Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1749287-Katana-of-Magic
Rated: GC · Other · Fantasy · #1749287
A collector of swords, I come across one I have only every dreamed of before now.
Katana of Magic

This may seem a little deranged to some people, or maybe not, but I have always felt the sword to be the gentleman’s weapon, much the same way the LightSaber is hailed in the star wars films, not as clumsy or random as a blaster, an elegant weapon for a more civilised day.
The sword is a weapon that requires more skill to use effectively than a gun, and is more an extension of the warrior’s body, cleanly cutting the opponent down rather than filling them full of holes.
I also find the shape of the sword simple yet sophisticated, and none more so than the Japanese Katana, I suppose this is why I now own not 1 but 12 such swords.
Though I had never dreamed of using them for their true propose, to take another’s life, it still gave me pleasure to clean and polish the blades, keeping the edge to their deadly sharpness as keen as the day they were made.
It is true that most of my swords are purely imitations, created for display more than use, though still sharper than a penknife and well made.  I don’t buy the cheap imitation stuff hanging around, my swords are all true stainless steal reproductions and each cost well over £100.
The last sword I bought was far more expensive and wasn’t your standard Katana, though it was still named as such by its maker.  Simple in design its black wooden sheath and handle give little away to the blade hidden inside, two parallel grooves carved on the handle are all the decoration its maker decided to add.  Unlike my other swords, this one has a straight blade, and is void of any hand guard.  The blade and handle measure a full meter in length together, and the blade has a single sharp edge, as with my other Katanas, only this blade is live.  It is not an imitation sword like the others I own, it is a true blade.  This Katana was made by a master sword smith, and took a full 3 months to be completed; only it was more than just a simple sword, as I would quickly learn.

Ah, I suppose I should give a brief description of myself before I continue, after all, I haven’t even told you my name.
Max Ryan, short and sweet, and easy to remember.  I suppose you could say I’m your average kinda guy, average height, weight and build, though a little fitter than most due to the rock climbing I enjoy so much.  Dark almost black short hair, grey/green eyes, I wouldn’t say hansom, but rugged would fit quite well, as would rogue.  Normally clean shaven, but tend to let that slip when not at work.  Oh and I’m a full bloodied Englishman 36 years of age, now back to my story.

The day started much like any other, not long moved in to my new home, free of my parents I could sleep in as long as I felt, god I loved Sundays.  It wasn’t until midday that I finally dragged myself from my bed, I am human after all, and my bladder can fill just like any other.  A quick shower afterwards and I was soon downstairs naked as the day I was born and loving the freedom of my own home.  Breakfast and dinner merged into one and the same, as with every Sunday, and I hungrily ate down the bacon and eggs I had prepared.
As I ate I considered what to do for the day, there was no Grand Prix this weekend and the whole week ahead I was off work, admittedly to do some house decorating, but I had already completed the decorating the night before.  I had not only today, but also a whole week with no plans and nothing that needed to be done, well until after the washing up was completed from this morning.
I finished the cleaning and while deciding what to do with the time I had, entered the dojo to work through my katas.
I suppose a quick description of my home might be needed here, you see, the 3 bedroom house I had bought had been put through a few changes by myself.  I had the downstairs pretty much gutted, removing the inside walls, leaving arches for structural strength, and opening out the downstairs into one single large room.  The kitchen is at the back and to the side in true galley style.  This allowed me to change the downstairs into a Japanese Dojo. 
Did I forget to mention I’m a black belt in karate?
Anyway, the dojo is kitted out similar to one I saw in Japan during one of my many visits, the floor is even covered in tatami mats, and before you ask, I am not loaded in money, I just had a great payrise and bonus, and a lot of the work I did myself.
The living room effectively moved upstairs, along with a computer room, Japanese style bathroom, and main master bedroom.  Though I do live alone, I felt it wrong not to have a large double bed, just in case I met that someone, which I do, but I’m getting ahead of myself here.
After completing my katas I showered again and had decided to give my swords a clean, something I had not done since I had moved.
I spent around a quarter hour on each one, taking me to the middle of the afternoon, and the last sword, the live blade I cherished above all the others.  This blade I took my time with, and with reason, this blade was sharp, scary sharp if there is such a description.
I was about done when the doorbell rang; it made me jump a little, as I don’t often have visitors.  I placed the katana down gently and grabbed a robe before hurriedly walking downstairs to see who it was.  Living out in the county I have few neighbours.
It was a neighbour as it turned out, a young 24-year-old woman by the name of Eriko Inoue, Japanese and a lady I had more than glanced at in passing.  Her farther had helped in the redesign of my house, and strangely also owned the local pub in the village.  Not many Japanese landlords in the UK it has to be said.
