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This is about a Kid losing his sister, let me know what you think :) |
Everyone has something weird that happens in their life, but some people have weirder things happen then others. That's why some people hate their childhood, I personally liked mine until I started to get older. People say that the older you get the weirder life gets and I totally agree with them but I didn't when I was younger. What I am about to tell you is true, all of it, yes some people like to expand on what happened to make it sound more interesting but I promise you I wont expand on any of it. Trust me all of this is true... The day was a Wednesday, there normally is nothing really special about these day's except that its the middle of the week and a lot of high schoolers like myself just can't wait to go home and get school over with. Well that day was like every other day I got up, got dressed, went downstairs to get something to eat, and make sure molly was getting ready for school. Then I would have to walk her to the bus, and make sure she got on the bus, then walk the rest of the way to my school. That day just didn’t seem like it was going to end I was at the edge of my seat looking at the bell every other second just itching to go as soon as the bell rang. I was so busy watching the clock I wasn’t really paying attention to what the teacher was saying, I think he was talking about extra terrestrial life outside our universe but who knows I really didn't care at that moment. Wish I had payed attention now though cause what he was saying probably could have helped me when everything changed. The bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and ran out the doors sucking in the ice cold air of New York into my lungs. I knew that some people thought I was weird because everyday even during the winter I would run home, never rode the bus just wasn’t my thing I guess. My parents were never really around to tell me to or give me a ride home, but I had always liked to run didn't like the feeling that I was out of shape and besides I was the running back for the football team and had to keep my shape or I wouldn’t be able to play next year. When I got home, I grabbed something to eat and immediately jumped onto the couch and turned the Television on to the closest sport's channel that we had, all it ever really talked about was soccer and I never really counted that as a sport but every now and then it would show, a little clip of last night's game of football or something and that was worth suffering through soccer to see. When I woke up later that night, my sister was getting ready for bed and so I decided that I would go up to my room so I wouldn't disturb my parents, the next thing I remember is my parents telling me that they are going out later and should check on my sister if I wake up in the middle of the night. So I went up stairs, changed into my bed clothes, and lay ed down to fall asleep again. That's when everything turned upside down, I woke up to my self almost falling out of bed, my weird dream had woke me up. I had a dream that I woke up to finding my sister getting kidnapped by some aliens and all I could to was stand there and yell at them. “weird” I thought, that couldn't happen anyway because I always thought aliens never existed anyway even after all the year's of my science teachers talking about it, that whole thing never really interested me and I always got bored really quick when someone would bring it up. Since I was up, Might as well go check on Molly and see if she is still sleeping, she always seems to have a knack for sleep walking and can't let her go outside when she is sleep to dangerous. So I got up stretched and then all the sudden I fell to my knees thanks to a loud ear splitting explosion right by my window. I jumped up and ran to my window just to see the car across the street burst into flames, and people around it running for their lives. I shook my head hoping that all this was just a dream and that I would wake up, but It wasn’t a dream I watched as the flames from the car creep across the street and engulf the tree on my neighbors lawn. Then just like that the sky went black again, or as black as it gets in New York.. I jumped from the window out onto the balcony that overhung the streets to get a better look at things. When I looked to the sky I noticed the helicopters already in the air searching. “ what was that?” I thought to myself as I was watching the helicopters swing around in circles shining their spotlights everywhere they could. I snapped back to reality and told myself that I needed to go check on Molly. So I threw on a shirt, and tried to turn on the light, “weird that were out of power” I thought, I walked to the edge of my bed and leaned down to grabbed my flashlight that I always keep there just in case, and walked out the door. I crept down the stairs to my sister Molly's room and peeked through the crack of the door. I started to scan her room, window, toy box, then I looked over to her bed, all the covers were pulled to the far side in a crumpled heap. I ran to the side of the bed started to whisper her name. No voice came back I sat on the side of her bed wondering where could she be. I looked out side and watched as