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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1748880
Saphire, an Ninja assassin had never questioned her superiors before, until now!

Assignment: Two-edged Sword!



An assassin, that is what she was! No is! Wasn't she? She looked down, in each hand she held a dagger sharp and deadly. They felt good, right somehow, and yet all was not yet right with her soul! Why couldn't she remember her name? Her employers called her Saphire, but that did not seem correct, her memories floating as in a thick soup. Who was she really? For she was dressed like the Ninjas of old, yet she was in midnight blue and silver, and it felt good, caressing her with every movement she made, whispering in her soul, 'I am yours, you are mine, we are one!'

This time they told her, 'Wear no mask across your eyes!' So much of this assignment remained in mystery! She did know that she was going to an island base to kill a man called Lord Kashami Rika and anyone else that got in her way.

The small document that was given her on her agreeing to take this assignment, told her that he was an evil monarch, who enslaved his people. He was considered A-line, extremely dangerous and capable of anything.The portfolio held little else, not even a picture of the man that was her target. This had not sat right with her, too many missing pieces! When she had gone to her superiors with a few questions, Sentinal had been vague and hesitant with the answers, so unlike them.No matter, now she would see for herself and readied herself, physically, mentally and materially.

The island where Rika lived was definately undermanned and she was surprised that there had been little resistance as she had reached the beach. No one was patroling the dock and water, neither soldiers or boats. She easily dispatched the two guards that sat smoking, their eyes on the cards that they were holding, feeling secure within the walls of their wooden lookout. 'Stupid men, die easily and without honor!, she grimaced, wishing to rid herself of the guards quickly and thoroughly. Seconds later she pounced, a few swift kicks and the 'sshick' sound of her blades and two guards were staring at her with open mouths and vacant eyes, dispatched before they even realized that she was there. She leaned down and with a look of distain, she wiped her bloody daggers on their military pants.

She removed them and hid their weapons, dragging their forms and looked around for someplace to stuff them.

'Too easy!', she worried, hoping they wouldn't be found for a while where she had placed them behind a nest of boulders. She didn't like the lack of soldiers being in the area, especially in such a crucial spot as a seaway. Yielding an easy access from boat or submarine to dispatch enemy soldiers on the island. This was disturbing to her and annoying and she hated inconsistancies.

Shedding her wetsuit,she made her way through the jungle until she spied the village and the complex that was her main target. Creeping closer she sat and watched from her advantage point. The lack of movement in the village concerned her a little, but it was early in the morning and she was glad for the peace and quiet.

She carefully studied the complex,there was one guard pacing behind a metal latched entry. More were definately inside the main building, for she could hear, their muffled voices, because a window was open to let cooler air inside. 'Fools!' she thought, to leave a window open when the complex should be locked down, listening she made a mental note of their approximate locations. Lord Rika must be an old fat fool, to hire such incompetent soldiers. Two smaller buildings lay to the left and the right of the main building, one she guessed housed the soldiers, the other possibly communications as there had been only one communicator between the two guards she had killed.

She should be on the move, while the village yet slept, less chance of peasants coming under fire or used as shields by Rika and his soldiers. Yet, somehow she was still sitting there in the grass just watching. She was reluctant to kill the soldiers and a cold sweat ran down her back. Not from fear, no it was more subtle than that, a growing feeling that something didn't feel right! Was she being played for a fool?

She had worked hard to reach this level and the other assignments had gone off without a hitch, get in, take out the target and get free if you can. But this time she had questioned Sentinal and they had looked very hard at her, before they handed over the assignment. Simple, get in, kill, get out, so why was she still doubting her plan, it had never failed before! She was extremely efficient at her job, quick, deadly and she had never questioned any of Sentinal's tactics before, but now? 'Stop this!', she argued, Sentinal had been very good to her and they were her family now.

They had trained her until she came close to even beating her Master, highest in the class. She had been so pleased, to be proud was an emotion frowned upon, when she had been given her choice of weapons and clothing. She had been immediately drawn to the saphire blue and silver outfit, no longer a number she became Saphire. Along with the new name, clothing and weapons- came the perks, first class everything!

The pay was very handsome indeed, a few more like this and maybe she would move up to Servant then Trainer and eventually to Master status! That last step would be years away and she only had six assignment's under her belt, seven when this one would be done. 'Stop stalling Saphire!', she berated herself, shuddering at the name she whispered.

Crawling closer, to the edge of the grassy knoll, she looked down at the armed guard walking below. If she timed it right, she would land on him and he would break her fall, even though it was only a five foot drop. She must be swift, deadly but remain silent, he was too close to the guard in the tower. Even a grunt might be heard.

There was that trickle of water down her back again, concentrate now, there were only a few guards, two sitting on the right, laughing and drinking tea, their guns placed on the wall behind them, the one in the tower and he appeared to be asleep, the one guarding the latched entry and possibly a few inside the complex. What really nagged at her was she had been up there watching for over a half an hour and there was not one patrol or guard checking this possible lookout.

She returned the two daggers back to the hidden folds in her clothing and removed a razor-edged knife, her favorite for deep, deadly penetration. It fit snugly for either hand and she was able to use it with expertise as she was ambidexterous. She shuffled it effortlessly back and forth as she watched above, in nervous anticipation.

'What the Hell was going on here, she should have been spotted a long time ago?', she fumed. She also wondered why there was not one car, truck,transport or tank, coming or leaving this complex? Sentinal had drummed into her that Kashimi was a top ranking terrorist that had taken this place by force, holding diplomats and high mucky/mucks for ransom.

So why was this place guarded by only a few, poorly dressed soldiers? She could tell that the one below her might be 17 at the most, he was holding the gun too tightly and he stumbled as he walked. Clearly he was afraid and he didn't know she was above him or his fear would have escalated greatly. Once inside she would keep one of them alive long enough to tell her what she needed to know, more then anything she needed answers!

Leaping, she landed on the youth below hard, quickly removing her knife she turned the boy over to slit his throat.

'What?', she whispered, for the ashen face below her was that of a young girl, barely 14. 'What now?', she snarled, she had not killed a young girl or boy and it sickened her to do so now. She killed, scum, traitors, murderers, and all manner of low life, but she could not kill this child!

'So Dad had sent another of his warriors to test my brothers and I in this training complex!', Suki grunted, still partially winded. A spark of admiration, put a little color into the girl's face. 'She is good, she totally took me by surprise.', she thought, giving Saphire a weak smile.

Suki, decided to play scared a little longer, this lady warrior was unsure of what to do next. Suki, watched the conflicting emotions running through her jade eyes, they would flash darker with every worry that was etched on her brows.

'I sure wish she would get off me though, it was uncomfortable on the ground and a stick or rock is jabbing into me!', Suki thought wincing.

Maybe if she spoke to her? She couldn't stop admiring her authentic Shin obi Shozoku outfit, it was only lacking a hood and the color was beautiful a midnight blue. 'But black was the traditional color of a warrior, wasn't it?', Suki pondered. Still she was dying to know, if her Tabi boots were ankle high or those exotic ones that went to her knees. Maybe Dad could get her a similar outfit, these fatigues were for a bigger guy and she liked the ones the lady wore far better.

'So Dad has sent a lady warrior to boost up our training, hey, that was a great jump you did, you must have gotten past my older brother Maccho, was he sleeping again?' said Suki, tumbling over her words and grinning up at the puzzled warrior.

Saphire listened carefully before muttering to herself, 'So there was somebody on the knoll with me? 'Why had she not seen this Maccho or even heard him?' 'Unless...?
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