Eriko was born in the UK and has a great grasp of both English and her family’s language Japanese.  Her long black hair is always tied back in a ponytail, but also it is always draped over her left shoulder so it hangs in front of her.  Her bright green eyes were magical and rare for her Asian heritage, and her cute face and pale clear skin defy mere words of beauty.  Yet it’s her short 4 foot 9 frame, elegantly crafted, and curved just enough to show she is a woman and not a child that always impresses me.  I have always had a thing for short women, and standing a full foot taller than Eriko, she is no exception.
I admit, I have wanted to ask her out the day I first set eyes on her, but I just don’t have the guts to walk up to a woman and ask her out.  It’s my main failing as a man, the coward inside that hides behind my loner perception of the world.
I wasn’t sure why she was here, and the silence seemed to drag on, as she looked, not at my face, but lower down at my waistline.  I felt my cheeks flush red, thinking my robe wasn’t fully closed, but looking down allowed me to breath a little easier, but what was she looking at?
“Doesn’t that hurt?” she asked pointing.
I looked to where she pointed, and then noticed the index finger on my right hand was literally hanging by a thread of skin.
Thankfully I’m not one to panic, and as I lifted my hand for closer inspection, I noticed no blood on the wound.  I tried flexing my finger, knowing it would be impossible with the tendons cut, but flex it did as it dangled on the thin piece of skin.  I had already guessed I had cut it on the sword, but this was no cut I had ever seen before, skin even appeared to cover the cut ends, which should have shown bone and tendons.  About a half millimetre of skin had kept my finger attached, at least it did until Eriko grabbed and pulled it full off, ripping the remaining skin.  A short shot of pain shot though my hand, but still no blood came, and the sensation of still being able to feel my index finger as Eriko held it in her small hand quickly pushed the pain from my mind.
“How do you do this?” she asked as she examined the severed finger she held.
All rational thought had left me as I watched Eriko walk past and into my home, leaving her shoes at the door as was custom I had adopted from Japan.
I shut the door as I considered my words.
“I must have cut myself on the katana while cleaning it,” I said matter of fact, “why are you here?”
Eriko turned to look at me for the first time, my finger momentarily forgotten,
“Had nothing else to do, so thought I would come and help you finish your decorating.”
“Well that was finished yesterday,” I’m sure a part of me was trying to pretend my index finger was still attached.  That was until Eriko tried to bend it backwards.
“Ouch!”  I cried grabbing at my hand, only finding the finger in pain was not there.
“Oh, sorry, you can really feel this can’t you, even though it isn’t attached?”  Eriko’s voice reminded me of the cute anime girls, I watch a lot of anime.
“Yes, it still hurts when you try and bend it backwards, do you mind if I have that back now?”  I asked holding out my hand.
Eriko nodded a yes and placed my severed finger back into my hand, I don’t know why I did what I did next, but I pushed the two severed ends together and felt relief as the skin appeared to merge.  Within moments my finger was fully attached to my hand once more, and no amount of tugging by Eriko would remove it again.  I playfully swatted her away so she would stop.
“It won’t come back off,” Eriko pouted, god she looked so sweet and sexy.
“Well, it’s not suppose to come off in the first place, I’m just glad I didn’t loose a finger permanently.”
“How about we try cutting it off again with the sword?”
“I am not about to go cutting anything off with that sword, who knows what might happed.”
“How about cutting me?”
I Blinked,
“Come again?”
“Cut me with the sword, if you cut slowly you can stop if it really causes damage.  After all, aren’t you a bit curious about it?”
I have to admit, my curiosity was getting the better of me, and even worse, this was a fantasy of mine.  Using real magic to do the same as the illusions shown on TV, was I really going to pass an opportunity like this by?
“Fine, but if it hurts, or I see any blood, I stop, Okay?”
“Deal,” Eriko smiled.
For the first time I lead Eriko upstairs, I had been cleaning the swords in the bedroom, thankfully I had made the bed, though normally I wouldn’t.  The sword was still naked to the eye, the blade on full view as it lay on the table where I had been working.  I took the blade up by its handle and slowly turned towards Eriko,
“You are sure about this?”  I asked again.
“Of course, I trust you completely, what should we cut off first?”
“Lets keep it simple and safe, place your hand on the table.”
She did as instructed and I slowly brought the blade down, stopping just above her wrist.
“Now tell me to stop as soon as you feel any pain okay?”
“Okay, now chop my hand off already.”
Again I blinked, not believing what I was about to do, had I gone insane?
I brought the blade down even slower, resting the edge on the back of her wrist, I mostly allowed gravity to do the work, watching wide eyed as the blade bloodlessly sank into her pale flesh.  Before I knew it the blade had passed fully through her wrist, and as if to prove the point, Eriko lifted her arm, leaving her hand on the table so she could look closely at her stump.
As for me, I just continued to look at the severed hand on the table as it raised itself on its fingers and tried to walk on it’s own.
