Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1751070-Yuukionna
by Druss
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1751070
snowy mountain
Long ago on a high mountain lived two people, a father and his son. The father had decided he would live on the mountain and raise his son in isolation there after his beautiful wife had died during an accident shortly after she had given birth. Because he did not want his son to suffer as he had when he lost the women he loved he vowed to move away from everyone so he would not fall in love.

But as with most of his life the father did not have luck on his side and during a blizzard when his son was eighteen years old he died. During the storm the door blew open and through the swirling white darkness a beautiful women stepped inside their little house. She had cold clear pale eyes and skin the same colour as the snow and draped her was a ethereal gown white and see through almost like her skin.

She steps so softly her feet leave no marks and they make no sound when they touch the ground as she steps towards the father. When she’s standing above him her eyes turn even colder and she slowly breaths out. As she does this the father starts to turn pale and blue and starts shivering, the sound of his teeth chattering together is so loud that his son wakes up. But he only wakes up in time to see his father turn to ice and shatter to dust.

The pale woman then turns her attention to the son but then pauses with a gasp her eyes widening. Slowly walking up to him she leans in close and whispers to him.

“Because you are so beautiful and young I shall spare you. But heed this. If you tell anyone you saw me I shall kill you like I killed the old man!”

With that said the pale woman steps back out into the blizzard just as the son starts to fall down already going back to sleep.

When he wakes up next in the morning he see’s the dust on his fathers bed an thinks he’s gone missing and that the dream he had couldn’t possibly be true. The son spends weeks searching for his father but comes across nothing to indicate where to find him. But one day while out still searching for his father he finds a young woman unconscious in the snow. Being a kind hearted person he takes her in and nurses her back to health. When she wakes up he notices that she has a type of glow about her that seems enticing and mysterious.

She spends a few weeks recuperating from her collapse and during this time they talk about each other and how there life has been so far. Eventually she recovers completely and is ready to leave but before she does the young man admits that he will be sad to see her go since he has become fond of her. With this said she decides to stay with him and becomes his wife. Years pass and the happy couple in the snowy mountains have children who grow up and leave the mountain to find their own lives.

One night while they sit in front of the fire on a blizzard night the man tells her how he had found her, because that was the only thing they had never talked about. He tells her how he had been looking for his father who had gone missing but found her instead. But he thinks he knows what actually happened. He tells her about how he had had a strange dream that night about a beautifully pale woman had entered the little house on a blizzard night like the one they were in now. And how she had somehow killed his father, he also told her how that the pale woman had told him she would return and kill him if he ever told anyone about seeing her.

When he finished talking his wife was very silent, with nothing but the sound of rattling windows and the crackle of the fire filling the room. Her eyes began to turn sad and cold as she stared at her husband that she had had children wife.

“I thought I told you not to tell anyone or I would kill you?” she whispers to him “I’m sorry my love but you will die now because you did not do what I told you to.”

With that said her appearance changes to how he saw her on the night she killed his father. The mans eyes glisten and he slightly shakes his head as she draws closer. When she’s right infront of him he whispers something in her ear which brings tears to her eyes, she then kisses him and they both freeze together, their bodies turning to clear ice.

“Its okay with me I’m just happy I got to know you my love.”

© Copyright 2011 Druss (maulkin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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