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She really likes him. He's bad. How can she get him? BxE |
I am SOO sorry I havn't been on in FOREVER. - "Bella, you can't really like him." Alice mumbled. "He's a bad boy." "Why can't I get him Alice?" I quesitoned,glaring at her. She sighed. "Bella. You're a good girl." "So?" "He is bad." "But Alice-" "No! I know my brother Bella. You can NOT like him. He wont fall for you? Your not his type!" She exclaimed. I knew what she was saying was true but I just couldn't believe her. I sighed and looked at his table. So hot. "Sorry. It's the truth Bells." She whispered. I turned to look back at her and nodded. "Hey, Alice! You going to come and sit with us or what?" A girl said beside me. I looked up and realized it was Alice's friends. Alice was popular and had to sit with the popular crew which included her boyfriend, Jasper. Even though I knew Alice and Jasper didn't make me apart of the popular crew and that was another reason why Edward would never date me. I also knew Emmett, Edward's brother, too. I sighed and looked at Alice, nodding. "Sorry." She mumbled and walked away. I sighed and looked around the whole cafe. I was sitting alone. I had told my other friends to just leave me alone. I looked back over at Edward's table. Him and his friends all stood up and left just like everyday to probably go smoke. I sighed. The bell rang and I stood up to go to my next class. - "So, bella..." Mike started to say. "Mike, please." I whispered closing my eyes. "Bella, I know you like that Cullen kid but-" My gasped cut him off and I glared at him. "I do NOT like Edward. OKAY?" I said in a low, deadly growl. His eyes widen and he quickly nodded and went to his seat. I relaxed and turned back to stare at the front of the class. "Okay, students. Lets start todays lesson." My teacher said loudly. I ignored her and stared around the whole classroom. Suddenly my stomach started to cramp and I felt a warm wetness in between my legs. My eyes widen and I blushed. Shit, my period came early this month. I rose my hand and waited for what felt like forever. "Yes? Isa-" "Can I please go to the restroom?" I asked cutting of my teacher. She raised her eyebrows but nodded a yes. I grabbed my backpack and tried to wear it as low as possible incase of I had a blood mark already. Once I was out of the class I rushed out into the hallway, looking behind me to make sure nobody was looking at me. Out of no where something hard smacked into my and I feel on the ground. "FUCK!" I heard someone curse loudly. I quickly looked up to say sorry but froze when I saw who it was. "Would you please watch out where you are going? Next time look ahead unstead of behind you! Stupid fucking bitch." Edward snarled and walked away. I nodded even though he was turned away, stalking off to somewhere else. My eyes watered and I got up numbly and continued to walk to the bathroom. I slammed the stall and quickly put a pad on cause I had no more tampons. I put the toilet lid down and sat on it, putting my head in my hands. A few minutes later I heard someone come in. "Bella?" I heard someone say. I sighed. "In here." I whispered. Someone opened my stall and it ended up being Alice. "You should lock the stall next time." She said. I just nodded. She sighed when she realized I wasn't going to talk. "Edward told me what happened-" "WHAT?" I yelled cutting her off and standing up. "SHH! My gosh! It's okay. I just wanted to give you this. Chill." She handed me a note. "Huh?" I asked. "Just read it. I got to go. Bye." She said and left. "Bye." I muttered. I looked down at the note. Ten Easy Ways to get the Bad Boy. 1-Don't do your homework. 2-Change your clothes and make up. (Just come to my house at 7pm and I will have everything ready for you!) 3- Eat in classes you aren't supposed to eat in but make sure you don't eat a lot. 4- Back talk to the teachers and cuss. 5- Curse on a daily bases. 6- Be in Charge. Don't let people boss you around. 7- Leave school at random times. 8- Skip classes. 9- Get in fights. 10- Don't let any other girls take your man. - Part Two coming soon. |