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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1749723
IAD Fanfic: Daniela the Ice Maiden tries to teach Murdoch Wroth how to dance
Murdoch sprawled in his favourite armchair with one leg thrown carelessly over the arm as he watched Daniela bop around. He’d been transfixed for hours, unable to take his eyes off those sensual hips as they swayed gently from side to side, or fairly gyrated. Her long legs, clad only in a tiny pair of silver shorts, carried her back and forth across the ice and snow as she created what looked like a miniature ice village, complete with little ice people and ice animals and ice trees. She’d been merrily carving the buildings and figures when he’d returned from a meeting with Kristoff and hadn’t wanted to disrupt her, instead he had dragged his armchair out into the snow so he could watch her in comfort.

A light breeze picked up and caught Danni’s flowing halter-neck top, lifting it to reveal an expanse of perfect pale skin at the small of her back. She bent at the waist to fix the roof of one of the houses, her hips still rolling from side to side and he nearly fell out of his chair. Her short rode up to reveal the soft under curve of her buttocks and wedge slightly between her cheeks. The uncomfortable pressure that had been slowly making itself known in his crotch area suddenly ratchet up a few notches.

To Murdoch’s surprise, Danni looked over her shoulder at him with a cat-ate-the-canary grin before straightening and coming over to dance before him. She raised her arms up into the air and let her head tip back as the music played on in her ears.

“You’re killing me,” Murdoch grated, reaching out to grab her and pull her down onto his lap where she belonged. But Danni danced out of reach.

“Come dance with me,” she called, a joyous flavour to her voice. She hit a button on the little machine strapped to her arm and her body immediately began to move faster as she beckoned him to her with fluid arm movements.

Murdoch shook his head, watching her pert little breast bounce from her actions. “I haven’t danced in years,” he admitted absently. “I fear I would be, how do you say it? Rusty?”

Daniela rolled her eyes at the love of her life. “Rusty schmusty,” she scoffed. “Everyone can dance. It’s like riding a bike. Once you know how you never forget.”

Before he could protest again, she was in front of him, pulling him to his feet. She leaned up and planted a kiss on his mouth that she had intended to be little more than a quick peck, but once contact was made, Murdoch was reluctant to release her. His arm wrapped around her instinctively, dragging her flush up against his chest while his other hand delved into the hair at the base of her skull, tilting her head for better access. Daniela did not protest his actions but merely kissed him back for a moment, deftly slipping an ear bud from her own ear and inserting it into Murdoch’s.

He jerked a little as a lively Latin beat filled his ear, ending the kiss but making no move to rid himself of the ear bud. Sure, he knew that the device strapped to Danni’s arm played music so that only she could hear. And yeah, he’d heard the music before when she played it on the stereo inside. But he hadn’t been expecting the invasion of his hearing. Looking down at his still grinning bride with wide eyes, he uttered as lightly as he could manage against the slight panic tightening his chest, “I don’t know the steps to this dance.”

“There are no steps,” she informed him, resuming her hip rotations and moving her upper body lightly against him. “Just feel the music and let your body move to it.”

Daniela fought to keep herself from laughing out loud as an intense look of concentration came over Murdoch’s features. His head began to bob up and down with the beat of the music blaring in their ears. His brow furrowed and his began to move a small amount. Biting her lip in an effort to keep the chuckles from burbling to the surface, she looked down.

His feet were tapping!

She couldn’t take it anymore. Wrenching the ear bud away from him, she turned off the iPod and wound the ear bud cord around it before quickly dragging him inside to the living room. She dropped his hand in the middle of the room and gestured to the remaining furniture. “You move the sofa and stuff to the side of the room,” she instructed. “I’ll put some music on.” As she rifled through the CDs stacked beside the stereo, she commented over her shoulder, “I thought you said you’d danced before.”

Murdoch grunted in response and for a moment she thought that was all she was going to get from him, but when she inserted the CD into the stereo he said stiffly, “I did the odd waltz, you know, before.”

In response, Danni simply pressed play and let the R’n’B song fill the room for a moment. As she danced her way across the room to where he stood, all jerky movements and rolling hips, she watched his reactions. It was clear from the way his eyes turned black that watching her dance turned him on, which was perfect for her new plan. Obviously, starting him on Latin was not a wise idea. R’n’B was the perfect starter. She beckoned him over to the centre of the room, continuing to move her body erotically as the cold breeze blew in through the windows.

He moved slowly, like he was stalking his prey, eventually standing a mere inch or so in front of her gyrating body. “There are so many different dances these days,” he said, gazing straight into her eyes. “I don’t think I could ever learn them all.”

Danni sighed exasperatedly. “I told you, just let your body move to the music. No one cares if you’re doing it wrong. In fact, there’s not right or wrong way to do it.” She stood back, mostly stilling her movements and gestured to his body. “Show me what you’ve got.” When he simply stood there staring at her hungrily she shook her head. “You can’t have me until you dance.” More standing around. “Look,” Danni said patiently. “I’m not going to laugh at you if you make a fool of yourself. Start with your hips. Show me how good you are with your hips.”