the small little drops of rain started to slide down the window sill like little kids sliding down a slide in the park. Then it hit me where she could be, The Garden! Most kids normally wouldn't think to go look for their siblings in a garden, but taking in the fact that my little sister Molly spends about half of her little life in there, is a deciding factor to take in when looking for her. So I ran out of her room not wanting Molly to be gone when my parents get back because if she is gone when they come home you don't hear the end of it for a couple of day's especially from dad. I barely left a crack in the door of her room this way she could sneak back in there afterwords just in case my parents get home and they want to check in on her. I walked through the bottom part of the house, past the kitchen, through the living room towards the back door. I slid my feet into my shoes, grabbed my coat, and carefully unlocked the back door. I stepped out into the freezing rain, and stood there taking big long breath, I always forget how cold it gets as it draws nearer the harsh winters that like to swing this way up north, boy do I wish I was in another state that wasn’t so blasted cold. I was standing there for a good 5 minutes before my body started to shiver telling me to hurry up and find my sister. I grabbed the zipper of my New York Giants coat and zipped it up. Then I shoved my hands in my pockets and froze, I had heard a noise coming from directly ahead of me, sounded like little twigs cracking under the weight of a human body. There was something out in the woods walking in my direction. All the sudden I got a huge whiff of something so horrible that it almost makes you puke, it smelt like rotting carcass, the smell only certain things give off, the smell of Death! I could feel the adrenaline starting to pump into my blood stream and my senses becoming more alert. “where's Molly?” I thought to myself and “who is in the woods?” Then I heard the noise again but this time It came from the left side of me towards the side of the house I turned to look, but I was to late I caught just barely a glimpse of the person running with what looked like a silk cloak on. I started to panic because I realized where it was heading, towards the garden. I started to run around the side of the house hoping to catch up to whatever it is and praying that I will find my sister UN-harmed. I'm use to running due to me playing on the football team, and playing track at school, but it felt like I had never ran that fast in my life, and whatever it was, if it had a hold of my sister it was going down, there was no way that I was going to let it hurt my sister. I started to panic as I was getting closer to the side of the house, my socks had gotten soaking wet from the mud and the rain, I hated my shoes because no matter how many I got I always had been able to get holes in them a couple of weeks later. I pulled out the flashlight from my pocket and slowed to a slow walk, whatever was out there I was sure would have heard me by now. I stopped and listened for the slightest hint of noise, maybe I could hear the cloaked person creeping up on me, but the only sound I could hear was my own breathing. I started to creep a little bit closer to the garden, stopping every couple of feet to listen, and I finally built up enough courage to make a little whisper, “Molly are you out here?” but no answer so I stopped again maybe whatever it was, heard me and decided to start moving in on me. All I know is that if it came and attacked me then I would not be going down very easily, I am not going down with out of fight I reassured myself as I crept a little bit closer. I decided to switch the flashlight on and start scanning the garden for a hint of my sister, or the hooded figure for that matter, at this point I had so much adrenaline in me that I really didn’t care if something tried to attack me I felt like I could take on the world and still live. I started to sweat, I knew that I had to find my sister before it was to late, there wasn’t anything in the world that I wanted right now other then to find Molly. Deep down though I had a feeling maybe she was hurt and couldn't answer me back, or worse Dead. “No” I told myself I will not allow myself to think like that I had to think positive, then I caught a glimpse of what would change my life from then on, I screamed my sister's name as loud as possible not caring what would attack me, or who I would wake up, I ran up to the garden fell to my knees and started to cry. There on the ground laying between her two lily plants that she planted over a year ago was her favorite teddy bear,She went everywhere with that bear. I remember like it was yesterday when she got it, I was standing there by the table when she opened it, she was so happy, she had seen it on the television and had wanted it. From that day forward she went everywhere with it, she never let it out of her site, she would fall asleep with it, and she would eat with it, I even caught her trying to bring it to school with her one time. That bear meant the world to her,and it was just laying there soaking wet from the rain, I picked it up and realized something, it was covered in Blood, and in the bear's paw's was a little crumpled up piece of paper! |