breath stoped. Then i heard his voice once again, almost a forgotten dream but

not quite...

"Welcome home MINE! I love you."


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