“God this is sooo cool,” Eriko giggled.
I turned to look at her, still shocked, to be taken by surprise again as she jumped me and pressed her lips against mine.  I felt her tongue force its way into my mouth and before I knew it I was holding her with one arm and kissing her openly back.
It felt as if time had stopped for that brief moment, and as our kiss ended I knew I had to ask her.
“This may seem a little lame now, but would you go out with me?”  (Yeah I know, but as I said, I was bad at asking girls out).
“As long as marriage doesn’t take too long afterwards.”
I blinked again, and then pulled her into a kiss.
This time when we parted our eyes met and fell into each other, I never quite expected love to happen quite so quickly, but there was no doubt in my mind.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she giggled, “now, cut me up some more, I want to be helpless when you take me.”
I couldn’t believe how hard such a sentence could make me, but it felt like I had rock between my legs when she said that.
“You sure you want our first time like that?”  This was going way faster than expected.
“I want every time to be different, and I’ve wanted you the moment I first saw you.”
“Likewise,” I replied and put her down on the floor, “I have a chest in the corner for bed sheets, and I should be able to fit all your parts in there to keep them from wondering off.”
“Oh I like the sound of that,” Eriko said and started to undress in front of me with just one hand, “Just be gentle with me, it’s my first time after all.”
For a moment I thought I was dead, no man should be this lucky, magic sword, hot young woman 12 years younger giving herself to me completely, and in any way I wanted.  Hell, dead or not, I wasn’t going to let this chance pass me by.
As Eriko undressed, I moved to the trunk and opened it, trying not to look away from the small goddess in front of me for too long, I made sure the chest wasn’t too full, yet padded enough to keep her body parts comfortable.
I walked back to her now naked body, drinking in the sight before me.  Her slender frame and pert B cup breasts, breasts looking much bigger on her otherwise small body, slim yet toned legs and arms and a delicate neck all covered in soft pale skin.  It was hard not to notice the only hair on her entire body was atop her head.
The sword cut neatly through her handless arm at the shoulder, and I caught it before it could fall.  She moaned in ecstasy at the cut, and again as her arm was cleft in two at the elbow.  Placing these pieces, including her already severed hand, each rapped in a sheet in such away so no skin of any part could touch another, into the chest.
“Mmm, I like that,” she purred.
I returned for her other arm, as she stood waiting for the sword,
“I’d lie down while I put this in storage, I’ll be back for your legs next and you wont be able to stand then.”
I winked at her as her arm was cut in three and placed in the chest as I had the other.
When I turned back again I noticed she had been quick to follow my instruction, lying on the bed,
“Don’t take too long, I’m so hungry for you, I want you inside me now.”
The sword easily removed her legs just below her crotch, and these were also cut into three pieces each at the knee and ankle,
“Right now, you don’t have much choice, you can’t bring yourself off, and I can take all the time in the world.”
It was enchanting to watch her limbless body curl on my bed, she knew I was right, and with each use of the sword my confidence had grown.
Although I had said I could take all the time I wanted, I needed release myself. 
Returning the Katana to its sheath, I let the robe fall from by body, letting her see me naked for the first time.  The glint in her eyes as she looked at me was a relief, when I said I was your average guy I was referring to everything, I suppose its one reason I fall for shorter women, I’m more confident I can fully pleasure them.
I sat down next to her on the bed and as my hand glided softly over her silky smooth skin she closed her eyes and let out a low moan of pleasure.
“Your really sure you want me to take you like this?”  I asked again, the gentleman inside me keeping the beast that waited at bay.
“Do me now!” Eriko almost screamed, “I can’t take it anymore.”
I was not about to disappoint her.
I picked her up, a hand either side of her waist, and marvelled at how light she was like this.  I doubt she was that heavy with her limbs attached, but the sensation was still unreal.
I kissed her fully as I held her body above my lap, and then slowly lowered her on to my manhood.  I felt a slight resistance, knowing instantly she had not lied about this being her first time, and quickly broke through so her pain would be brief.  She bit her lip as I filled her, only to find I was slightly longer than she was deep, maybe 6 inches isn’t so bad a length after all.
I started slowly at first, lifting her up and lowering her back down before my body left hers completely.  The pace was slow and constant for a time, building a rhythm and lowering my head to her chest to take her small left nipple into my mouth.
Her moaning pushed me on and before I knew it she was screaming in orgasm.  I didn’t relent, but I did move my mouth to her other breast as I continued the assault on her helpless body.
I could feel the muscles in her body start to work, either her mind was learning, or her sex was working on impulse, milking me as I started to pick up the pace.
She screamed out again and her whole body convulsed as I held her, not letting up as I neared my own release.  The master stood back and let the animal inside take over, and the pace moved ever quicker as I closed the gap to my own satisfaction.
I called out myself, an animal like sound as I found release like never before, and her voice joined mine, as both our orgasms combined.
