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Rated: · Other · Other · #1749126
A story about love, hate, fights, and heatbreak.
"Okay kidlets, finish page... 208 1-20. Have a good weekend." Mrs. Reddeman said releasing our math class for the weekend. The bell rang and Ryan was the first out. I quickly caught up and followed him to his locker. Which wasn't to creepy seeing as mine was right next to his. He swung his locker open just as I looked at him to say something.
"Taylor! Sorry!" He shut his locker door and held my cheek, I wanted to move closer, to kiss him, but I didn't I stayed where I was and smiled like an idiot.
"It's fine, I've had way worse." He nodded and carefully opened his locker making sure it came nowhere close to me.
"So are you coming to the movies tomorrow?" I asked zipping my bag up and grabbing my sweater.
"Uhmm, yeah. Are you?"
"Nooo, that's why I asked you." I giggled quietly.
"Shut up. Come on." We stood close together and played as we moved to the front doors, people stared as we pushed eachother down the stairs. I stumbled at the bottum and slid onto my stomach hitting someone's feet. I hopped up and started laughing, I almost peed my pants.
"Sorry, I-I-I uhmm, I tripped." They boy I fell into was perfect, he was amazingly cute.
"It's fine, hey I'm Steven."
"I'm Taylor." I giggled, Ryan was standing behind me waiting. "I gotta go, do you have a cellphone?"
"Yeah, here." He passed me his phone and I quickly added my number then took off out the door. Ryan kept staring at me and I was getting self conciuss.
"What?" I snapped angrily.
"Sorry, but your blushing. It's kinda cute." I gasped, and I knew I was blushing harder. He chuckled and we said goodbye, me heading for my bus and he heading down the sidewalk.

"Taylor! Melissa's on the phone!" I ran down the stairs and into the living room where my mom was watching CNN with my dad. I snatched the phone off the table and skipped back up the stairs.
"Who was that guy you fell into today?!"
"Haha, Steven. He's pretty cute, but I dunno, I gave him my number. But I like someone else."
"You mean LOVE someone else."
"Shut up!"
"Haha, I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow."
"Ok, bye." I hung up the phone, and quickly planned my outfit for the next day.

"Hey Ryan." I said smiling turning the corner to our lockers. I winced in pain as I saw what he was doing. I turned the other way and raced to Grace's locker. When I finally found her, tears were escaping, and she gasped enveloping me into a hug embrace.
"What happened Taylor?"
"Ryan and Melissa were making out."
"Oh my god. She's such a bitch." I nodded and wiped my tears away. "What are you going to do?"
"Probably ask Ryan about it." She nodded and squeezed me once more before I inhaled and decided to be a big girl and go talk about it. She wiped my face then I suntered back to the lockers. Melissa was gone but Ryan was sitting there on the floor fiddling with his sweater. I swung my locker open, I hopefully knocked him over. The next thing I knew his arms were around my waist and he was whispering something in my ear. I melted and spun around.
"Hey." He smiled sweetly. How could I stay mad at him? I sighed, I couldn't.
"Hi." The bell rang and people crowded the halls.
"I gotta go to gym, uhmm... Bye."
"B-" my goodbye was cut short when he placed his lips on mine. I gasped and he pulled away then ran off to gym. I grabbed books from my locker and hastily shoved them into my bag. Hands touched my shoulders and I spun around expecting it to be Ryan. Instead it was Melissa. I nodded at her then turned around and finished gathering my things.
"What's up?" How could she even talk me like nothing had happened?!
"What the hell do you think what's up?!" I slammed my locker and turned to face her. People were staring as they walked by and Ashley was sudenly beside me. Grace passed in the hallway and was glaring at Melissa's back.
"I saw you! Your such a dumb bitch!"
"Saw me...? Oh."
"Yeah, so don't even bother Melissa. I'm done. "
"Taylor, I'm sorry!"
"Whatever." I snapped back, my voice was cracking and I was going to cry, but I shoved passed her swallowing down the lump in my throat and went to my class. Ashley was right beside me, sitting down at our table. People were walking by the open classroom door staring at me, I glared eachtime someoe actually connected me with the screaming bitch out in the hallway. Melissa's head popped into the door, and I groaned standing up and walking to the open window with Mike. I heard Ashley bitching at Melissa, and Melissa's plea's and argue's. She finally left and my phone buzzed. She was calling. I clicked ignore without giving it a second thought. After five minutes my phone buzzed again and it was a text.
Taylor. I'm sorry, he asked me out, and I said yes. I don't know why. If you want I'll break up with him.
Hmmm, if you were really sorry, you wouldn't have done it. And if you were really my best friend you wouldn'y have even THOUGHT about doing that. And yeah, you breaking up with him would be good. I sent the message then slipped into my desk and waited for the bell to ring. I scribbled in my notebook all class, and when the bell rang for lunch I trudged out and to my locker. Ryan was there, but I didn't even glance at him, I just opened my locker, grabbed my sandwhich and turned to leave.
"I kissed you. We should talk or something." I nodded and let Ryan lead me to an empty hallway. I slid against the wall and onto the floor, he did the same. But his hand somehow found his way to my inner thigh. I didn't want to move away, even if Melissa wasn't my friend anymore, there was the possibility of them dating. I wasn't going to be a slut puppy.
"You and Melissa are dating. I'm not going to be the one that you cheated on her with."
"We weren't cheating I-"
"You kissed me Ryan!!" I snapped back.
"Yeah... Melissa said she was thinking about breaking up, it's been two hours."
"Hmm, too bad. But I don't care what she does. And why would you kiss me?! Like you said, it's only been two fucking hours."
"Well, uuhh, I don't know. I kind like you.." His hand returned to my thigh and I inhaled deeply but let him leave his hand there.
"Then you can't be doing this," I motioned at my thigh, "until you break up with her."
"I'll call her right.."
"No. You aren't breaking up ith her to be with me. And you aren't breaking up with her over phone. At least not in front of me. Bye Ryan."

© Copyright 2011 Taylor Stewart (youguessedit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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