Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1750568-Blobbish
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1750568
Something happened and I've changed. (Flash Fiction)
Written for the Daily Flash Fiction Challenge with a word limit of 300.

The prompts: This story must contain the words: Torn, Blister and Answer


It started as a rash that turned into a blister; but that was long, long ago.

I can still remember those days but only with an effort. Hunger drives most of my thoughts anymore.

Hunger – it drives all of us.

A small furry morsel scampers by and I flick out a tendril, almost without thinking. It’s not much and before I finish swallowing, I’m hungry again.

There is only one call stronger than food, but only just so.

She’s been calling to me for days but I have yet to answer. With every seductive wail, I find myself more and more torn between staying put and making the long trek to destiny. She can’t be over a mile away; I could be there in a week if I start crawling now.

But the food here has been reliable, if not overly abundant.


I can’t resist any longer.

I flick out and catch a small bird who’s underestimated my targeting ability and speed.

An hour later, I’ve covered a good fifty yards; not bad. I look back and see my progress measured by a slime-trail leading out of the park. I’ll miss that place. Lot’s to eat there if you weren’t too particular.

There won’t be any more food for me; not for a while – or forever more as far as that goes. She’s caught me in her wailing-web and I no longer have the ability to resist. She owns me now.

I know it and I really don’t care. I’ve always been owned by something. First it was hunger and now it's lust.

About a week to go, best guess.

Then it will be time for the feast - First the mating, then the feast. All she can eat.

As for me, I will finally be free at last.

Word count 300
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