And then it was over, I’m not sure how long I lay on my back with her sleeping on top of me in a lovers embrace, but it was long enough for the sun to have gone down as I opened my eyes to the fading light of day.
I looked down at the young woman who slept on my chest, her face a picture of blissful sleep and satisfaction.
I was content to just look at her beauty as the light faded, and then she stirred and looked up at me.
“Thank you,” she breathed as she kissed my chest.
“Oh I think it should be me thanking you, I probably would have taken an age to build enough courage to come to you.”
She smiled sweetly at me,
“That’s why I decided to make the first move, I didn’t want to wait any longer.”
“I'm glad you did,” I looked at the clock on the wall with concern, “I better get you back together, before your family come looking for you.”
“But I like it like this, I feel so free and safe in your arms I don’t want to get up and leave.”
“I’m sure your farther would have something to say about that, I don’t want him to get the wrong impression of me, after all, he’ll be my farther in law before long.”
Eriko’s smile grew ten fold if such a thing was possible,
“You really mean that?”
“I do, and just because I’m going to put you back together, doesn’t mean I can’t take you apart again later.”
“My older sister will be so jealous of me.”
“You don’t plan on telling her about the magic do you?”  I said a little concerned, “I mean I was hoping we would keep that just between the two of us.”
“I’m not talking about the magic,” Eriko smiled, “I’m talking about you, she wanted you herself, that’s another reason why I made the first move, to make sure I was the one to get you.”
I was lost for words.
“But now I have you, you’re mine to share.”
I swallowed as my life became even more complicated.
“You do like my sister, don’t you?”
Eriko’s older sister had turned 30 just the week before, and I had been dragged to her party by her farther, he had insisted, and I could not say no after all the help he had given me with my home.  I think he had wanted me to fall for his oldest daughter, funny how things turn out.
I’m not saying Hozumi isn’t attractive, if anything she is more beautiful than Eriko, just not as cute.  She stands a little taller at around 5 foot 5, has a much larger bust, possibly a D cup, and leaves her black hair long and free.  Her eyes are as black as night, but very seductive, and I’m sure if it were not for Eriko I would have fallen for her.
“Why so silent?”  Eriko pouted.
“Sorry, just lost in thought for a moment, let’s get you back in one piece so you can go home before they come looking.”
“You like my sister more than me,” she huffed, a statement more than a question.
“That’s not true, it’s you I fell for.”
A gentle kiss seemed to cheer her up and I carefully placed her on the bed before standing up to retrieve her bound parts.
“It was good you wrapped my arms and legs up, I had so little movement I almost forgot they even existed.”  She said from the bed as I opened the chest.
I placed each part on the bed before I started reassembly with gentle hands, each time I pressed two severed ends back to gather I heard a moan of pleasure from her soft lips.  I first joined her limbs back into single pieces and then reattached her legs then arms to her body.  The moment she was whole once more she jumped me, wrapping her reattached legs around my waist and covered my face with kiss after kiss.
“You really mean it, you like me more than my big sister?”
I pulled her into a kiss as passionate as I could muster,
“That answer your question?”  I asked as our kiss finaly ended.
She looked at me with dreamy eyes,
“For now,” she breathed, “is your bathroom finished?”
“Like I said, all the decorating was finished last night.”
“Good, ‘cause I can’t go back home smelling like I do.”
For the first time it seemed, I could smell the sent of our mingled sex in the room, the smell of our sweat also lingered on our bodies.
“I’ve always fancied a shared shower, shell we?”
She nodded and kissed me as I carried her into the bathroom.

I lay in bed alone, Eriko had returned to her home, and sleep was farthest from my mind.
She would return in the morning, after learning I had the whole week off work she insisted I spend it with her.  Since she worked for her farther in the pub, she assured me she would be able to take the time off, and also hinted she would have a surprise for me.  I was so restless through the night the ever-brightening sky outside was a bit of a shock, I hadn’t had any sleep, and time had moved unnoticed.
Too excited to feel any wariness from the sleepless night, I got up and moved downstairs to start an early breakfast.  Six in the morning and the sun was just starting to rise, I normally only get up this early on a work day, I finished breakfast and started my normal routine, going through all my katas in the dojo before returning upstairs for a shower.
As I dry myself I notice the Katana on the table where it had been left.  Curiosity kicked up again, and removing the blade from its sheath I gingerly test its edge on my hand.  It’s a strange sensation to cut off one’s own hand and feeling no pain, until it falls to the floor below.  I smile a cockeyed smile to myself as my severed hand lifts up onto its fingers,
“The thing lives,” I say to myself, and practice walking my hand around the bedroom floor, “the possibilities and ways I could use this magic are staggering.  I wonder what other secrets I can unlock from this blade.”

© Copyright 2011 Max_Ryan (max_ryan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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