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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1749631
Arana returns, with a full belly, and a new story!
Arana sat on her couch, rubbing her enormous belly. She was sighing, and was recently crying. "What's happened to me? I'm so big, and fat now...Why did this have to happen to me?! What did I deserve to have my excellent metabolism let me become this? Is it a punishment, because of all the food I wanted in the past, and not gain weight and get fat?" Arana pulled her shirt over her engorged belly and stood up, then walked over to her kitchen, and grabbed a bag of chips...a huge bag.

She began eating the chips, the calories already increasing her weight. "I'm eating, because I'm hungry...I'm always hingry now...I can't seem to stop eating anymore..it's the last day of summer and I'm spending it eating, and getting fatter like I've been doing since school ended. What are all my friends going to say tomorrow? My life will be ruined! I gained at least seventy pounds over the summer! ...Damn...no more chips." she pondered. Then she grabbed another huge bag and ate them too.

Arana went to the couch and flopped down upon it again. She closed her eyes as she lay there, moaning with all the weight being distibuted throughout her collosal body. Arana's mom walked in. "Sweetie, I'm going out to get lunch, do you want anything?" she asked.

Arana, eyes still closed, responded, "The usual...the quarter pounder, large fries, two fifty piece chicken nuggets and an extra large soda, not diet."

"Okay! I'll be back soon."

Arana thought to herself, "I'm such a pig. Who needs that much food? If I eat all of that, I'm going to gain another ten pounds!"

Arana sat up and looked down at her belly bulging out from under her shirt, and creating a muffin top on the sides. "Oh yeah...I already gained five from two bags of chips. Well, ten more won't make much of a difference...and neither will a good, nice nap to let this all digest before I get ten more pounds." she said, carelessly.

Arana fell asleep on the couch, the fat from the chips not having time to digest normally, was immediately distibuted as fat everywhere. She gained another five pounds in her sleep, and it was all easily noticeable weight gain. Her total weight as she was, was somewhere around 190 pounds. Since summer started, she had gained at least eighty pounds, and was about to gain a total of ninety, and be 200 pounds! When she had gained a noticeable twenty pounds, she went on a date with her boyfriend, whcih, ended in a tragic breakup over her immense weight gain and overeating.

She woke up to the smell of food about twenty minutes later. Her mom had returned with her huge buffet of lunch. Her mouth watered at the tasty smell of the greasy fat. She thought, "Okay, Arana...don't overdo it...just eat the burger...no fries, no chicken. You can't afford to get any bigger."

About half an hour later, the huge burger, large order of fries, soda, and ninety-nine chicken nuggets, were all inside of the evergrowing Arana. She sighed as she patted her belly, and held the last piece of chicken. "One more can't make much of a difference."

She ate it too, and gained twenty pounds out of it all! She had gained a total of 100 pounds over the summer. She was not happy about being so fat, either, but she accepted it, since she could do nothing to fix it. She moaned and rubbed her belly, until her cheeks puffed up, and she let out a huge belch.

"If I could only stop myself, and lose the weight, I would...but food is so good, I can't help myself. I guess it isn't all bad. At least I'm always satisfied after eating, but I do get heavier every time too."

Arana sighed and struggled off the couch, and into her room, where she lay on her bed. A few springs in the bed broke, and a bolt in one of the bed's legs came undone. A loud creaking sounded beneath it, and, although not noticeable, the floor under the bed cracked a little. "I'm so tired now...I need another long nap."

The next day at school, all her friends were shocked at how Arana looked. "Wh-what happened to you?!" asked her friend Mariana.

"I guess I just let myself go over the summer. I'm not even too sure what happened."

"Arana, I'm sorry, but I've gotta say, that I wish I was you. I've been trying to gain weight for a long time now to get that big. If you guys haven't noticed until now, then I don't know what's wrong with you. Has it not been obvious? I ask for food ALL the time!" replied her friend Saria.

It was true. Saria had been trying to get fat for a while. She had gained a lot of weight in the past few years, but not as much as Arana. The weight on Saria however was pretty noticeable. She had probably DD Cup Breasts, and weighed at least 165 pounds. But Arana was enormous compared to her. Arana couldn't believe Saria was actually trying to gain weight! Arana did it on accident and absolutely hated being so big, lazy, and tired. Before, she used to be small, hyper, and so upbeat! Now she was enormous, lazy and tired all the time. All the time she sat, she found her eyes drooping, and her hand resting on her huge belly. She always wanted to just sleep after eating, but that would make her even bigger.

She took something out of her pocket and began to eat it as she talked with Mariana and Saria. Mariana stared at Arana in disbelief, and swatted the food away from her. "Arana! Stop eating! You don't need to grow any more! You're big as it is! You're over what, two hundred pounds?! If you haven't notcied, I gained some weight over the summer too, and can't seem to get rid of it. But I only gained at least fifteen pounds! Most of it went to where it usually goes:my butt." Mariana turned around, and it was true, her butt had gotten larger, and thicker.

"Only some went to my belly, but if I were wearing a tighter shirt, it would be noticeable." Mariana lifted up her shirt to reveal a slightly round, bulging tummy. It was close to spilling over her pants. They looked around, and almost every girl in the school was either slightly larger, or huge like Arana.

"That's strange. It looks like every girl gained weight over the summer. A LOT of weight."

A girl at least twenty pounds heavier than Arana jiggled over, eating. Her belly was full of fat and it jiggled even as she barely moved.

"Hey! I see even you people got the news of the new trend!"

Arana, confused, asked, "What new trend?"

"You mean you didn't hear...? So you just...let yourself go anyway...? Well, I'll tell you three about it anyway. When school ended last year, a new trend that was, 'Fat is the new Skinny' for all of the teenage girls began. As soon as the trend became popular when Summer started, nearly every teenage girl was trying to gain weight and get fat. Fast food restaurants made out like bandits over the Summer! Now all of us popular overweight girls sniff out the girls that are too skinny still and we fatten them up to be just like us. They might hate us afterwards but really, we're doing them all a favor by making them bigger. We could just leave them the unpopular sticks they are, but instead we make them the popular fatties. Arana, is it? You're pretty big. I'm surprised you didn't hear about it. You should get a little bigger, but you two are still too skinny. Start gaining weight like your friend Arana or we'll fatten you up ourselves. Ta-ta!"

As soon as the really popular girl left, Mariana shrieked, "What? I am not getting fat just for some fashion trend! Every girl is going to fail Gym class now! I'm not going to fail that! I'm going to be the odd one out, whether anyone likes it or not! I will rebel against this Nazi Act!"

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