After a hesitant moment, Murdoch began to move his hips similar to the way Danni had been rolling hers just before. He looked awkward and stiff. Not at all comfortable with what he was doing. It took every ounce of Danni’s well honed self control not to laugh at him.

“That’s good,” she encouraged. “How about trying to man it up a little? You look a gay guy on a first date. Relaaaaaax.” To show him what she meant by relax, she lazily resumed her hip movements. “It shouldn’t be hard work.” She closed the distance between them, her breasts rubbing against his broad chest through the thin fabric of their clothes, then their hips touched. He jerked away, shocked, and she grinned knowingly, an idea forming. She ground herself against his jeans more insistently. “Think of this type of dance like sex,” she murmured in his ear. “Two bodies intertwined on the dance floor, bumping and grinding against each other.”

In the next instant, she found herself turned around as Murdoch gripped her hips in his massive hands, grinding against her ass in time with the music. “Like this?” he grated into her neck, leaning down to sweep his lips across the soft skin.

“Sort of,” she allowed. “I think you need to prove yourself on your own before you disgrace yourself.”

A few hours later, Murdoch was still trying to prove his dancing ability to Danni as she sat on the back sofa, moving her upper body with the music. Despite her promise not to laugh at him, she’d found the urge irresistible on a few occasions. To her amazement, each time this happened, rather than get discouraged or frustrated, he seemed to get more determined, redoubling his efforts. She had to admit, he’d certainly improved over the course of the evening.

Now, Danni looked at the clock on the wall and gasped. She was late for Karaoke Night. Murdoch seemed to notice her reaction and followed her gaze to the clock then glanced outside. There was a storm brewing in the distance.

“I shall take you to the Karaoke then come back and set the storm defences,” he stated, moving to the stereo and turning it off. When he turned back around she wasn’t in the room. By chance, he glanced out the window and saw his Bride stomping all over the ground where she had built her ice village earlier. Ice houses cracked and fell to the ground all around her. Faintly he heard her growling something that sounded like, “Godzirra!! Ra, ra, raaaahhh!!”

“What are you doing?” he asked, stepping outside.

Danni was now jumping up and down on a group of ice people that had been grouped together. She looked up at him with a joyous grin, “They’re just gonna die in the storm anyway, so I thought I’d let them die epically!” she announced. After a few more stomps here and there she looked around her and nodded in satisfaction. “Okay,” she said. “Let’s go.”


“Sorry I’m late,” Danni cried, plopping onto a stool beside Regin. “I was trying to teach Murdoch to dance.”

Across the table, Kaderin raised an eyebrow in Danni’s direction. “How’s that working out for you?”

She glanced across the room where the group of men stood with grave expression on their faces as per freaking usual. Danni swore that the Wroth brothers had no idea how to have fun, luckily, also in the midst of the men was Cade and his merry group of demon mercenaries and a full keg of demon brew.

“He’s improving,” Danni mentioned, inclining her head in the direction of the men so that her companions would glance over to see Murdoch rotating his hips and making wild, frustrated looking hand gestures while he spoke to his brothers. “I don’t think he gets the concept though.”

Just then Nix, who for some unknown reason had managed to gain control of the mike, called across the room. “Oh Danni, girl! The mike, the mike is calling!” Then she giggled. “I have the perfect song for you!”

She made her way to the stage, unable to deny the great Nix on a night like this. The backing track started playing innocently enough, she recognised it in an instant. When she glanced down at the lyrics though, she had to laugh.

Murdoch watched Danni as intently as he had her dancing earlier in the evening. She stood confidently on the stage, holding her mike between both her hands, laughing her guts up. Beside him Cade muttered, “She should have come in by now.” The music stopped and Danni sobered up in a matter of a few minutes, pointing at Nix and shaking her head slightly.

“Okay,” she said into the mike, “I’m ready. Start the music.” The music started and a moment later, Danni began to sing, a huge grin plastered on her face as she stared straight at Murdoch.

He was so captured by the look in her eyes that he almost missed the first line. When it did eventually register on his ears, the table of women Danni had just left was falling over with laughter. Murdoch frowned at them before turning to his younger brother. “What did she just sing?” he asked.

Sebastian, trying his hardest not to laugh, replied in a strained kind of voice, “I can’t be sure, but it sounded like...”

“She didn’t!” Cade cried jubilantly, losing himself to loud guffaws. “Oh! That’s brilliant!”

On Murdoch’s other side, Nikolai, was chuckling lightly. “I do believe she said-.”

Just then, Danni reached the chorus, articulating each word of the first line very clearly so that there was no mistaking the lyric. “It’s Murdoch on the dance floor. And he’s gonna kill the groove. DJ...” The rest of the song was essentially lost as the entire club erupted in gales of laughter.

© Copyright 2011 Becleigh (becleigh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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